
Pokemon Efficient Master (EM)

Emmet fights off a soul invasion from a transmigrator equipped with a cheat power. In the process, he gains not only Pokémon knowledge but also a unique ability called Efficiency Mastery. Psychic powers? Yes, he can develop them now. Fighting Type energy? Why wouldn't he be able to manipulate it? And what is that? EM (Efficiency Mastery) bleeds over to the pokemon bound he has with his team and make them grow at extraordinary speeds? Is there a limit? Now armed with these tools, Emmet is skeptical. Can he really rely on Ash, who's often too naive and sometimes even stupid for his own good, to repeatedly save the world? Not on his watch. This fic includes death and violence althought it is not the main focus. Just a warning that it is not a slice of life or something "light". There is not a "word count chapter" or anything of the sort, just a straight up fiction for you to enjoy.

Basso2142 · Book&Literature
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36 Chs

Chapter 13

Even with his Pokemon treated, Emmet couldn't shake off the tension that clung to him like a second skin. Any relaxation brought forth haunting images: the Clefable's life brutally cut short, Firefly's vulnerability under Weavile's assault. He clenched his fists, seething at the memory of the Weavile, a species that now sat atop his most-hated list. Cinnabar would freeze over before he let a Sneasel join his team.

The shoulder of his right arm throbbed dully, a reminder of its recent dislocation. Though it had benefited from Clefable's Heal Pulse and his own subsequent treatment, something wasn't right; numbness persisted, constraining his movements.

Sylveon limped over to his side, her eyes scanning the environment cautiously. Exhausted but vigilant, she too was aware that they were not out of the woods yet.

As for Firefly, the Charmeleon was incapacitated despite the Antidote and Hyper Potion. Her breathing was irregular, her tail flame less vibrant. Clearly, the poison still coursed through her veins, rendering her unfit for anything strenuous.

Cleffa was a heartbreaking sight. Her little eyes welled with tears as she mourned her lost family. Emmet knew that no words could ease her suffering right now.

Pushing himself to his feet, Emmet began rifling through his battered supplies. He salvaged what remained of his high-end backpack. Its expanded space function was destroyed, but the bag itself was still serviceable, tattered as it was.

He located Firefly's and Sylveon's Pokeballs amid the debris. Recognizing Firefly's compromised state, he promptly returned her to her ball for better recuperation.

Upon seeing this, Cleffa toddled over. Tugging at his pants to get his attention, she made digging motions with her tiny hands. It was her way of asking him to help bury the bodies of her fallen kin.

Emmet's heart, already bruised and battered, seemed to fracture further. The plea from the tiny Pokemon—who had just witnessed an unimaginable atrocity—was another layer of agony heaped upon an already hellish day.

Nodding, he told Cleffa they would perform the burials, but asked for a few minutes to rest first. Despite the urgency of their situation, some things could not be rushed. He planned to use his Psychic abilities to make the process quicker.

Nearly an hour passed as Emmet sat against a wall, his back rigid but his demeanor softening with every passing second. Sylveon slept with her head on his lap, while Cleffa nestled in his arms like a fragile infant. The tiny Pokemon twitched periodically, clearly plagued by nightmares, but each time, Emmet's gentle touch would soothe her back into peaceful slumber.

Emmet focused his mind, invoking his Psychic powers to excavate the earth. Normally, the facility with which he wielded these abilities would elicit joy. But today, there was no joy—only a heavy realization of the toll it took to break his own limits. The ground gave way, forming neat graves for each of the fallen Pokemon.

Emmet wasn't alone in this grim ceremony. Cleffa's sobs filled the air, piercing the heavy silence, while Sylveon's eyes were tinged with misty sorrow. Firefly, still visibly in pain, stood as tall as she could. With a somber finesse, Emmet levitated each blood-streaked body into its final resting place, covering it with earth.

With another use of his Psychic abilities, he dug a separate pit for the remains of the Sneasels and the charred bones of the Weavile. His face hardened as he unceremoniously relieved himself over their corpses, a small act of disdain for creatures he found undeserving of respect.

