
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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796 Chs

Rank up

There was a mini explosion happening all around the place. More than 50 Pokemons were fighting and creating havoc. Shedinja was fighting an elemental ranked Butterfree. None of the Butterfree attacks except for status moves had any effect on Shedinja but Axel didn't want the kidnapper to know that. Status moves like 'Sleeping powder' had an effect on Shedinja, so it was skilfully using 'Shadow sneak' and 'Shadow jump' to avoid those moves with precision.


Nidorino Vs Breloom

Nidorino was fighting an elemental ranked Breloom. Fortunately, the kidnapper only had 2 elemental ranked Pokemons. If he had more than 2, Axel would be in deep trouble. Nidorino was a rare-ranked Pokemon but it was raised extremely well. Axel was confident that it could battle Breloom until Shedinja finishes Butterfree.

However, Breloom could have an ability 'Poison heal' which would heal the target if it got poisoned. Axel tested this theory by telling Nidorino to use 'Sludge bomb'. Breloom was fast and it dodged the attack which meant that it didn't have the ability.

Nidorino had already used 'Focus energy' which made this battle a little easier.

"Nidorino, now use 'Horn attack'"

"Breeloom, 'Leaf storm'"

Axel knew that Nidorino was not fast enough to dodge the attack. So, he told Nidorino to go with the flow. Nidorino got hurt by the attack but it was successful in connecting 'Horn attack'.

Breloom was hit by the attack. Axel didn't tell it to use 'Earthquake' as it was a wide area move and would affect others too. The attack injured Nidorino but it was already ready to go again. Nidornio's defense was the second highest in the team. Due to its huge body, it could not be very fast but it could take hits.

"Nidorino, use 'Poison ball' now."

This was the new move that it had learned. It could not still spiral like Rasengan but it could create 'Poison ball'. Nidorino had trained this move for some time and the move was fast.

Axel told it to use 'Poison ball' repeatedly. It was a low stamina-consuming move and Axel wanted to extend the battle.

Breloom would attack with fighting-type moves like 'Focus punch' and 'Low kick'. Most of them were dodged by Nidorino but some of them were hit. Seeing the battle, Axel could tell that Nidorino was losing. Some of the 'Poison ball' had hit Breloom but it was an elemental ranked Pokemon.

It had higher stats than Nidorino. Nidorino was getting tired and Axel knew that it could not stand much. The battle had gone over 10 minutes. Shedinja was still not able to defeat Butterfree. The Pokemon of this kidnapper was very experienced.

"Breloom, now use 'Magical leaf'"

"Nidorino, use 'Poison ball' and try to spin it like in the training.", said Axel.

Nidorino had been trying to learn the Rasengan version during the battle. But it was unsuccessful every time. The result was the same.

It could not do it and was hit by 'Magical leaf'.

"Nido….." Cried Nidorino and fell down.

"Breloom, now use 'Focus punch' and finish the battle" said the kidnapper.

Without any instruction from Axel, Nidorino started to spin the poison ball again. Nidorino started to spin the poison in multiple direction at once. Then it increased the volume, density, and power of the poison ball. Nidorino could get to this point very easily. But the next part was to combine the 2 steps together which it failed every time.

It started to do the last step. Breloom was just a few feet away from Nidorino. Its hand had already started to glow and it was about to deliver the punch.

Somehow by a miracle, the ball of poison didn't explode. Instead, it looked very powerful and menacing. Nidorino had finally learned the final step. The spinning ball of poison made contact with Breloom and Breloom was flung over the ground. It crashed into the wall and a massive explosion occurred.

The building was already brittle with mini explosions. Now it seemed like it was falling down. The power of that move was huge. Nidorino seemed to be on the verge of fainting but suddenly it body started to glow.



Congratulations!!! Nidorino has created a new move. Please name the new move]


"Let's call it spinning poison. I don't want any copyright accusation", said Axel laughing.



Nidorino has fulfilled all the conditions for rank up. It is now ranking up.]


"What the hell? This is not the time for it.", shouted Axel but the process was already in motion. Axel threw a 1000 yr old Poison barb that he had prepared for Nidorino to rank up.

"I cannot believe it. It is ranking up right now? Breloom kill it right now.", shouted the kidnapper. Breloom was still in the battle. 'Spinning poison' had given it serious injuries but it was still able to fight.

When the kidnapper told it to kill Nidorino during the evolution, it didn't obey. It just stared at its trainer with confusion.

"Ohh right. Then assist Butterfree and kill that Shedinja", said the kidnapper again.

"Marcus, hold it for a bit until Nidorino ranks up", said Axel. Breloom didn't interfere in Nidorino's rank-up due to a tradition. It was considered unholy to disturb one's evolution and rank up. Humans may not follow it but Pokemon strictly did. The chances of interference were 1 in a million.

By this time, all other Pokemon of Axel had found him. Axel called out Absol, Gyarados, Tauros and Gogoat. Absol and Tauros were still kids and he might need Gogoat in healing his Pokemon after the fight.

Shedinja was doing its best to hold up the fight while Axel's eyes were gleaming while looking at Nidorino.