
Pokemon Efficient Master (EM)

Emmet fights off a soul invasion from a transmigrator equipped with a cheat power. In the process, he gains not only Pokémon knowledge but also a unique ability called Efficiency Mastery. Psychic powers? Yes, he can develop them now. Fighting Type energy? Why wouldn't he be able to manipulate it? And what is that? EM (Efficiency Mastery) bleeds over to the pokemon bound he has with his team and make them grow at extraordinary speeds? Is there a limit? Now armed with these tools, Emmet is skeptical. Can he really rely on Ash, who's often too naive and sometimes even stupid for his own good, to repeatedly save the world? Not on his watch. This fic includes death and violence althought it is not the main focus. Just a warning that it is not a slice of life or something "light". There is not a "word count chapter" or anything of the sort, just a straight up fiction for you to enjoy.

Basso2142 · Book&Literature
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36 Chs

Chapter 28

Erika wastes no time, tossing her next Pokeball into the arena. "Go, Exeggutor!" she shouts. The palm-tree-like Pokemon appears, its multiple heads swaying rhythmically. Pidgeot swoops high, screeching defiantly, its plumage shimmering in the sunlight filtering through the greenhouse roof.

"Exeggutor, use Solar Beam!" Erika commands. The leaves on Exeggutor's heads start to glow, collecting sunlight and converting it into energy. Emmet doesn't wait. "Pidgeot, Quick Attack!" Pidgeot zooms like a bullet, slamming into Exeggutor before the Solar Beam can fully charge.

But Erika grins. "Confusion!" she yells. One of Exeggutor's heads glows purple, locking eyes with Pidgeot. The bird Pokemon staggers in the air, disoriented and falls to the ground with a thud.

"Shake it off, Pidgeot!" Emmet calls out, his voice tinged with urgency. Pidgeot flaps its wings violently, trying to clear its head. It works; the Confusion's effect starts to wane.

Erika frowns. "Not bad. But how about this? Stomp!" Exeggutor lifts one of its massive legs and tries to crush Pidgeot.

"Fly up, now!" Emmet orders. Pidgeot soars just in time, Exeggutor's foot stomping the ground where it had been a split second ago. "Now, use Air Slash!"

Feathers glow with energy as Pidgeot releases them like sharp blades toward Exeggutor. They cut through leaves and bark, leaving visible scars on Erika's Pokemon.

Erika clenches her fists. "Fine. Sleep Powder!" Exeggutor releases a cloud of spores aiming to lull Pidgeot into slumber.

"Inhale deeply, Pidgeot, then blow it back!" Emmet yells. Pidgeot takes a deep breath and exhales forcefully, sending the Sleep Powder scattering in the opposite direction, where it's harmless.

Erika's eyes narrow. "Hyper Beam!" Exeggutor's central head charges a ball of raw energy, launching it at Pidgeot with extreme velocity.

Emmet's eyes widen. "Dodge with Quick Attack!" Pidgeot's body becomes a blur as it maneuvers skillfully, narrowly evading the Hyper Beam that crashes into a wall, leaving a smoky hole in its wake.

Erika sighs and Emmet doesn't miss a beat. "This is your chance! Pidgeot, Wing Attack, full force!"

Pidgeot zooms down with astonishing speed, its wings glowing with energy. It slams into the temporarily immobilized Exeggutor with a deafening crash, sending it stumbling back, leaves flying.

Erika looks visibly distressed. "Hold on, Exeggutor!" But it's too late. Emmet seals the deal. "Finish it, Pidgeot! Giga Impact!" This move was too taxing for Pidgeotto, but Pidgeot was more than capable of using it now.

Pidgeot rises high, almost touching the glass ceiling of the greenhouse, its body gathering radiant energy. With a piercing cry, it dives like a comet, a glowing aura around it. The impact is immense, a shockwave rippling through the arena. Exeggutor is lifted off its feet, crashing down, fainted. Erika returns it to its Pokeball, her eyes meeting Emmet's. "Well played," she says, and Emmet can't help but grin.

