
POKÉMON: Journey Towards Greatness(EDIT of JTG)

I am in the process of editing this novel solely to enhance its grammar and readability, with no intention of personal gain from this endeavor. Author: Evil_God_ZARAKH

JunStark · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Chapter 63 - Round Two

Julian found himself seated in the anticipation-filled waiting room of the formidable Rock Battle Stadium, a place pulsating with the energy of the crowd outside. The cacophony of voices, the chants, and the roars of excitement were almost deafening.

As Julian anxiously awaited his turn, he couldn't help but soak in the electrifying atmosphere. The adrenaline coursing through his veins mirrored the wild cheers echoing from beyond the walls.

Suddenly, the booming voice of the announcer cut through the anticipation like a lightning bolt. The announcement marked the beginning of the introductions for the competitors. With a racing heart, Julian sprang to his feet, determined and ready for the challenge. With each step, he drew closer to the gate that would lead him to the battlefield, where his destiny awaited.

The announcer's booming voice resonated throughout the stadium, sending shivers of excitement down the spines of every spectator.

"Today, on the second day of the Indigo League qualifying round, right here in this very stadium, we have two of the most renowned contestants, both poised to secure their spot in the top 16 and beyond," he declared with unwavering enthusiasm. "Introducing first, hailing from the vibrant Celadon City and a familiar face in the league, having reached the top 8 in the last Indigo League tournament - a true veteran. Make some noise for Kassandra!"

As Kassandra gracefully made her entrance onto the battlefield, the crowd erupted into an ecstatic chorus of cheers and applause. With a charming wave to her adoring fans, she took her rightful place, a seasoned warrior ready to prove her mettle once again.

Kassandra's poise and confidence were palpable as she stood there, awaiting the arrival of her opponent, Julian, in this thrilling clash of trainers and their indomitable Pokémon.

The announcer's voice boomed with excitement, captivating the attention of every soul in the stadium.

"Next up," he declared, "is a newcomer who sent shockwaves through the league yesterday by defeating Alan, one of the crowd favorites, using just one Pokémon. Let's give a thunderous welcome to Julian!"

With a newfound surge of confidence from the deafening cheers of the crowd, Julian confidently strode into the battlefield. The collective roar of support for him was electrifying. He assumed his position, his eyes fixed firmly on Kassandra, his opponent for this pivotal match.

As the anticipation reached its zenith, the referee stepped forward, commanding the attention of both trainers and the crowd.

"This battle," the referee began, his voice resonating with authority, "will be a three-versus-three Pokémon match. Trainers are permitted to switch their Pokémon during the battle. The trainer who has all three of their Pokémon unable to continue will be eliminated from the tournament."

With a nod toward Kassandra and Julian, the referee signaled that the stage was set for a clash of strategies, skills, and determination. The battlefield crackled with anticipation as the battle for supremacy was about to commence.

The tension in the stadium hung thick as the referee initiated the battle proceedings.

"Trainer Kassandra," the referee inquired, his voice projecting over the arena, "are you ready?"

With a determined nod, Kassandra affirmed, "Yes."

The referee then shifted his gaze to Julian, seeking his readiness. Julian responded with a resolute nod of his own.

"Trainer Julian, ready?"

Now, the moment everyone had been waiting for had arrived.

"Then let the battle begin."

Kassandra seized the opportunity and called forth her Pokémon with unwavering confidence.

"Go, Sandslash!"

As the spiky, formidable Sandslash materialized on the battlefield, a look of surprise momentarily washed over Julian's face. The choice of Sandslash as her first Pokémon caught him off guard, setting the stage for an unexpected and intriguing battle.

Julian couldn't help but feel a sense of disbelief and frustration as he watched Kassandra's Sandslash take the battlefield.

"Is she naive?" he thought to himself, his mind racing with a mix of emotions. "Even though she shouldn't trust my words, ignoring them completely is just as reckless. Who would have thought she'd make such a rash decision? I did anticipate the possibility of this scenario, but I gave it only a 15% chance. Well, it seems this battle is going to be over quickly."

In the midst of these thoughts, Julian wasted no time in issuing his command.

"Go, Pidgeot!"

As his majestic Pidgeot took flight, Julian's plan seemed to be coming together. He couldn't help but notice the look of realization and regret flicker across Kassandra's face.

