
Pokemon: Final Days

. . . "I-I.... Where Am I?" 'So you're awake.....' "Huh?" 'So you do not remember, this world is now your responsibility' "Wha- How? Why?" 'You shall unveil it yourself, for I, Arceus will support you in this world' "Arce-WHAT!" 'I shall grant you what the protagonists of other worlds have - A system' "A Pokemon God giving a system? Pokemon world with a system?!?!" Fates, Balance, Order, Space and Time, Will He know the true secrets of this world? Join our hero in for he transmigrated to the world of Pokemon. . . . .

HastySeptemberPH · Fantasy
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34 Chs


Author's Note: We got a lot of Chapters to upload as we haven't been uploading this past few days! Plus, I'm also uploading the first Chapter of My new novel too! So be sure to read it also after this. I'm gonna upload Chapter 16 tomorrow so be sure to be ready to read a lot of chapters! Smell ya later, Trainers!


After their acutely distressing adventure in Diglett's Cave, Haru and Kasumi arrived in Pewter City, weary but determined to redeem themselves at the Pewter City Gym. However, their exhaustion begged for respite, and they decided to take a day to rest and recover in the city.

" Come on, Haru! Run Faster! Me and My Pokemons are leaving you!"

Haru saw what Kasumi is doing and couldn't help but shake his head a little and ran faster as to catch up to her.

Seeking comfort, Haru and Kasumi made their way to the Pokémon Center, where Nurse Joy kindly healed their Pokémon and tended to their needs

"Welcome to the Pokémon Center, where we will heal your Pokémon back to full health..... Or would you like to rest also? From the looks of you two, you both had an interesting adventure." Nurse Joy kindly said as she saw the weary looks of the two of us.

"Thanks, Nurse Joy!" Kasumi happily said while making her way to the resting area.

"Thank you, Nurse Joy. While I'm here, I would like to heal my Pokemon back to full health." Haru wearily said.

"Okay, I'll take your Pokemon for now. Go there and take a rest as I'll send Chansey to bring you two some food to eat." As I made my way to the resting area, Nurse Joy bring my and Kasumi's Pokemons to the inner chamber to heal them and while at it, She also instructed her Chansey to bring us some food.

As our partners are currently healing to regain their strength, both of us sat at a nearby table in the resting are, engaged in conversation while waiting for our meals.



After a hearty meal, Haru took the opportunity to organize the rewards he had received from the system. He browsed through his inventory, carefully evaluating his newfound items, including rare evolutionary stones, valuable TM moves, and even a few useful Held Items. He pondered over their potential applications in future battles, strategizing how they could enhance his team's abilities.

Meanwhile, Kasumi approached the Pokémon Center's communication system, as she wants to talk to her parents. She engaged in a conversation with her parents and Haru's parents as Haru is talking to Nurse Joy about Pewter City. She's exchanging information and stories about their recent experiences, making her and Haru's parents shocked, happy, concerned and proud, though she only talked for a short time 'cause Kasumi said that Haru can tell the story much better. Then they decided to talk about it later this evening. The Pokémon Center's communication system also provided valuable insights, offering tips on battling strategies, upcoming events, and even intriguing rumors circulating among trainers.



As the evening descended, Haru then joined Kasumi to talk to their parents via Communication System of the Pokemon Center. The two of them shared stories of their adventure through Diglett's Cave. Their parents listened intently, their eyes filled with pride and concern. They encouraged their children to be careful and reminded them of the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges. Haru and Kasumi both acknowledged what their Parents have said. Not just because they are their Parents but because of their experience from their past adventures as Professionals and Elite Pokemon Trainers.



The night passed, and a new day dawned with renewed energy and determination. Haru and Kasumi then cleaned themselves in their room just upstairs of the Pokémon Center, then after that, they go down to where Nurse Joy is and she handed them their refreshed and revitalized Pokémon. They decided to let their partners eat and exercise their moves, further honing their skills before the impending Gym battle.

"Haru! Once you are done their, let's go challenge the Pewter City Gym! I have heard that they are using Rock-type Pokemon. My Piplup and Lapras have multiple advantage in there."

"Okay, Let's Go. I wanna see how the Rock-type Gym Leader will defend against your Water-type Pokemons." Intrigued by what Kasumi said, He also wants to see how the disadvantaged Pokemon can overcome typing difference so that he can apply it when he challenge Lt. Surge again.



As the two said their goodbyes and thanks to Nurse Joy, They made their way to the Pewter City Gym, though before they got there, their attention was captivated by a grand building nestled nearby—the Pokémon Museum. Its grandeur and promise of historical knowledge enticed them, and they couldn't resist the allure of learning more about the Pokémon world's rich heritage.