"Congratulations, Emmet. Your Pidgeot is quite impressive," Erika says, her eyes shimmering with genuine admiration. "The way it controls its powers right after evolving speaks volumes about your skills as a trainer. Lt. Surge was right in his report; you're definitely someone to watch."

"Wow, I didn't realize Lt. Surge was so complimentary," Emmet replies, scratching his head and clearly taken aback. Pidgeot fluffs its feathers proudly, basking in the praise.

Erika laughs, her voice melodic yet rich. "Oh, you have no idea. More than half of Surge's report was basically him gushing about you. Said you're so far above the mediocre trainers we've seen lately, Kanto might just witness its first rising star since the Indigo Unification."

Before Emmet can muster a response, Erika cuts in, "But enough of that. You've certainly surpassed my 5-badge team. So, allow me to introduce a member of my 7-badge roster." With a flick of her wrist, she releases her Pokeball. A powerful-looking Venusaur emerges, the ground shaking as it stomps, declaring its name loudly, "Venusaur!"

Pidgeot circles in the air, still burdened by Tangela's poison and visibly fatigued from the previous battle. Its eyes narrow as it stares down the massive Venusaur, who returns the glare with a stoic calmness. Emmet clenches his fist, knowing this is going to be an uphill battle.

"Alright Pidgeot, Wing Attack, let's go!" Emmet shouts. Pidgeot dives, feathers glowing as it aims straight for Venusaur. Just before impact, Venusaur's vines whip up, blocking the Wing Attack and sending Pidgeot tumbling back into the air.

"Venusaur, use Leech Seed!" Erika commands. Venusaur launches seeds skyward, which explode into vines as they approach Pidgeot. Despite its best efforts to dodge, a seed sticks onto Pidgeot, roots quickly beginning to drain its energy.

"Shake it off, Pidgeot! Use Quick Attack!" Emmet instructs. Pidgeot swoops in at high speed, a blur to the eye. Yet, Venusaur anticipates the move, and with a quick vine whip, swats Pidgeot back again.

"Time for Solar Beam, Venusaur," Erika announces. Venusaur's flower starts gathering sunlight, the energy collecting in a ball above its back. Pidgeot, visibly drained now from the poison and Leech Seed, struggles to maintain altitude.

Emmet knows he needs to interrupt the Solar Beam. "Use Air Slash, Pidgeot!" Pidgeot musters its strength, sending a burst of compressed air towards Venusaur. But Venusaur barely flinches, the Solar Beam's power uninterrupted.

Emmet grits his teeth. The poison and Leech Seed are taking their toll on Pidgeot, who's panting heavily now. "Pidgeot, try a Feather Dance to lower its attack!"

Pidgeot lets out a flurry of glowing feathers, aimed directly at Venusaur. The leaves on Venusaur's back ruffle as the feathers make contact, but the massive plant Pokemon shakes it off, seemingly unaffected.

"Fire!" Erika shouts, and Venusaur releases the Solar Beam. The intense light cuts through the air, hitting Pidgeot dead on. Pidgeot screeches in pain and is sent plummeting down to the arena floor, crashing in a cloud of dust.

Getting up slowly, Pidgeot looks beaten but not out. Emmet grits his teeth, thinking of a way to turn the tide. "Pidgeot, use Gust to blow away the Leech Seeds!" he shouts. Pidgeot flaps its wings furiously, sending a whirlwind to scatter the Leech Seeds.

However, Venusaur simply stomps its foot, and the seeds embed themselves deeper into the ground, the roots pulling back into Venusaur, which looks even more robust now. 

Erika looks mildly impressed by Pidgeot's resilience but unfazed. "Synthesis," she commands. Venusaur closes its eyes and its flower starts to glow. The wounds Pidgeot inflicted start to heal, the Pokemon rejuvenating right in front of Emmet's eyes. "Now, Vine Whip, finish it!" Erika orders.

With a powerful swing of its vines, Venusaur catches Pidgeot as it attempts to fly, pulling it back to the ground. Another Solar Beam is already forming above Venusaur's flower, its energy focusing rapidly this time.

