
Pokemon : Conqueror

One day I'm just chilling with the home bois and Brad, and the next I'm in the Viridian forest with a bunch of Pokémon staring at me like I'm a shiny. I swear to god Brad this is somehow your fault!

AceOfHearts18 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 8 : Calm before the Storm!

I wake up to a pitch black sky with the moon still shining bright, damn I woke up before sunrise. Well no rest for the wicked, gotta go over the plan one more time. Brock is going to use a Geodude and Onix if the anime is right, those pokemon should not pose even a small problem to Buizel if I play this right.

I get out of bed and take a quick shower, ain't got time for those long shower concerts today. When I get out of the shower I find Buizel already out of his Pokeball shadow boxing and weaving, he seems incredibly nervous which is hella unusual for him.

"Yo Buizel come over here." I said to which Buizel stopped training and walked over slowly.

"You nervous aye?" I asked with a smirk to which Buizel pouted, that pout was an answer enough for me.

"You are strong, don't forget that. We are going to win no matter what!" I said with as much conviction as I could, even if I'm nervous Buizel absolutely cannot know I'm nervous. Buizel smirks at me and extends his fist, which I meet with my own half way.

We both lock the door and start walking down, I see Nurse Joy up and about already. Seriously does this woman ever sleep?

"Sup Nurse Joy!" I greeted her with my signature smirk.

"Good morning to you as well Carlos." said Nurse Joy with a smile, I then informed her I was challenging the Pewter City Gym.

"Brock the gym leader is known to be very strong so don't underestimate him, good luck!" she said trying to help me out.

"Oh I ain't gonna underestimate but I am going to sweep his team!" I said with a grin which made Nurse Joy sigh.

"If I do sweep his team I want a reward from you." I said with a lecherous grin on my face, Nurse Joys face flushed immediately as she without doubt caught onto what I was saying. We have been flirting for damn near a week, and I've made it abundantly clear that I want to bang her into the stone age.

"...If you do sweep his team I'll consider it." she whispered as she looked away, score!!

"Now that's a promise, I'll have Flint record the match so I can show it to ya for proof too!" I said with a wide grin in my face, I was gonna get my first badge and lose this body's virginity all in the same day!

I left behind a steaming Nurse Joy and walked out of the Pokecenter, The sun had risen already as me and Buizel did a lot of last minute film study and analyzing in the room. We slowly started walking towards to rock store that Flint owns on the outskirts of Pewter, and sure enough there he was.

"Well if it isn't the kid with the Buizel, it seems you're still alive." said Flint in an annoying ass tone.

"Well if it isn't the rocks selling scam artist, surprised you ain't in jail yet." I shot back with a large grin, it's always funny to banter back and forth with someone.

"As much as this banter is hilarious, I came here for something else." I said which made Flint's eyebrow rise...I think?

"I'm taking out Brock today, and I want you to come and record the battle." I said and Flint looked shell-shocked.

"You were serious that day? I thought you were messing around." said Flint, did I look like I was messing around you decrypt old man?!

"I'm gonna sweep Brock with just Buizel so come and be amazed." I said as I walked away, in the distance I could hear Flint talking about some horn or something but I couldn't give much of a shit. I've got a gym badge to get.

I walked back into town, the Pewter City Gym was about 15 minutes away from the Pokecenter so it was a long walk back from the outskirts of the city. As I walked I could finally see the gym.

It looked really bland, it was made primarily of grey stone and had a brown arch going above the gym in a triangle shape. Its simplicity was by no means wrong though, if anything it made the gym more intimidating.

I make my way up to the massive doors and push through, for such large doors they aren't really that heavy to push. The inside of the gym was dark as shit, when god said let there be light this gym was deadass out of town.

"Who goes there?" boomed a deep and intimidating voice from the depths of the darkness he probably calls a gym. Then a spotlight appeared on the owner of this voice, Brock the gym leader of Pewter City.

It's only now that shit is really getting put into perspective, a character I grew up watching is right in front of me in the flesh. I got goosebumps from how surreal this is.

"My name is Carlos Davis and I'm here to kick your ass for that gym badge!" I said with a shit eating grin, god damn I've wanted to say that for so long!

"Just from hearing that I can tell this is your first gym battle." said Brock monotonously, it seems he was used to people talking a lot of shit in his gym. He is also probably used to destroying the people who talk all that shit, well this time its gonna be different.

"How long have you been a trainer?" asked Brock, oh I can already tell where this is going.

"A little over a week." I said with the same shit eating grin.

"Truly arrogant of you to challenge me when you are as green as an Oddish." he said with a frown on his face. "Very well this battle will be a 2 vs 2 with you being able to substitute your pokemon." he said but stopped at the end.

"You do have at least 2 pokemon yes?" he asked to which I scoffed.

"Yes I have 2 pokemon, not that I'm going to need them both." I said, damn even I think I'm packing on the arrogance here.

"Very well let us start our battle, I am curious to know what fuels and ego the size of a Snorlax." said Brock as he threw out a pokeball, seeing that I chucked Buizels ball as well.

Out came a massive fucking rock snake that made Buizel look like a god damn ant, holy shit Brock is starting with his Onix?

Sike! ok the battle didn't start this chapter but to make up for that the next two chapters are dedicated to the battle.

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