
Pokémon: Gangster Reborn

Ricky Robinson, the formidable leader of a prominent New York gang, defied death multiple times, surviving shootings, stabbings, and even being thrown into the Pacific Ocean. Despite his fearsome reputation as the 'Unkillable Bastard,' Ricky was admired for his fair leadership style. He enforced a strict code of conduct, ensuring his gang members were treated justly, earning their unwavering loyalty and respect. Tragically, Ricky's life was unexpectedly cut short by a stroke. However, as he closed his eyes on his old life, he awakened in a bizarre new world reminiscent of his niece's favorite game, with a new name and identity. Uninterested in pursuits like becoming a Pokémon master, Ricky's unwavering ambition to rule the underworld reignited as he faced the challenge of proving himself as a leader in this unfamiliar reality. [Warning: I ain't a novelist in the first place so go easy on me since I've never written before and I wanted to try it.] [P.S: I also don't really understand how to pace a story quite yet so if the time tables seem a bit lanky, my bad.] Man just read the damn fic already if your at this point your not getting anything else. Nothing here bro why you still scrolling? Dude. This fic was inspired, like many, by Pokémon: Master Of Tactics

Zippple · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 12: Initiation into the Ardiados gang






'F*ck!' Leon cursed internally as Jerome released a fierce strike right into his face.

Leon's entire body folding under the incredible strength, forcing him to stammer back into the crowd surrounding him.

Constant cheers and screams from the forming crowd, pushing Leon back into the middle as his blood dripped with every step he took.



Jerome unleashed an uppercut into Leon's stomach causing all the air to expunge out of his being as his eyes became bloodshot.

The induction into the Ariados gang was a straightforward yet deeply sacred ritual. 

Essentially, it involved facing the sponsor of the individual you defeated to earn your place in the gang before enduring a symbolic thrashing until he fell to the ground.

With gritted teeth, Leon's gaze burned with resentment as he endured the one-sided onslaught, pushed to the brink. Finally, with a surge of determination, he unleashed a desperate last-ditch uppercut.


Jerome didn't even flinch as Leon gnawed his lip at his unmoving fist trying desperately to push Jermone's unwilling Jaw.


Gripping his humongous hands onto his thin shoulders, he pulled him down while bringing up his knee causing Leon's eyes to roll back.

Despite his past fighting experience, Jerome's sheer strength rendered Leon incapable of gaining even the slightest advantage against this monster.


Leon's knee's wobbled into the pavement, his ragged breaths sloppy letting up as spit accumulated at the ends of his mouth from having to cough up so much dry air.

Gazing up, Jerome stopped his fist only inches away from his jaw, but instead of following through he simply patted him on the shoulder.

"Welcome to the Ariados gang." Jerome shed his cold gaze before laughing heartily along with everyone else.

"BLURG!" Leon, finally feeling some relief, immediately threw up his breakfast making the other members laugh even harder.

"Jeez Jerome, don't tell me that you still hold a grudge against Leon?" Sam jokingly chimed in as the crowd started congratulating Leon one by one while slowly dispersing to go do their duties for the day.

"Why would I be mad at Leon for killing that waste of time?" Jermone genuinely asked Sam who wasn't expecting this answer in the least. 

"Even though I spent a lot of time cultivating him, if he couldn't win with every thing I gave him then he doesn't deserve to live." Jerome heartlessly shrugged, showing he didn't have any animosity towards Leon nor lingering regrets towards Reggie.

Jerome's outlook wasn't unique to him; it was a mindset instilled in the majority of gang members with only a select few held alternative perspectives within the group.

However, the sole mindset that was cultivated and molded in their beings from a young age was to sacrifice everything for the gang, even if that meant killing your sense of self in the process.

"Right, anyways c'mon Leon you have to meet the boss." Sam felt aggrieved at this since it wasn't like him though pushed it to the side with a chuckle before changing the subject while pulling Leon away.

"See around Leon." Jerome waved with a smile as Leon looked into his hollow eyes as he turned around, walking away with a couple other members to start his daily patrols.