Gazing at the soiled bodies, Emmet turned to Firefly who had recovered enough to move around. "You up for giving them one last, dishonorable farewell?" he asked, his voice carrying a tone of contempt yet also seeking her consent for this final act.

Though emotionally and physically spent, Firefly mustered a grin. She limped to the edge of the Sneasels' pit and took a deep breath. Then, with a flicker of her tail, she unleashed a torrent of fire into the hole. It was a blaze not of triumph, but of finality. As the flames roared, Emmet, Sylveon, and a surprisingly stoic Cleffa looked on, each lost in their own thoughts but united in this grim moment.

Time seemed to blur as they watched the remains burn down to embers. When the flames finally died, Emmet turned to Cleffa. "Do you know a way out of here?" After some initial uncertainty, Cleffa pointed decisively in a specific direction, lifting a weight off Emmet's and Sylveon's shoulders.

Despite Cleffa's sureness, Sylveon wasn't willing to let the little Pokemon lead in this perilous environment. Using her ribbons, she lifted Cleffa onto her back, patiently awaiting directions. Though both were young Pokemon, it was endearing how Sylveon acted motherly toward Cleffa. In different circumstances, Emmet might have laughed.

The path ahead was daunting. Emmet knew he was deep inside Mt. Moon before the cave-in, and now, he couldn't even fathom his position. He silently pledged never to set foot inside a cave again; any future adventure would be under open skies, period.

"From now on, no more caves for me," Emmet jokingly declared a few days into their trek. All three Pokemon expressed agreement by calling out their own names. It struck him that Cleffa was acting like a member of the team, even though they hadn't officially caught her yet. "I wish I had an empty Pokeball for you," he sighed, observing how seamlessly Cleffa had integrated into their makeshift family. Every empty pokeball had so many sign of damage that he wouldn't trust them with Cleffa's safe capture.

Their journey was a monotonous cycle of walking, resting, and walking again, punctuated only by fitful sleep. Even Emmet's broken watch couldn't help them gauge time. Was it days? Weeks? He doubted it had been weeks, they would be already in much worse condition if it had been that case. Cleffa seemed certain as she guided them, at one point even finding a beautiful Moon Stone, which Emmet hurriedly packed away.

Firefly was struggling. A vivid scar marred the left side of her face, stretching painfully when she moved her head. Her scales were also a shade duller than they should be. The Antidote hadn't fully neutralized the venom from Weavile's poison. Still, she pressed on, driven by a sheer determination that belied her physical condition. Her spirit was undeterred, and Emmet marveled at her resilience even as he worried for her.

They encountered the occasional wild Pokemon along the way. Any signs of hostility were met with swift violence. Firefly incinerated any Zubats they met, and Emmet found himself mentally agreeing with Brock—nobody should have to resort to eating Zubat meat to survive.

As much as they dreaded it, they eventually had to resort to eating Zubats. Using his Psychic powers to skin the creatures and roasting them over Firefly's tail flame was far from appetizing. Yet, exhaustion and hunger wore down their reservations, and they consumed the roasted Zubats without as much as a grimace.

Initially, Cleffa led them to safe water sources and mushrooms. Sylveon and Cleffa devoured the fungi without issue, but Emmet and Firefly struggled. Eventually, he realized the mushrooms were specifically edible for Fairy Types. It took a while to acclimate to the unique flora, but hunger compelled adaptation, even if it resulted in a number of digestive complications.

After what felt like an eternity, the scent of fresh air hit them. Exhausted, hungry, and dehydrated, they limped toward the scent, the promise of freedom propelling them forward.

Just as the cave's mouth was in sight, Emmet's Pokedex jolted to life. Finally picking up a signal, it blared a red alert.

"Attention: User has been designated as missing. If you are in possession of this Pokedex, stay in your current location. A Ranger is en route. Return all Pokemon to their Pokeballs and await further instructions."

Emmet recalled Firefly and Sylveon into their Pokeballs and hugged Cleffa tightly against his chest. A wave of relief washed over him, followed by a bone-deep exhaustion that he couldn't fend off any longer. As his eyes closed, one thought crossed his mind: he had made it out of Mt. Moon alive.

