
Pokemon: A New Legend

A Pokemon fan (me) is reincarnated into the world of Pokemon. He is reborn into the same timeline as Ash Ketchum. He, as an ardent fan was disheartened when he heard the news about Ash's retirement and laments it and the God helps him. Now with his new life he will journey through his favourite world as he makes friends, rivals, enemies and catch Pokemon as he lives his dream alongside his favourite character. This is the story of Shu Kurenai, the reincarnated trainer! ################## As it has been stated in the synopsis this is due to me hearing the news about Ash leaving the Pokemon world. I literally felt my heart ache when I heard the new and since I didn't have the chance to watch it as my dumbass was too busy I have decided to write this so I could have a semblance of piece as I wanted to enjoy this fantasy. The chapters will be based upon the episodes so I will write the chapters after watching the episodes again so this is also a way for me to watch Pokemon again. I hope all of you will like his(my) new journey in my favourite world of Pokemon with the greatest protagonist of them all!

Lust_Demon_Samael · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

17. A Talk With Family And Gym Battle

"Hey mom. I got my first badge." Shu said as he is currently at the Pokemon centre talking with his mother as he showed her his first badge.

"That's great sweetie! I knew you could do it." Shiori said with a bright smile on her face.

"Yeah. I also caught a Mankey and my Weedle evolved into a Beedrill and I think I will be getting a new Pokemon soon." Shu said with a smile.

"That's great. You're doing great Shu. And little Nidoran is also looking very healthy." Shiori said as she smiled at Nidoran who cried happily at seeing her.

"Ash is training to get stronger for his fight against Brock." Shu said to her with a smile.

"I see. I'm sure he will do fine. Also Shu, Daisy is at Vermilion City right now. Why don't you call her?" Shiori asked him with a smile.

"Really? Thanks for telling me that mom." Shu said with a smile.

"Anytime sweetie. Take care and sleep well. Also make sure that you take care of your Pokemon and your health as well. Tell Daisy that I said "Hi" to her." Shiori said with a smile.

"I will. Take care and goodnight." Shu said with a smile as he cut the call.

He then called the Pokemon centre of Vermilion City and soon Daisy was at the front of the phone as she looked at him with a smile.

"Shu! It's so nice to see you." Daisy, who is now 16, said with a smile.

"It's nice to see you too Daisy. Mom said that you were in Vermilion City. She also told me to say "Hi" to you." Shu said with a smile.

"I'm happy to hear that. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to come to see you guys become trainers." Daisy said in an apologetic tone.

"Don't worry about it Daisy. It wasn't your fault. By the way, how was Johto?" Shu asked her with a smile.

"It's a pretty great place for sure. Even though it has been 6 years since I became a trainer I still haven't fully explored and seen all the things here. I guess it was my own fault since I always spend a lot of time in one place." Daisy said with a sheepish smile on her face.

"But you did get to meet Lance and the elite fours of both regions didn't you?" Shu asked her with a smile.

"That was something that I am proud of actually. Not everyone can meet Lance out of all people, not to mention the rest of the elite fours." Daisy said with a proud look on her face.

"I can tell. Did you fight against any one of them?" Shu asked her curiously.

"Of course not. I'm strong, sure, but I'm not strong enough to fight against a trainer of the elite four level." Daisy said with a smile.

"I see. Well, I got my first badge." Shu said as he showed her his badge.

"Wow! That's great Shu. 7 more to go and you will be able to join the Indigo League." Daisy said with a smile on her face.

"Yeah. Ash is also training his Pikachu to get strength to defeat the gym leader Brock." Shu said with a smile.

"A Pikachu? Ah right. Aunty Shiori did say that he got a Pikachu. And you caught a blue boy Nidoran right? I was honestly surprised when I heard that." Daisy said with a smile.

"Yeah, I guess you would be. Say hello Nidoran." Shu said as he showed Nidoran to Daisy.

"Aww! He's so cute!" Daisy gushed as she looked at the Pokemon.

"Right. He is my first Pokemon and also the one who helped me in my fight against Brock. I have also caught a Mankey and Beedrill as well." Shu said with a smile.

"That's good to hear. Make sure to train your Pokemon regularly and when you do catch more than six Pokemon then make sure to not neglect the training they are supposed to get." Daisy said to him a bit seriously.

"I know Daisy. Thanks for telling me that." Shu said with a smile.

"It's nothing. Also, how is Ash doing? Since you two are travelling together. Did he get the badge as well?" Daisy asked him expectantly.

"Uh no, he is training his Pokemon for that." Shu said with a smile.

