
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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Beedrill Progress

Now, it was time to look at Beedrill. He had been constantly training it and giving it training tips. Beedrill had the highest health points in all of Axel's Pokemons. This was due to its passive move 'Resolve'. Resolve might be the greatest passive move that was ever created.

He looked at its stats:


Pokemon's name :- Beedrill (Age- 2 years)

Pokemon Nickname :- None

Pokemon rank: King

Ability :- Swarm (mastered)

Hidden ability :- Sniper (mastered)

Potential :- Purple


Health :- 13000/13000

Attack :- C++ Agility :- C++

Defense :- C+ Sp. Atk :- D++

Sp. Def :- D++



Active: Poison Sting (E) (Lvl 47), String Shot (E) (Lvl 52), Bug Bite (E) (Lvl 47), Electroweb (E) (Lvl 46), Harden (U) (Lvl 10 max), Poison jab (E) (Lvl 47), Fell Stinger (E) (Lvl 44), Roost (E) (Lvl 57), Drill Run (E) (Lvl 62), Agility (E) (Lvl 43), Minimize (E) (Lvl 49), Calm mind (E) (Lvl 44), Swords dance (G) (Lvl 39), X-Scissor (E) (Lvl 46), Fury Cutter (E) (Lvl 59), Lunge (E) (Lvl 48), String Armor (E) (Lvl 53), Laser Focus (E) (Lvl 46), String pierce (E) (Lvl 46), Conversion (E) (Lvl 47), Bug life (E) (Lvl 49), Substitute (E) (Lvl 52), Bug domain (E) (Lvl 45), Bug house (Lvl 9)

Passive: Resolve (Stage IV)


Core: Bug (mastered)

Hidden Power: Psychic (56%)


Beedrill was also very close to reaching tier 2 of king rank. As per Axel's analysis, a Pokemon would reach tier 2, when one of its stats reaches B rank. Its attack and agility stat was very close to reaching that rank. Its hidden power mastery had also increased by a bit and Axel was happy about that.

Now, the highest number of changes was in its moves. Beedrill had become a beast now. Its moves mastery was very high and the moves complimented each other which would further increase their effectiveness.

Finally, he looked at its moves description:


Calm mind (Beedrill): could use it 5 times

Agility (Beedrill) (Level 40): Can use it 4 times

String Shot (Beedrill): Level 40: It is thicker, more stick, and more bigger than before.

 Level 45: It now has a poison effect.

 Level 50: It has a powerful binding effect now.

Minimize (Beedrill): (Level 40): When Beedrill is in a minimized state, its power is at 100 %. However, when it returns to normal state, its power is only 60%

 (Level 45): When Beedrill is in a minimized state, its power is at 100 %. However, when it returns to normal state, its power is only 70%


X-Scissior (Beedrill): (Level 40): Bug-type energy is more sharp and deadly

 (Level 45): Beedrill can use 2 X-Scissors

Fury cutter (Beedrill): (Level 40): Bug-type energy is more sharp and deadly

 (Level 45): Beedrill can use 5 successive hits, each next hit more powerful than before.

 (Level 50): Beedrill can use 6 successive hits, each next hit more powerful than before.

 (Level 55): After hitting the opponent with 6 successive hits, it will recover 1/3rd of the total damage dealt. It can only be used it one time in a fight.

Bug bite (Beedrill): (Level 40): The move has more penetrating power and it is more deadly. 

 (Level 45): The move is faster and it has a chance to flinch the target.

Poison sting (Beedrill): (Level 40): it could now shoot a small needle of poison to the target.

 (Level 45): It could not shoot multiple poison needles that may poison the target.

Electro web (Beedrill): (Level 40): It has a sticking effect.

 (Level 45): If strings are attached to the opponent, the power of paralysis would be twice if the opponent is paralyzed.

Fell Stinger (Beedrill): (Level 40): It has a knockback effect

Roost (Beedrill): (Level 40): It could be in the effect of roost for 10 minutes.

 (Level 45): It could be in the effect of roost for 15 minutes.

 (Level 50): Beedrill now needs to rest for only 2 hours after using roost.

 (Level 55): Beedrill now needs to rest for only 1 hour after using roost.

Drill Run (Beedrill): (Level 40): It has higher penetrating power.

 (Level 45): The chances of a critical hit have increased to 50%.

 (Level 55): The chances of a critical hit have increased to 60%

 (Level 60): Both the drills would combine into 1 and the power of the move would be doubled. However, the move would be a bit slower than before.

Poison jab (Beedrill): (Level 40): The jabs are faster and continuous.

 (Level 45): It can use 4 continuous jabs and then fly back at high speed. 

Lunge (Beedrill): (Level 40): It is now a continuous attack till the target interferes up to 4 times. Each attack has a chance to lower the target's attack by 40%.

 (Level 45): The attack is faster than before.

Sting armor (Beedrill): (Level 40): The armor would start to self-repair but it would be slow.

 (Level 45): The armor is more solid and sturdier.

 (Level 50): It has become more solid and thin. This would not compromise its speed.

Laser Focus (Beedrill): (Level 40): Beedrill could now focus on its whole body.

 (Level 45): Beedrill could now first focus on its whole body and then focus on specific parts of its body which would raise the physical stat of that part of the body.

String pierce (Beedrill) (Level 40): It has now a piercing effect.