"You're all insane." Leon muttered, feeling a drowning feeling pulse all over him as Josh handed him a cheap napkin.

"Wipe the vomit off your face, you're about to meet the boss and he isn't the sort of person you show disrespect to, even as a joke." Josh plainly spoke, gazing down at Leon with serious eyes as he nodded in response while wiping off his face.

"But most of all Leon, don't make us look bad." Sam shamelessly directed towards Leon though was promptly ignored.

"Listen closely Leon because I'm going to give you some actual advice when meeting the boss." Josh spoke while forcing Leon closer to him, making Sam pout a little.

"First don't address him in any other name other than boss or leader, second if you make eye contact with him NEVER break it or you'll be considered pathetic in his eyes, third accept all his gifts, and fourth don't say anything stupid or unreasonable which means no joking." Josh's gaze held a commanding presence as he provided Leon with guidance on how to approach the leader.

"Lastly, he will undoubtedly flare his poison energy and although I do not know of the magnitude that will be induced upon you; however you must NOT lose consciousness, he'll kill you otherwise." Upon hearing this Leon gave him a weird look making Josh look away.

"These brackets seem incredibly wasteful and although I don't agree with the way the Noctowl gang recruits, there are better ways to train the younger generation to kill and stomach the underworld that is better than this." Leon's mindset from his old life couldn't comprehend this style of recruitment.

It was interesting and unique, however as the days passed and the nights loomed, he could never understand how this would be beneficial towards the gang.

In retrospect, Reggie and even that girl Persila would've been amazing additions to the clan but instead died for the idea of this diamond bracket.

"That's not their purpose, Leon." Sam's friendly smile turned cold as she side-eyed Leon who felt a chill loaming down his back.

"There's a reason why the boss doesn't operate diamond brackets anymore since it's unreasonable and almost all participants die after failing his 'test'." Josh side-eyed Leon, clearly not answering the main purpose of his question as Leon simply closed mouth.

Leon learned throughout his past life that sometimes it is better to simply look away, meaning that there are moments in life when it's wiser to refrain from asking questions and simply walk away from the answers.

"Anyways, once you leave the boss's office then you'll be good to go but you can die if you don't hear Joshy's words." Sam walked forward as they entered an elongated hallway with two pristine double doors at the end of it.

"Eh whatever, we already got our materials so the rest is up to you." Sam twirled at the happiness of her long and tireless efforts finally bearing fruit.

"Am I only a rewa-"

"Yes, that is what being a sponsor means, no one cares about if their participant dies since the only thing that matters is that you either received the reward or didn't." Josh heartlessly motioned him towards the double doors.

"If you survive, then we'll escort you towards the bay where you'll have the weekend to yourself before we introduce you to your regular duties and patrol routes." Josh continued as if that was his encouragement to survive.

"Yeah, good luck!" Sam pumped her fist into the air showing she wasn't entirely confident in his abilities but still gave him the old college try.

"F*ck you guys." Leon scrunched his eyebrows, walking towards the double doors though they only shrugged. 

"F*ck you too!" Sam happily responded, making Leon's eyebrow twitch.

As he pushed open the door, his eyes were immediately drawn to the opulent office before him. Every detail, from the walls to the rug, exuded luxury, captivating him with its beauty at first glance. Seated behind a clean oakwood desk was the boss of the Ariados gang, his presence commanding the room. 

His slicked-back black hair, accented by a prominent purple streak, framed a face adorned with a stubble beard. 

With a medium build and eyes resembling those of a snake, he emanated an aura of authority. 

Despite his well-dressed appearance, emitting a calm demeanor, his eyes betrayed a dangerous, piercing gaze, revealing the true nature of the Ariados leader.

"Leon, I presume?" The man asked without asking, his tone awfully gentle yet creepily unnerving.

"Yes Boss." Leon nodded, initiating eye contact without breaking it and once he did, his new boss smiled. 

"My name is Ivan, leader of the gang you just committed yourself too." Ivan's words had a deeper meaning that Leon quickly understood.