"I see. Well, I know that he will win! Make sure to look after him Shu." Daisy said with a smile.

"Sure. But are you staying in Kanto or going somewhere now?" Shu said with a smile before asking.

"Hmm. I'm thinking of taking a break from my travels and spending time here in Vermillion City." Daisy said with a smile.

"I see. Well, it will be sometime before we actually get there so we won't be meeting each other anytime soon." Shu said with a smile.

"Well, I'm not thinking of going anywhere right now. Besides, I want to enjoy my time in Vermillion City without worrying about travelling so I will be here for sometime. Though I will tell you if I am going to be going to another city." Daisy said to him with a smile.

"That's nice to hear. How are Venusaur and the others doing?" Shu asked her curiously.

"She's doing fine and so are the others. They've become quite strong as well. I'm certain that they can give a challenge to Ace Trainers." Daisy said confidently.

"I see I see. That's great to hear. I'm happy that you are able to fight against strong trainers like them." Shu said with a smile.

"Yeah. Also, be careful when you fight against the gym leader here. His Pokemon is very strong. I would recommend catching a rock or ground type Pokemon to give you an edge against him." Daisy said with a smile.

"Thanks for the advice. Take care Daisy and enjoy your stay in the city." Shu said with a smile.

"Thanks Shu. Give my regards to Ash as well and have a safe journey. I should probably turn in for the night. Can't be too late to sleep." Daisy said with a smile.

"Okay. Talk to you again some other time." Shu said with a smile.

"Alright. Goodnight Shu." Daisy said as she waved at him before she cut the call.

"It feels good to talk to her again." Shu said as he petted Nidoran.

He then walked out of the Pokemon centre and watched the starry sky. He could see the different stars there as he smiled at the beauty of the Pokemon world. He can say without a doubt that the Pokemon world is much more beautiful and healthier than his old one. Not to mention with legendary Pokemon who also protect the ecosystem as well.

But then suddenly he and Nidoran saw a lot of yellow light coming from the far side of the city catching their attention as they looked in the direction. Shu and Nidoran have a surprised look on their face but Shu's face turns into a smirking one as he realizes what happened.

'So he got the electricity upgrade. But that still doesn't mean that Pikachu is very strong. He has to train a lot more to get to the same level of power.' Shu thought to himself as he looked at the lightshow.

"Let's go to sleep Nidoran. I'm sure Ash and Pikachu will give us a good battle tomorrow." Shu said to his partner who cried in agreement before he walked inside the centre.

Time skip

"Are you ready for this Ash?" Shu asked his friend as the two are in front of the Pewter gym.

"As ready as I'll ever be. I'll defeat Brock for sure this time." Ash said seriously and with an excited face.

"Pika pika!" Pikachu cried with determined eyes.

"Nido!" Nidoran cried in agreement with him.

"Right. Good luck." Shu said as Ash nodded in response.

After that Ash entered the gym and challenged Brock to another battle as he agreed. Shu walked to the upper railings and stood there to watch the match. Though he also saw Misty standing a few feet away from him also watching the two.

"Come to see how he is doing?" Shu asked her with a smile.

"Yeah. He didn't want my help so I want to see how he will do now. Congratulations on beating Brock by the way." Misty said as she smiled at him.

"Thanks. But now the stage is for the two of them." Shu said to her as he looked at the battlefield.

"We each will use two Pokemon. You can change your two Pokemon whenever you want. The trainer who doesn't have any Pokemon left will lose the match." Brock said to Ash seriously.

"Alright. We'll defeat you this time and get the gym badge." Ash proclaimed with a determined look as Pikachu also gave his characteristic cry in agreement.

"Then let the battle begin." Brock said as he took out his Pokeball.

Brock let out Geodude while Ash called Pidgeotto out. The two then started to battle as Pidgeotto used Gust which kicked up the wind and caused a small storm. Shu looked at the battle seriously as he watched Geodude come out of the storm and attack Pidgeotto with a Tackle bringing it to the ground before using Rollout to defeat her.

"Pidgeotto!" Ash shouted in worry when he saw that.

"You still have a lot to learn." Brock said sternly.

"Heh. He still has a long way to go." Misty said with a smirk.

Shu just looked at the battlefield as he knew about what is about to happen.

"Don't count me out just yet. Go Pikachu!" Ash said as Pikachu jumped on the battlefield as sparks left his cheeks.

"Using your Pikachu again. This will end the same way." Brock said as he looked at the mouse Pokemon.

"We'll show you! Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" Ash shouted as Pikachu cried and let out a powerful bolt of lightning.