On the other side of the battlefield, Kassandra's inner turmoil was evident. She chastised herself for falling into Julian's trap, realizing that her anger had clouded her judgment.

"What he said... he did it on purpose," she thought, a sense of frustration and regret welling up within her. "I let my anger get the best of me, and now I'm paying for it. What do I do?"

Julian, observing her internal struggle, couldn't help but let out a sigh, recognizing the pivotal moment in the battle and the impact of his strategic mind games.

Julian couldn't hide the satisfaction that played across his face as he observed Kassandra's mounting frustration and self-doubt.

"It seems my little mind game worked better than expected," he mused, his thoughts focused on securing an easy victory. "A quick win, and I can enjoy the rest of the day."

Meanwhile, the announcer's voice boomed across the stadium, narrating the unfolding events.

"Oh, look at this!" the announcer exclaimed with excitement. "Kassandra finds herself at a significant disadvantage. Her Sandslash, a ground type, is essentially powerless against Julian's Pidgeot, given its immunity to ground-type moves. It appears that this battle may be decided before it even truly begins."

With the odds heavily stacked against Kassandra, Julian seized the moment.

"Pidgeot, use Air Cutter!" he commanded.

As Pidgeot's wings shimmered with power, a slicing whirlwind of razor-sharp blades shot toward Sandslash, a display of type advantage and strategic mastery.

As the flurry of Air Cutters relentlessly struck Sandslash, Kassandra's momentary lapse of focus had taken a toll on her Pokémon. Sandslash had been significantly weakened, its condition far from ideal.

The announcer's voice echoed throughout the stadium, highlighting the dire situation.

"Those Air Cutters packed quite a punch!" he exclaimed. "Sandslash has been dealt a severe blow, and it seems Kassandra is facing an uphill battle. What will she do in this tight spot?"

The realization of her predicament jolted Kassandra back to attention. She shook off the frustration and reminded herself not to fall into Julian's calculated strategy.

"I should stay focused on the battle," she thought, determined not to play into Julian's hands. "I won't let this happen again."

With renewed determination, Kassandra began to formulate a plan to turn the tide in her favor, even in the face of the challenging situation she found herself in.

Kassandra, determined to regain control of the battle, called out her next move with unwavering resolve.

"Sandslash, hang in there! Use Stone Edge!"

Sandslash responded, slamming the ground with tremendous force, causing massive rocks to erupt from the earth. These sharp-edged stones hurled themselves toward Julian's Pidgeot, who was flying at a low altitude.

Julian, displaying his quick thinking, ordered Pidgeot into action.

"Pidgeot, use Quick Attack while gliding between those rocks!"

With a burst of incredible speed, Pidgeot's body shimmered with white energy as it skillfully maneuvered between the formidable stone projectiles created by Stone Edge. In the blink of an eye, Pidgeot closed the gap between itself and Sandslash, delivering a lightning-fast Quick Attack that struck Sandslash with exceptional force, sending it tumbling across the battlefield.

The stadium was filled with gasps and applause as the battle took an unexpected turn, showcasing the trainers' strategic prowess and the agility of their Pokémon.

Kassandra's quick thinking was evident as she capitalized on Sandslash's momentum and gave her next command.

"Sandslash, quickly use that momentum and execute Rollout!"

Sandslash, still rolling from the previous collision with Pidgeot, expertly transformed into a whirling ball and accelerated toward Pidgeot with astonishing speed.

The announcer, caught up in the intensity of the battle, provided a running commentary, exclaiming, "Look at this! Sandslash has harnessed the momentum from Pidgeot's Quick Attack and made it its own!"

However, Julian had his own plan in mind to maintain the upper hand.

"Now, Pidgeot," he directed, "use Sand Attack to obscure Sandslash's vision!"

Pidgeot obediently descended closer to the ground, rapidly beating its wings, causing a cloud of sand to erupt around it. The sand swirled and billowed, concealing Pidgeot from everyone's sight.

Confused and unable to see its opponent, Sandslash anxiously searched left and right within the cloud of sand, but to no avail. The battle had taken an unexpected turn, leaving both trainers and spectators on the edge of their seats.

