
Pokemon a new beginning (rewrite)

Micheal Wells an aspiring enginneering student in his final year at university dies. Due to his atheism and his love of pokemon when he meets a ROB he asks for various cheats and to be reborn in the pokemon world lets see where this story leads us. This is going to be a more structured story based on the original that I posted. I struggle with writing dialogue and fight scenes so if you have any idea's on where I need to improve or ideas on how to write them pls let me know in the comments.

Jordan1908 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: The Boulder Badge




"System Speaking"

(names of person talking)


The circuit will be officially starting Tomorrow and I have booked in the first slot with Brock at 12:00. I informed Brock of my league challange which is to fight the personal teams of gym leaders which has made him both exited and stressed out, but first and foremost I need to plan out the team I will be fielding against him. 

"Renata can you help me to plan out a team to use against Brock that will not completly crush his confidence" (Micheal)

"Sure thing host, Brock currently has 7 pokemon in his roster that he can use in gym battles, his Tyrantrum, Tyranitar, Steelix, Rhyperior, Metagross, Empoleon and Lucario. Realistically given how long he's had them the majority of them will be between Lv50-60 with Tyantrum and Tyranitar having the chance of breaking through Lv60. The optimal choice with the restrictions you've imposed on yourself would be an Alolan Golem, Coalossal, Aggron, Corveiknight, Archuraludon and an Aegislash between Lv 70-80 to guarentee your win without it being too crushing."

"Thank you Renata can you please pick them out and inform them that they will be being used in the gym battle tomorrow so that they will be well rested and can you have them in their balls on the kitchen table for 10am tomorrow."

After a good nights sleep I woke up at 0900 got dressed, had breakfast, woke up Karen, called Delia to let her know to watch with Ash and Professor Oak and was ready to leave by 0955. At 1000 I collected the 6 pokeballs containing my team for today and teleported the Pokemon center in Pweter City. 

Once in Pewter I made my way over to the new gym that I helped design which is situated between the museum and the Police station. Seeing Brock I patted him on the shoulder and said.

"You ready for this bud" (Micheal)

"As ready as I'll ever be" (Brock)

"Then lets get this show on the road" I said as we started walking into the gym.

Making our way to opposite ends of the field we called out our first pokemon.

"Tyrantrum" (Brock)

"Aggron" (Micheal)

"Autotomize" (Micheal)

"Stealth Rock"(Brock)

"Good you're controlling the terrain" (Micheal)

"I learnt from the best didn't I" Brock chuckled

"Flash cannon" (Micheal)

"Meteor beam" (Brock)

Both moves impacted in the center of the field causing a loud explosion. At this point we realised we had started to attract a crowd. 

"Well then brock since we've got a crowd let's put on a show" (Micheal)

"Giga Impact"(Micheal)

"Return it with your own Giga Impact Tyrantum" (Brock)

Both large heavy pokemon impacted together in the middle of the field and as the seconds ticked by slowly but surely Tyrantum was being pushed back

"Fire Fang"(Brock)

"Brick break"(Micheal)

Tyrantrum released an unearthly scream from the Brick Break indicating that I had got a critical hit.

"Alright Brock time to end this Aggron Solar Beam"(Micheal)

"Tyrantrum dig deap and Hyper Beam" (Brock)

Both beams arced across the field lighting up the stadium before impacting into one another. For a moment they seamed to be at equal power, before the Solar Beam cut through the Hyper Beam. Directly impacting Tyrantrum kicking up a cloud of dust. As the dust settled the unmoving form of Tyrantrum was revealed to the stadium.

"Gym leaders Tyrantrum is unable to battle. Please replace it with your next pokemon." (Referee)

"You did your best Tyrantrum now rest." Brock said returning this fallen pokemon "Now come Steelix."

"You've fought hard Aggron now pull back and rest" I said as I returned Aggron "I'm retiring Aggron he took too much damage in the last fight. Go Coalossal"

Both titans entered the field at the same time making the earth shake. Coalossal letting out a wail as the lingering Stealth Rock dug into his feat.

"Well played Brock you've restricted my movement before the battles even started."

"Once again Professor you taught me well"

"Begin" (Referee)

"Steelix Autotomize"

"Coalossal Heatcrash"

Coalossal appears to set itself on fire then body slam Steelix knocking Steelix out. 

"I don't understand professor even if Steelix is weak to fire moves theres no way that he would be one shot"

"Usually you would have been correct however Heat Crash does more damage the lighter the opposing pokemon is to Coalossal-"

"and as I usued Autotomize it reduced Steelix's mass but 100kg meaning that the difference in mass was large enough for it to be oneshot."

"Exactly Brock battling is a reaction game with variables the my variable is that I know nearly every move the pokemon on the other side of the field can biologically learn. So how would you get around this?"

"I'd either come up with a new move or do something so outlandish that you wouldn;t be able to account for it"

"Exactly Brock now I'm retiring Coalossal, so suprise me" I grinned

"Go Golem" (Micheal)

Go Empoleon" (Brock)

We said releasing our pokemon.

