
Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

A man from an Earth gets the choice to start over in any Universe and chooses an Alternate Pokemon Universe. Let us see if his journey to the top is succesful and the impact he will have on his new world. Pokemon is owned by Nintendo, Game Freak and Creatures Inc. I just use their sandbox for the plot of my MC and my OCs. This will be a "slow" paced story, in fact it's "super slow paced", so please don't expect the MC to directly start his journey in 20 chapters or so, actually multiply that by like 15. A lot is going to happen before that happens. The first 10-20 chapters or so are information heavy, depending on what kind of reader you are. I try to keep my chapter length between 2000 and 3000 words per chapter. My release rate is 4 chapter/week for now. I have a patre*n for those that want to support me with access to some advance chapters as a thank you. patre*n.com/Azrail93 This is an alternate pokemon universe so there will be differences to the games, manga and anime. So if something in the story is different it is most likely on purpose. The original sources are seen as suggestions not laws. Differences can be: Type variants, evolution conditions, strength mechanics, world building and more. If I am at some point asking for reader input I will do so but otherwise I will ignore most suggestions. So please don't spam things like catch this pokemon or do that next. I have my plot planned and external input will be considered when asked for. If I see a suggestion that I believe fit my plot flow I will use it and will credit the commentor. Comments on spelling and grammar mistakes are welcome. I will try to correct said mistakes with time. Constructive criticism will be read and considered. Insult and hate comments will be ignored or deleted depending on severity. Readers naturally can comment their dislike but one worders will be ignored. If the reason for the dislike is explained I will read it. Like previously mentioned pure insults and hate comments will be ignored or deleted. The same is true for simple hate reviews or insulting ones. Reviews complaining about something I warned about, such as the slow pace, will be deleted as well.

Azrail93 · Anime & Comics
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865 Chs

CH11, Psionics and Aura (2)

Mikail woke up at what he assumed was morning.

The first thing he did was to test if he managed to keep his diapers clean, which he did.

Feeling satisfied with himself for this monumental achievement, he checked if he had an urge to relieve himself or if he needed something to eat.

He didn't at least for now.

With those things out of the way, he thought back on yesterday and the things he learned as well as the meeting with some of his parents Pokemon.

Stopping himself from fanboying, he decided to start with his training in aura and psionic energy.

'Seeing real Pokemon yesterday was great, but I need to focus and start my training now.

Let's see since I decided to train two paths simultaneously, I will have to plan how I am going to divide my free time between them.

Because sensing aura or psionic energy is the first step in an aura user or psychics path, I will try to split my time equally between them until I manage to sense one of them.

I will focus on that path until I reach the top-grade apprentice tier in it.

Afterward, I will bring the other path to the same grade.

While trying to break through to Tier 1 I will split my time between both paths once more.

How to proceed further can be determined when I reach that point.

Since it is easier to sense internal energy, be that psionic or aura, this is what is generally done first.

I shall do the same.

Let's start with aura.

Aura is a type of life energy that exists in all living beings.

It naturally runs through our bodies but since the aura scape is in the heart area, the concentration there is normally higher.

Now comes the staple of the fantasy genre, meditation.

I have to meditate, focus on myself, and try to feel my aura.

Once I manage to reliably sense my aura every time, I can start trying to sense the aura outside my body.

There is not only aura in the bodies of others but the atmosphere as well.

The aura in the atmosphere comes from the aura/life energy of all living beings.

When the current maximum the body can hold is reached aura does not stop being produced so the surplus is released outside.'

Mikail changes his lying body into an even more, relaxing position.

'Now that I am in a relaxing position I can start meditating.

I am going to try using guiding sentences like they do in hypnosis.

Hopefully, it will help.

Try to feel the aura.

It is there, running through my body.

I just need to feel it.

A stream of life energy flowing through me.'

Mikail repeated those sentences as if he was reciting a sutra.

He fell into a semi-trance and about 2 hours pass.

An hour into his mediation session, Arya entered the room to check on Mikail because he would normally be awake by now.

Seeing nothing wrong, she left leaving him to wake up on his own.

'I think I feel something.

Just a bit more.

I have to try harder.'


Mikail's face turned red.

He placed his hands on his face as if he was trying to hide his embarrassment.

'That was not what I thought I felt.

Anyway, I am going to act as if that never happened.

I did not expect to immediately succeed anyway.

I can't meditate constantly without appearing suspicious and I don't think I can cut my sleep to meditate instead, at least for now.

My body needs that huge amount of sleep.

I think I will try to sense aura and psionic energy, each, for about 2 hours daily.

If I transfer the duration it takes others to sense something for the first time, taken from my requested knowledge to my situation then it should take me about 4-5 days to catch my first glimpse of energy.

How long I take afterward to make that constant depends on the time invested.

That's something I will see then.

For now, I have to focus on managing the first step.'

Feeling the need for waste disposal and hunger, Mikail decides to call his mother.

"Mommy, Mommy.

I go toilet.

I hungry.


Arya hearing Mikail call out to her through the baby phone went to his room.

"Good morning my boy.

I hope you slept well."

Hearing his mother's greeting Mikail replied to her.


Un sleep good.

Mommy, I toilet.

I Hungry."

His mother hearing him decides to change his diapers thinking he needed a change.

Mikail interrupted her.

"No me dry.

Go toilet."

Arya being pleasantly surprised by her baby brought him to the bathroom.

She had bought a child seat for the toilet since she planned to start his potty training next month.

That he kept himself clean and asked to be brought to the toilet was unexpected but nice.

After taking off and checking his diapers, just to make sure, she set him on the toilet seat.

Once Mikail was finished she cleaned him up and put a new diaper on him.

No matter how nice it was that he managed to keep clean and ask for a bathroom trip today, she had to be sure that he always managed to keep clean before they stopped using diapers.

