
Chapter 1049 The Frillish Girl Caught!

"Cilan caught one right away. He really deserves to be a fishing bartender! Even though he said a lot of words that I couldn't understand!"

Bianca held the Fishing Rod and was very envious when she saw Cilan who had already harvested something. However, Cilan was willing to patiently teach her, a novice about fishing, which made her very grateful!

Iris on the other side really refused to admit defeat, but she had never used a Fishing Rod before, and after her patience finally ran out, she made a decision!

"I can't lose to him!" Iris actually took off her shoes and socks and rolled up her trouser legs, "I can't do such a troublesome thing anymore! Axew, let's conquer one in the usual way!"

She actually jumped into the river by herself. The teenage girl reached out and picked up a one-meter-long warrior bass from the river!

"Caught!" Iris really grew up in the deep mountains and was able to challenge Drilbur alone. "It's just a water-type Pokémon [even without a Fishing Rod."

She hugged the Warrior Bass tightly and refused to let go, "Axew, are you ready?"


As soon as Axew responded, Iris threw the Warrior Bass to the shore with a fierce force. Axew quickly went up to hold it down, creating a short 113 opportunity for Iris, and threw her Thunderball!

Without using the Fishing Rod, Iris actually caught a Warrior Bass!

Gradually, other participating Trainers also caught water-type Pokémon, most of which were blue-line warrior bass, followed by Alomomola and other fish Pokémon. It can be seen that there are large groups of blue-line warrior bass living in this river, and they are not small in size. !

Finally, Xiao Zhi's fishing rod also started to move!

"Xiao Zhi, hurry up!"

Without Cilan's skills, Xiao Zhi directly lifted the Fishing Rod, but a pink Frillish was lifted directly into the air by Xiao Zhi's power!

The Frillish on the previous trip was male, so it was blue, while the one in front of me was pink, with longer eyelashes. It looked very cute now, with an Attract smile.

But after evolving, he became Jellicent, and his smiling mouth turned into a heart shape!

It opened its mouth and spat out the bait, and pounced directly on Xiao Zhi. It suddenly circled behind him and wrapped Xiao Zhi tightly with its gauze Normal tentacles!

This is Frillish's hunting method. The gauze-like tentacles will entangle the swimming prey and push it into the deep sea. There are also many Poison Barbs on it that are invisible to the naked eye, which can paralyze the enemy and make it drown!

Pikachu and Eevee hurriedly jumped off his shoulders, and the staff of the brave that he had been holding in his hand was released and fell to the ground. Riolu suddenly appeared from it, wanting to launch an attack and rescue Xiao Zhi!

"Xiao Zhi!"

Iris and Cilan finally reacted, and were about to run up to help Xiao Zhi, but were stopped by Xiao Zhi, "You two, move away, otherwise Frillish will trap you too! Riolu, stop too, ordinary Pokémon are no longer possible now." Cause harm to me!"

Xiao Zhi let Frillish wrap around him tightly, getting tighter and tighter, but there was no pain at all. His body had strengthened to the point where it was now, and as he said, Frillish could not bring him any harm!

Cilan, Iris and the Pokémon stopped, and Trainer also paid attention!

But I saw Frillish hugging Xiao Zhi from behind, his small mouth that was originally smiling was filled with a smile of joy, and his cute big eyes were narrowed, looking very happy!

"Hey, you're a bit big!" Being entangled by Frillish, Xiao Zhi still had time to observe its size!

The girl is now entangled with him from behind, her round head is on top of his head, the tentacles of her hands are wrapped around his neck and shoulders, and the tentacles of her feet are dragged down to his knees!

You know, Xiao Zhi's physique has grown to this point, and he has grown up after several years of traveling. His current height is almost the same as that of the tall champion girl Cynthia!

Then you can probably guess how big this Frillish is!

According to Pokédex statistics, Frillish's body length should be about 1.2 meters, which shows that Frillish is very special.

Xiao Zhi (bgeb) can feel its power, that is, he, a normal person would have been strangled to death by it!

"Okay, I know you are happy!" Xiao Zhi reached out and patted the tentacles around his neck, and took out the thunder ball. Come in first!"

In this way, Xiao Zhi will also gain something!

In the previous Seaking Competition, it was just a comparison of body size, but this time the water-type Pokémon that everyone caught was different, so the best way to decide the winner is Pokémon battle!

Due to limited time, not many Trainers successfully caught water-type Pokémon. After several consecutive battles, the finals fell into the hands of Xiao Zhi and Cilan!

Cilan's blue line warrior bass was very ferocious and had good fighting awareness, almost putting Pansage into a tough fight!

"So, the finals of the fishing competition, Frillish vs. Warrior Bass, please begin!" Host announced the start of the game [Xiao Zhi and Wei fired electric balls at the same time!

"In a water-based battle, I will only use water-based skills!" Xiao Zhi smiled slightly. He was very confident in water-based skills. This was the first time he fought in a water field after coming to Unova.

"Water Pulse!"

Frillish was suspended in mid-air, holding a water balloon in both hands, and threw it into the water field!

Suddenly, a huge wave was set up in the venue, hitting the Warrior Bass, but Cilan was calm and let it dive into the Underwater, trying his best to avoid this attack!

But Water Pulse's attack is not just as simple as setting off huge waves. The oscillating undercurrent of Underwater is the most terrifying. "Cilan, your fighting style is very calm. Do you have the skills to bring out the flavor of Warrior Bass?"

If only Cilan could show his courage just now and let the Warrior Bass rush out of the water to meet the wave, and then attack Frillish with Bite, he might have gained some upper hand in this battle!

But now, Xiao Zhi's terrifying will to fight has locked on!

Cilan quickly reflected, "Warrior Bass, use Aqua Tail!"

As expected, the Warrior Bass jumped out of the water, with Normal's sharp tail fin entangled in the water flow. The already ferocious fish showed a strong momentum!

But Xiao Zhi just smiled, Hydro Pump!"

Frillish levitated in the air and swayed slightly, easily avoiding the attack. A Hydro Pump blasted the Warrior Bass into the water again!

When Trip directed Frillish and Lampent, he couldn't bring out Ghost's characteristics at all, but Xiao Zhi was able to do it!

The Frillish floating in the air moves like a ghost. Under Xiao Zhi's command, it is not easy to hit it!

"The Warrior Bass loses its ability to fight, and Frillish wins! Therefore, the winner of this fishing competition is Xiao Zhi from Pallet Town!"

After winning the game, receiving the trophy and Super Rod, Xiao Zhi and the Trainers released the water Pokémon and explained Thunderball!

But just as he was about to continue on the road, he saw the huge Frillish girl following him!