
Pokemon: - The Journey of a Reincarnator

Join my discord server. https://discord.gg/7UKG6SZy8u AZURE's server ____________ "Itsuki Kagami is my name" I was reincarnated in Pallet town; I was the neighbor of Ash Ketchum. I and Ash quickly became best friends because of our interest in the Pokémon.] Itsuki is reincarnated in pokemon world with 3 wishes. Itsuki wants to compete and defeat the Mc of pokemon. Itsuki is one year older than Ash. This novel is about the journey of a reincarnator who admired Ash and loved. Now after reincarnating to his favorite anime, Itsuki's greatest wish is to defeat Ash and make his own legend. Note:- Our MC is not a perfect man. He also has his shortcomings which will be shown in upcoming chapters. Also this world is different from the anime, because other Anime characters might exist in this world and will be introduced in upcoming chapters. ___________________ [If you want to read advance 19 chapters https://www.patreon.com/Azure_warrior.] __________________ I am not the owner of the cover image. Credit goes to the owner.

Azure_warrior · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 131 - Indigo League; Finals [I]

[Coming from the southern entrance, ladies and gentlemen please let us welcome Kagami Itsuki from Kalos region.]

Almost all the female fans of Itsuki stood and madly cheered for Itsuki.

Although Itsuki was not that fond of this entrance thing, he still enjoyed the cheers of the audience. Itsuki felt extra motivated to win this battle.


[So far in the Indigo league, Itsuki had some very impressive moments. In each match, Itsuki bought us surprise in different ways.] Itsuki with a smiled on his face entered the battlefield.

As he stood opposite to Cynthia, Itsuki looked at her and nodded.

[Battle begins]

With the referee signal both Cynthia and Itsuki threw their pokeball in the air at the same time.





[Both and Cynthia has chosen flying type Pokémon to start off this year's Indigo League.]

Braviary is a large birdlike Pokémon that resembles a bald eagle. The top part of its body is red, while its underside is deep blue. It has large, magnificent wings and a feathery white and red crest atop its head and encircling its face. It has a sharp yellow beak and round eyes with dark pupils. Braviary has a long red tail that is striped yellow and blue at the tip, as well as having very strong legs and large, sharp yellow talons with black claws.


[Braviary are extremely valiant, loyal, and courageous. They will fight for their friends, no matter what the danger. They will also not stop battling, even if greatly injured. In fact, there was history of them banding together to retaliate against humans who disturbed their habitats. The more scars they bear from battles.]


[Pokémon: - Braviary

_Level: - 41

_Type: - Normal and Flying

_Species: - Valiant Pokémon

_Ability: - Keen Eye, Sheer Force, [Hidden Ability:- Defiant]

_Gender: - Male

_Sky Attack | Superpower | Hone Claws | Air Slash| Shadow Claw]


"Braviary use Hone claws." Braviary flew up in the air as for a moment its claws shined in white light.

[Hone Claws raises the user's Attack and accuracy by one level each. So the current Braviary's attacks will be strong as level 42 Pokémon.]

"Dragonite Dragon breath." Dragonite spread its wings and flew up in the air. Just when Dragonite opened her mouth to fire dragon breath, Cynthia ordered Braviary to use Air slash. Braviary's flapped his wings, releasing multiple light blue glowing saw disc-like energy blades from his wings towards the incoming light blue beam of energy.



Both attacks collided in the air, creating a loud explosion and shockwave. Cynthia and Itsuki didn't stop there.

"Thunder punch"


Both Pokémon rushed towards each other at super speed. Everyone clearly noticed that Dragonite speed seems faster than Braviary's.



Both of their attacks hit each other and both flying Pokémon were pushed back. Superpower is a very strong fighting type move and is almost 2 times stronger compared to thunder punch. Since Dragonite level is higher than Braviary, even a weak attack like thunder punch becomes much more stronger.


"Dragonite use steel wings" Dragonite wings turned into steel as she charged at Braviary who now looked little injured.

"Air slash" Braviary's flapped his wings releasing multiple light blue glowing saw disc-like energy blades towards Dragonite.


Dragonite easily defended herself with her steel wings. The attack wasn't powerful enough to over her steel wings and harm Dragonite.


After defending, Dragonite kept moving towards Braviary. Seeing that Dragonite was only 14 meters away from Braviary, Cynthia ordered Braviary to use 'sky attack'.

A white energy formed around Braviary's body as she flew towards Dragonite at her top speed. When she activated her attack, Itsuki was surprised to see the sudden increase in Braviary's speed. Once again, both Pokémon's attacks collided.



