
Pokemon Efficient Master (EM)

Emmet fights off a soul invasion from a transmigrator equipped with a cheat power. In the process, he gains not only Pokémon knowledge but also a unique ability called Efficiency Mastery. Psychic powers? Yes, he can develop them now. Fighting Type energy? Why wouldn't he be able to manipulate it? And what is that? EM (Efficiency Mastery) bleeds over to the pokemon bound he has with his team and make them grow at extraordinary speeds? Is there a limit? Now armed with these tools, Emmet is skeptical. Can he really rely on Ash, who's often too naive and sometimes even stupid for his own good, to repeatedly save the world? Not on his watch. This fic includes death and violence althought it is not the main focus. Just a warning that it is not a slice of life or something "light". There is not a "word count chapter" or anything of the sort, just a straight up fiction for you to enjoy.

Basso2142 · Book&Literature
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36 Chs

Chapter 31

Suddenly, a blinding light envelops Primeape. The evolution is different from anything Emmet's ever seen. It's agonizingly slow, like a suspenseful movie where each frame is dragged out. Ghost Energy from the dead adversaries swirls towards the glowing Primeape, as if absorbed by an invisible force.

'Figures' Emmet thought. 'That the evolution of Primeape had such strict requirements that no one had been able to accidentally trigger it in all of Kanto's story. How many Primeapes would be able to get so proficient at using Ghost Energy, get in a life or death fight and have their bodies flooded by Ghost Type Energy?' 

Out of nowhere he stumbles a step back, heart pounding against his ribcage. There's a sensation, foreign and strong, pulling at his very essence. The bond he shares with Primeape is straining, drawing EM from him in waves. His vision swims, his thoughts jumble. The world becomes a blur, his instincts scream, but through it all, confusion reigns supreme.

'By Arceus! What is going on?' He thinks, incapable of voicing this question as he struggles with keeping himself awake.

Emmet grits his teeth, trying to find his footing in the storm of sensations. He wonders if letting the evolving Primeape draw on so much EM is the right choice. 

Then recollections of their training days flash before his eyes. The newly evolved Primeape was still adjusting to its newfound strength, struggling in battles against Ghost types. With the Ghost Energy forced into his body from the impalement mixed in.

'Maybe letting Primeape stabilize through EM is essential for the evolution?', as he has no way to know if cutting the forceful pull of EM will do any damage to his Pokemon, he stops resisting and lets the EM flow through his bond.

A piercing scream cuts through Emmet's thoughts. Gengar, having landed a Poison Jab on Sylveon, retreats, laughing manically. Sylveon collapses, the venom from the move coursing through her veins. Her energy stores may be overflowing from all the Draining Kisses, but fatigue drags her down and allows for Gengar to hit her.

All his Pokemon, bar Feebas, are more than capable of going toe to toe against this Gengar, but not while tired from fighting so long against so many opponents.

Emmet's heart rate kicks up a notch when he catches sight of Firefly and Pidgeot, done with their aerial adversaries, now honing in on the malicious Gengar.

"Pidgeot, get Sylveon to Clefairy—now!" Emmet's shout is a desperate plea lost amidst the roars and growls of the battle, momentarily managing to stave off the crescent tiredness from whatever Primeape's evolution was doing to him.

Time seems to slow. The blinding light enveloping Primeape grows more intense, feeding off the Ghost Energy and the EM siphoned from Emmet. Each second feels like an eternity. Emmet's knees buckle under the overwhelming draw, the world growing dimmer with each passing moment.

Gengar's malevolent glare fixes on the evolving Primeape. A wicked grin spreads across its face, its intentions clear. It aims to disrupt the evolution.

But it didn't count on Firefly. With a roar, she lunges at Gengar, Metal Claw extended. A cascade of sparks ensues as Gengar's Shadow Claw meets her attack. Then, a lightning-quick Dragon Claw from Firefly slices the air. Gengar's retaliatory moves come in rapid succession—a Shadow Punch, a Poison Jab—but Firefly dodges with remarkable agility. It's a dance of shadows and fire, the culmination of Firefly's rapid growth in this very battle.

Pidgeot swoops in, talons outstretched, grabbing the injured Sylveon in one fluid motion. He rises into the sky, wings beating furiously, carrying Sylveon to where Clefairy is, ready with her healing.

