
Pokemon: Humans And Monsters Alike

Welcome to the world of pokemon! But unlike the Pokemon you know well, this story is much different. Some Pokemon take on traits of humans and we call them Pokemen. Follow the journey of a group of Pokemen on their quest to be the very best like no one ever was.

YellowKarato · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Episode 33: Lonely

They leave Celadon City and return back to Lavender Town. As they approach the tower, they are stopped by a Cubone Pokeboy.

Leon: Hey, we kinda of like need you to move.

Cubone Boy: No! No one is entering the tower until Mr. Fuji comes out!

Wart: How about we go in and bring back Mr. Fuji? We need him for something too so how about we work together?

Cubone Boy: No! The nice men in black told me to stay here and not let anyone in until they bring back Mr. Fuji!

Leon: Team Rocket again...Hey kid look at that!

The kid turns and Leon pushes him out of the way and the group runs into the tower.

Cubone: Wait!

They reach the last floor from their previous expedition and are stopped again by the same force.

???: Begone... Intruders...

Leon turns on the Silph Scope and reveals the force to be the ghost of a Marowak. Just then, the Cubone Boy catches up to them.

Cubone Boy: Stop! I'm not letting anyone get...trough...

The boy stops and stares at the ghost, a despaired look on his face.

The boy runs to ghost for a hug, tears flooding from his eyes and he stands there feeling the cold, yet warm embrace of his long gone mother.

Leon: Yeah lets just go, we probably shouldn't interrupt this reunion.

They run up the now unblocked stairs to see a few Rockets grunts with Mr. Fuji. They blast through them all to reach the old man at the end.

Wart: Hey, we're here to rescue you.

Leon: And we need you Poke Flute.

Wart: Calm down we'll ask him eventually, he just got kidnapped relax. Mr. Fuji can we take you back home to ask a few questions?

Mr. Fuji: Sure, I'd love to thank you properly.

They leave out the tower to the home of the old man. Before they even sit down, Mr. Fuji hands them the flute.

Mr. Fuji: I heard you talking about it earlier, so take this as a sign of my gratitude. I see your trying to wake up the Snorlax on route 12?

Rai: Yeah, the next gym leader is Koga in Fuchsia City so the only thing blocking us from that is this Snorlax.

Mr. Fuji: Well then, I'm happy to help a new generation of gym challengers reach their goal.

Wart: So Mr. Fuji, I have one question, why did Team Rocket kidnap you and take you into the tower?

Mr. Fuji: Well unfortunately, I used to work with Team Rocket when I still lived on Cinnabar Island as a scientist. They wanted me to return to help them find an experiment I helped create and they tried to scare me by threatening the sacred burial grounds of the Pokemon Tower.

Wart: What was this experiment?

Mr. Fuji: It was a clone of the mystical Pokemon, M-

Episode End.

Two chapters today since I missed last week's. Hope yall enjoy! If you enjoy this series, please add to your library!

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