
Chapter 7: The Breaking Wave sets sail

The main reason for his hasty departure was that the potions that the young girl had prepared, most of which used the knowledge of a junior breeder, were of some concern to him.

If he was right, he was afraid that the young girl had made all these potions herself, and the fact that she was not old enough to be a junior breeder made him feel a little dismayed, and he no longer felt superior to her.

A young girl who happened to meet a small stall had an ability no less than his. The region was so vast, there must be many people with outstanding talent, and the little he knew might not be enough.

The few bottles of potions in that girl's stall were some that he could not figure out the principle of.

The flaw in that bottle of powder was something that Terrance happened to see because of this wrong canon. He happened to know the difference between the right mix and the wrong mix. It was not that the maiden was inferior to him, but there was a specialization in the art. This piece of knowledge was just something that Terrance had coincidentally understood. Even a top breeder would not dare to claim to be all-knowing.

"It's better to wait honestly."

Looking at the darkening sky, Terrance was prepared to wait quietly for tomorrow to confirm his efforts over the past four years. He needed to pass the Junior Breeder test to verify.

Only after becoming a Junior Breeder would he have the strength to go out on his own.

He found a relatively open place to set up his tent and released the hunting Pikachu. The Pokémon was more alert than a human, and the two of them were outside together so that they could look after each other and prevent accidents.

It was another night, quiet and peaceful.

Terrance's last night in Kaina City passed quietly without any ripples.

Day 2....

At dawn, the Pidgeys crossed the sky and glided through the air on the morning breeze.

Early in the morning, the beautifly also woke up and stirred their tails to wake up the Terrence.

The time was six o'clock, an hour before the Wavebreaker was due to set sail.

The hunting Pikachu was very punctual, so he didn't have to worry about losing time as he woke him up.

After tidying up his belongings, Terrance put away his tent, found a water source, and washed his face before heading to the port.

Although it was still early, there were quite a few people on the boat, and by the time he arrived, there were already quite a few people outside the port.

"It's so crowded," complained Terrance.

There was a constant flow of people inside the noisy harbour, and even though the staff were constantly keeping the peace, it was hard to get things in order.

There was no telling how much time had been wasted before Terrance finally boarded the Wavebreaker.

"It wasn't easy, there were too many people." The other passengers, who had squeezed on together, sighed.

Then it was time to find their rooms. The rooms were of no great use, as it would take less than a day to reach Sutsui City from Kaina City on the Wavebreaker, and the so-called rooms were crude, just a place to rest.

After all, the Wavebreaker was not positioned as a luxury passenger ship either.

Terrance was on his own and stayed in his room in peace.

Sometime later, though, there was a knock on the door of Terrance's room.

"Hello – it's lunchtime, would you like to proceed to the dining room?!"

The visitor was a member of the crew of the Wavebreaker, come to remind the passengers to eat, and as for whether or not, Terrance checked his pockets and sighed, realizing that he couldn't afford the food on the boat. He continued to munch on his snacks, finishing them up quickly

He decided to take a nap on his cot. However, he soon found himself restless and unable to sleep, so he went out of the cabin and stood by the railing of the boat. The sea breeze helped to clear his head, and he felt much better after a few minutes.

"Hey, beautifly, come over and feel the breeze too," he said to his Pokémon.

"Don't get lost," he warned his Pokémon before he lay beyond the railing, gazing out at the blue ocean ahead, lost in thought.

"Is this your Pokémon?" An elderly voice interrupted his thoughts, and Terrance turned his head to see an old man with white hair looking at his Hunting Phoenix Butterfly with interest.

"Yes, is there something wrong?" Terrance responded.

The old man smiled and asked, "Nice Pokémon, are you a Trainer?"

Terrance shook his head and replied, "No, I'm preparing to travel to Sutsui City to take the Breeder test."

"You're a Breeder?" The old man chuckled, amused and surprised by Terrance's answer.

"Not yet," Terrance corrected him, recalling his four years of study in preparation for the Breeder test. He knew that becoming a Breeder was a rigorous and complex process that required a lot of knowledge and expertise.

The old man's laughter seemed like a mockery to Terrance, but he didn't take offence. He understood that it was unusual for a young boy to pursue such a challenging profession. Most children his age were still learning the basics of Pokémon training.

As a Breeder, Terrance had to pass a difficult test at the Breeder headquarters to earn the certification. It was a challenging and long process, but he was determined to achieve his goal.

"You misunderstand, my name is Shengzong, and I did not mean to mock you," the old man said, sensing Terrance's discomfort. "I just find it impressive that someone your age is pursuing a career as a Breeder."

Terrance nodded, grateful for the old man's kind words. "Thank you, Mr Katsura. Is there anything else you want to ask me?"

"No, that's all," Shengzong replied. "Good luck with your test in Sutsui City."

"Thank you," Terrance said with a smile, feeling encouraged by the old man's words.

As he walked away, he realized that there were people who respected his ambition and dedication, and that gave him the strength to keep moving forward towards his dream of becoming a Breeder.