
Chapter 1050 Frillish! Arrive In Aindo Oak!

"Xiao Zhi, it seems to really like you!" Iris looked at Frillish's appearance in the water and couldn't help but smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, Frillish splashed out of the water again and wrapped Xiao Zhi tightly. But this time, Cilan and Iris were no longer anxious to help him.

Xiao Zhi also shook his head with a wry smile and took out a Poké Ball, "Then please give me some advice, Frillish!"

Name: Frillish(9)

Attribute:Water, Ghost

Ability: Curse body (when attacked, Rival's moves sometimes become Disable Contest Condition)

Bond value:160/190

Carrying: Everstone (after carrying it, it will not evolve during this period)

Skills: Night Shade, Water Pulse, Shadow Ball, Hydro Pump, Scald

After subduing the Frillish, Xiao Zhi inquired and found that the girl was carrying an Everstone for some reason, but she was not found on it.

"Did you swallow it?" Xiao Zhi took Frillish's hands. Even if he was a Ghost type, he couldn't take out the Everstone after eating it!

Frillish looked at Xiao Zhi like this and was so happy that he wanted to get involved with him again.

Letting it wrap around him, Xiao Zhi shook his head and took it back. Since it can't evolve, it will be much more difficult to improve the compatibility and bonding value, so this also means that the child's bonding will evolve. It is very difficult to complete.

But now that it has been conquered, Xiao Zhi is also willing to take responsibility for it!

And aside from the problem of not being able to evolve, this Frillish is huge and has a very high level. As a Pokémon in the deep sea, it can also master a very terrifying water-type ultimate move!

Water Spout, Trainers prefer to call this move "tsunami"!

Like the Eruption skill, this is a skill that the more energy you have, the more powerful it will be. Of course, if you don't have enough energy, the power will be reduced! In addition, this powerful water-based ultimate move has no side effects!

Those who can understand and use this move include the Wailord clan and Kyogre, both of which are huge water-type Pokémon. If this big Frillish girl learns this move, its combat power will definitely be very terrifying!

Therefore, Xiao Zhi decided to take it with him and go to Ain Duo Oak!

At Professor Aurea Juniper Laboratory, Team Plasma comes to stir up trouble and talk about the legend of Unova's two giant dragons. Therefore, Professor Aurea Juniper suggested that they stop by Ain Duoak. In this city, there is that legend!

Leaving the small town, the group re-planned their route, and the distance was actually not far away!

After passing through the forest in front, we came to a small town in the mountains, which is Ain Duok. As Professor Aurea Juniper introduced, it was developed around the castle known as the "Sword of the Earth". city ​​of!

Looking up from the forest, you can see the huge castle, as if a giant sword is inserted into the mountain peak, it is extremely spectacular!

Climbing up the mountain, Xiao Zhi saw two Deerlings from a distance!

They are standing on the edge of the cliff. In front of them is a blue and orange tree with many fruits. They don't know how this fruit tree grew here, but the situation in front of them is very dangerous for them!

Beside them is the cliff!

And what supports their feet is a mountain wall less than the width of a palm!

Not to mention, there was a little cutie greeting them just behind the blue-orange fruit tree, but unexpectedly it startled them!

Deerling suddenly lost his footing and was about to fall!

The companions around him hurriedly bit off its little tail, but were taken down without thinking, which frightened the little guy behind the tree. Under them, there was a steep cliff!

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi rushed out from a distance of more than a hundred meters without hesitation!

"Xiao Zhi!"

Iris is also very skilled, but she can't keep up with Xiao Zhi's speed. However, she saw that he didn't even pull a vine and jumped directly towards the cliff!

The casting distance of Confusion was not that far, but Xiao Zhi's mobility allowed him to jump out of the cliff without any hesitation, and cast Confusion in mid-air to hold the two Deerlings in his arms!

"It's up to you, Frillish!"

Xiao Zhi threw the Poké Ball, and the huge Frillish appeared next to him. It grabbed Xiao Zhi's feet and threw him to the cave entrance on the other side.

After the crisis was over, Xiao Zhi smiled slightly, not feeling nervous at all!

He put the two Deerlings down and gently comforted them, "It's okay, I'll give you these two sweet peaches!"

Seeing this, the little guy behind the blue orange fruit tree was relieved, but he was deeply impressed by Xiao Zhi!

"Xiao Zhi, how are you going to come back from over there!" Iris called to Xiao Zhi from the other side, and now the two sides are separated by a cliff!

"Come back, Frillish!"

Xiao Zhi rewarded Frillish with a sweet peach before taking it back, looking at the cave in front of him and saying, "There is a way out here, let's meet in town!"


With that said, he took the two Deerlings and walked into the cave!

He knew very well that the location he was at at the moment was under the castle of the "Sword of the Earth". This mountain peak was extremely steep, and the town of Ain Duo Oak was built along the mountains below this mountain peak!

The roads in the cave are complicated. Xiao Zhi took two Deerlings to explore them, and they could also see some Cave Pokémon such as Woobat!

He was not worried about getting lost, but just when he was about to use the power of the waveguide to explore, some pictures suddenly appeared in his mind. It was the path in the cave, and it also carried a cute Growl of some kind of Pokémon!

It seemed that a certain child was secretly helping him, so Xiao Zhi naturally accepted the favor!

Slowly, the cave turned into steps. Xiao Zhi and the two Deerlings looked at each other, which meant that they had walked out of the cave and should have arrived under the "Earth Sword" castle!

Keep going up the steps, push open an old stone door, and come to a place that looks like a utility room!

"Okay, we're out! We can't go to dangerous places again!" Xiao Zhi gave the two Deerlings a slap on the head and then looked at the stone door that was still open.

"Thank you for your help, little one!"

With that said, he took out the Poffin Case from his backpack. Although he said goodbye to the stage, he still often makes some Poffin and takes it with him!

Pikachu and Eevee often add some to their food, and now he has tamed a female Frillish, who is also loved by him!

If Unova also has a Contest competition, it will definitely become the main force!

"This is a thank you gift!" He raised a Poffin, only to see the Poffin float up out of thin air and then be eaten in small bites!

At this time, the ball on Xiao Zhi's neck lit up with a purple-red light, and the magic pill Marshadow appeared next to Xiao Zhi and floated in front of him.

"You kid, take out the delicious food and come out!" Xiao Zhi smiled and gave it a piece of Poffin, but under the power of the waveguide, the invisible kid had disappeared!

He left a few Poffins at the stone door and led the Deerlings out of the door!