
Chapter 447 Time Travel! The Bond And Trust Between The Two

Just when May and A Guosao were chatting happily, a girl about the same age as May ran over holding an umbrella, "Grandma, why are you here again!"

Sister-in-law Aguo smiled and said, "Sister Amy, this is May, we just met!"

The two Stephanies got along very easily. After getting to know each other, Amy quickly persuaded Sister-in-law Aguo, "Grandma, go home quickly, otherwise you will catch a cold!"

Hearing this, Sister-in-law Aguo looked at the rain curtain and sighed, "Looks like we won't be here today!"

It could be felt that Mrs. A Guo's body was full of regret but nostalgia. She stood up and said, "It rained heavily like this that day too! I wonder how good it would be if it snowed!"

A Guosao left, but left behind a photo from many years ago. There is a man and a woman on it, the man is handsome and the girl is beautiful.

When May asked, Amy sat down with her and explained, "This is Grandma A Guo. The man next to her is my grandfather, and his name is A Yong!"

It turns out that the person A Guosao is waiting for is this A Yong!

When Ayong was young, he was engaged in raising Pokémon eggs in Fuchsia City, with Aguo's sister-in-law helping him.

But one day, Ayong suddenly said that he wanted to leave here and go to the city, hoping to learn regular medical care for the hatched Pokémon eggs.

This should be a good thing, but A Guo did not agree to accompany him to the city.

A Yong had no choice but to embark on his way to the city to study, but what came back was the news that he had died in an accident!

At that time, Mrs. Aguo was already pregnant with Ayong's child, but she didn't even have time to tell him. This kind of regret should have tortured her all her life, making her unable to let it go even when she was old. She had to come to this abandoned station every day and wait hard!

"Jenny! Jenny!" Squirtle seemed to like that Mrs. Aguo very much. Seeing May's sad look, Squirtle couldn't help but comfort her.

After hearing such a sad story, May wanted to do something to help her, so after returning to the Pokémon Center, she found Xiao Zhi and explained the situation!

Xiao Zhi was wiping the rain off Elekid's body. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "May, just do whatever you want. You are now an excellent Pokémon Trainer and can take charge of your own business!"

She no longer needs Xiao Zhi's thigh to carve out her own world!

Therefore, she nodded decisively.

Her Pokémon egg had begun to glow, and it seemed that it was about to hatch. She quickly handed it over to Nurse Joy, only to find that Squirtle was missing again!

She quickly took Xiao Zhi and went out to look for it. She ran straight to the abandoned station and saw Squirtle waving to them!

As soon as Xiao Zhi entered the station, he heard a crisp buzzing sound in his ears!

The G S Ball around his neck actually reacted at this moment! The Celebi didn't come out when he rescued it before, but now it suddenly woke up!

After these many awakenings, plus the absorption of comet energy, as well as the waveguide power of Xiao Zhi and Yalang, little Celebi has now grown to normal size. Judging from the growth rate of fantasy Pokémon, this is extremely unnatural. of.

When May came to Xiao Zhi with Squirtle in her arms, Celebi opened the channel of time and space again!

Xiao Zhi was much calmer about time travel, but May next to her looked stunned, looking at the shining white ball of light in front of her in disbelief!

"Let's go, follow closely!"

Xiao Zhi smiled calmly, and Pikachu and Eevee on his shoulders also cheered. They had also experienced time travel.

As soon as the words fell, the scene in front of the two of them was shrouded in white light! When they opened their eyes again, they heard the roar of the train in their ears!

Celebi went back to the G S Ball to rest, and it would have to send the two of them back later!

At this moment, the two of them were standing on the railway track, and the train was slowly entering the station. May was so frightened that her face turned pale!

Xiao Zhi quickly activated Confusion and pulled May onto the platform. Only then did the two of them realize that the dilapidated station that should have been abandoned was now brand new!

"It seems we have traveled to the past!" This time travel happened suddenly, so Xiao Zhi's first thing was naturally to determine the time!

At this time, May noticed a man! A man she had seen in photos before!

She quickly pulled Xiao Zhi's clothes and said, "Xiao Zhi, that person is Mr. A Yong!"

Sure enough, when he walked into the platform, the staff greeted him and said, "You still want to go. What about your wife, A Guo?"

A Yong regretted, "She said she didn't want to leave here, and there's nothing she can do about it!"

Originally, he just went out to study. After completing his studies and learning better skills, he would come back. Naturally, he would come back here often to visit Aguo during his studies!

This was his plan, but he didn't know that leaving would mean goodbye forever, and A Guo was still pregnant with his child!

"So, Celebi heard the story of A Guosao and A Yong, and hopes to help them?" Xiao Zhi couldn't help but laugh, that little guy was quite enthusiastic!

"That must be the case!" May was pleasantly surprised, "Does that mean we can change history?"

"So we have to hold this Ayong away so that he can't get on the bus!" Xiao Zhi knew not to be hasty about changing history.

Suddenly, May looked at Soaring in the sky and thought, "Xiao Zhi, I have an idea!"

Before Xiao Zhi could make a move, it was May who took the lead this time. She thought of what Sister-in-law A Guo said before. If it had snowed instead of heavy rain, they might be able to catch up!

What she has to do now is to turn the upcoming heavy rain into heavy snow!

Now that Xiao Zhi is by her side, she can act regardless of the consequences, even leaving no escape route for herself. Xiao Zhi is her escape route. No matter what happens, Xiao Zhi can protect her from any harm!

She was so brave [she even tied several Air Baloons in the square to her body!

These Air Baloons were all buoyant, so she just held Squirtle and flew towards the Sky. She didn't think about how to land or what kind of danger she would encounter if anything unexpected happened in the Sky!

She believes that Xiao Zhi has the ability to protect her own safety in any situation!

This is the bond between May and Xiao Zhi, a trust that is beyond all trust with their lives!

Xiao Zhi had already guessed what she was going to do. Next to him stood Qi Luan, with blue Lucas shining in his eyes!

May had not considered how strong the wind was in the sky. She could only rely on the Air Baloon to help her get into the air, but she could not control the direction at all. It was Xiao Zhi and Qi Lulian who worked together to send out Confusion to help her control it as much as possible. On!

Until their confusion reached its limit, May had risen to a sufficient height, "~ Squirtle, please, I believe you can do it! Use freezing rays on the rain clouds in the sky!"

Squirtle likes Mrs. Aguo very much, and it can feel May's (king's) consciousness even more. It desperately uses all its freezing light to continuously lower the temperature in Sky!

This is still a child!

But he held on to the freezing light for several minutes, until Icirrus really started to fly in the sky, and May stopped it!

The road was blocked by heavy snow and the train was delayed. Sister-in-law A Guo finally arrived in time and told A Yong that she was pregnant with his child!

May returned to the Ground safely and finally smiled when she looked at the two people hugging each other!

Celebi jumped out again, nodded to May, and opened the space-time channel again!

Back in the era of Xiao Zhi, the two discovered that the station was not abandoned, and more high-performance trains were entering the station. They really changed history!

Fuchsia City has become more prosperous. When the two returned to the Pokémon Center, they met the old Ayong couple. They had spent their entire lives in Fuchsia City as the caregivers of Pokémon eggs!

It was under their care that Xiaoyao's little Eevee An was born!