"Thank you Boss for this opportunity, I promise that I will prove myself to be a valuable asset worthy of my status of winning the diamond bracket." Leon confidently presented himself as Ivan stood up.

"Oh?" Ivan tilted his head, tracing his hand along the desk with every step. 

"Can I be honest with you, Leon." Ivan asked in a friendly tone, turning towards him with the warmest smile that harbored only the coldest intentions.

"I feel unworthy of your honesty boss, however if you grace me with your words then I'll happily receive them." Leon didn't stutter nor did he show any shame when the words left his mouth.

Leon could surmise the type of person another was by simply being around them but even when gazing at Ivan did Leon know he was dangerous.

Ivan only chuckled without responding, making his way to the front of his desk while leaning on it though his eyes never broke from Leon's entire being.

"Then let me impart all my honesty onto you." Ivan chuckled dryly, his gaze sweeping over Leon's entire being before they looked deeply into his blue eyes.

"I didn't want you to win but instead I was hopeful for the rock user Reggie. In fact, when I was notified that you were the victor I was a little unnerved you see." Ivan showed a heartfelt smile as a cold chill ran down Leon's back as he felt that things were going in a bad direction.

"I mean you're nothing, there is not a single thing special about you from all the tests I had run on you, yet you still managed to actually win." Ivan's words cast a chilling spell over the room, causing the temperature to plummet to what felt like sub-zero levels..

"However, even with all my annoyance and slight frustration. The aspect that enraged my very core to its boiling point was when I found out that you took advantage of the rules and won by such cheap methods which took away a lot of the fun." Ivan's eyes slitted, showing he wasn't happy at the result standing in front of him.

"You, some cheap orphan plucked off the streets, took advantage of the rules that I meticulously put in place." Ivan confessed his hatred towards Leon who simply remained quiet.

"So now I'm stuck at a crossroad you see, either I can kill you to satisfy all this pent up frustration I'm feeling." Ivan slowly walked closer to Leon as a his ever step lefts seeps of purple into the expensive carpet before him. 

"Or I give you a chance to redeem yourself within my eyes while showing me you're worth the time and resources I will be forced to spend because of your worthless self." Ivan's mere words were akin to a sword pressing on Leon's neck, signaling even the slightest move would cause scarlet to spill all over the floor he calmly stood on. 

From the corner of his eye, Leon could make out the lustrous figure that was always present on the jackets, everyone worse being the sigil of their gang, Ariados.

"At least you're not a coward, I'll give you that." Ivan lightly tapped on Leon's cheek, a damp spot of purple replacing the space his fingers once tapped.

"Do you have anything to say about my earlier words, now is your chance to convince me otherwise?" Ivan asked while walking away, waving his hands as a gesture for him to conjure up some excuse.



"ARCK!" Once a word uttered out of Leon's mouth, Ivan snapped his fingers unleashing his might onto Leon. 

Instantly, the damp purple spot grew darker, its tendrils spreading and infiltrating the nearby blood vessels, causing them to stand out prominently on his face.

A dark purple line began to snake its way across Leon's skin, each inch accompanied by excruciating agony. 

His body convulsed uncontrollably, wracked by intense vibrations as the pain consumed him entirely.

"URK!" Leon grunted in immense pain, feeling as if his blood was boiling.




! As the poison took hold, Leon felt his throat constricting, his complexion turning a bluish-purple hue. The adverse effects became evident as he began coughing up spurts of blood. 

Despite sinking to his knees, Leon maintained unyielding eye contact with Ivan, who waited patiently for a response. 

Attempting to speak, Leon found his airways slowly start to close, and what emerged from his mouth was not words but blackened blood.



"I'M F*CKING WORTH IT!" Leon managed the truth out of his throat, enough to utter a clear sentence before his entire throat closed shut, making all air impossible to escape.

"Well Ariados, what do you think since he'll be the one getting one of your kin?" Ivan turned to Ariados while increasing his aura from the palm of his hand, forcing Leon to cough up even more black blood. 

Ariados maintained a silent demeanor, its eyes narrowing as it meticulously evaluated whether this seemingly frail human child was deserving of its kinship. 

