
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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796 Chs

The Birth of the Protagonist

A/N: I know most you don't read the footnote, so I have pasted it here. It is important.

First of all, Reddit is on again. There is a new topic to discuss. If you are interested in Pokemon theories, you are going to love it.

The link of my Reddit page is bellow.

Now, coming on to the chapter length. I am feeling that my chapter length is a bit to short. It is around 1000 words which is around 4-5 pages. I have not yet confirmed my decision but I am thinking to post 2 chapters each day with a chapter length of around 1500 words each.

What do you think about it?



It had been another week and Axel had now finally decided to train him and his Pokemons. Absol and Tauros were happy to train again. Axel had left them in Oak's laboratory and called them back. He first wanted to know the hidden power typing of Pidgey.

He took the TM out and called Pidgey and told it on the top of its head. The TM dissolved and after some time a notification came out.



Pidgey has learned Hidden power.

Hidden power typing- Electric


"Now that is what I am talking about.", shouted Axel in joy. It was a huge deal for a flying type Pokemon to have electric typing. It covered one of the weaknesses of Pidgey and also it could be faster than it already was. Electric types were known for their speed.

He wanted it to learn 4 new moves. 'Agility', 'Work up', ' Tailwind', and 'Roost'.

'Agility' and 'Tailwind' would boost its speed to a high degree. 'Work up' would increase its attack and sp. Attack while 'Roost' would help it to recover.

Axel wanted it to practice till the end. These would be its best and only supporting moves.

Regarding the attacking moves, Pidgey already had 'Aerial ace', 'Steel wing', 'Wing attack', and 'Parabolic charge'. These were enough till it evolves.

So, first, it would use 'Agility' and then 'Aerial Ace' for 1 hour. Then it would rest and use 'Work up' with ' Steel wings' and so on till it completes all those 8 moves. He didn't focus much on 'Sand attack'.

Axel knew that 'Sand attack' could be a strategic move and could come in handy in the future but he had already decided how Pidgey would fight in the future.

Its main power would be speed followed by its attack. It didn't need to have much defense as its speed would be so high in the future that it would barely get hit by anyone.

Axel had already gone and consulted nurse joy for the vitamin dosage of Ivysaur, Charizard, Absol, Tauros, Pidgey, and Gyarados. They would now be fed in appropriate quantities.

Axel also didn't let his training aside. He would regularly train in his aura moves and some of them leveled up to.

All of his Pokemons were doing well but he had to think something about Nidorino.

Nidorino was one of the hard-working Pokemon on his team and also his starter but Axel had not found a good move suitable for Nidorino till now.

Make no mistake, Nidorino was strong in its own right. Its moves hit hard and it was powerful.

But its new move 'spinning poison' was too powerful and too stamina-consuming to be used repeatedly and Axel one to think about something that would increase its overall power by a huge margin.

After reading Giovanni's book on moves he came up with an idea.

Poison was a vague topic. It could be used in a number of ways. At first, Axel wanted its poison to have penetrating power so that it could act fast and this lead to the creation of 'spinning poison'. But the move had many disadvantages.

Now, he wanted Nidorino's poison to act fast on its opponents. As of right now, the poison used by Nidorino would spread slowly in the body and it would have recurring damage every second. But what if the poison could spread very fast to the entire body of the enemy?

He gave his idea to Nidorino and also some useful steps to do it. He himself was not confident about how Nidorino could achieve it.

"Just think about how to improve the quality of your poison, so that it would spread very fast. Your poison is filled with infinity energy. So try to manipulate it in such a way that it would spread very fast on its opponent. Try to improve its quality."


Axel was having dinner with his family. Just an hour ago, Mark finally confirmed the full solution of the shadow Pokemon. He was happy that he could finally show it to the world and claim the rewards from the league. Now, Mark had to write a paper about it and it could be sent to the league.

After the league approve the papers, it would be known to the whole wide world. That would create another ripple concerning Axel.

He would also get a lot of resources and money with it. He had already made a plan on what to ask.

Tring.. Tring.. Tring.. Tring.. Katchak.


"Hello Axel, it is me Red."

"Hey, Red. Bit surprised that you called me so late at night."

Axel was not so close to Red as he was with Blue. He had only talked to Red that one time during the tide.

"Yes, I have good news. My baby is born Axel. It is a boy.", said Red with pure excitement and happiness.

"Congrats Red. You look very happy and I am glad about the news."

"Yes, the baby was delivered just an hour ago. Everyone is having a party here. I hope you were here too. We named him Ash. We took your suggestion and my wife also liked it."

"Haha, that is nice to hear. I could tell the kid that I have named him in the future. Haha. Red. I will come over there to visit Ash after a month."

"Are you sure? I thought you might want to spend some time with your family."

"I am positive about it. I may come after 1 or 2 months but I want to see the kid who I have named."

"Alright Axel. I am very busy right now. I will talk to you later."

'It would be nice to finally meet Ash.', he thought and said about Ash's birth to his family.

His family also congratulated Red and told Axel to congratulate him on their behalf.

"Brother, I want to be strong.", said Agnes, his sister.

This came out of the blue. Although his sister told him that she would be like him in the future, he had never seen her train so seriously.

"What made you say that? Besides you are training well right now."

"No Brother, I want to be strong like you. So, train me properly.", said Agnes with determination.

Axel smiled and then said "Ok then. Your real training would start tomorrow."

Finally Ash is born. What would he bring in the table after few years. Would his adventures change due to Axel?

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