The bolt of lightning went and hit Geodude immediately frying him up despite being a rock type much to the shock of Brock, Misty and Nidoran. Geodude who has now turned into a black crisp as he let out a puff of black smoke. Brock called Geodude back inside it's Pokeball and then pulled out another Pokeball which he threw and Onix came out of as it roared shaking the gym a bit and intimidating Pikachu as well.

"This is going to be a tough fight for him." Misty said before looking to her right in surprise as Brock's siblings were there as they looked at the fight.

"Be careful Ash." Shu said to his friend as he nodded to him.

"Let's go Pikachu! Use Thunderbolt!" Ash shouted as Pikachu cried in response.

Then the battle began as Pikachu sent a lot of electricity to Onix managing to actually shock the Rock type Pokemon. The people looked at the spectacle with shock as Shu has an excited face.

'Leave it to Pikachu to actually shock a Rock type Pokemon.' Shu thought to himself with a smirk.

Pikachu became a bit exhausted from using a lot of his power on that move.

"Impressive. But it's not enough. Onix, use Bind!" Brock said as he ordered his Pokemon.

Onix did as it was told and wrapped around Pikachu and constricted the mouse Pokemon as he grunted in response.

"Pikachu!" Ash shouted in worry.

"Pika... pika..." Pikachu said as he grunted.

"Use Thunderbolt!" Ash shouted at his partner.

Pikachu used Thunderbolt again lighting the gym as Shu and the others looked at the fight as Onix cried in pain though it didn't let go of Pikachu. Soon, Pikachu lost energy and stopped attacking as he grew tired from the Bind. Ash grit his teeth, thinking that he would lose again.

'Am I going to lose again?' Ash thought to himself frustrated.

But then Brock ordered Onix to let go of Pikachu as he plopped down as Ash watched with wide eyes.

But then unexpectedly the fire system of the gym activated drenching all of the people inside. Onix cried out in pain at having water sprayed over it as it cried out in pain.

'Wait a minute, the place is wet. That means...' Ash thought to himself as he looked at Pikachu.

"Pikachu! This is our chance. Use Thunderbolt!" Ash ordered as Pikachu heard him as he immediately got into position.

"Pikachuuuuu!" Pikachu cried out loud as he sent a huge Thunderbolt at Onix.

The mixture of water and electricity caused great damage to Onix as it roared out in pain as the audience watched with wide eyes. Shu saw Brock's siblings running from the place as he looked at them leaving.

Meanwhile Onix fell on the floor, pretty damaged from the attack that it had got. Pikachu looked at his opponent as he stood up. Ash also recognised the opportunity it gave him as he got ready to attack.

"Alright. Time to finish this! Pikachu use—!" Ash was about to say but stopped.

His body froze up as he closed his eyes.

"I-I can't! I can't do it! I feel like I am being stopped by his brothers and sisters!" Ash said with closed eyes with a pained look.

"Ash! They are actually stopping you!" Misty shouted at him in response.

"Yeah Ash. Open your eyes." Shu said to his friend with a chuckle.

Ash opened his eyes to find the siblings on him and grabbing his body in shock as he looked at himself.

"Hey, let go of me." Ash said to them in surprise.

"We won't!" One sibling said.

"We won't let you hurt Onix!" Another said.

"Brock worked very hard to take care of Onix! We won't let you heut him!" Another said to him.

"All of you stop it! This is a gym battle! You shouldn't interfere!" Brock said to his siblings.

"But Brock, you spent a lot of time taking care of Onix. We know you care very much about Onix." Another sibling said as he looked at Brock.

This caused Ash to remember how his Pikachu was spared by Brock in the match as he remembered it.

"Pikachu. Come back." Ash said surprising Pikachu but he came back to his trainer.

"What are you doing? The gym battle hasn't ended." Brock said to Ash when he saw that.

"This happened because the sprinklers in the gym went off suddenly. I want to win the badge fair and square and not because of luck. I'll come back to challenge the gym after I've become stronger. Let's go Pikachu." Ash said to his Pokemon as he nodded to his trainer before the two walked out of the gym.

"We shall see." Brock said as he looked at the duo.

"Honestly, he should've taken the win. Many trainer's would've taken the advantage. But I guess that is a good quality to have I guess." Misty said as she looked at the entrance.

"Well, if I know one thing about Ash is that if he puts his mind in doing something then he will use everything he can to do it. He never gives up." Shu said with a smile on his face.

'If not for that quality of yours, then you wouldn't have become as great as you are.' Shu thought to himself with a smile.