"Golem Charge" (Micheal)

"Empoleon Swords Dance" (Brock)

"Thunder Punch" (Micheal)

"Block with Steel Wing and Ground with Iron Claw" (Brock)

"Earth power" (Micheal)

"Brine" (Brock)

"Arial Ace into Brick Break" (Brock)

"Wild Charge" (Micheal)

Both pokemon colided in the middle of the field before Emopleon went down hard in a hail or sparks 

"Empoleon is unconsious. Gym leader Brock please release your 4th pokemon"(Referee)

"Brock good thinking reducing the damage of the Thunder Punch by getting Empoleon to ground itself" (Micheal)

"I can't take the credit for it, I saw Mrs Waterflower's Gyrardos do it before." (Brock)

"Brock take the compliment, getting a Water type pokemon to ground itself is harder than it looks on TV. Firstly you have to get the timing right so you conduct the electricity through its body instead of into it, secondly you need to train the pokemon to resist one of its basic weakness's enough that it is strong enough to let the electricity pass through it causing minimal damage."(Micheal)

"Fair go Tyranitar" (Brock)

"Golem return go Corviknight" (Micheal)

"Hone Claws" (Micheal)

"Smack Down" (Brock)

"Dodge with Extreme Speed" (Micheal)

"Flame Thrower" (Brock)

"Cut through it with an Air Slash" (Micheal)

"Thunder" (Brock)

"Endure then Steel Beam" (Micheal)

I called my final command to Corviknight knowing what it wasn't going to win this fight. And as the dust cleared from the impact I was proven right.

"Both pokemon are unable to battle. Trainers please return you pokemon nd replace them for the next round." (Referee)

"Nicely done Brock. You put me in a situation where I couldn't block or dodge to force me to fight you head on with a pokemon that specialises in hit and dodge tactics forcing me to lose" I said clapping.

"It would have been better if Tyranitar had stayed consious. Even if i had to return him as he wouldn't have been able to battle I could have still claimed to have won one of the fights in this battle so far." said Brock sulking

"Brock there are 3 reason's I'm winning these fights with you so cleanly. 1 I gave you your pokemon a few short years ago you haven't had the time to train them fully yet. 2 I helped you train them so I know what moves they can use. 3 my pokemon are stronger than yours" I said cheekily 

Brock chuckled as we returned out pokemon.

"Go Rhyperior" (Brock)

"Go Archaludon" (Micheal)

"Hone Claws into Focus Energy" (Micheal)

"Bulldose into Hammer Arm" (Brock)

"Hard Press" (Micheal)

I said effectivly ending the fight. As Rhyperior was about to hit Archaludon with a Hammer Arm with the momentum of a Bulldose behind it my Archaludon stops it in its reacks and sends the Rhyperior flying embedding it into a wall.

"Rhyperior is unable to battle. Gym leader Brock pleaase send out your last pokemon" (Referee)

"You got cocky Brock you don't attack untill you've got your pokemon set up properly or unless you know you can win before the opponent can attack. Take a breath and calm down the adrenaline is getting to your head and your starting to make rookie mistakes" I said seriously 

Brock took a deep breath then nodded as we retuned our pokemon.

"Good now we have our final battle. Go Aegislash" (Micheal)

"Go Metagross" (Brock)

"Autotomize and Iron Defense"

"Magnet Rise and Scary Face"

Said Brock trying to cancel out my setup with his own.

"Shadow Sneak into Brutal Swing"

"Counter with Hammer Arm"

"Substitute and Swords Dance"

I said causing both attacks to miss"

"Hone Claws into Meteor Mash"

"Endure then Reversal"

I said causing Metagross to be flung into the floor and knocked out.

"Battle over victor Professor wells" said the Referee as the audience exploded into applause.

After returning out pokemon Brock and I headded over to the pokemon center to get them healed. 

"So Brock do you know why you lost."

"Cos you were stronger than me" say's Brock

"Yes and no" I replied handing our pokemon over to Nurse Joy "the reason I won was due to strategy and my responce time. I had multiple stratagies to deal with your like up with my team regardless of which one of your team they went up against. Each pokemon has a different fighting style, the job of the trainer in battle is to direct that fighting so that it is most effective. However you only have one style of fighting, you set the field then try to hit the opponents pokemon as hard as possible, granted it might be that all your pokemon like fighting like this to end a battle quickly by hitting hard and fast. However for this to work they need the power to knock out their opponent instantly, untill they have that power you need to work on their stamina and endurance so that they can brawl after landing that initial hard hit without giving the opponent time to rest or react." I said trying to give some sound advise.

"now once you've picked up your pokemon go home I sent Karen over this morning to watch the battle with them on TV" I said grinning and wiggleling my eyebrows. Both Karen and I know about Brock's crush on Karen and it's funny to see the boy who'd endlessly profess his love for women crumble into a stuttering blushing mess when talking to her, but Karen said they'd both desided to get themselves sorted out, Brock with a full roster of 18 pokemon at 8 badge level and Karen ready to take over from her Grandmother Agatha as Elite 4 before they desided to get into a relatioship. Hopefully by then Brock will be able to hold a conversation with her without blushing and stuttering, but who knows.

After collecting my Pokemon I headed back to my ranch and released them back into their regions. I have 2 weeks before my booked battle with Rose Waterflower for the Cascade Badge and I intend to relax for the next week before I start planning my team to face her.