
Pokémon indigo league x male reader

Abdullah_Waris · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 8: The path to Pokemon league

The clip begins with Mewtwo and a shining Mew floating in space, as the camera focuses on Earth, while the sun starts to rise. (I wanna be the very best) The next scene shows Abdullah (Like no one ever was) alone in a stadium. After that, a Squirtle, Cubone and Pidgeotto are shown quickly, before changing (To catch them is my real test) to a Bulbasaur being caught, to which Abdullah snaps excitedly. Shortly afterwards, (To train them is my cause)the camera shows a Haunter using Lick on Charmander, paralyzing him.

Abdullah then flips his hat backwards and throws a Poké Ball to the camera. In the following scene, (I will travel across the land) Abdullah can be seen running along with his Pikachu and Sylveon, an Arcanine and a Rapidash, who then jumps to the skies, (Searching far and wide) disappearing between the legendary birds, who are flying around. Then, a short clip of a Sandshrew unrolling itself, a Kadabra and Charmander is shown, (Teach Pokémon to understand) followed by Abdullah, Sylveon and Pikachu sitting on a Lapras, as they watch a Gyarados jumping out of the water, and a Dragonair jumping in. After that, (The power that's inside) a Poké Ball is seen trapping a Pokémon who has turned into red energy.

(Pokémon (Gotta catch 'em all), it's you and me) A battle between Pikachu and Raichu is seen, with the former dodging a Body Slam of the latter; and (I know it's my destiny (Pokémon!)) then, a Caterpie training. In the next scene, Abdullah is seen hugging his Pikachu, followed by a giant Tentacruel, Abdullah, Eevee, Gyarados and Horsea attacking a Resort. Abdullah then is seen holding a Poké Ball; followed by an Onix. Later, (Oh, you're my best friend) Abdullah appears to be looking at the screen, when Misty and Brock appear on either side of him, (n a world we must defend) followed by Jessie, James, Cassidy and James with rising up in front of them in their agenda suits. And their Pokémon's jump up next, followed by Gary holding a Poké Ball.

(Pokémon (Gotta catch 'em all), a heart so true) The camera then runs across Charizard while using Flamethrower, Blastoise while using Hydro Pump and Venusaur; before Pikachu runs between Abdullah and a Lass and jumps. The next scene introduces Professor Oak, Lorenzo, Agatha, Red, Delia Ketchum, Blue, Green, Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy, as they nod, (Our courage will pull us through) the camera then shows a giant Charizard using Flamethrower, and Abdullah and his friends hide behind a boulder, later, (You teach me, and I'll teach you) a Squirtle is seen running towards Abdullah, followed by a hug.

(Po-ké-mon)The camera does a close-up on Pikachu, and subsequently zooms out, showing Pikachu standing on a Pidgeotto, a Zubat holding a Squirtle, and a Butterfree holding Bulbasaur. The last scene then shows up, on which Abdullah raises his feet and throws the Poké Ball to the screen, much like a Baseball pitcher, ((Gotta catch 'em all!) Gotta catch 'em all! Pokémon!) followed by a spinning Poké Ball and the Pokémon logo.

Narrator: Its beautiful our Hero Abdullah to Vermillion city with his childhood Leaf to get third Gym and our hero Abdullah with his Pidgey Battling a Trainer with Rattata.

Abdullah: Pidgey finish Quick Attack.

Pidgey Use Quick Attack and hit Rattata as it lands at its trainer.

Rattata's Trainer: Rattata no.

Abdullah: Oh yeah *as Pidgey celebrate* Another win for us.

Molly: You won big brother yay.

Both return their Pokemon shake.

Rattata's Trainer: That was good match I hope I battle you again sometime.

Abdullah: Yeah, me too.

Rattata's trainer: Your strong I bet you AJ.

Abdullah: AJ.

Rattata's trainer: *as point at direction* yeah AJ trainer savage Pokemon he builds his gym one stronger trainer he never lost a single battle he had 99 and 0 lose.

Abdullah: Ok thank thing we meet AJ see Gym what do say Guys.

His Pokémon's Nod.

Molly: I want to see.

Leaf: I'll go to.

Misty: Me to.

Brock: Count me as.

Abdullah and his friends reach are direction they saw a wooden gate with a sight which it says AJ's Gym undefeated win 98 win and 0 lose sigh with note says GYM not sanctioned by Pokemon league as also see a big tant behind the gate.

 Misty: He Gym isn't even in the Pokemon league.

Brock: And he's undefeated 98 win to 0 lose.

???: Are you my next victim.

They look at the male trainer with dark green hair, Orange and Black shirt with blue short, he wears red shoes.

A.J: I am A.J are here.

Abdullah: So, your Pokemon trainer.

A.J: Ah that job but you coups like is part my job.

Abdullah: Then it is battle.

A.J: Yeah, Ready to lose.

The wooden gate on as enter they saw battlefield as A.J take of his backpack.

Leaf: Wow.

Misty: Now that not to shabby at all

As his Butterfree come pick his backpack.

Molly: Mister A.J. What was in bag?

A.J: The wild Pokemon caught.

