
Chapter 545 Fight Again! Electabuzz Vs Electivire!

Pokémon Rangers do not use Poké Balls!

But rangers can still find ways to get their own companions who will always be with them, just like Miss Clark's Plusle.

But now, Pikachu and Eevee have become such existences, but they do not occupy Xiao Zhi's six carrying quotas, which is really convenient for Xiao Zhi.

After all, with Pikachu and Eevee, he only has four remaining places to carry, which makes the Pokémon around him always in a full Contest Condition, requiring constant replacement of Pokémon.

Especially during the trip to Hoenn, Xiao Zhi conquered a lot of Pokémon. During the trip, he always needed to exchange them, review their training results, and adjust the training plan in time. If it weren't for Slowking, the strongest backing, Xiao Zhi would not dare to do this. Conquer Pokémon in a big way.

Otherwise, it would be easy to make the same mistake as Gary did before, conquering more than 200 animals at once, but training each one in exchange, but in the end, except for Blastoise, no one can take it!

But Xiao Zhi is different. He breeds every Pokémon very well. Although it is troublesome to exchange training during the trip, he does a good job!

Gary has become smarter now. After becoming a researcher, he did not give up all training as a trainer, but instead devoted more energy to Electivire!

Now Xiao Zhi is really curious about how powerful this Electivire is!

"The battle between Xiao Zhi's Electabuzz and Gary's Electivire will now begin!" Tracey announced the start of the battle as the referee.

"Say hello first, Thunderbolt!" Xiao Zhi's Electabuzz is very strong under Elekid's Contest Condition, and even uses thunderbolt to train himself, "raising the electric power he can use to the limit."

After being subdued by Xiao Zhi, it completed its first evolution at the perfect time, and then underwent hellish training under Zeraora and Raikou. Its current momentum is not simple!

Xiao Zhi gave the order, and it turned its arms crazily, violent electricity began to shine above its head, and Thunderbolt suddenly hit Electivire!

"Then let's say hello, Electivire, Thunderbolt.~!" Gary knew in his heart that Electivire's Ability is an electrical engine, and electrical skills are ineffective on it, but will increase its speed.

But since it was a greeting, Gary had no reason not to follow it up!

The two Thunderbolts are evenly matched, and this long-awaited battle between powerful enemies has begun!

"Show me your power!" Xiao Zhi's momentum increased, "Iron Tail!"

As long as Xiao Zhi's electric Pokémon has a tail, he will definitely let it learn the Iron Tail skill! Electabuzz's tiger tail suddenly lit up with a metallic luster, like an iron rod. Normal!

It splashed high and swung towards Electivire!

"We also use Iron Tail!"

Gary is also very talented in Trainer. Of course, he can also think of letting Electabuzz learn Iron Tail. He has already used it when dealing with the Rockets trio.

Moreover, Electivire has two tails that are like normal cables. The power of this Iron Tail cannot be underestimated!

It still let its two tails stand on the ground, then launched itself into the air, heading towards Electabuzz's iron club!

With one blow, the two sides were once again evenly matched and both retreated!

"Not bad!" Xiao Zhi was very satisfied with Electabuzz's training, "Focus Punch!"

This is the ultimate move among the Fighting skills. Many of Xiao Zhi's Pokémon can use it. However, this move can be easily interrupted, so you need to pay special attention to the timing when using it!

However, Electabuzz has a move that is hard to interrupt!

It started to rotate its arms crazily again, and then its momentum began to increase crazily. It rushed towards Electivire without worrying that this move would be interrupted!

Seeing this, Gary also knew that this move couldn't be forced, but it was difficult to interrupt, "Electivire, use Protect!"

Electivire set up a protective barrier as quickly as possible, and Electabuzz punched it, but the attack was blocked!

"Electivire, now, use the thunder palm!"

Electivire has seen this move before, and he has been trained very well in terms of momentum and power!

Focus Punch was blocked, and Electabuzz was right in front of Electivire. He had no ability to use his skills to block the punch, so he subconsciously raised his arms and withstood the punch!

Electabuzz was beaten and retreated violently, but Xiao Zhi never panicked at all, "Well done, the opponent's electric engine ability is not good for us. If you win this battle, I will let you evolve!"

Hearing this, Electabuzz, who has sufficient Covet for power, suddenly lit up, and his fighting spirit suddenly burned to the limit!

"Ho! Roar!"

It shook its arms crazily and declared war on Electivire. It also wanted to evolve to the powerful posture in front of it!

"Then use Iron Tail again!"

Electabuzz, burning with fighting spirit, moves faster and faster. In order to evolve, it has to use all its strength. It bends down and assumes the appearance of a real tiger. This is the result of Raikou's training!

This amazing posture allows it to use its strong arms to accelerate together. With all four limbs exerted at the same time, it rushes towards Electivire!

Only Iron Tail, a skill that uses the tail, can allow it to move in this way!

"...~so fast!"

Gary was shocked, but he reacted instantly, "Use Protect!"

There was no time to use other skills. Gary's only way was to use Protect. Although using this skill continuously will reduce the success rate, Gary still succeeded this time!

The iron mallet hit the green Barrier hard!

And this is the moment!

"Brick Break!"

"Now, use the Thunder Palm!"

The difference in trainer level is reflected at this moment. Just Xiao Zhi's extremely simple instructions can help Pokémon better grasp the moment of attack!

The Brick Break skill was activated first and struck Electivire hard on the head!

"Electivire! Back off quickly!" Gary exclaimed, he never lacked that courage!

If he could grit his teeth and issue an attack order at the moment of being beaten, Electivire would definitely attack Electabuzz with all his strength.

This is often the turning point in a crisis!

And Gary chose to become a researcher instead because he deeply realized his shortcomings (Wang Zhao) and found a better way out!

Xiao Zhi and Electabuzz's attacks did not stop. In order to win and complete the evolution, Electabuzz will not let go of this precious attack opportunity!

"Iron Tail!"

It turned around suddenly, and the iron mallet hit Electivire hard on the waist, sending it flying away!

After being attacked repeatedly, Electivire finally lost its ability to fight!


Electabuzz roared to the sky, it defeated its evolved form, and it can finally evolve!

"This is yours!" Xiao Zhi kept his word and said he replaced it with a power booster and threw it away!

Gary now believed that Xiao Zhi really had an Electirizer.

And how could that Electivire be so tall? It was actually 2.2 meters tall, much taller than his Electivire, and its aura was truly astonishing.

It seems that this is what "Warcraft" should look like!

One hungry one