
Chapter 413 Battle Of Rock Mountain! Vigoroth's Punch

Xiao Zhi successfully conquered Articuno!

As usual, Xiao Zhi certainly wanted to take it with him, so he thought about finding the Pokémon Center next time and exchanging Togekiss back. Whether it was Dragonair taking it for speed training or Bi Diao taking it for Flying training, it would be better. Be efficient when following him!

Togekiss can learn a very wide range of attacks and transformations, as well as various flying and wind-based skills. In Professor Oak's backyard, it will have a huge skill library!

This was Xiao Zhi's first battle in Battle Frontier, and it was also a unique victory battle. It was really a good fight!

"Then Xiao Zhi, let's go and challenge Stadium next!" Mr. Yaxida believes that it is still necessary to guide Xiao Zhi and his party so that they can have a better travel and challenge experience!

Xiaosheng quickly took out the multi-function navigator, "The battle stadium is near Golden City!"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi smiled. He remembered that a lot of things happened in Saffron City. He leaned over to check the map, pointed to a point on the seaside and said with a smile, "We need to go around this place!"

Seeing the location Xiao Zhi was pointing at, Xiao Gang's eyes also lit up, "It turns out that's where it is. That's right. If we go there now, 200 might just be in time for that season again!"

Xiao Zhi nodded, "Although I don't have any hope of seeing it, let's go and see that scene again! It will also open the eyes of May Xiaosheng and the others!"

What you say is really like a qualified senior!

Saffron City is a huge city connected in all directions in the Kanto Region, located between Cerulean City, Rainbow City, Vermilion City and Lavender Town!

This is the largest and busiest city in the entire Kanto Region!

It is not only the central business circle of Kanto Region, but also has the largest infrastructure in the Region, including the Magnet Train station connecting Kanto Region and Johto Region.

During my previous trip to the Kanto Region, I started from Cerulean City, first went to Vermilion City to challenge the Raichu, and then set off from Vermilion City to Saffron City!

On the way from Cerulean to Vermilion City, Xiao Zhi conquered Kanto's Yusanjia, and then conquered Krabby, which was his seventh Pokémon.

But later on, his efficiency in conquering Pokémon was not so high. After all, the level was too low and Breeder couldn't come through at all.

This time, Xiao Zhi and his team are going directly to Saffron City, which means they will take a road that has never been traveled before (beba), which is exciting!

No, after leaving the remote Battle Factory, Xiao Zhi and his party came to a rocky mountain!

"The decision is yours, Vigoroth!" Xiao Zhi summoned Vigoroth again, and now he is focusing on training this Vigoroth.

"In this case, I will also train Squirtle!" May is very sensible now. Whenever Xiao Zhi starts training, she will definitely follow. Squirtle is her first Pokémon in the Kanto Region. It is timid and loves to cry, so she needs to spend a lot of time. Be less careful.

"Squirtle, use bubbles!" This is the skill that May is currently focusing on training Squirtle to use. "She was deeply impressed by the performance Xiaoqian asked Masquerain to perform with bubbles.

Now that Squirtle is very proficient in using the bubble, he can start practicing his performance. Who would have thought that the bubble floated out and landed on the surrounding stones, and the stones actually moved!

"Xiao Zhi!" May suddenly exclaimed, only to find that she and Squirtle were surrounded by a group of Geodude!

"It's Geodude!" Xiaogang rushed over. He was too familiar with Geodude. He had a Geodude before, and the compatibility and bonding value were very high, but since the trip to the Hoenn Region, he had left it at the gym. , and only brought out one Fritos.

"They are very angry, drive them away!" Xiao Zhi didn't say much, glanced at Vigoroth, and it ran out directly!

"Continuous Brick Break!"

Vigoroth's hands lit up with the light of Fighting, and he rushed to May and Squirtle and came out like a tiger among the sheep. His sharp claws were danced like a tiger, and he knocked all the Geodude away in a few or two strokes!

However, the blue light on Xiao Zhi's body gradually dimmed, "Hurry up and hit the little one, the big one is coming!"

The speed of the group was still not enough. After taking a few steps, they were surrounded by a group of Golems and Gravelers!

Vigoroth roared repeatedly, but Xiao Zhi didn't dare to let it go into battle. It couldn't hold up to four hands with two fists. It was not a Fighting-type Pokémon after all!

"May, Squirtle and Combusken!" Xiao Zhi planned to take Macy with him so that she could help him share some of the burden and gain experience!

The water-type Squirtle and the fighting-type Combusken both have the ability to restrain the Golem clan in front of them. May followed the instructions and quickly threw the Poké Ball, but Xiao Zhi did not ask Articuno for reinforcements, and sent Pikachu, which was even more bullying.

"Eevee, come on!"

Little Eevee cheered and jumped off the top of Xiao Zhi's head, as if the shadow of a water Pokémon appeared on her body!

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi smiled slightly and said, "Bouncy Bubble! You'd better use Brick Break!"

Vigoroth took the order and rushed out. He slapped the Golem that rolled out hard and smashed it into the rocks!

However, more Graveler and Golem attacked and surrounded him, only to see Eevee spit out a huge water ball, which exploded at Vigoroth's feet!

At one time, several Golems and Gravelers were hit by an extremely effective blow, and Eevee's body was also glowing with blue light. That was because Bouncy Bubble's skill not only caused damage, but also restored Eevee's physical strength!

"Eevee is so powerful! Squirtle, we can't lose, use bubbles! Combusken, use Double Kick!"

At this moment, there was a sudden violent vibration on the ground. Xiao Zhi quickly pulled May back, "It seems that the BOSS is finally here!"

What appeared in front of everyone was an Onix, which was even larger than Xiaogang's. The momentum was amazing. It seemed that this was the ruler of this rock mountain [the king of these gods' treasures!

"Just defeat it, Vigoroth!" Xiao Zhi decisively sent Vigoroth to challenge!

Seeing Xiao Zhi and his group bullying his own people, Onix was very angry and hit him with an Iron Tail!

"Avoid, prepare Focus Punch!"

With a wave of Xiao Zhi's hand, Vigoroth's Macho Brace was retracted and the restraints were released. Its speed immediately increased significantly, and it easily avoided Iron Tail's attack!

Then its claws shone with white light [The aura of the Heavy Qi Fist continued to gather strength!

This move is easily interrupted, but once it hits, it is extremely powerful!

Vigoroth was so nimble that he avoided Onix's attacks one after another, then got closer and punched Onix on the head!

Outstanding effect!

With just one move, Onix was knocked to the rock wall and lost his ability to fight!

The compatibility between this Onix and Xiao Zhi is too low, and it would not be willing to follow Xiao Zhi, so it gave up.

Can you guess where you're going next?