Clefairy's hands glow with a radiant energy, her focus unyielding. The Heal Pulse washes over Sylveon, soothing her pain, stabilizing her condition. Sylveon's strained breathing eases, and Emmet releases a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

The moment everyone's been waiting for arrives. The light dims, revealing a transformed figure. Annihilape stands tall, exuding power. Muscles ripple beneath a coat of long, flowing grey fur that appears to dissolve into the air. Its eyes, a deep shade of red, burn with an unquenchable fire. This is a Pokemon changed, evolved in the truest sense of the word.

Emmet lets out a breath of relief. He isn't sure if it is because the evolution is finally complete or because Annihilape eased up on the forceful draw of EM through their bond. He was already starting to feel himself recover and his vision was getting clearer each second.

Firefly, seizing her moment, drives her Metal Claw into Gengar, dealing a mighty blow. As Gengar falls back wincing in pain, Firefly rushes back to Emmet's side, weary but triumphant. The battlefield quiets, all eyes on Annihilape, the Pokemon that literally defied death.

Gengar tries to find its footing, steeling itself against what's to come. But before it can even blink, Annihilape is on it, fists surging with electricity. In a blinding flash, the Thunder Punch lands square on Gengar, flinging the ghostly figure across the field. Bright sparks pop off its form as it skids to a rough stop, smoke rising from the friction burn.

Emmet's face tenses, feeling a sharp tug from his bond with Annihilape. The EM connection jerks him momentarily, the force of the Thunder Punch echoing through their shared energy. He grunts, gritting his teeth, the sensation akin to an electric shock, fleeting but intense.

'Why is he still drawing on the EM!?' He wants to shout, but the sudden pull makes him tired again.

But Annihilape isn't one to let up. Swinging a heavy arm, it delivers a Shadow Punch, bypassing Gengar's ethereal form. The ghostly figure is sent reeling. As Gengar tries to right itself in mid-air, an icy burst from Annihilape's fist encapsulates it. The Ice Punch freezes sections of Gengar, the chill spreading rapidly, turning parts of its amorphous body rigid.

Emmet's brow furrows, realization dawning. Annihilape is essentially using Gengar to master its newly acquired Ghost Energy. The more they fight, the more refined Annihilape's control becomes. The savage beatdown, while brutal, is a way for Annihilape to familiarize itself with its newfound powers, refining them before they dissipate.

Gengar's eyes flash in fear. Desperation pushes it to act, hoping to widen the distance between them. But its efforts are in vain. A fiery glow envelops Annihilape's fist. Then, in an explosive moment, a Fire Punch connects, lighting up the battleground. Gengar's shriek pierces the air, a stark contrast to the roaring flames.

After the fiery onslaught, Annihilape stands still, entranced. The dancing flames on its knuckles captivate it. This brief intermission allows Gengar to gulp down gulps of air, the burns on its body evident from the blackened patches on its ghostly form.

The silence doesn't last. With a guttural growl, Annihilape unleashes a rapid-fire assault. It's a masterclass in combat. The punches come in thick and fast, each one targeted, relentless. It's as if every ounce of pent-up rage finds its mark on Gengar's battered body.

Attempting to counter, Gengar barely hovers above the ground when the terrain starts to shake. Annihilape's Stomping Tantrum is cataclysmic. Cracks snake outwards, and Gengar, trying to evade, is met with another chilling Ice Punch, leaving frost patterns trailing its wounded form.

"Stomping Tantrum? Since when?" Emmet mumbles, baffled. His eyes darting to and fro, attempting to follow the frenzied exchange. There's a sense of disbelief. How is Annihilape pulling moves it never learned? Is it because of how much EM it pulled? But how?

Annihilape, after a particularly brutal sequence, halts, surveying its handiwork. It stretches its arms, flexing its muscles. The battlefield is littered with scorch marks, shards of ice, and the cracks left from its earth-shattering moves. Meanwhile, Gengar, shaky and vulnerable, musters the strength to keep itself upright.

Anticipating Gengar's next move, Annihilape's fist surges with electricity again. As Gengar attempts to phase out, the Thunder Punch connects just as it reappears. The painful screech from Gengar makes it evident – it's trapped in a nightmare it can't escape.

With each successive hit, steam rises off Gengar, the result of alternating Fire and Ice Punches with the occasional Thunder variant. The contrast is brutal. Gengar, in its weakened state, can barely defend itself, each attempt melting away under the relentless assault.

Momentarily, Annihilape evaluates Gengar, gauging its next move. The ghostly figure is near its end. Then, with a roar that echoes across the field, Annihilape delivers a devastating Shadow Punch. Gengar, unable to resist, collides with a boulder, fragments chipping off upon impact.