"Haru!! Look! Look! A Pokemon Museum! I've heard from Dad about this! He said that old and ancient stuff are displayed in here." Kasumi exclaimed with stars shining in her eyes. She then looked at me again and said, "Will there be treasures in here?! Can we exchange it with ours and keep it?"

"Kasumi, stop, stop. You are becoming a treasure hungry pig right now." Haru sighed and shake his head as he got gold of his Childhood friend who is treasure hungry again after the treasures they got in the Diglett's Cave.

'When did it start though?' Haru thought as he looked at Kasumi here who was in dazed due to thinking about treasures.

[ Host, It's probably when you both won in the Nugget Bridge Challenge and Got a Nugget there. ]

"Oh right!" Haru smacked his head as he remembered that foolish face of Kasumi back then.

"Hey Haru, Can we go inside the Museum? I promise that I will not talk about treasures there." Kasumi solemnly said though I do believe her.

"Okay, we'll go there. But once I've heard you talking about getting treasures or something, I'll tell Uncle and Aunt about this." Haru then warned Kasumi cause he just wants a piece of mind.

"Yeah! I promised! I don't want to be scolded and smacked down in the butt by Mom and Dad." Kasumi shuddered a little as She remembered something in the past.

"Then Let's Go. We'll just challenge the gym tomorrow." Haru said.

"YAY!!" Kasumi happily danced her way to the Pokemon Museum.

Curiosity getting the better of them, Haru and Kasumi agreed to postpone their Gym challenge for a brief moment and entered the hallowed halls of the Pokémon Museum. Inside, they were greeted by captivating exhibits showcasing rare artifacts, ancient Pokémon fossils, and interactive displays that chronicled the legends and lore of the Pokémon universe.

"Hello! And Welcome to the Pokemon Museum of Pewter City, Museum of Science!" the man in front of the Museum said.

"Hello!" 2x

Haru contemplate for a while and said, "Do we need to pay to get in?"

"!!!" Kasumi looked at me in shocked.

"Oh Yes, Yes. It's 50 Pokedollars for a child's ticket. 100 Pokedollars for the two of you. Would you like to come in?" the man said while holding both of his hands.

"Yes, We would like to get in." As Haru flashed 100 Pokedollars to the man in front of him.

"Thank you and Enjoy your stay in here! Hope you learn a lot in here, young man and girl!" He then stepped aside and saluted the two of us and we also bow a little and made our way inside.

"Haru, Why do we need to pay to him just to get inside? Museums are supposed to be free, right?" Kasumi stated as she looked at me with her pained and desolate looked.

"... Do you really want me smack you right now?" Haru clenched both of his first and posed a punching stance.

"No, No, No, I'm just kidding hehehe" Kasumi straightened herself and laughed a little.

"Come, come, let's see what's this Museum can offer us."



They spent hours engrossed in the captivating tales of legendary trainers, monumental battles, and the evolution of Pokémon species throughout history. Each exhibit sparked their imagination, leaving them inspired and eager to carve their own path in the annals of Pokémon lore.

"Look Haru! Those Aerodactyl, Omanyte, Omastar, Kabuto and Kabutops of the Ancient Times looks awesome!"

"Look at this Fossils Haru!"

"Look at this Large Meteorite, Haru!"

"Look at this massive Spaceship! I wanna ride it!"

As Kasumi is running here and there, she then stopped in two statues in front of her and read the names of the two People and said, "Look, Haru! Someone named Red and Blue are one of the Pioneers of the creation of Pokedex! They helped Professor Oak's Predecessor back then to record the data of Pokemon while becoming the best Pokemon Trainer in the region! They also can be said a Legendarty-class Trainer!"

"Yeah, I can see that. Legendary-class is out of reach for us right now. We still are only Novice Trainers. We must become like them to and carve our own Legends!"

"I Agree, Haru! I will be known as the Greatest Female Pokemon Trainer of All Time!" Kasumi declared as she waved her first up in the air.

'Goodluck beating Cynthia, the best female trainer in the world first.' As Haru thought and shake her head.



With their thirst for knowledge quenched and a renewed appreciation for the vastness of their journey, Haru and Kasumi bid farewell to the Pokémon Museum, their hearts filled with awe and wonder. They knew that the time had come to refocus their energies on the challenge that awaited them at the Pewter City Gym.

Promising themselves a well-deserved rest, they headed back to the Pokémon Center, where they would spend the evening preparing mentally and physically for the ultimate test of their skills—the Pewter City Gym battle. With their spirits lifted and their minds brimming with newfound knowledge, Haru and Kasumi readied themselves for the battles that awaited, determined to emerge victorious and continue their quest to become Pokémon Masters.