The stadium fell into hushed anticipation as Pidgeot vanished within the swirling cloud of sand.

The announcer's voice broke through the silence, his curiosity evident. "Pidgeot has disappeared inside the cloud of sand. What is Julian planning to do?"

Kassandra, despite the uncertainty, maintained her composure and encouraged her Pokémon. "Sandslash, concentrate! Don't panic!"

Julian, seizing the perfect moment for a decisive strike, gave his command.

"Finish this, Pidgeot! Steel Wing!"

With a sudden burst of speed, Pidgeot emerged from the sandy veil, appearing behind Sandslash like a silent, silver phantom. Its Steel Wing glowed with a metallic sheen as it delivered a devastating blow, striking Sandslash with incredible force. The collision sent Sandslash hurtling into a rock pillar within the battlefield, rendering it unable to continue.

The referee promptly declared the outcome. "Sandslash is unable to battle. Pidgeot wins."

Julian's strategic maneuvers and Pidgeot's agility had secured the first victory in this intense battle. The crowd erupted into applause and cheers, acknowledging the skill and finesse displayed by both trainers and their Pokémon.

The announcer's voice resonated throughout the stadium, setting the stage for the next crucial decision in the battle.

"It's over! Sandslash bites the dust," the announcer proclaimed. "Now, let's see which Pokémon Kassandra will send to face Julian."

Inside Kassandra's mind, a storm of doubt and uncertainty raged. She weighed her options, contemplating the type advantages and disadvantages of her remaining Pokémon. The mental chess match continued, as she considered Julian's possible strategies and deceptions.

"What do I do?" Kassandra pondered, her frustration mounting. "Should I send an Electric-type to counter that Pidgeot? But what if this is part of his plan, and he switches Pokémon? Or is he making me second-guess myself so I'll send another Pokémon that has a disadvantage against his Pidgeot? I don't know what to do. I'm falling deeper and deeper into his plan, even though I'm aware of it."

As Kassandra wrestled with her decision, Julian couldn't help but recognize the increasing desperation in her demeanor. It seemed that his calculated moves had indeed placed him in a dominant position, leaving Kassandra in a challenging predicament.

Julian observed Kassandra's decision and her internal struggles with a sense of detached amusement.

"Human psychology," he mused silently, "what a weird phenomenon. They make things so difficult for themselves, even when everything is clear in front of them. They tend to complicate things, leading them to fall deeper into such states."

Meanwhile, the referee's voice brought the attention back to the battle.

"Trainer Kassandra, send out your next Pokémon, or are you going to forfeit?" the referee inquired.

Kassandra, determined not to give up, made her choice. "No, I will battle. Go, Rhydon!"

The announcer, always eager to narrate the unfolding drama, shared the details. "Kassandra has chosen Rhydon, a wise choice given its resistance to Flying-type attacks, which puts it at an advantage against Pidgeot. However, we know from previous experience that Julian always seems to have a backup plan for everything. We'll only find out what will happen as we witness the battle."

With Rhydon now on the battlefield, Kassandra took the initiative.

"Rhydon, use Rock Blast!"

However, Julian was quick to respond. "Dodge!"

With remarkable agility, Pidgeot adjusted its wings and tail, expertly maneuvering through the incoming barrage of small rocks, avoiding them with ease. The battle continued to unfold, with each trainer carefully strategizing their next moves.

Julian wasted no time in issuing his command, taking advantage of Pidgeot's aerial advantage.

"Pidgeot, Air Slash!"

With a swift and powerful motion, Pidgeot generated a colossal crescent-moon-shaped blade of wind. As it sliced through the air towards Rhydon, the blade's ominous hum hinted at its formidable sharpness, making it clear that taking this attack head-on would be far from pleasant.

However, Kassandra demonstrated her quick thinking and resourcefulness.

"Use Hammer Arm to deflect it, Rhydon!"

Rhydon, standing firm, waited for the incoming Air Slash to draw near. At the critical moment, it unleashed a mighty Hammer Arm strike directly onto the incoming projectile. The collision resulted in a spectacular explosion of energy, sending shockwaves rippling throughout the battlefield.

The stadium audience watched in awe as the two powerful Pokémon clashed, their trainers showcasing their strategic prowess in this intense battle of wits and strength.