Meowth: So those wild Pokemon.

A.J shock to Meowth that.

A.J: Did that just.

Abdullah: Oh yeah Meowth.

As Abdullah explain as Leaf and A.J understood.

Abdullah: And that I got.

A.J: Who so you rejected by female Meowth name Meowzie that you have, you Meowth join the rocket then you found they just using for talking and building.

Meowth: That right Abdullah Pokemon and partner but not only me Abdullah talk to he also has aura and Psychic.

A.J smile: You talk to Pokemon, also have aura and psychic ability.

Abdullah: Yeah, I got ability when I was 5 but my mom doesn't were I got powers and is bad.

A.J: Oh no It have ability.

A.J Look Sylveon.

A.J: Is that Eevee evolution.

Abdullah: Yeah, Sylveon and she hand very loyal Pokemon isn't that girl.

Sylveon: Sylv (yes master).

Molly: Can we see the Pokemon.

A.J look Molly as he pets her.

A.J: Sure, but first *as he looks Abdullah* he as to battle.

Abdullah: Your own.

As both Abdullah and A.J got up and go to the battlefield Abdullah on the side and A.J on both Misty, Molly, Brock, Leaf and his Pokemon the side.

A.J: We'll use one.

Abdullah: Got it.

As them pull out the Poke-ball.

Both: Sandstrew I choose you.

Both Sandstrew come out as shook at each other.

Both Sandstrew: Sandstrew.

A.J Smile: You caught a Sandstrew too.

Abdullah: Yeah, I caught him its Mt. moon.

A.J as Nod: You can go first.

Abdullah: Sandstrew use roll out.

Sandstrew jump as Croal in a Ball as he rolls to A. J's Sandstrew.

A.J: Sandstrew use rollout too.

A. J's Sandstrew did same as Abdullah's Sandstrew did as both of ran each other as both got as land at trainer.

A.J: Your Sandstrew is strong.

Abdullah: You're to, now Sandstrew use rock tomb.

As Sandstrew made big bolder launch it A.J.

A.J: I don't think so Sandstrew dodge then use Earth power.

His Sandstrew nod then it jumps slam at the ground a hid Abdullah's Sandshrew fell down with Swirly eyes.

Abdullah: (Yell) Sandshrew.

A.J: And that 99 win.

Molly: (sad) Big brother lost.

Brock: This is Abdullah's first lost.

Leaf: That Sandshrew is taught.

Misty nod and his Pokemon shock at first lost but they were ok with. 

Abdullah look at his Sandstrew as return.

Abdullah: You great out their Sandshrew return "as he returns Sandstrew".

A.J: Hey you ok.

Abdullah smile: Yea I'm find because this the battle that I lost but I am ok it.

A.J: That for giving a battle how about train you and your Pokemon.

Abdullah: You will.

A.J: Yes, and thank for battle.

Abdullah: Yeah.

As they shake hand, A.J trained Abdullah and his Pokemon they got better Molly was sad her brother, but she got happy again and know that her brother will win next time, as they training as they got and shocking that Abdullah Oddish evolve in gloom then he Pokemon back in their balls as they about to leave.


As they stand at entrance.

A.J: Take care yourself and train Pokemon to get them.

Abdullah: I will thank.

As they say goodbye to A.J and his Sandstrew.

Abdullah: Hey Leaf.

Leaf: Yeah.

Abdullah: What did get the Professor.

Leaf: Oh, I got a female Bulbasaur from the Professor. 

Misty: You guys hurry up.

As leaf want to them as Abdullah look at sky heard a word Bulbasaur, Squirte and Charmender when he uses play with them with his sister and Leaf.

Abdullah in his mind: I hope I can see you three again we miss you, I miss you.

Molly: Big brother *as he sees his sister, Leaf, Misty, Brock and Pokemon calling to* Come on.

Abdullah ran to them as walk into sun said.

Narrator: So, hero Abdullah, his sister and friends say goodbyes to A.J and his Sandstrew move another where will reach Vermillion city for Abdullah and Leaf of third Gym badge as the are story continued.

So, what do you guys' thing, I didn't put team rocket in I planning to something for them, and I hope you guys like the Pokemon song that I put in, so what If you be sure to rate and put the come down if you went to read the school of hard knock until then see you later.

Abdullah's Pokemon:

. Sylveon (F) (partner Pokemon)

. Pikachu (M) (second Partner Pokemon)

. Meowth (M) (third Partner Pokemon)

. Pidgey (F)

. Gloom (M)

. Poliwag (M) (Professor's Lab)

. Gyarados (M) (Professor's Lab)

. Butterfree (M)

. Meowzie (F) (Professor's Lab)

. Venonat (F) (Professor's Lab)

. Rattata (M)

. Machop (M) (professor's Lab)

. Bellsprout (F) (Professor's Lab) 

. Beedrill (mega) (F) (Professor's Lab)

. Zubat (M) (Professor's Lab)

. Sandstrew (M)

. Paras (M) (Professor's Lab)

.Geodude (M) (professor's Lab)

. Clefairy (F) (professor's Lab)

. Spearow (F) (Professor's lab)