Only a chosen few were deemed worthy of receiving a Spinarak from the boss, his partner, not merely for its symbolic value, but because the boss's Ariados was renowned for its immense power. 

Rumored to possess a five-star talent and hailed as a champion-level Pokémon, it boasted an impressive level of 69.

"Ariados." Ariados' deep bug-like voice resounded in the room, signaling its agreement as it nodded.

"I thought the same too." Ivan chuckled softly, promptly releasing his grip on Leon and dissipating his energy within seconds. 

The only remnants of his presence were evident in Leon's condition.

"I apologize for the excessive force, however I do not approve of weaklings raising Ariados' kin as it makes him as well as I look bad." Ivan finally broke eye contact, walking back to his desk while talking to the slowly dying Leon in a warm tone.

"Here, drink these." Ivan pulled out two vials, throwing them to Leon who immediately caught it.

Without hesitation, Leon unscrewed the caps of the vials and downed them both in a single gulp, feeling the effects take hold immediately.


Leon's throat, skin, and breathing all returned to normal while completely curing him in the matter of seconds allowing his breath to return once more.

"If you're wondering what the contents of the vials were, one was the antidote and the other was purified life dew from an elite pokemon." Ivan informed Leon about the substances, sitting gracefully in his leather seat.

"Now let's get down to your rewards that you are due for winning the diamond bracket, shall we?" Ivan then threw a catalog at Leon's feet as he simply picked it up. 

Leon wasn't an idiot and knew that Ivan was powerful, but inducing such pain from a mere touch prompted Leon to lose his appetite for a good joke, for now.

"Pick two things from that catalog while Ariados gets your spinarak and cease with the eye contact, you already passed." Iva held up his hand signifying Leon to halt his staring to pick out his rewards.

"Yes boss." Leon nodded, turning his eyes towards the catalog as he began shuffling through it.

Ariados paused, casting a glance at Leon before continuing on its way to fetch a Spinarak. 

Meanwhile, Leon, engrossed in reading some trainer books, recognized the significance of materials in a Pokémon's growth located within this catalog. 

While Pokémon naturally grew stronger over time, this process accelerated exponentially when they were provided with substances, particularly those from Pokémon of higher status or similar types. These materials allowed the Pokémon to consume, refine, and advance their abilities more efficiently.

'Damn, what do I choose?' Despite the challenges, Leon resolved to acquire something for Teddiursa to facilitate his growth, knowing it would ultimately benefit him as well. 

He searched for something that could provide the necessary support. 

Suddenly, Leon's eyes widened so much that he had to rub them to ensure he wasn't hallucinating.

"Is this really available?" Leon asked, pointing to the catalog, causing Ivan to raise an eyebrow before letting out a small laugh.

"Interestingly, rugrats like yourself don't even understand how great of an item that is at first glance as they're focused on materialistic substances." Ivan leaned in a little intrigued at what this kid showed him.

"To answer your question, yes that is available." Ivan spread his hands in affirmation as Leon fist bumped inside.

"Then I want-"

In a dimly lit room, overrun with a web-like epidemic, Ariados and Spinarak moved about in a constant stream of activity. 

This chamber served as the Ariados gang's sanctuary for their figurehead Pokémon, bestowed upon every member after surviving a year within the gang, unless under special circumstances. 

The bustling traffic came to a halt as a certain Ariados entered the nest, prompting all Pokémon to bow in recognition of his status. 

Unfazed by the gestures, Ariados proceeded to the center of the nest, where his residence and kin resided. 

Among them were his mates, eggs, and already hatched Spinarak, all pausing to greet him. 

However, Ariados's expression darkened as he noticed the absence of a particular Spinarak, contrary to his explicit command for all his kin to be present.

"Ariados!" Ariados slammed its leg into the ground, causing the whole nest to shake from the unprecedented strength.

His kin trembled in fear at the sight of their angered father, despite being innocent of any wrongdoing. 

Sensing the tension, Ariados's mates swiftly dispersed, only to return with an unruly Spinarak adorned with an unusual blue hue instead of the common green. 