Julian seized the moment, showing his mastery over Pidgeot.

"Sky Attack!" he commanded.

In the blink of an eye, Pidgeot was already before Rhydon, its wings ablaze with power. With a deafening impact, the Sky Attack struck Rhydon, sending the ground-type Pokémon crashing to the battlefield. Despite the conventional wisdom that flying-type moves were weak against Rhydon, Pidgeot's sheer attack power proved to be overwhelming.

Kassandra, unwilling to give up, urged her Pokémon to press on.

"Rhydon, quickly, get up!" she exclaimed.

Julian, however, wasn't done yet. He swiftly issued another command.


Pidgeot responded by flapping its wings with tremendous force, generating a swirling vortex of wind that rapidly intensified into a raging tornado. The twister tore through the battlefield, shattering the rock pillars in its path and growing increasingly powerful. As it closed in on the struggling Rhydon, it scooped the massive Pokémon from the ground, trapping it within the tempest and spinning it around violently.

The stadium audience watched in astonishment as the battlefield transformed into a chaotic whirlwind of power, with Rhydon ensnared and buffeted by the relentless Twister.

The announcer's voice echoed with excitement as the Twister wreaked havoc on the battlefield, engulfing Rhydon and seemingly sealing its fate.

"Look at that Twister!" he exclaimed. "It's destroying everything, and it even trapped Rhydon inside. It appears that Rhydon's hopes are all but lost."

Kassandra, her heart sinking, couldn't help but cry out in anguish, desperately calling her Pokémon's name.


Julian, on the other hand, seized the opportunity presented by the swirling maelstrom. He issued his final command with confidence.

"Finish it, Pidgeot! Ride the Twister and use Steel Wing!"

With incredible speed, Pidgeot entered the raging Twister, its body becoming one with the spiraling tempest. As it accelerated within the vortex, it delivered a devastating Steel Wing attack. The impact caused Rhydon to be forcibly ejected from the tumultuous whirlwind, sending it hurtling toward one of the remaining rock pillars.

The referee swiftly declared the outcome. "Rhydon is unable to battle. Pidgeot wins."

The stadium erupted into cheers and applause, with the audience in awe of the unexpected and stunning maneuver. The announcer, too, shared in the excitement.

"Who would have thought that Pidgeot would ride the Twister to deliver the final blow?" he marveled.

Kassandra, her teeth gritted with frustration, cast a steely gaze at Julian and his victorious Pidgeot. She couldn't help but rue the moment she had engaged in conversation with him before their battle, realizing the depth of his strategic prowess.

As the dust settled and the reality of her defeat set in, Kassandra's frustration and disappointment weighed heavily on her. She couldn't help but berate herself inwardly.

"This is really bad," she thought, her mind a whirlwind of self-criticism. "Why did I have to talk to him? If only I didn't, I could have put up a decent match. I know that I wouldn't have won even if I didn't talk to him, but now it's just me making it more difficult for myself."

Kassandra's frustration was palpable as she reflected on the events of the day. She replayed the battle in her mind, analyzing each move, each decision, and each missed opportunity. And then, in a moment of clarity, it hit her.

She realized that her defeat wasn't solely due to Julian's strategic prowess or their pre-battle conversation. It was her own mental state and self-doubt that had played a significant role in her poor performance. This realization marked a crucial moment of growth, as she understood that to become a better trainer, she needed to work on her confidence and resilience, not just her battle strategies.

With newfound determination and a valuable lesson learned, Kassandra vowed to use this experience as a stepping stone towards becoming a stronger and more capable Pokémon trainer.

Kassandra's internal reflection led her to a crucial realization, and a newfound determination began to burn within her.

"What was I doing?" she questioned herself. "I was so focused on figuring out how to get out of Julian's trap that I completely forgot the most important thing. I abandoned my Pokémon. I didn't even notice things that were so clear. It doesn't matter what type of Pokémon he uses. It depends on the trainer to guide their Pokémon through tough situations. Julian is also doing just that. He easily defeated my Rhydon using his Pidgeot, which clearly had the disadvantage. He guided his Pokémon and avoided getting into a tough spot. That's it! I know what to do. I just have to battle like I normally do and show him I'm not just some trainer who will fall for his schemes."