Emmet's eyes fluttered open to a glaring whiteness, an abrupt contrast to the dark depths of Mt. Moon. For a moment, he wondered if he had died, but then realized he was lying on a hospital bed. Confused, he sat up and immediately checked his arm, bracing himself for the pain. To his surprise, it felt fine. No pain at all.

He began to scan the room for his Pokemon, but they were nowhere to be found. Alarmed, he started to swing his legs over the side of the bed, intending to search for them. Just then, the door swung open, and a nurse stepped in. "Please, don't get up," she urged. "I'll go call the doctor to check on you."

Before he could ask about Firefly, Sylveon, and Cleffa, she was gone. He sank back into the pillows, relieved to be out of the cave but anxious about his Pokemon. Someone had found him, that much was clear, and that was a relief. But were they all right? He was mulling over these thoughts when the door opened again.

In came a gruff-looking doctor with a no-nonsense demeanor. Emmet's eyes immediately fell on the Indigo League badge pinned to the doctor's coat. Intriguing. "How are you feeling?" the doctor inquired as he began the routine checks.

"Any dizziness?" the doctor continued as he shone a light into Emmet's eyes to test his vision.

"No, I feel surprisingly okay," Emmet replied, still half-expecting to feel pain somewhere, yet finding none.

The doctor moved on to checking his vitals, pressing cold stethoscope ends on his chest and back. "Deep breaths," he instructed. Emmet complied. The doctor then took a close look at his arm, flexing it this way and that. "Does this hurt?"

"No, not at all," Emmet confirmed, surprised at his own condition.

The doctor nodded, seemingly satisfied with his examination. "You seem to be in much better shape than one would expect, given the circumstances," he said, setting down his clipboard.

Emmet's mind was racing. The medical check-up seemed fine, but his real concern lay elsewhere. 

The moment the doctor seemed to have wrapped up his medical examination, Emmet seized the opportunity. "Where are my Pokemon? Are they okay?"

Noticing the desperation in Emmet's eyes, the doctor paused. "They're fine, but still under treatment. You don't need to worry; they're being looked after by the best Pokemon medical personnel we have."

"How long have I been out?" Emmet quickly followed up, his concern only partially alleviated.

The doctor glanced at his notes. "Just a day. You're at a League-run facility in Cerulean City. You are now part of an ongoing investigation related to certain events in Mt. Moon."

Events? Investigation? Emmet was taken aback. "What do you mean 'events at Mt. Moon'? What happened?"

The doctor exhaled deeply before speaking. "Somebody or some group released dozens of poached Pokemon from Mt. Silver into Mt. Moon. The situation escalated when a Tyranitar and a Steelix got into a fight. The details are still murky; this is what has been made public by media and witnesses."

Emmet felt his head spin. Poached Pokemon? Tyranitar? Steelix? And he had been in the middle of all this without knowing it? It was a lot to take in, and he struggled to process the flood of information.

"Your sponsor, Professor Oak, has been notified that you've been found," the doctor continued, flipping through some papers. "He's actually part of the investigation and was at Mt. Moon as we speak. He's expected to arrive here today to see you."

Hearing that Professor Oak was not only aware but involved provided some comfort to Emmet. Yet, the revelations left him more questions than answers. What had really happened at Mt. Moon? And what would happen next?

"Professor Oak is coming here?" Emmet asked, surprise crossing his features. "Is he directly involved in the Mt. Moon investigation?"

"Yes, he's been consulting on it," the doctor confirmed, attaching the clipboard to the foot of the bed. "He was actually in the vicinity when they found you. You can imagine he was quite relieved to hear you were alive."

"That's... that's good to hear," Emmet said softly, his mind racing with questions. "About the Pokemon from Mt. Silver—do we know why they were released into Mt. Moon? Is it related to what happened to me and my team?"

"The League is still piecing everything together," the doctor responded cautiously. "But considering you were found in such a dire state, it's safe to assume that you may have been affected by whatever transpired. Once the investigation advances, you'll be briefed more extensively."

'Ah, the ever-reliable 'we're working on it' statement. That'll help me sleep tonight.' Emmet thought bitterly.

"I'd like to help in any way I can," Emmet insisted, clenching his fists. "People—Pokemon—could get hurt if something like this happens again."