'How humiliating this is.

At least it's just until I can do it on my own soon.

The maturing boost can't come fast enough.'

"Thanks, mommy.

I hungry."

Arya after washing their hands and his face brought Mikail to the table and asked him which flavor he wanted to eat just like yesterday.

Mikail decided to try a different taste today.

"Want Banana."

Arya, who already had her breakfast brought her son his banana, and oran berry porridge, as well as some moomoo milk.

After eating he was brought to his play area and his mother went back to do her house chores.

'Now that I have an hour or two mostly to myself, I can use the time and toys to prepare my body for training in the future.

When my mother glances over to check up on me, it will look as if I was playing around which is exactly what I want it to look like.'

Mikail could be seen moving his arms and legs around.

He seemed to sometimes lean forward or backward.

He would occasionally turn his body left or right.

Now, and then he would try to tap his feet or spread his legs.

He did all this while making sure not to challenge his body's limits.

The plan was to get his body used to these movements to increase his flexibility.

He used his toys to inconspicuously train his dexterity and aim.

He would occasionally lie on his back and just relax, I mean recover.

Mikail was using this time to prepare his body for the future when he can train his body without negatively affecting it.

He was, definitely, not simply playing around.

No, he was not just playing with that ball.

This was a practice method that prepared him for pokeballs.

Anyway, Mikail kept doing those things for about the next two hours, after which his mother joined him.

They played together for another 30 minutes before Arya gave him his food and milk again.

This time he wanted apple flavor again.

After his meal, his mother checked his diapers despite his insistence that they were clean and dry.

Once that was done she brought him to his room for his nap.

Mikail decides that he would enjoy, I mean to take advantage of, the nap now, and pretend to be sleepy an hour or two after dinner.

He planned to use the time for a meditation session for his psionic energy-sensing.

Once his session was over he would go to sleep and switch the meditation sessions around on the next day.

Psionic sensing in the morning and aura sensing in the evening.

He would keep switching them until he succeeded in one.

"Sweet dreams, my baby boy."

Arya said to Mikail before leaving his room.

2-3 hours later, his father came home from work, and Mikail was roused from his nap.

After asking to be brought to the bathroom and finishing his business, Mikail was brought to the table and they had their dinner.

His parents talked during dinner and he focused on the shredded Tauros meat and his berry slices.

His moomoo milk was peach-flavored this time.

After dinner, he played with his parents for a little less than two hours before he acted tired.

Unfortunately, there were no Pokemon involved but he still had fun.

Being able to spend time with loving family members was great as well.

Edward helped him through his new bathroom routine after he asked and brought him to his room.

His parents made sure everything was as it should be before wishing him sweet dreams and leaving the room.

"Night mommy daddy."

Was Mikail's reply to his parents.

After he found a relaxing position Mikail began his meditation session, this time trying to sense psionic energy.

He focused more on the head area this time around because that was where the mindscape was located.

'Try to feel the psionic energy.

It is there, running through my body.

I just need to feel it.

A stream of psionic energy starting from my head and flowing through me.'

About 90 minutes later he finished his meditation session.

As he had expected, he once again did not succeed.

Since he was done with his task, he went to sleep for real.

For the next two days, nothing new happened.

He woke up, meditated on his energy, called his mother, did his business, and ate breakfast.

Then he would train/play in his corner, first alone and then a bit with his mother.

Afterward, he came to his nap until his father returned from work and they would eat dinner.

Once dinner was finished, they spend a few hours together before he would act sleepy and his parents brought him to his room.

He would do another meditation session on the other energy type and then go to sleep.

But the third day, which was the fifth day since he awoke, was different.

'Another morning, another meditation session.

Let's do this.

I am the source of my aura.

Aura is my life, aura is my sword.

Meditated countless times, yet I have not sensed anything.

Limitless aura works.'

Mikail had to smile at his joke but composed himself fairly quickly.

'Ok, enough playing around.

Try to feel the aura.

It is there, running through my body.

I just need to feel it.

A stream of life energy flowing through me.'

After about 2 hours he ended the session.

'Today is Kyoday, which makes this the first weekend of my new life.

Father doesn't have to work today, so he is home for the whole day.

I wonder if I could get my parents to go outside with me?

We could go to a park or a playground.

On a side note, there are 7 days a week on Terra too, that much I knew from the universe binder.

But I should have expected the days to have different names, which they do by the way.

The first day of the week is called Arcday, after Arceus.

The second day of the week is called Mewday, after Mew.

The third day of the week is called Giratiday, after Giratina.

The fourth day of the week is called Palkiday, after Palkia.

The fifth day of the week is called Dialday, after Dialga.

The sixth day of the week is called Kyoday, after Kyogre.

The seventh day of the week is called Grouday, after Groudon.

I, as someone that has used another set of names to call the days, find this set a little funny.

I am sure I will get used to it but for now, it seems odd to me.

Back, to my plan.

I am going to ask them after breakfast.

My best hope is to use my ultimate combo again.

It made it possible for me to see my parents Pokemon, and hopefully, it will persuade my parents to bring me to the park.

If I am lucky my parents will take their Pokemon with them and I can interact with them or I get to see new Pokemon at the park or playground.'

Mikail smiled as he called out his parents to begin his day.

***A Big Thank You to lachlan Howells for becoming a Patron***

Thank you for reading.

***A Big Thank You to lachlan Howells for becoming a Patron***

Those that want access to advance chapters can find them on my patre*on.

I started a poll on my patre*on, where you can vote on 1 of 3 Pokemon.

This choice influences his father's job, the experiments and the first member of his Pokemon Roster.

Sketches and pictures of my MC, OC's, Pokemon variants, and maps will be uploaded sometimes as an extra for patrons.


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