In the blink of an eye, Kassandra's mood transformed from frustration to determination. Her eyes were now filled with resolve, and her posture exuded confidence.

Julian, always attentive to his surroundings and opponents, couldn't help but notice this sudden change in Kassandra's demeanor. He watched with surprise as her newfound determination washed over her, leaving him intrigued by the transformation before him.

Julian watched Kassandra with a mix of surprise and respect. He recognized the swiftness with which she had grasped the essence of a Pokémon battle - the synergy between trainer and Pokémon. He understood that the realization had dawned on her, and she was now fully committed to battling with all her concentration and spirit.

"Who would have thought that she would realize it so quickly?" Julian contemplated silently. "This is a Pokémon battle where both Pokémon and trainers need to be in sync, working as one on the battlefield. She was so preoccupied with what I would do that she completely abandoned her Pokémon in the heat of the battle. But now, it looks like she's regained her focus. It appears I'll need to put in a bit more effort."

Kassandra's eyes, now filled with determination, locked onto Julian. She was ready to engage in a battle with her full concentration and unwavering resolve. As their gazes met, Kassandra noticed a smile spreading across Julian's face, acknowledging her newfound determination and the thrilling challenge ahead.

As Kassandra made her next move, she couldn't help but reflect on Julian's astute awareness of her emotions and thoughts.

"He knew it from the start that I was frustrated," she thought, "and even now he knows that I've realized my mistake. What a scary guy. You want a good battle, don't you? Then so be it."

With unwavering determination, Kassandra revealed her final Pokémon choice.

"Go, Jolteon!"

The announcer introduced the electrifying addition to the battle. "Kassandra's final Pokémon is Jolteon. Let's see what tricks it has up its sleeve."

Kassandra wasted no time, immediately issuing her command. "Jolteon, use Thunderbolt!"

Jolteon crackled with electrical energy, launching a powerful Thunderbolt toward Pidgeot. However, Julian's Pidgeot, ever nimble, easily evaded the electrifying attack, gracefully gliding away from its previous position.

The stage was set for a thrilling showdown between Kassandra's Jolteon and Julian's Pidgeot, as both trainers aimed to outmaneuver and outwit their opponent in this high-stakes battle.

Kassandra's determination burned brightly as she continued to direct her Jolteon in the battle.

"No, you don't!" she exclaimed. "Jolteon, use Discharge!"

Jolteon responded by releasing a powerful Discharge, sending crackling lightning in all directions. However, Pidgeot, with its remarkable agility, skillfully evaded each and every lightning bolt, gracefully gliding through the electrified battlefield, narrowly avoiding the dangerous attacks.

Julian seized the opportunity with a swift command.

"Pidgeot, Quick Attack!"

With blinding speed, Pidgeot dove toward Jolteon, aiming to finish the battle decisively.

But Kassandra wasn't about to let her Jolteon go down without a fight.

"Meet it head-on, Jolteon! Use Wild Charge!"

As the two Pokémon closed in on each other, Pidgeot suddenly veered to the side, executing a sharp evasion maneuver by turning its body. Jolteon, unable to adjust in time, collided with a nearby rock boulder, shattering it into pieces.

The battlefield crackled with energy and tension as both trainers continued to display their skill and adaptability, with neither willing to back down in this intense battle.

The battle raged on with a ferocity that electrified the atmosphere.

Julian, showing no signs of relenting, swiftly commanded his Pidgeot.

"Air Cutter!"

Kassandra reacted just as quickly. "Jolteon, counter with Swift!"

Jolteon, displaying remarkable agility, changed direction in an instant and unleashed a flurry of Swift attacks. The Swifts countered the incoming Air Cutters, creating explosions and shockwaves as the two powerful moves clashed.

However, Julian was relentless in his pursuit of victory.

"Air Slash!"

Without warning, a colossal crescent blade of wind tore through the smoke and debris, homing in on Jolteon with precision. The devastating Air Slash struck its target, sending Jolteon tumbling across the battlefield.

Julian wasn't finished yet. With determination, he issued his final command.

"Finish it, Pidgeot! Sky Attack!"