Gengar's strength wanes, but Annihilape has one final display of might. Charging up, the energy so potent that Emmet's other Pokemon instinctively take a step back, except for Firefly who growls at the pokemon challenging her place as Emmet's ace. Then, from point-blank range, a Rage Fist of unparalleled force is unleashed. Piercing right through Gengar's gut, the impact resonating throughout the area.

The aftermath send chills through Emmet's spine. 

Amidst the dust and the echoes of the collision, a sinister sound emerges. It's Annihilape, its laughter distorted by its Ghost nature, taking pleasure in Gengar's struggle. 

Gengar, in a last-ditch effort, claws at Annihilape's arm, trying to free itself. Emmet watches, a storm of emotions within him. Given the weight of the situation and the onslaught of hatred from Annihilape, a grim satisfaction settles over him, watching the dying Pokemon's futile struggle against the inevitable. 

He really wants to claim to be a better person, to hold himself to a higher standard and not gloat at his enemies' demise. But he can't muster any sympathy for those that tries to kill his loved ones.

Gengar's pitiful, distorted cries resonate through the field as Emmet watches. The noise is unlike anything he's heard before - something between pain and pleading. Annihilape, still grinning maliciously, continues to taunt the struggling Gengar, his laughter echoing darkly and through their bond Emmet feels Annihilape's glee and lets out a chuckle of his own.

Suddenly, a calm yet chilling voice cuts through the noise. "It's crying out for mercy," it states plainly. The unexpected interruption causes Emmet, along with all his Pokemon, to whirl around in surprise, save for the still-focused Annihilape.

Standing a short distance away is a hunched old woman, leaning heavily on a worn cane. Her once-blond hair, now streaked with grey, falls around a face marked by age and wisdom. But it's her piercing black eyes that capture Emmet's attention, radiating a quiet power that unsettles him deeply.

Recognition flickers in Emmet's eyes. "Elite Four Agatha?" he stammers, disbelief evident in his voice. His mind races, questions tumbling over each other. "What are you doing here?" he blurts, trying to regain his composure. "Why didn't you step in earlier? And... are you here for Annihilape?" He's unable to keep the tinge of defensiveness out of his tone, protective instincts rising.

The silence is thick, smothering, as Agatha holds Emmet in her steady gaze. Emmet can feel her eyes boring into him, calculating, considering. He's aware that if she decides he's acted out of line, he's utterly powerless. He thinks of Professor Oak—surely the respected professor would have his back, but only if others were around to witness this. Here, in this concealed spot, masked from aerial view, Agatha could easily make him disappear. She could claim his Pokemon, and no one would ever know the truth.

The atmosphere is suddenly pierced by Gengar's despairing cry. Tears—actual tears—stream down its ghostly face. Emmet's taken aback. He had never seen, never imagined a Gengar could express such raw emotion. As Gengar fades, Annihilape absorbs the lingering purple mist that emanates from it. The Annihilape roars out, "Annihilape!" in a triumphant shout, having asserted its dominance over the spectral Pokemon.

Without missing a beat, Agatha's attention returns to Annihilape. With an authoritative air, she points her cane in the creature's direction. "You need to be humbled," she states coolly.

From the depths of Agatha's shadow, a new Gengar emerges. It dwarfs its predecessor in size and exudes an even more menacing aura. Its rapid movement is a blur to Emmet, leaving him scrambling to process the scene.

Annihilape, to his credit, reacts with commendable speed. But it's futile. The Gengar's Shadow Ball, released at point-blank range, collides with a force that sends Annihilape hurtling towards a dead tree. The tree doesn't stand a chance—it's instantly reduced to splinters. But before Annihilape can recover or even comprehend the situation, Gengar is there again, delivering a crushing Shadow Punch that catapults Annihilape in the complete opposite direction.

While Emmet is paralyzed from the sudden violence from Elite Four's Gengar Firefly and Sylveon move in unison, both using Quick Attack to close the gap rapidly. The fire inside Firefly's jaws grows, almost blindingly bright, ready to release a Flamethrower that promises to scorch. Meanwhile, Sylveon's ethereal glow signals the impending force of a Psychic assault. Their intent is clear: protect their teammate at any cost.

Gengar, however, doesn't seem the least bit worried. It laughs. Not a joyful laugh, but a mocking one. The sound sends a cold shiver down Emmet's spine. That dread becomes palpable when Agatha speaks up, her voice dripping with authority and satisfaction. "Seems your little friends could use a lesson as well," she states coldly. And with a nod from her, Gengar springs into action, fully ready to teach that "lesson".