 (Level 45): small miniature needles made of strings would first cover the opponent and then pierce the opponent from all sides.

Bug life (Beedrill): (Level 40): can recover 10% health and 10% stamina.

 (Level 45): can recover 10% health and 10% stamina 2 times.

Substitute (Beedrill) (Level 40): It can create 2 substitutes.

 (Level 45): It can create 3 substitutes.

 (Level 50): These substitutes are independent and could use their own moves with Beedrill's proper direction.

Conversion (Beedrill) (Level 40): Can convert any special attack to bug-type energy Can only convert 10% of energies. The rest would be suffered by Beedrill. 

 (Level 45): Can store it in 'Bug House'.

Bug Domain (Beedrill) (Level 40): Inside the domain, Beedrill vitality and its regeneration ability would heighten.

 (Level 45): Its bug-type power would increase.


Those were some great moves. It had concentrated on individual moves and tried to improve on it. 'Bug domain' had become extra powerful and other moves like 'Substitute', 'String pierce', 'Drill run', 'Conversion', and 'Fury cutter' have become deadly.

Axel wanted it to learn a move called 'Bug knight'. This was the move that Bruno's Scizor had used when it was fighting against Nidoking. It was a very powerful move where a Pokemon could create a copy of itself that would act as a tank for the Pokemon. 

Axel could say that the move was not properly mastered but he could get a hint of it. Bug-type energy was almost everywhere and due to its abundance, it was easy for any bug-type Pokemon to grow stronger at a faster rate. 

However, manipulating bug-type energy was a totally different thing. Axel could analyze that Scizor had created another version of itself to tank the hits after perfectly manipulating bug-type energy. Axel could say that the move was not even remotely similar to 'Substitute' but it was an entirely different move.

So, Axel and Beedrill have been racking their brains to come up with this move but even after thinking for such a long time, they had not been able to create it. Axel didn't know how Bruno was able to do it.

He wanted Beedrill to have 'Bug knight' cause 'Bug knight' would also help it in 'Bug domain' which clearly states 'Powerful herd= more power'. To achieve a synergy with 'Bug domain' Beedrill needed to have a powerful herd. But how can Beedrill have a powerful herd if it was the only one to fight?

Axel was not going to catch multiple Beedrills for it. So, it either had to be substitutes or 'Bug knights'. Substitutes could also be used but the move itself were not very powerful. Beedrill would lose 50% of its health and power to create 3 substitutes. It would increase the power of 'Bug domain' but it would not be too powerful. So, he had to come up with 'Bug knights'.

'Bug knights' were the manipulation of bug-type energy. Axel also knew that a Pokemon/ Beedrill must have a lot of bug-type energy to use that move. That was why he came up with a new move 'Bug house'


Bug house (Beedrill): Can store bug-type energy that can be used in other situations. Can only store up to 20 minutes.


 'Bug house' would store bug-type energy for 20 minutes. It was a great move and also could be used in 'Bug life'. Axel wanted to capitalize on this move and increase its capacity and also the time to multiple hours so that Beedrill could use 'Bug knights' in the future.

However, the fact still remained that it had to create 'Bug knights'. 

"Don't worry, it would take some time but we will create it in the future.", said Axel to Beedrill.

Beedrill also wanted to learn this move as it would literally double its power. Axel also told it to concentrate on 'Bug house' for now and increase the capacity. First, it had to train it to level 39 and upgrade it to level 40.


Others were also doing well. Gyarados and Venusaur were very close to reaching king rank. Their rank-up condition had not come up yet, but Axel could tell that they were very close. 

"Bagon, come over here.", said Axel.

Using its small legs, it ran towards Axel.

Frank had completed his job and brought out 3 items for the ridges of Bagon.

They were:

1. Ridge repair: That would polish and repair the cracked ridges.

2. Ridge construct: This would harden the ridges and make it stronger

3. Glue-free: This would reduce the friction between the ridges and the muscles and make the muscles stronger.

As per the instructions, Axel had to apply Ridge repair 3 times a day and Bagon had to rest for 20 minutes after it was applied.

Ridge construct and Glue free would be used before it slept at night. These 3 resources would harden its ridges and make it stronger. 

It was very hard to find these ridges. There was only 1 company that made it and it was also not very famous. So, Axel had to search it for an entire night to get its location. 

Salamence was a powerful Pokemon but it was also very rare. So, the company was not so famous. The price of these resources was also sky-high. However, Axel didn't have any problem with the money right now.

All of these resources came in the form of paste.

Axel gently applied the paste all over Bagon's ridges. He did it very gently. The ridges of Bagon had started to crack. It was very sturdy but after hitting its head on the wall so many times, it had started to grow weak. 

After he applied it, he told Bagon to rest for 20 minutes and then continue to train.

After fixing Bagon up, Axel started to do his own exercise. He did his run and push-ups to get warmed up. Then he started to train in his aura moves. He loved to train on his 'Aura pressure' and 'Aura strike'.

Frank was flabbergasted after seeing Axel train. Axel looked way more powerful than Frank. He could just dream of when he would reach such a level. After seeing Axel train, Frank increased his intensity. He had to grow stronger. He was older than Axel but Axel was way more powerful than him. He had to bridge that gap.

There is a new tier in Patre-on with 62 advanced chapters than that of webnovel. Joint the pat-reon channel for new exciting chapters.


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