Pidgeot responded by diving down with immense speed, enveloped in a surging aura of energy. This time, the intention was clear: to deliver a finishing blow and secure victory. The battlefield brimmed with anticipation as the two trainers and their Pokémon gave it their all in this climactic moment of the battle.

Kassandra's quick thinking and determination had not waned, and she had an unconventional plan up her sleeve.

"Jolteon, don't give up!" she urged. "Jump and grab onto Pidgeot!"

As Pidgeot drew near, Jolteon executed a bold leap, landing on Pidgeot's back and clinging tightly to it. The unexpected turn of events caught the attention of the announcer.

"Jolteon has gotten hold of Pidgeot," he narrated. "This may be bad for Pidgeot."

Julian, ever the tactical thinker, swiftly reacted.

"Pidgeot, fly up!" he commanded.

Pidgeot obeyed, soaring into the sky with Jolteon still gripping its back.

Kassandra seized the opportunity she had created. "Now, Jolteon, Thunderbolt!"

Jolteon unleashed a powerful Thunderbolt, electrifying Pidgeot as they continued their ascent into the sky.

However, Julian had a countermove of his own. "Use Quick Attack to speed up!"

Pidgeot responded by executing a Quick Attack, increasing its speed as they ascended higher and higher into the sky. The sudden change in altitude and the decrease in oxygen levels began to take a toll on Jolteon, causing it to feel dizzy and disoriented.

The battle had reached a critical juncture, with both Pokémon and trainers pushing themselves to the limits in a daring aerial showdown.

In the high-altitude battle, Julian's calculated strategy continued to unfold.

He sent a telepathic message to his Pidgeot. "Now, spin!"

Pidgeot immediately responded, initiating a rapid spinning motion. As its wings folded inwards, Jolteon struggled to maintain its grip but ultimately lost hold, beginning to plummet towards the ground.

Julian, seizing the opportunity, sent another command. "Finish this, Brave Bird!"

Pidgeot ascended high into the sky, its wings spreading wide, and its body bathed in a blue aura. It initiated a breathtaking dive, hurtling down to meet the falling Jolteon head-on. Pidgeot collided with Jolteon's body, driving it further toward the ground.

As they descended, Jolteon was forcefully planted into the battlefield, and the impact was followed by a colossal explosion. The rock battlefield shattered like glass, engulfing the surroundings in a thick plume of smoke and debris. The ground trembled beneath the force of the collision, and the referee struggled to maintain his balance.

The stadium fell into a hushed silence, the outcome of the battle concealed by the smokescreen of destruction that had enveloped the battlefield. The tension was palpable as everyone awaited the referee's call, uncertain of the fate of the battling Pokémon.

The announcer's voice broke through the post-battle silence, capturing the intensity of the moment.

"What a devastating Brave Bird," he exclaimed. "It has sent tremors everywhere. Looks like it's over."

As the smoke gradually cleared, the spectators could finally see the aftermath of the battle. Pidgeot hovered gracefully above the ground, while Jolteon lay completely fainted, firmly planted into the battlefield.

The referee promptly made the announcement. "Jolteon is unable to battle. Pidgeot wins, making the winner of this match Julian!"

The stadium erupted into ecstatic cheers, celebrating Julian's victory in this thrilling showdown.

The announcer couldn't help but express his admiration. "What an awesome battle, and Julian has done it again, just using a single Pokémon to defeat his opponent."

Kassandra, still kneeling beside her unconscious Jolteon, expressed her gratitude to her loyal companion.

"Thank you, Jolteon, for giving such a great battle," she said, hugging her Pokémon tightly.

Just then, Julian's voice cut through the moment, and Kassandra turned to listen.

Julian's voice held a touch of surprise as he spoke to Kassandra.

"I didn't think you would be able to pull that out, but it looks like I was wrong."

He walked toward her, extending his hand in a gesture of respect. Kassandra, acknowledging the moment, accepted his hand and stood up, their eyes meeting.

"Next time, I will defeat you," Kassandra declared with determination.

Julian simply replied, "I will be waiting," before he turned and walked away, leaving Kassandra with her fainted Jolteon. The crowd's cheers continued to echo throughout the stadium, celebrating the battle they had witnessed and the respect shared between two formidable trainers.

The battle may have ended, but the rivalry between Kassandra and Julian was far from over, promising more thrilling battles in the future.