
Pokemon: Final Days

. . . "I-I.... Where Am I?" 'So you're awake.....' "Huh?" 'So you do not remember, this world is now your responsibility' "Wha- How? Why?" 'You shall unveil it yourself, for I, Arceus will support you in this world' "Arce-WHAT!" 'I shall grant you what the protagonists of other worlds have - A system' "A Pokemon God giving a system? Pokemon world with a system?!?!" Fates, Balance, Order, Space and Time, Will He know the true secrets of this world? Join our hero in for he transmigrated to the world of Pokemon. . . . .

HastySeptemberPH · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


Author's Note : I have created a new novel which is still centered on the same verse and same main character but with the Power of Dimensional Chat Group. Hope you support my new novel! (It's also because of that new novel that I am not yet updating the novel. But no worries, for I, the author, will still upload new chapters of this book! I still have a lot of plans for this one).

Author's Note 2.0: The new novel will update tomorrow or the next day after tomorrow. Chapter 15 will be uploaded the same they as the Chapter 1 of the new novel.


After their humbling defeat at the Vermilion City Gym, Haru and Kasumi were determined to turn their setback into an opportunity for growth. They sought solace and a chance to regroup in the tranquil route just east of Vermilion City, where they could focus on training and honing their skills.

Under the shade of towering trees, Haru and Kasumi engaged in rigorous training sessions with their Pokémon. They pushed themselves to the limit, seeking to overcome their weaknesses and emerge stronger than ever.


(Chapter 13.5)


As the sun began its descent, casting an amber glow over the landscape, a peculiar rustling noise caught their attention. Before they could react, the ground beneath their feet gave way, and Haru and Kasumi found themselves tumbling into a deep hole.

"AHHHHH!!!!!" 2x

With a thud, they landed in the heart of Diglett's Cave—a vast underground labyrinth inhabited by Diglett and Dugtrio. Surrounded by sandy walls and the echoing cries of Pokémon, Haru and Kasumi found themselves in an unexpected predicament.

"W-where are we, Haru?" Kasumi shakily said as she move near me.

"Hmmm, from what I see and the structure of this place, also by being near Vermilion City, I can only conclude that we are in the infamous Diglett's Cave! Not just any Diglett's Cave but we are not near any entrances or exits." Haru quickly said as he 'analyzed the place. Yep, he analyzed it with the systems help.

"The Diglett's Cave! I've heard about it from Mom! She said that this cave is full of Digletts and Dugtrios with the abilities that can trap anyone who goes near them." Kasumi said as she sucked in cold air. She looked around and said, "Are we gonna stay in this place forever?"

"Of course not. What are you, a little kid?" Haru chortled.

"Even though I'm older than you by One year, I'm still a kid Haru. So rude." Kasumi retorted yet a smile in her face can be seen.

'Yep, I forgot that I'm still a ten year old kid and she's an eleven year old. It's normal to be scared. Ash from the main series is an anomaly in here.' Haru said in his mind as he remembered that he's a reincarnated two times already and have seen a much scarier place than this.

"Enough of that, I'm gonna look around for now. Hopefully, we can get some clues out of here." Haru stated.

"Ca- Can I come with you? I'm scared here alone." Kasumi timidly said as she looked at me with those cute teary eyes of her. 'So Cute!'

"Ehem, of course you can come. I can never leave you here all alone. Plus, I might get lost here." Haru coughed a little.

"Then, Let's Go?" Kasumi said while looking at me again.

"Yep, yep, we'll go now." Haru declared as he looked at Kasumi with his amusing face.



Aware of the challenging circumstances, they resolved to navigate their way through the dark tunnels and find an exit. As they ventured deeper into the cave, they encountered hordes of Diglett and Dugtrio, their earth-based attacks posing a formidable challenge.

"Look Haru! There's like a dozen of Diglett's here! What'll we do?"

"Of course we will battle them!"

"Go! Eevee!"

"Oh, Then Go, Piplup!"

Haru and Kasumi fought valiantly, their Pokémon battling alongside them with unwavering determination. Eevee's swift movements and Kasumi's Piplup's water maneuvers proved crucial in overcoming the relentless onslaught of Diglett and Dugtrio.

[ Ding! Congratulations to the Host for defeating 10 Digletts Consecutively! Rewards: Diglett Move Card (An Card-type Item that can be used one time by the host to unleashed any type of move related to the Pokemon.) & Soft Sand (An upgradable item to be held by a Pokémon. It is a loose, silky sand that boosts the power of Ground-type moves. Current boost is at 10%. Max Boost is 50%. Upgradable. Currently at Level 1) ]

"Sweet! An Upgradable Item! And A... Card-type Item? Let's see the description.... Woah! So Overpowered! I can definitely use it right now, like using dig to get out of here but, that'll be to much for Kasumi to handle." Haru exclaimed as he goes through a series of emotions.

"What's overpower, Haru?" As Haru was celebrating in his mind, Kasumi then asked Haru what's up with the overpower.

"Oh, I mean, we are overpowering this Digletts now. Thanks to our loss and our training, we got way stronger than before!" Haru stated as he created a lie again without batting an eye.

"Yeah! I agree! We can probably beat Lt. Surge now!" Kasumi declared as she waved her little fist up in the air.

"Don't be arrogant again, little fellow. We need to stay humble all the time but of course, we need to show that we are stronger." Haru said before he flicked Kasumi in her forehead.