"Pidgeot, dodge it!" Emmet yells, but his voice is drowned out by the sound of the Solar Beam launching from Venusaur's back, connecting with Pidgeot for the second time. The arena is filled with light and a loud screech.

As the light fades, Pidgeot lies motionless on the ground, its wings splayed out, clearly unable to continue. The poison and fatigue had been too much, even for a newly evolved Pokemon. Venusaur stands victorious, almost as if it hadn't been in a fight at all.

Emmet clenches his fists, disappointment stinging his eyes, but also pride for his Pidgeot's valiant efforts. "Pidgeot, return," he says softly, recalling his fallen bird into its Pokeball. "You fought well. Rest now."

Emmet feels a twinge of guilt, glaring at Pidgeot's Pokeball. "I pushed you too hard, didn't I?" he mutters to himself. He sizes up Venusaur, its hulking frame practically oozing confidence. This won't be a walk in the park. He gazes at Firefly's Pokeball, a flicker of temptation crossing his eyes. But no, he decides. Firefly is his ace in the hole today. He won't play that card just yet.

"Primeape, I choose you!" he yells, flinging the Pokeball into the center of the arena. With a burst of light, Primeape materializes, muscles flexing as it lands. "Primeape!" it roars, sizing up Venusaur with a fiery gaze that could melt ice. It beats its chest in a display of bravado, daring the plant behemoth to make a move.

The tension in the air is palpable as Primeape and Venusaur lock eyes. "Primeape, use Cross Chop!" Emmet commands. With a battle-cry, Primeape lunges forward, its arm glowing as it aims a karate chop straight at Venusaur.

"Venusaur, dodge and use Vine Whip!" Erika counters. Venusaur sidesteps gracefully, its vines shooting out to strike Primeape. But Primeape is quick, rolling in mid-air and dodging the attack, then landing a glancing blow on Venusaur's flank.

"Nice, Primeape! Now, use Seismic Toss!" Emmet shouts. Primeape grabs hold of one of Venusaur's vines and, using it as leverage, lifts the massive Pokemon over its head, then slams it back to the ground with a seismic thud.

Erika frowns, her eyes narrowing. "Venusaur, shake it off and use Poison Powder!" A purple mist emanates from Venusaur, filling the air around Primeape.

"Crap, hold your breath, Primeape!" Emmet calls. The ape Pokemon instinctively understands, shutting its nostrils and mouth. "Now, use Thrash!" Primeape swings its arms like a wild beast, hitting Venusaur multiple times, each strike landing with a resounding smack.

"Enough playing, Venusaur. Leech Seed," Erika directs, a touch of annoyance in her voice. Tiny seeds shoot out from Venusaur, embedding into Primeape's fur.

Emmet can feel the energy draining from Primeape. "Don't let it get to you, buddy! Use Rock Slide!" Rocks erupt from the ground, directed at Venusaur like a hail of bullets.

Erika seems impressed. "Venusaur, counter with Razor Leaf!" The leaves cut through the rocks, reducing them to rubble.

"Primeape, close the distance! Use Close Combat!" Emmet instructs. Primeape leaps forward, a frenzied series of punches and kicks unleashed upon Venusaur, who roars in pain.

"Venusaur, retaliate with Sleep Powder!" Erika says, a little urgency sneaking into her tone. But it's too late, Primeape dodges the burst of powder with nimble footwork.

"Karate Chop, Primeape!" Emmet yells, his excitement peaking. Primeape's glowing hand comes down on Venusaur with incredible speed, causing the bulky Pokemon to stagger.

Erika clenches her fist. "Enough. Venusaur, use Earthquake." The ground shakes violently, knocking Primeape off its feet and causing it to wince in agony.

"Get up, Primeape! Use Body Slam!" Emmet shouts, trying to change the tide. Primeape springs up, dashing toward Venusaur and landing a solid hit before bouncing back toward Emmet.

"Venusaur, it's time. Use Petal Dance," Erika commands, her voice laced with finality. Venusaur's petals start to glow a vivid green, swirling around it like a cyclone.

