
Pokemon: A new world of adventures

A guy from our world ended up dying disastrously and ends up being used as a postman across the universes and ends up going to some Pokémon world. Now we follow your adventures in this world. This should be fun. (there is a gender-bender, this does not affect the MC at all; I will try to make an intelligent MC; there is no system; there will probably be no romance; this is the first time I write, so if possible leave comments and opinions so I can improve)

MatheusMaruj0 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Prologue: A Bombastic Ending

My life is quite routine. I wake up every day at 7 a.m. to the sound of my alarm clock, that *BEEP BEEP* that forces me to get out of bed for another day. I get up, do my morning hygiene, and get ready for work. I usually choose a casual but neat outfit, since my job allows for some flexibility in this aspect.

After getting ready, I prepare a simple breakfast – usually black coffee and a simple ham and cheese sandwich. While I have my coffee, I check if there are any new chapters of books and fanfics on my phone. At 8 a.m., I leave home to catch the subway. The journey is always the same: a 20-minute walk to the station, followed by a 15-minute ride to the laboratory.

I work as a biologist at an animal research institution. I spend most of the day in the laboratory, analyzing samples, conducting experiments, documenting results, and occasionally interacting with the animals. Additionally, I attend meetings with other researchers to discuss advancements and hypotheses. Although the routine is somewhat intense, I enjoy what I do. It's rewarding to study and work with animals, as well as to care for each of them when I can. Plus, the salary is good and the working conditions are great, allowing me to live comfortably.

During lunch, I usually go out with some colleagues to a nearby restaurant. It's a time when we can relax a bit, talk about life, and even laugh at some inside jokes. After lunch, I return to the laboratory until around 6 p.m.

When the workday ends, I head back home. The journey back is similar to the morning one, and I take this time to listen to interesting podcasts or read an online book of my liking – I've always been into science fiction. Arriving home, I change clothes and prepare to enjoy the rest of the day. Sometimes I go to the gym for a quick workout session, other times I just relax on the couch watching a series or playing video games.

On weekends, I like to meet up with friends, explore new restaurants in the city, play some games, things like that. It's my time to unwind and enjoy the good things in life.

Now, you must be wondering, "Why are you monologuing about your life?" The answer is simple: I'm watching my life pass before my eyes because when I left home this morning, the first thing I saw was a FREAKING METEOR coming towards me.


Thank you to whoever is reading this, as it is my first job :)

I hope I can count on you if I make a mistake.

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