As Firefly and Sylveon charge forward, Gengar meets their assault with ease. Before Firefly can release her Flamethrower, Gengar shifts into the shadow realm, dodging the fiery attack. It emerges right behind the Charmeleon, its eerie grin wider than ever. Without wasting a second, it engulfs Firefly in a Night Shade, forcing her to the ground in pain, her flames momentarily extinguished.

Sylveon, seeing its companion in distress, releases its Psychic attack, aiming to give Gengar a taste of its own medicine. But Gengar is quick and uses Double Team, creating multiple afterimages of itself. Sylveon's Psychic attack hits one of the illusions, dissipating it. Frustrated, Sylveon attempts to lash out with its feelers, trying to detect the real Gengar amidst the chaos.

In the midst of the fray, Annihilape roars, furious and ready to avenge the earlier blow. It lunges at Gengar, its hands glowing with fighting energy, hoping to land a devastating Rage Fist. However, Gengar has other plans. It uses Hypnosis, and despite Annihilape's rage-fueled charge, the powerful fighting Pokemon becomes drowsy, missing Gengar entirely and stumbling forward, struggling to stay conscious.

Gengar, not letting up, decides to turn its attention back to Firefly, who's trying to get back on her feet. Gengar uses Dream Eater, feeding off Firefly's fears and dreams, weakening her further. Firefly's once vibrant flames now appear dim, her energy sapped by Gengar's relentless onslaught.

Emmet's eye twitches in disbelief. "How? Dream Eater shouldn't work unless—" he starts, but he doesn't finish.

Agatha stands unimpressed. "Why so surprised? You think your Pokemon are so special, bending rules?" She laughs, her voice a sharp edge. "A Charmeleon outpacing Charizards, using Quick Attack? Don't be a hypocrite, boy."

Emmet doesn't have a retort. He clenches his fist, teeth grinding, but he can't deny it. He's always played fast and loose with the norms, and right now, he's tasting his own medicine and it tastes bitter.

Sylveon's bravery makes it Gengar's next target. The ghost Pokemon, almost gleefully, releases a potent Shadow Ball. The impact is devastating. Sylveon is hurled backward, crashing hard against a rock.

Emmet panics, unsure of how to proceed. He gives a glance to Pidgeot and Clefairy, both ready to jump in. But he signals a halt. They need to watch, learn. Agatha's got a point to make -she has to, otherwise they are as good as dead. 'Why is she here? Why is she attacking us?' His mind races to find out the answers but draw blanks at each corner.

Annihilape, though groggy, isn't out of the fight yet. Its eyes fixate on Gengar, and a surge of electricity envelops its fist. A thunderous Thunder Punch is launched. But Gengar sidesteps, mocking the attempt, then retaliates with a Sludge Bomb. The toxicity hits Annihilape hard. The fact that Annihilape managed to send a Thunder Punch as if it was a ranged attack is lost on him as he is still racking his mind to understand what was going on.

Gengar is relentless. Its tongue stretches out in a grotesque Lick aimed at Sylveon. The paralyzing effect is immediate. Sylveon, immobilized, can only watch in horror as Gengar looms closer.

Not giving up, Firefly, despite her weakened state, stands protectively in front of Sylveon. She tries once more to unleash her Flamethrower, but Gengar simply fades into the shadows, evading the attack, and reappears behind Firefly, using Thunder Punch stronger than Annihilape's and laughing while looking at him. The unexpected electric attack sends Firefly sprawling, twitching from the unexpected jolt.

Annihilape, with one last effort, tries to use another Rage Fist on Gengar. But Gengar effortlessly dodges again, floating above the desperate attack. It then descends quickly, delivering a Hex on Annihilape, exploiting its poisoned state. Annihilape finally crumbles, out cold from the combination of poison and the ghostly assault.

With all three Pokemon incapacitated, Gengar floats triumphantly in the middle of the battlefield, its laughter echoing through the area, mocking and chilling. Agatha, with a satisfied smirk, watches as her Gengar easily handles the situation, proving its dominance and power. "Hmm I should get a Mankey" She mutters, which did not escape Emmet's ears.

There's nothing left but for Emmet to return his fallen Pokemon to their pokeballs, the clicks of the capsules a grim punctuation to the battle.

Agatha strides confidently towards Emmet, who's sprawled out on the ground, depleted from the draining bout with Annihilape. She towers over him, casting an imposing shadow. With a voice as cold as ice, she inquires, "So, young one, what have you learned from our little encounter?"