Primeape, visibly drained and struggling to maintain balance, tries to dodge, but the petals follow him like heat-seeking missiles. One by one, they strike him, each impact more forceful than the last.

Despite the barrage, Primeape tries to counter, leaping high into the air, aiming one last desperate move where his fist glows in an ominous purple mist as he starts focusing all his rage into one last attack. 

"Rage Fist!?" Emmet mutters in disbelief. But the petals alter their course, spiraling upward and hitting Primeape squarely, sending it crashing down before it could finish the new move.

Venusaur stops its dance, looking almost relieved. Primeape lies on the ground, out cold but somehow still wearing a defiant expression.

Emmet recalls Primeape to its Pokeball, his face a mixture of disappointment for the missed opportunity to get the hang of Rage Fist and admiration for how much it managed to push a Pokemon as strong as this Venusaur. "You did good, buddy," he whispers, turning his attention back to Venusaur, who now looks more than ready for round three.

Erika brushes a strand of hair from her face, looking impressed. "I have to say, Emmet, that Primeape of yours is, by far, the most well-trained Fighting Pokemon I've encountered at this point in a trainer's first circuit. It almost gave my Venusaur a run for its money."

"Thanks, Erika. Primeape's a hard worker, always pushing himself in training," Emmet responds, his face serious but eyes twinkling with a sort of fiery resolve. "But now, you're about to meet my starter. And trust me, your Venusaur's going down."

Erika's eyes light up; her grin turns into something almost predatory, which reminds him of Leaf's similar grin. "Oh? Confidence is good, but don't overestimate your Pokemon. It might just backfire."

Unfazed, Emmet grabs another Pokeball from his belt. "You'll see. Firefly, it's your time to shine!" He throws the ball into the arena, and out bursts Firefly. As she lands, a wave of fire erupts around her, and she roars "Charmeleon!" with gusto. The crowd erupts in cheers, and Leaf can't help but join in, her voice mixing with the applause as she roots for the fiery lizard.

"Firefly, kick things off with Flamethrower!" Emmet shouts, and Firefly complies. Her tail flame blazes brighter as she lunges at Venusaur with Flamethrower. The intense jet of fire engulfs Venusaur, who roars in discomfort but remains standing.

Erika grimaces. "Venusaur, use Razor Leaf!"

"Quick, dodge it, Firefly!" Emmet commands. With a loud grunt, Venusaur unleashes a barrage of sharp leaves at Firefly. But the Charmeleon is too agile, dodging them effortlessly while preparing her next move.

Emmet shouts, "Firefly, Dragon Dance!"

Firefly's movements become a blur as she dances, her speed and power amplifying. Her eyes narrow, the world around her slowing down as she gains the upper hand. The stat improving move going by so fast that Erika could barely register what just happened.

"Now, use Sunny Day!"

Firefly lets out a spirited cry, releasing a radiant orb of intense light above her. The makeshift sun bathes the arena in a blinding light, making Venusaur wince while Firefly's scales shimmer in the intensified heat.

"Use Solar Beam, Venusaur!" Erika calls out almost out of reflex given the advantages Sunny Day gave to this particular move, but then realizes the sunlight also gives Firefly the edge.

"Firefly, hit 'em with Heat Wave!" Before Venusaur can even gather enough energy, Firefly strikes. The amplified fire move envelops Venusaur, who howls as it struggles to maintain footing.

"Frenzy Plant!" Erika yells, desperate.

"Jump, Firefly! Then counter with Fire Spin!" Vines burst from the ground, attempting to ensnare Firefly. But the Charmeleon dodges with her boosted speed, retaliating by trapping Venusaur in a vortex of flames.

"Synthesis, now!" Erika commands.

Venusaur's eyes glow as it starts to heal, the sunlight aiding in the process. It's a brief respite, but enough to keep the battle going.

Emmet grins. "Now, Fire Fang!"

Firefly zooms in, her fangs ablaze, and clamps down on Venusaur's thick hide. Venusaur bellows and shakes Firefly off, but the damage is done.