Ariados narrowed his eyes at the Spinarak, unlike the others who typically avoided his gaze. With a hiss, he locked eyes with the defiant Spinarak, displaying a rare intensity in his stare.

"Spinarak!" Spinarak hissed in clear dissatisfaction toward its father, Ariados. 

In response, Ariados's aura erupted, causing many of his kin to fall unconscious and his mates to tremble in fear. 

Despite being dropped to the floor by Ariados's mate, this particular Spinarak showed remarkable resilience, refusing to bow down like the rest of its siblings. 

This Spinarak was what humans would call "shiny," but to its own kind, it was something more than an outcast. 

Shiny Pokémon might be rare and coveted to humans, but to pokemon they often faced rejection from their kin. 

In this Spinarak's case, it was outright ignored or even targeted for harm from the moment it hatched. 

When it emerged from its egg, the closest mate attending the eggs instinctively tried to kill it, only to be stopped by Ariados before inflicting any harm. 

Despite Ariados seeing past its appearance and recognizing its potential, this special treatment only fueled resentment among its siblings, as their father didn't even acknowledge them in the same way.

"Aria ariados!" Ariados roared at this misbehaving Spinarak, lecturing at how lucky he was and how grateful he should be for everything he has.

"SPIN SPINARAK!" Spinarak lost his temper at his fathers words, his rage evident as he tried to claw himself forward to kill him.

In no way did Spinarak feel grateful to his father who left him surrounded by a family who constantly tried to kill him or blatantly ignored his very existence.

"Ariados." Ariados hissed back, having enough of this unruly child of his and even though he had potential, Ariados akin to his trainer didn't take too kindly to those who didn't listen to him.

Ariados suddenly shot out a fast web without warning, catching the disgruntled spinarak off guard.

"SPIN SPINARAK!" Spinarak furiously roared, the steel-like webs encasing the young Spinark in a blanket of webs. 


*Muffled noises* 

Spinarak's attempt to retaliate was cut short as Ariados swiftly ensnared its mouth with another web, silencing its protests. 

Without a word, Ariados scooped up his kin and departed from the nest. Originally intending to gift Leon with an obedient and talented Spinarak he had been observing, Ariados had finally grown weary of this particular Spinarak's constant defiance, deciding it would suffice for the human child. 

Spinarak seethed with anger at its father's actions, struggling desperately to break free from the tightening webs. 

As Ariados entered his trainer's office, Ivan immediately noticed the shiny Spinarak in his arms, eliciting laughter from him. 

Ivan was well aware of the situation in the nest, as Ariados kept him updated on the potential Spinaraks he planned to distribute among his subordinates, including the shiny one. 

However, Ivan, like his Ariados, had little patience for unruly subordinates, whether human or Pokémon. 

Despite making exceptions in the past, Spinarak's personality proved to be particularly troublesome. 

Even after attempting to forge an artificial bond with a high-level Pokéball, Spinarak only grew more enraged, resisting Ivan's efforts to control it. 

This behavior was unusual for shiny Pokémon, who typically sought companionship after a lifetime of isolation. 

After two years of futile attempts to tame the rebellious Spinarak, Ivan reluctantly relinquished control and returned it to Ariados's custody, hoping he could manage it. 

Instead, Spinarak grew even more resentful, isolating itself from the nest. Although Ivan considered selling it as a last resort, Ariados ultimately decided to give it to Leon, an ordinary orphan child.

"It looks as if you'll be in for a real treat, Leon." Ivan joked out only for Leon to feel uneasy instead of laughter. 

This emotion only enhanced after seeing the clear hate riddled Spinarak's eyes gazing at him with only pure killing intent.

"T-Rhank you boss for your gracious gift." Leon forced a smile, making Ivan pleased that he accepted it.

Drawing the last trusty Pokéball he received from Gabe, its surface already imprinted with his touch, Leon approached Spinarak. 

The Pokémon's agitation clearly increased upon catching sight of the Pokéball, its movements growing even more frenzied with a crazed rage looming within its ruthless eyes.