This time Both Dragonite and Braviary was pushed back. "It looks I have to get serious." This whole time Itsuki didn't used any powerful move like Cynthia did. This why Braviary's sky attack managed to push Dragonite.

"Dragonite Dragon Rush" Dragonite horn glowed blue and releases a blue, dragon-shaped energy that covers its body. Cynthia knew if she didn't do anything Braviary would lose. "Braviary use sky attack."


Both Dragonite and Braviary charged at each other. But unlike previous times this time both of their speed had reached another level. Both Pokémon flew at their top speed into each other.


Explosion strong enough to cause small scale earthquake took place in the air. Everyone sitting in the stadium felt the shockwave of the attack. The sky was then covered in black smoke which was formed from the collision.



In middle of the smoke, Everyone heard a loud bang sound. The sound told everyone that one of the Pokémon had fallen on the ground. Seeing how injured Braviary looked, everyone thought it was over for Braviary.

[Earlier Braviary had used Hone claw which raised her attack power by one level, meaning to level 42. The collision between Dragonite and Braviary was one sided as Dragonite had more power. Sadly it's the end for Braviary.]

[Michael, wait I think Braviary is still hasn't lost his consciousness.]


The camera immediately focused on Braviary. In the large screen, Everyone clearly saw Braviary moving slightly. Even Itsuki and Dragonite couldn't hide his shock when he saw Braviary standing up with all that injuries and blood dripping from its body.

[Jerry, I have no words that could describe my current feelings.] Braviary was extremely prideful Pokémon and would keep fighting until it lost his consciousness. Even after taking all the damage, Braviary stood up even though its whole body trembled.



The next moment, along with Braviary's loud roar the bright sky began to darken as Braviary's body glowed in red light.

"Look at the sky."

"What's happening to Braviary?"

"Could it be that Braviary has learned some attacks and now trying to use it"

The whole audience including Itsuki and Dragonite was baffled.


Everyone was confused by the sudden changes in Braviary and in the sky.

[Now I remember. Braviary has a hidden ability known as Defiant. Defiant raises the ability-bearer's Attack by two levels. Though I don't know what condition is necessary for Braviary to activate this move. All I know that this move would activate when Braviary health is really low.]

Cynthia clenched her fist as her body slightly shivered in excitement. From the beginning, Cynthia took this big risk. Her from the very start her aim was to activate Braviary's hidden ability as this was the only way Braviary could defeat Dragonite.


"Braviary air slash" Braviary flew in the air as drops of blood kept falling from her body. Braviary ignored the bone breaking pain that her was feeling every time when he flapped his wings. In just few second, Braviary released multiple glowing disc-like energy blades from its wings at Dragonite.

Itsuki snapped out of his thoughts and immediately ordered Dragonite to use Dragon Breath.


Both attacks ended in a explosion.


Itsuki noticed that Braviary was heading towards Dragonite. Even though Itsuki have never seen any hidden ability like Defiant, he was sure that Braviary was reaching his exhaustion point. Meaning Braviary will eventually fall from exhaustion after a certain period of time.

"Dragonite use agility and Dragon Rush" Agility increased Dragonite speed by one level and now Dragonite speed had reached level 44.


"Braviary hone claw and Sky attack." Both Braviary and Dragonite charged at each other like meteorites.


Both Pokémon attacks were strong as missiles. The explosion produced from the collision of both Pokémon shattered the ground and created a 5 meters deep crater. Dust and clouds rose in the air. Even the camera was blurred for a moment because of all the dust and pebbles.


"What happened?" Someone asked the most obvious question. the entire stadium fell silent as they waited for the dust to settle down. Itsuki and Cynthia's parents were on the edges of their seats, anxiously waiting for the result.

After an entire minute, the dust finally settled and everyone was left in shock seeing Dragonite a level 43 Pokémon lying unconscious on the ground.


[Braviary and Dragonite both Pokémon are unable to continue.]

"How?" Many people was sure that Dragonite would manage to win this battle but the battle ended in a draw.

[Before the last attack Cynthia used Hone claw which further pushed Braviary's powers by one level. So when Dragonite was facing Braviary's last attack, that moment Braviary's powers temporarily had reached level 44.]



Itsuki looked at Cynthia. Seeing that familiar look on her face, Itsuki understood from the Cynthia had gambled everything for that one attack.

'I can't believe I fell for her trick and let myself relax.' From the beginning of the battle, Itsuki didn't go serious because he was kind of underestimating Braviray because of the level difference between the two Pokémon.


written by Azure_warrior

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