"Not yet, Venusaur! Use Earth Power!" Erika shouts.

"Dodge!" But it's too late. The ground beneath Firefly trembles and erupts, a column of earthen energy smashing into her. Firefly cries out, sent tumbling back, visibly weakened but still on the game.

Emmet's voice is filled with determination. "Finish it, Firefly! Fire Blitz!"

With a roar, Firefly's entire body ignites. She charges at Venusaur like a meteor, a blinding inferno of pure power. The impact is colossal, and Venusaur is sent flying until it hits the Greenhouse's reinforced glass wall.

Erika is in awe, her Venusaur sprawled out and unable to battle. "Incredible," she whispers, "simply incredible."

Emmet exhales deeply, relief washing over him. Firefly lands beside him, her flames dimmer now but her eyes filled with undeniable triumph as she lets out a roar of victory. The crowd erupts in cheers, but for Emmet, the most important voice he hears is Leaf's, whooping and hollering louder than anyone else.

"The match is over! Venusaur is unable to battle. The victor is the challenger's Charmeleon! With that, Challenger Emmet has defeated all three of Erika's Pokemon and is the winner!" the referee announces, lifting his flag towards Emmet.

The crowd erupts into an even louder frenzy of cheers and applause. Erika recalls her Venusaur with a grateful nod and joins in on the applause, a wide smile stretching across her face. She catches sight of Leaf practically squeezing the life out of Emmet in a joyful hug, and her smile widens.

Erika strides over to the happy couple, chuckling. "Hey, Leaf, mind releasing your boyfriend for a second? We've got some official business to attend to here," she says, winking.

Leaf rolls her eyes playfully, but her hands slip from around Emmet, miming an exaggerated pout. "Fine, take him, but he's coming right back."

Erika faces Emmet and nods approvingly. "I must say, it was a pleasure to fight against you. You've managed to defeat Pokemon well above the level most challengers have at this stage in their journey. But let that victory serve as inspiration, not an ego booster. I've seen countless trainers slack off after a big win, only to fail in the long run. Some don't even collect enough badges for the Indigo Conference."

Emmet looks Erika in the eyes and nods. "Thank you for your advice, Erika. I promise to keep pushing myself and my Pokemon, not letting any win inflate my ego. My goal is to be the best, and that takes consistent hard work."

Erika grins, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Good, keep that spirit. You've earned this," she says, handing him the Rainbow Badge. "And just so you know, I'll be reporting your performance to the League. Expect the stakes to get even higher from here on out."

"Ah, crap," Emmet suddenly mutters, slapping a palm to his forehead. "In the middle of arguing with that front desk attendant, we totally forgot to schedule Leaf's gym challenge!"

Erika chuckles heartily at this. "Oh, don't worry about it. Leaf is family, so her challenge won't be the run-of-the-mill type."

Leaf cocks her head, puzzled. "Family special treatment? What's that about? I never heard of anything like that."

Erika nods, her eyes serious. "To avoid any claims of favoritism, the match has to happen without an audience and must be officiated by a League-sanctioned referee not connected to this gym. I can call Saffron's gym to see if they have a referee available for later today, but it's likely that the challenge will have to happen tomorrow."

A gym trainer, a tomboyish woman with cropped hair, interrupts. "Sorry to break this up, Erika, but you've got another battle in about 30 minutes, and we need to get the arena ready. Oh, and the Mayor's called. He says it's urgent."

"Ah, responsibilities," Erika sighs, shaking her head. "I'm sorry, Emmet, Leaf. I have to take care of this. How about you both come to my house for dinner, say around 7 pm?"

Leaf grins and claps her hands together. "Sounds like a plan! What do you say, Emmet? Now we've got some time to hit the shops. We need to restock after that Gyarados attack."

Emmet feels an inexplicable shiver run down his spine. A sense of dread fills him, but he can't quite put a finger on why.

Without another word, they both stride out of the gym. The front desk attendant sends a cold glare their way, but neither of them gives it much mind.