
Chapter 544 Type: Null! Target: Arceus!

As soon as he heard Xiao Zhi say that he didn't care about Electirizer, Gary immediately flailed.

"Take it, I'll let Electabuzz evolve later. Now go and let your Electivire recover its strength!" Xiao Zhi was looking forward to having his Electabuzz compete with Gary's carefully crafted Breeder's Electivire.

There is no need to worry about recovering Pokémon. Now in the Laboratory, Professor Oak has recruited three Nurse Joys and brought a variety of state-of-the-art recovery equipment!

Under the leadership of Professor Oak, Xiao Zhi and Gary came to a Battle Tent specially built by Professor Oak as Silvally's treatment base!

Three Nurse Joy, who have extensive experience in Pokémon treatment, gathered around Silvally with three Blissey and Xiao Zhi's Chansey!

Various instruments are connected to Silvally. It seems that the rejection of the AR system is quite difficult even if the three of them, Nurse Joy, work together.

Not only that, many of Xiao Zhi's Psychic Pokémon such as Gardevoir, Slowking, Deoxys, Shuidu Brothers and Sisters are also surrounding, using their powerful Psychic to hold Silvally in place, preventing him from struggling due to the pain of rejection in his body. Keep Nurse Joy safe.

"Is this 14 Silvally?" Gary was stunned. He had never thought that such a Pokémon could exist. Could this be the Pokémon that Xiao Zhi captured back from the Alola Region?

Xiao Zhi came to Gardevoir and Latias, "Let go, everything will be fine as long as I'm here, you can rest!"

Hearing this, the Psychic Pokémon stopped. Sure enough, although Silvally was twitching in pain, she never looked like she was Struggle. She just stared at Xiao Zhi with her bright red eyes.

The eyes were full of asking for help. It believed that Xiao Zhi could help it, and then it was willing to be subdued.

Although it can indeed feel that the rejection of the thing in its body has weakened a lot, it is still fatal to it. Even with these cutting-edge instruments and the Soft Boiled skills of Blissey and Chansey, it is still fatal to it. Still not enough!

"Xiao Zhi, let me explain it to you!" A Nurse Joy came to Xiao Zhi.

"This Pokémon has a severe rejection reaction in its body, as if a large number of soldiers are constantly being produced and attacking its city! Now, we can only suppress the production of these soldiers, but we cannot let these soldiers protect its city in turn. City!" Nurse Joy gave an easy-to-understand explanation!

In fact, this AR system should be integrated with Silvally and become its Ability, so that it can truly exert the power of the legendary Pokémon!

Therefore, just like the blood-red demon god Gyarados, human technology still has limitations for Pokémon. Everything still needs Xiao Zhi, the future Pokémon master, to figure it out!

He thanked the Nurse Joys profusely, came to squat down next to Silvally, "Don't be afraid, if human technology can't cure you, I will find the power of the legendary Pokémon!"

"I will take you to find the Clear Spring. If even the Clear Spring cannot cure you, I will take you to Sinnoh to find Arceus. With its creation legend, there must be a way to cure you!

Xiao Zhi became furious. He stood up and took Silvally back into the Heal Ball again. It would definitely make it more comfortable in there!

Under Professor Oak's approving eyes, he started to order again!

With Lao Zhi away, of course Xiao Zhi can only rely on Dragonite, and only it can send Xiao Zhi to Qingqing Cliff in the Johto Region in a short time!

In order to protect Qingqing Cliff, Xiao Zhi and Dragonite's actions must be hidden to avoid attracting the attention of interested people. Let Qingqing Spring appear in front of the world so that it can be preserved. Xiao Zhi took Gengar with him!

However, the clear spring that is effective against the blood-red demon god Gyarados still cannot complete the integration of the AR system, but at least in the clear spring, Silvally no longer suffers!

Silvally, whose body was finally no longer in pain, looked at Xiao Zhi in the water, and the bond between it and Xiao Zhi increased significantly.

Looking at Silvally, Xiao Zhi squatted on the shore, "Silverlly, since the clear spring can't cure you, I plan to take you to find the legendary god Arceus, but before that!" 1

"I have two plans to protect you from being excluded. One is the Heal Ball. I will carry the Heal Ball all the way until I find Arceus!"

However, Silvally shook his head. Although the Heal Ball was very comfortable, he couldn't bear to stay in it all the time.

"Then this is it!" Chansey held the mask over easily.

"You should have seen this thing. It will prevent the AR system from starting and alleviate its rejection reaction, but it will also prevent you from moving freely! But just like my Macho Brace, I will make it work for you. Training plays a positive role. When you are healed and the mask is lifted, all your strength will burst out!"

By then, it will definitely become Xiao Zhi's most powerful Trump Card, and with the storage disk produced by the system, it will be invincible!

Hearing this, Silvally stared at the mask for a long time and finally made up his mind. Wolf nodded!

"Then come on! Silvally, when you completely conquer the AR system, you will create a new legend!" Xiao Zhi personally put on the heavy mask for Silvally!

From this moment on, it becomes Attribute:empty!

But Xiao Zhi's name for it will not change, it is still "Silbilly"!

Back in Pallet Town, Xiao Zhi summoned Attribute: Kong and told Professor Oak a series of decisions.

Hearing that Xiao Zhi actually wanted to take Attribute: Kong to find Arceus, Professor Oak also secretly admired him. He was the legendary God of Creation, how could he be so easy to see!

But since the child has made his decision, he must support it!

"Then Xiao Zhi, let me prepare the reward Alliance gives you!" Professor Oak encouraged and patted Xiao Zhi's shoulder, "Bring me Pikachu and Eevee's Poké Ball!"

Xiao Zhi took out two Poké Balls from his backpack as he was told. They were partner Pokémon. Xiao Zhi would never put them back into Poké Balls. Pikachu himself didn't like to go into Poké Balls either!

These two are the partners that Xiao Zhi received from Professor Oak, and now, Alliance's reward seems to be related to them!

Then I saw Professor Oak taking out a new Pokémon Pokédex, "All the Pokémon information of the Sinnoh Region has been entered! Now let's set it up!"

After connecting the new Pokédex to the two Poké Balls, and making the certification, Professor Oak smiled and handed all three items to Xiao Zhi, "The reward from Alliance this time is the partner system from ranger Alliance. From today on For starters, you can keep them with you all the time, plus you can carry six additional Pokémon!"

"How is it? This is an unprecedented privilege! Do you like this reward very much?"

I like it! How could I not like it!

If the positions of Pikachu and Eevee can be freed up, it means that he can carry another full team of six.

In addition, G S Ball's Celebi and Master Ball's Rayquaza do not occupy the carrying quota, Xiao Zhi can carry up to 10 Pokémon with him!

As his level increases, he does have stronger abilities to train more Pokémon.

This reward couldn't have come at a better time!

Explain why you arranged to conquer Silvally at this time and come back.

In addition, Alola Exeggutor will be arranged in the next volume! Stay tuned!