
POKEMON: Adventure of Eternity

Noah Scarlett was a successful man in life but he was shortlived. Falling into a conspiracy and cheated by the law itself, he understood that there is no justice and fairness in the world. But he was given a second chance and that too in the world of an anime he was fond of in childhood. Follow our protag as he learns that reality is different from beautified children's stories. Watch as lives in comfort among the chaos. *********Disclaimer********* I don't own pokemon and some characters. But I have a ton of originals for both *****************************

Lord_Eternity · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Man in child clothing

Noah woke up to find that he was in an open field and there were strange animals and birds running here and there. The air smelled strangely fresh and his body felt small. He should have died so why was he here? why was he alive.

He was shocked to find that his body grew small just his shirt was enough to make a gown for him. He stood up and collected his smartphone, wallet, and keys. His smartphone's screen was broken but maybe other parts were ok or so he wished. His watch already was like a relic of past. Even his Wallet was not spared. It looked like it was hundreds of years old.

As he was accessing his situation, he noticed5 cat-sized bees flying towards him with a buzzing sound. Without thinking for a second, he started running for his life while carrying his belongings.

He finally came to a place without any animals after fending off the bees. He was shocked to find that his body was quite strong and he was still not out of breath while running at top speed for more than 20 minutes. He looked around and contemplated what he would do from now on. He was at an unknown place, in a shota body without any belongings and even without proper clothes. There were strange animals here and large-sized bees here. Wait a minute!

'Are they not like beedrills and I even saw a pidgeys. Well, I am starting to think funny due to stress'

He mocked himself for being childish, how can pokemon be in real life. But what he did not know that his guess was correct. This was the pokemon world but somewhat different from one shown in anime.

As he aimlessly wondered, he soon felt hungry. His body was fine but mental strain was too much. But he suddenly saw an old man with grey hairs in white lab coat running towards him well not towards him but running away from a flock of birds. Watching this Noah cursed his luck today as he was prepared to run, he saw a huge red lion-like dog with stripes suddenly appeared and scene shocked Noah out of wits when the strange creature blew flames from his mouth towards those birds and scared them away.

It was a huge blow to Noah's brain as reality came crashing hard that these were indeed pokemon this creature that spouted fire was in fact an Arcanine.

As he contemplated this now shocking news, he saw the old man coming towards him. Well, not so old as his skin was without wrinkles like someone at 30's only his hair was grey.

Oak"Child how do you got here? Where are your parents?"

Noah thought about various scenarios and formulated a plan" I don't know. I suddenly appeared here. I don't have parents"

Oak" Oh what's your name? Well I am professor Samuel Oak and this place is a part of natural park that's under my supervision for research"

Noah"My name is Noah Scarlet and I don't remember much. I don't know my head hurts a bit"

Oak"Hmm seems like you have amnesia. Let's see come to my place. Let get you some food and clothes"

"Ok!!" Noah answered innocently like a child following behind oak to his lab. But inside he was shocked beyond words.

'Isn't he the legendary professor Oak from pokemon. Is it the exact same world from the show??'

Noah reached the futuristic-looking research facility and was quite impressed

'This place is much advanced than earth in technology. Maybe I will have fun here'

As they reached the facility Oak called a young man in spectacles "Rob take this child to shower and get him some clothes"

Rob"Yes professor"

Noah followed Rob, he introduced himself and they reached a residence where he got himself cleaned and some clothes. He also ate a burger which looked quite good. Maximum facilities were automated even his burger was made by machines. Doors, fridge, bathroom all were automated.

'Looks like life is quite convenient in this world' Noah thought to himself.

Rob"Oh seems like you are comfortable here Noah"

Noah"Yeah the burger was quite good"

Rob"Well you get used that taste soon. By the way, Professor asked you to come for some health checkup"

Noah was startled at first as many things could go wrong but then he thought

' Well, its good this way. I can be sure that there are no problems with my body'

Noah followed Rob to a lab where a middle-aged woman took some samples for testing. He waited for results. What he didn't knew that the test will shock many scientists here.

No one knew that this was a prologue to a legend among legends!!

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