
Chapter 412 Fierce Battle! Sky Attack Crystal Lamp

The collision between Aura Sphere and freezing light was the beginning of this battle of conquest!

Togekiss's level is not as good as Articuno's, and its attributes are even more restrained, but it has secret skills that are enough to defeat the enemy!

"Xiao Zhi, I have to say that your Togekiss is really amazing, but I will not be defeated by you so easily!" Dara's fighting spirit continues to burn, Articuno cannot let you subdue him so casually!

"I will definitely win this battle!" Xiao Zhi and Togekiss smiled in unison. Although they were at a disadvantage, they were confident that they would be able to win!

"It's not that simple. The victory will really begin now!" Darla decided to start an air battle. "Articuno, rise rapidly!"

Articuno flaps its wings and flies high, extremely fast!

But when it comes to the Flying ability, Togekiss will never admit defeat. Xiao Zhi smiled and said, "Then go up and have fun!"

Togekiss shouted, and the figure suddenly disappeared. With Extrreme Speed, it was much faster than Articuno!

"Articuno, use Mist!" Seeing Togekiss disappear again, Darla already had a way to deal with it, Articuno Spit Up and covered himself with a ball of Mist!

Togekiss was unaware and rushed straight into Mist!

This Mist skill itself can protect yourself from being reduced by the opponent, but now it is a cover skill that is blocked by sight!

"Aura Sphere!"

Xiao Zhi didn't panic at all, and he definitely didn't panic at all. He didn't even use the power of the waveguide to detect, and decisively issued the order!

Aura Sphere can Lock On the opponent's waveguide, and it is a sure-hit skill, so there is no need to aim at such a thing!

Articuno was about to attack, but was hit hard on the head by Aura Sphere, and immediately fell from the Mist!

"Articuno!" Dara exclaimed. He never expected that Xiao Zhi could deal with such a situation so easily!

Yaxida, who was watching the battle, nodded naturally, "Xiao Zhi's strength is really unfathomable!"

"Big Brother said that as a Trainer, you must not panic during the battle, because we are the last support of Pokémon!" Xiao Sheng repeated Xiao Zhi's words, indicating that he really took these words to heart.

With one move, Xiao Zhi's chance to kill finally arrived!

He waved his hand fiercely, "Ancient Power〃"!"

This is a Rock-type skill. Articuno is an Ice-type and Flying-type skill. The Hidden Stone Skill is its biggest weakness!

The khaki Energy Ball was condensed by Togekiss and headed towards Articuno, whose head was a little dazed!

"Articuno, avoid it!" Looking at the light balls filled with Rock energy, Dara immediately exclaimed. If this move hits, the damage to Articuno will be huge!

Finally, Articuno opened his eyes, looked at the energy light ball getting closer and closer, and flapped his wings violently!

This is a Flying skill, Hurricane!

The explosion occurred at this moment, Articuno's Hurricane defeated Togekiss's Ancient Power, and finally escaped!

But now the advantage is still on Xiao Zhi's side, "Air Slash!"

The Air Slash and Togekiss skills of this series are activated much faster, and an astonishing number of cyclones are like Horacio showers. Normal covers Articuno, and now Articuno is being suppressed and hit!

Darla gritted his teeth and said, "Articuno, use Hail!"

He actually changed the weather here. Under Hail weather, the hit rate of Blizzard's skill will reach 100%!

The cold temperatures also affect Togekiss' speed!

"Ancient Power!" However, Xiao Zhi didn't seem to care at all, but at the moment when Articuno changed the weather, he took the opportunity to launch an attack with extraordinary effect on it!


There is no doubt that Articuno was sent flying. Even the legendary Pokémon will definitely be affected by such continuous blows!

But under Hail weather, Togekiss will continue to take damage, so Xiao Zhi must fight quickly!

"Articuno, come out Blizzard!"

Dara gritted his teeth and of course used this ice skill that was sure to hit in Hail weather!

"Aura Sphere!"

Under this hail weather, Blizzard's power has also been improved, and it actually suppressed Aura Sphere and pushed it onto Togekiss!

With just one move, Togekiss was hit hard!

"Oops, Togekiss is too limited in Hail weather!" Xiao Gang couldn't help but worry about Xiao Zhi. He was originally fighting against Attribute, and his level was not high enough. The test of Togekiss was too great!

If it weren't for the Aura Sphere buffer, I'm afraid it would be in danger of being instantly killed!

"It's okay, Xiao Zhi, he will definitely win!" The two siblings, May and Xiao Sheng, were already hugging each other and shaking.

Togekiss's situation is completely under Xiao Zhi's control, "Air Slash!"

After the order was given, Togekiss opened his eyes and flapped his strong wings suddenly. In the Hail weather, the Air Slash was also covered with a layer of frost!

"Xiao Zhi is indeed very strong!" Dara murmured, but refused to admit defeat at all, "Articuno, use Blizzard again!"

This time, it's evenly matched!

Both Flying systems were knocked upside down by Hurricane. This battle was really fierce!

Yaxida is extremely excited. Inviting Xiao Zhi to challenge Battle Frontier is really the right choice! The most important thing is that the trust and bond between him and Pokémon are the most admirable!

".~Sky Attack!"

In this hail weather, Togekiss began to shine with white light. This Sky Attack skill is the ultimate move of the Flying series. It is amazingly powerful but takes time. Stockpile!

Darla and Articuno also understood that the battle had reached the final decisive moment, "Articuno, Blizzard!"

It's still Blizzard, the sure-hit Blizzard!

Togekiss's battle is becoming more and more fierce. It is no longer the little guy who needs the care and love of Xiao Zhi and Misty. It has grown up and has strong fighting power!

It wants to fight for Xiao Zhi who loves it!

Togekiss was surrounded by dazzling light. Facing Blizzard who was trying to restrain it, Togekiss didn't retreat at all and actually rushed straight in!

Blizzard mercilessly froze it, forming a giant ice crystal!

But the light of Sky Attack still shines in it, like a huge crystal lamp. This scene is really Contest!

May couldn't help but be fascinated, Xiao Zhi was indeed a Top Coordinator, and the battles he could create at his fingertips were so charming!

"How can it be!"

This ice crystal further strengthened the impact of Sky Attack. Togekiss endured the ice damage that restrained himself and hit Articuno hard!

The ice crystal shattered, and Togekiss leapt out of the ice crystal!

At this moment Hail dissipates and the sun shines down. How dazzling it is flying in the air!

Articuno has lost its ability to fight. Both it and Dara are convinced of Xiao Zhi's strength!

"Thank you, Articuno!" Dara helped Articuno up.

Articuno nodded to him, but jumped in front of Xiao Zhi step by step. Dara followed up, "Xiao Zhi, I have seen your power. "You are really powerful!"

"This is the symbol of pioneering that you can get by winning the Battle Frontier. This is the symbol of knowledge! Take it!"

The pioneering symbols of Battle Frontier are all golden Badges, but the patterns on them are different.

"Thank you, Mr. Darla!" Taking the Marsh Badge, Xiao Zhi looked at Articuno and raised the Ultra Ball, "Please give me your advice, Articuno!"