He attempts to sit up, eyes defiant but pain evident. 'It can't be that this was all for a lesson, right? Is she out of her mind!?'

With gritted teeth, he answers, "That I'm not as unique as I thought. No matter how strong I believe I am, there's always someone out there who's stronger."

Agatha's lips curl into a slight smirk. "A decent answer," she begins, her voice cold, "but that's not my lesson." Suddenly, Emmet feels an oppressive wave of Ghost energy engulfing him, as if invisible chains were constricting his chest. Breathing becomes a struggle. "Do you feel that? That's what it's like when you mess with someone so above your standing that you wouldn't even be able to properly gauge how outmatched you are," she taunts.

She leans in closer, her face inches from his. "Your real lesson: Don't go poking your nose where it doesn't belong. Tell me," she continues, easing on the flaunt of Ghost Energy, her voice dripping with intrigue, "do you know what lays inside that manor?"

His eyes dart around in confusion, the weight of the energy that just pressed down on him making his mind slow to a crawl. "What... what are you talking about?"

She leans back, a sinister grin playing on her lips. "Inside that house, there's a Pokemon more formidable than the Gengar I used to defeat your strongest. I've been hunting it for decades. Finally found it a few months back. I was setting up the perfect trap to destroy it. But thanks to your little excursion, it's on high alert. If I don't face it now, it will vanish, yet again."

His eyes flash with anger. "How was I supposed to know? Sure, the area looked dangerous and maybe I could have been more cautious, but that doesn't mean I'm to blame for your plans going awry!"

With a mocking laugh, Agatha retorts, "If you had done your job as a trainer, you'd know that the forest north of Celadon is restricted."

Indignant, Emmet snaps back, "If that's the case, there should be clear warnings! And what about Rangers? Shouldn't they be patrolling such a high-risk area?"

Her gaze turns icy. "You think we don't warn trainers? The Pokemon Center is plastered with posters, only cocky or incompetent trainers choose to not read the warnings at a Pokemon Center. I even had a wall erected on the north side of the city to keep the stupid away, but I guess it was not enough. As for Rangers, thanks to Team Rocket's latest stunts, they're spread thin. Only three has to patrol miles of the dense forest around us. You even managed to break through the illusion hiding the manor! Do you know what I had to go through for Gym Leader Sabrina to help set it up?"

Emmet's pride takes a hit, in hindsight he should have taken his time to check with the Pokemon Center for Restricted Areas in the future and maybe, just maybe, he shouldn't be so eager to explore areas cordoned off by walls and illusions. Realizing arguing further would be futile, especially against an Elite Four member, Emmet lowers his head. "I didn't know," he murmurs, genuine remorse in his voice. "I'm sorry."

Agatha waves a dismissive hand as the Ghost Energy pressure completely vanishes. "Save your apologies. They'll mean nothing when the Black Fog starts its killing spree again."

His brow furrows in confusion. "The Black Fog? What is that?"

She seems genuinely surprised. "Never heard the tales? I thought every child knew of the Black Fog."

Emmet shakes his head, a clear indication he's clueless.

Agatha's tone grows dark, her voice dripping with menace. "The Black Fog is a mutant Haunter. It hunts, slaughters, and feasts on the souls of both humans and Pokemon. It consumes them with its Dream Eater ability, vanishing without a trace afterward. All that is left are the mummified remains you see all over this place." She makes her point by poking a mummified trainer with her cane.

The sinister gleam in her eye becomes more pronounced. "You know, I devised my version of Dream Eater from observing the Black Fog in action." Emmet didn't know if he should feel amazed or peeved out by how quick she seemed to change gears.

Impatiently, she checks the watch on her wrist. "Enough chit-chat. Let's get on with it."

His confusion is palpable. "Get on with what?"

Her laughter echoes eerily around them. "Being the bait, of course. Off you go to the haunted manor."

His voice rises in disbelief. "By myself?"

She smirks, looking over his Pokemon team, or what was left of it, making Clefairy take a step back in fear. "Your Clefairy looks capable. As for Pidgeot, indoor battles might not be his strong suit, but as a child you are free to take all bad decisions while we adults do the clean up afterwards."

"If it makes you feel better, take this as a order from an Elite Four."

"It doesn't" He retorts. 

With a final dismissive wave, she intones, "That's on you. I'll see you inside." And with that, she fades away, melding seamlessly with the shadows.

Left in the fading light, Emmet can only mutter, "If I die, I will haunt you."

Agatha's voice come from everywhere at once. "Get in line."