
Pokemon Delta Welcome to the Kiran region

In the Kiran region a strange phenomenon known as delta evolution has been occuring to certain species of pokemon causing them to transform in to one of 3 battle transformations in order to understand this strange phenomenon Professor Evergreen has requested to aid of his grandson Ark Evergreen from the shinnoh region to start his adventure in Kiran and study this strange new evolution

ender181 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

encountering a nightmare welcome to the dream realm pt.1

as the field starts to widen and my eyes start to adjust to the strange land before me the first thing i have to know is where am I and how did I get here. Hello is anyone there where am I, Please I just need some info on how to return home, as I start to think the last thing I remember is setting down for the night at the pokemon center and going to bed but there was something else but as I try to think clearly on what it was my mind gets hazy and it's hurts to think to hard about it,was there someone there or something I didn't see not having the time to ponder these things long I quickly start to make a note of my surroundings but for the most part that's easy there's only a field for as long as I can see as I look at everything trying to find a way a path in the fields opens up and not having the time to avoid most likely a trap I ready myself and follow it,I check my belt and to my surprise I have pokeballs attached to it I pick one up but the immediate problem is this isn't mine the color on these is a mixture of two pinks and purple what is this.

"Kalitta" Thats a dream ball and you are new here aren't you this is the dream realm we're you must have been captured by the black nightmare he's been pretty keen on new targets but it's fine you'll stay here long enough to understand the working of this place after all you'll never understand everything on the first day".

What do you mean the first day and dream balls these aren't mine where am i,where are my partners and why is everything distorted.

"Kalitta" well the awnser is you were brought here by darkrai for what reason I don't know he's looking for someone for what reason is also unknown the only thing I do know is we can catch and battle pokemon here and any damage here is real those dream balls you have are a almost garenteed catch to any pokemon here accept darkrai you'll need a team and maybe if you can defeat darkrai you'll be able to leave however for now we must go to the Forrest of the imbetween there we shall find pokemon but be careful you only have 6 Dream balls don't miss"

I don't have much of a choice do I, so with no knowledge of anything else I follow the strange lady to the Forrest and the first thing abundant is the pokemon here are different then back home as I look around the first thing to appear is a gastly it jumps out at me and sticks its tongue and starts to follow me as it does its clear this gastly different by it gas color It's red as I touch it the flames felt are real, what are you?

"Kalitta" Thats a Kirian gastly its a ghost fire type there pranksters and i think this one likes you"

well busy is that true, it quickly nods and with that I use my first dream ball to catch it and it add to the dream team 1 down 5 to go as we travel we see what looks like the ghosts of dead pokemon as we contuine its clear were in an area of death and destruction as we pass over grave after grave I send out gastly and we start to train on the ghost pokemon who are around as we do its quite clear some of these pokemon are experienced well others aren't some hold themselves as If waiting for others others don't its as if these pokemon are,

"Kalitta" I can tell what your thinking these pokemon belonged to people and the ones you see taking a stance were owned longer then the wilder ones only good pokemon and people can get here to have good dreams those who cause choas end up in nightmare circle"

first off these were Trainor mons and second who are you third why were we selected whats important about us?

"Kalitta" were special cause we can connect to pokemon in a special way and I'm Kalitta of the Kiran elite 4 I came here willingly to stop the terror of darkrai but so far tracking him isn't working but with your help we might be able to do it I feel something is different about you so if you are able to find darkrai we well have our chance to beat him but first you need to train, go dusknoir"

As dusknoir appears there's something clearly different from the others I've seen, What is this your dusknoir isn't normal why is colors different?

"Kalitta" This is kirian dusknoir ghost steel type instead of evolving with the reapers cloth it evolves with the item the phantom shroud changes its look abilitys and type now start the battle or be be left behind boy"

Alright gastly I choose you, As the two stare at eachother its clear gastly is at a disadvantage even with type advantage in its favor. Gastly use wilowisp, without much effort the gastly dodges then uses phantom force to appear behind it

"Kalitta" Dusknoir finish this use metal burst"

as the attack connects gastly is swiftly defeated. Gastly return you didn't get to fight much but fought bravely anyway get some rest, If I can't land a move on you what makes you think we stand a chance against a mythical pokemon who's dimension we reside in at the moment especially with me only have a single pokemon to try to fight it?

"Kalitta" well that's why we need to train as well as fill your team get some rest you may be asleep in the real world but here you still need it rest up were heading to trevenants Valley when your ready there we go after the alpha of the land if we have its power added the battle will be easier bit were still need more that's just step one".