
Chapter 206 The God Of War Arrives And The Naughty Child Evolves

"Why is it like this? Dad's lazy guy actually lost the fight."But Xiao Sheng suddenly changed his depressed look and looked at Xiao Zhi with admiration,"You are indeed my big brother, he is so awesome!"

Looking at Xiao Sheng's appearance, Xiao Yao said with a smile,"Xiao Sheng, Who do you support?"

"Of course I support both sides. I won't be surprised who wins this game!"Xiao Sheng actually said this

"Xiaozhi, your Pokémon is very well cultivated! Qianli looked at the little elephant who was already panting,"Then let's go for my second Pokémon, Hyperactive Ape!""

This hyperactive ape is the evolved form of the Lazy Man!

The evolution of Pokémon is so wonderful. The Lazy Man was a lazy little guy, but after evolving, he became in a state of excitement all day long and couldn't stop at all. The hyperkinetic ape that came down.

But after the hyperkinetic ape evolved, it turned into a king who took a break from fighting.

But such a team of three Pokémon brought a sense of discomfort to the challenger in terms of the rhythm of the battle. The test of Qianli Chenghua Gym!

"Come back, little elephant!"Xiao Zhi took the little elephant back. It didn't have the physical strength to continue fighting,"The decision is yours, Ballang!"

Balang, the fighting boy carefully cultivated by Xiaozhi, appears on the stage. After being trained by the Fiery Monkey, his potential is constantly transforming into real power! As a fighting type, he restrains the hyperactive ape in front of him.

It's just that he hasn't seen him these days, Xiaozhi But I found that Ballang's state was not right, he felt a little absent-minded and preoccupied.

"Balram, finish the battle first!"Hearing Xiaozhi's call, Balang's eyes suddenly became firm.

"So let's begin!" Qianli saw Xiaozhi and Balang adjust their status, and then launched the attack,"Hyperkinetic ape, use split!"

The claws of the hyperkinetic ape are very sharp. You can know the power of this skill just by looking at it. However, Xiaozhi and Ballan both showed disdainful smiles.

"Shadow clone!"

Ballang's figure transformed into more than ten figures, surrounding the hyperkinetic ape!

But Qianli obviously already had rich experience in dealing with it,"Hyperkinetic ape, use random grabbing!"

The speed of the hyperkinetic ape is very amazing. With one swing of its claws, it defeated three Balram's clones. Then the figure flashed and with its claws wildly waving, Balram's clones were constantly being reduced!

"What a speed!"

Xiao Zhi didn't seem to notice that Ballang was about to be hit by the attack, and he still had time to express his admiration!

He saw the last three gathered together in the blink of an eye, and when he saw the claws of the hyperkinetic ape hitting his head and face, Ballang jumped up, He jumped over three meters high!

"Megaton kick!"

This is a skill that Ballang has honed over time under the training of the Firestorm Monkey. It fell from the sky and hit the Hyperactive Monkey with the force of its fall!

"Hyperkinetic ape, spraying flames!"

Looking at Ballang who jumped into the air again, Qianli decisively launched a special attack, and he still sprayed flames!

"Flying knee!"

It is impossible to avoid the attack of jet flames in the air. Balram gritted his teeth and flashed on his knees.���With the light of the fighting system, he decisively rushed towards the hyperactive ape against the flames!

This scene really shocked Xiaoyao, and she even couldn't help but tremble,"How could this happen? I have a very strange feeling watching Xiaozhi and his father fight!"

Xiaosheng was already excited,"That's amazing, sister. , did you see it? That Ballang didn't hesitate at all when facing the flames of the ape, and rushed over according to Brother Xiaozhi's order!"

Ballang gritted its teeth, and Xiaozhi's words were always ringing in its mind. To put it bluntly, the fighting system was born for fighting, and all it has to do is keep fighting!


It roared against the flames, and finally got closer to the hyperactive ape, kicking it away!

"The hyperkinetic ape loses its ability to fight, and Balram wins!"

The hyperkinetic ape was hit by the fighting-type ultimate move, and naturally lost its fighting ability. At this time, Ballang was also seriously injured. But dragging its thin body, it came to Xiaozhi step by step, and then single-handedly Kneel down


Xiao Zhi felt that it seemed to have something on its mind, so he and Qianli paused the battle and squatted in front of it,"Isn't it that King Dude wants to talk to you?"

The Bulbasaur that didn't want to evolve before suddenly turned into Bulbasaur after Slow King was teleported back.

Slow King and Xiaozhi have the same mind, although Xiao Zhi has decided to respect Balram's ideas, Spend more time training Ballang to become a talent. Now Firestorm Monkey is specifically responsible for this. Ballang's growth also makes Xiaozhi very satisfied.

But King Slow still had a conversation with Ballang as a senior. In fact, it He often communicated with Xiaozhi's Pokémon and matched them with different training targets.

Xiaozhi didn't know how King Slow went to talk, but obviously some words touched Ballang's heart!

Ballang was silent and just knelt down to Xiaozhi. In front of him, after a moment, it raised its head and looked into Xiaozhi's eyes. Suddenly, its eyes flashed, as if it had realized something.

Then, it began to emit light, and its size continued to increase, becoming stronger!

"Evolved?"Xiao Sheng's eyes shone. This was the first time he saw the glory of evolution! For those who like Pokémon, this is the most touching moment no matter how many times!

Xiao Zhi's eyes shone. He could understand Barr. Lang's awakening, it gave up its persistence of not wanting to evolve, and wanted to get stronger power for Xiaozhi!

It didn't mean that it lost its confidence and determination to become stronger in this attitude, but that it wanted to get stronger in this attitude of evolution. Its potential! Everything is for Xiaozhi!

But its evolution makes Xiaozhi a little worried. Ballang has three evolved types, Aibilang who is good at boxing, Shavarang who is good at kicking, and Ke who is good at spiral kicks. Boro.

With its current skill set, it is obvious that Shavalan, which is good at kicking, is more suitable. It would be a big loss if it evolved into Abiro.

Fortunately, the light of evolution collapsed, revealing its evolved form!

The height reaches a full 1.8 meters, which is taller than Xiaozhi.

In terms of appearance, the Pokémon in front of him is very similar to the God of War in Xiaozhi's impression. It has no head, eyes with eyes, and the eyes are very deep, but It has no mouth. Each of its hands and feet have a part of the shape of a spring, which can be freely expanded and contracted.

This is exactly Shavarang! The shockingly strong Shavarang shows how effective Xiaozhi's previous training with Balrang was!

"It's so handsome. I didn't expect that Xiaozhi's little Pokémon would be so powerful after evolving!"Xiao Sheng was shocked. This simply exceeded his impression of Shavarang!

Xiaozhi looked at the evolved Shavarang,"Thank you, Shavarang!"

Chavalan: 240/250