The doctor looked at Emmet thoughtfully, then nodded. "Your willingness is admirable. Once you're fit to leave, and your Pokemon are healed, I'm sure you'll be an asset to the investigation."

"Can you promise that I'll be able to see my Pokemon soon? And Cleffa—she's not officially mine, but she helped guide us out. What will happen to her?" Emmet questioned, his tone tinged with urgency.

"I can't make promises," the doctor said, meeting Emmet's eyes squarely. "But I assure you, everything that can be done for your Pokemon and Cleffa is being done. When Professor Oak arrives, I'm sure he'll provide more answers."

"Thank you, Doctor," Emmet replied, finally letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "I just want to make sure they're alright."

"You're welcome. Your concern for your Pokemon speaks volumes, Emmet. Rest now; you'll need your strength," the doctor advised, exiting the room, leaving Emmet to ponder the whirlwind of revelations he had just received.

Emmet lay in bed, his mind racing. The only way to keep track of the future events was by tracing Ash's steps. While he didn't particularly care for his peer's journey, Ash's progress served as a benchmark. His actions usually set off chain events, which, if aligned correctly, could give Emmet a sense of time and place in the grand scheme of tragedies to come.

"Not that it helped me in the last weeks" He thought to himself. Did the tragedy of Mt. Moon just not happen in the TV Show or it did happen but was not mentioned? Was his life an alternate reality or he did exist in the TV show but was so irrelevant that he was never mentioned?

Glancing at the date written on a note left by the doctor, Emmet calculated how far Ash might have gotten. He was likely past the Boulder Badge and probably even Mt. Moon. Emmet felt a pang of concern. The chaos at Mt. Moon could have repercussions, altering what he thought he knew about the future.

Just then, the door clicked open, and a nurse stepped in, eyes tired but sporting a warm smile. She approached his bed to switch out his IV bag. "How are you feeling?" she inquired, expertly unhooking the old bag and hanging a new one.

"I'm doing alright, thanks," Emmet replied, observing her motions with the IV. Taking a chance, he added, "Has anything unusual happened lately? Besides the Mt. Moon incident, I mean."

The nurse paused for a moment, flicking the new IV bag to ensure it was flowing properly. "Well, there were rumors about some criminals trying to steal Pokemon in Cerulean City. Their plans were foiled, though. Sorry, I was in the middle of my shift and couldn't catch all the details."

Emmet's mind clicked into gear. If Ash had reached Cerulean and had a part in foiling Team Rocket again, he might not be too far behind. If he could recover and leave the hospital soon, he could sprint for the Cascade Badge and possibly even meet up with A.J. and his Sandshrew. A.J. had zero formal training yet accomplished incredible feats with his Pokemon. Emmet was intrigued by the possibilities.

A.J. had developed a Sandshrew resistant to water, its natural weakness, without any formal education in Pokemon training. This was the kind of raw, untapped potential Emmet knew he could harness and elevate using his Efficiency Mastery methods. Just the thought set his pulse racing. Imagine if Firefly developed a modicum of resistance to water? Or Sylveon became immune to Poison?

Emmet broke away from his thoughts to thank the nurse. "I appreciate the update. Do you know when I'll be able to see my Pokemon?"

The nurse's smile widened. "They should be finishing their final check-up soon. Professor Oak is here too; he's currently inspecting your Pokemon and should be visiting you shortly afterward."

"Fantastic news, thank you," Emmet beamed, feeling a surge of hope. The nurse wished him a speedy recovery and left the room.

Eager to plan his next steps, Emmet reached for the notepad on his nightstand, but was interrupted as the door swung open. Professor Oak strode in, Cleffa cradled in his arms, and Sylveon and Firefly trailing behind him.

Before a greeting could be exchanged, Professor Oak locked eyes with Emmet and gestured pointedly at Sylveon, who seemed to find the whole scenario amusing and wore a smug expression. "Explain".

Hey guys, don't forget to share some power stones ;)

Have a great day and sorry for the delay, had some personal issues and completely forgot that I hadn't scheduled this chapter's release.

Basso2142creators' thoughts