"Ouch! Don't do that again!! Fine, I will not be arrogant anymore but no more flicking my forehead. I might become a dumb person." Kasumi roared as she hold her forehead.

"Fine, fine. Let's go again."



The cave presented its own trials, with narrow passageways and hidden paths. Haru and Kasumi relied on their instincts and teamwork, carefully choosing their routes to avoid dead ends and treacherous pitfalls.

Amidst the battles and trials, Haru and Kasumi discovered hidden treasures within Diglett's Cave—a collection of valuable evolutionary stones and rare items.

"Hey Haru! looked at that! Treasures!!!" Kasumi shouted happily as she ran towards the treasures in front of her.

"Be careful! There might be a trap there."

"Look! Look! A lot of rare stones! Ooooh!! Gemstones! Crystals! Some kind of clothes, A lot of gold coins and a pokeball?" Kasumi listed all the items she found and looked at the pokeball with confusion.

"Haru, pick what you want!"

"Let me see those first." As Haru is also browsing the items there. He concluded that all those items are rare items. He saw Z-Crystals, 4 Unused Z-rings, Some gemstones that can strengthen those of moves of Pokemon, some clothes that still looked new yet they gave an ancient aura and many more. but he held onto the Pokeball with a confused expression. As he held onto it, the system then suddenly made a sound.

[ Ding! Host found a piece of fragmented memory! Want to integrate? ]

"W-Wh-What? Whose memory??" Haru exclaimed as he was really shocked by the turn of events. 'Why would a memory appear in here? And whose memory is that?'

[ It's Host's Memory ]

"!!!!!" Haru was shocked that even Kasumi saw it, but she thinks that Haru was shocked cause of the rare items in here.

"Integrate it! ASAP!" Haru swiftly declared. Even though he doesn't know how a fragmented memory of his got here, he still wanna look at it to be sure.

[ Integrating.... Done! Showing memories to the host! ]


Then he saw a few memories of a young man there who was going on a training and looking around the Diglett's Cave as he saw a sign called 'Terrera Cave' and he goes in there every day and night, honing his skills in battling.

"... This, is a memory of mine back then in Ransei Region's Terrera Island. Is there a connection between this cave to Ransei? " As he was thinking a lot of things, he then remembered that Arceus said that his mission is to save this world from the same problem as that in Ransei. "Right! This is a Parallel World! Then, is Vermilion City? But it's not related of any sort though. Hmmmm...."

"Haruuuu!! Why are you in daze!! Have you become crazy from this treasures?!" Kasumi shouted in my face with a panicked face.

"Ummm, No. No. I'm just thinking that this treasures are so good."

"Ohh, Then picked some items here!" She said with a looked of confusion and then did not bother about it. 'Yep, kids really have a short attention span.'

"Then, I'll pick this crystals, and those gemstones, and this bracelet {Z-ring). You can where one of this too so we can have the same. Also I analyzed that this crystals can be put in the slot of this bracelets. And oh, the gemstones can strengthen the moves of our pokemon depending on the type of gemstone." Haru slowly said so that Kasumi can digest the information.

"Woah! How come you know this stuff and I don't?"

"Because I'm not just a handsome kid, I'm also reading tons of books back at home."

"So you are saying that I'm a dumb and ugly girl?"

"No. You are pretty."

"So, I'm dumb?"



"Come on. Let's clean up this place and get out of here."

"..... I hate you, Haru. I don't feel like talking to you."



After what felt like an arduous journey through the depths of Diglett's Cave, Haru and Kasumi emerged into the daylight once more.

"Woah! What place is this, Haru?!" Kasumi exclaimed loudly while looking left and right with her Piplup and Jigglypuff also looking around.

'I thought no talking for a while.' Haru sighed as he looked at the expression of Kasumi and her Pokemon.

"Come on, Eevee, Pidgey. Let's leave them for now."

"Eve!" "Krooo!"

"Hey! Wait for me!"

"Pip!Lup!" "Jiggly.... Puff!"

To their surprise, they found themselves in a route outside Pewter City—a city renowned for its rocky landscapes and the prestigious Pewter City Gym.

[Ding! Host reached his Third City after adventuring!]

With the sound of the system, he knows that they are not in Vermilion City. He then asked the system, "Hey system, where are we?"

[ We are currently just a little outside of Pewter City ]

"Woah, Pewter City!"

"Haru, you said Pewter City? We are so far from Vermilion now!"

"Yeah, there's probably an entrance and exit to both City." Haru analyzed it again but he then remembered that in Pokemon Games, there's really a way to go from Pewter to Vermilion and vice versa. He then looked at Kasumi and said while patting her head, "Let's go to the Pokemon Center first then tell our Parents what happened."

"Yes! Yes! Mom will definitely get angry at me for not updating her!." She then ran to the City with Piplup and Jigglypuff. As I looked at her, I sighed and then looked at Pidgey and Eevee then ran to the City too.

Though unexpected, their unplanned detour filled them with a sense of excitement and anticipation. They viewed it as a blessing in disguise opportunity—a chance to test their newfound skills and challenge the Pewter City Gym Leader, Flint.

Filled with renewed determination and a hunger for victory, Haru and Kasumi set foot on the path that would lead them to Pewter City. Unbeknownst to them, their unexpected journey through Diglett's Cave had molded them into resilient trainers, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead and prove their worth and redeem their loss in the heart of the city's rocky domain.