Spinarak's eyes blazed with intensity, turning bloodshot as it unleashed its pent-up energy, straining with all its might to break free from the iron-like webs ensnaring it.



Ariados, without even the slightest mercy, knocked Spinarak unconscious with one swift strike before giving Leon the go ahead to catch its kin.

"Thank you for your help Ariados." Leon forced his ugly expression down while showing himself to be grateful.

"Ariados.' Ariados nodded its head, pointing to the unconscious spinarak indicating for him to now catch the spinarak.


"Ariados I think Spinarak is a great pokemon-"

"Ariados." Ariados' voice chilled the room as it squinted its eyes before Leon could make an excuse.

"And I'm just so glad you have the heart to entrust him to me." Leon forced a toothy smile as Ariados nodded it's head once more.

Ivan chuckled venomously as he watched Leon hesitantly retrieve a Pokéball from his pocket, his laughter echoing through the room. 

For a split second, Leon's brows twitched in uncertainty, but eventually, he tapped the Pokéball against the unconscious Spinarak's head. 

In all honesty, Leon already had enough on his plate, and he certainly didn't need another problem child. 

Regardless of its talent, he could tell at first glance that this Spinarak would be nearly impossible to communicate with, let alone tame. 

Being a trainer was undeniably expensive and time-consuming from even a first glace. 

On top of that, Leon had to navigate the unfamiliar streets of this world and assemble like-minded individuals to eventually form his own gang.

Leon didn't have time to play therapist with everyone he encountered since he would mentally strain himself to thin.

"Thank you once again boss, for your generosity." Leon bowed as Ivan curiously gazed at him, not hiding his constant scanning in the least.

"You're welcome." Ivan accepted Leon's false thanks, but before he could leave the office, Ariados put one of its legs in his way, stopping his motion.

"However, I feel bad for giving you such a unruly Spinarak so I would like to give you this." Ivan then opened a drawer and pulled out a minimized pokeball.

"Here." Ivan threw the pokeball at Leon who caught it though showed a genuine look of surprise, not expecting anything else.

"It's a geodude who I thought had incredible points since it had the innate moves magnitude, stone edge, and rock polish." Ivan explained before his face became annoyed upon finishing his sentence.

"But even though it had three innate moves, its talent is only a half star which is pathetic for me to have, but it should be of use to you since it's very weak minded so taming it won't be an issue." Ivans annoyed face morphed into a ugly one, reflecting on his disappointment.

"That's all, you're excused." Ivan leaned back on his black cushioned chair while pushing his hand through his hair.

"Yes boss." Leon bowed though patiently waited for Ariados to put down his leg before calmly walking out of the double doors.

Once he left, Ivan side-eyed Ariados who was still gazing at the door as if wondering something.

"What is it, Ariados?" Ivan inquired as Ariados slowly started walking to its trainer side.

"Aria Ariados dos." Ariados hissed, making Ivan let out a small sigh.

"It is unfortunate that your kin proved useless in our plans, however I feel that giving it to that kid could prove fruitful." Ivan gently petted Ariados' head who still showed an aggrieved expression.

"Ariados?" Ariados inquired, gazing up at the only person who he considered his equal.

"It's sort of a gamble, if Leon cannot tame Spinarak I will think nothing of him." Ivan expressed his opinions to Ariados who quietly listened.

"But if he manages to tame Spinarak then I'll start grooming him into my number two." Ivan's words made Ariados surprised.

"We need to start condensing our power Ariados if we want to take the blackthorns head on." Ivan boldly proclaimed while showing a ruthless expression as he held up a vial that contained a multi colored powdered substance.

"This is our ticket, this will garner us all the notoriety of the blackthorn underworld and assure our rule for years to come." Ivan then slowly gripped the vial before it shook silently.

"But first, we'll deal with that trashy Noctowl gang and finally be the sole gang in the blackthorn underworld before we make our move." 

Outside the door Leon frowned, gazing at the mimized pokeball that was geodude who had evidently been under status for three weeks.

"Congratulations on not dying!" Sam cheered at Leon who snapped out of his daze.

"Is that the spinarak you got?" Sam pointed to the one in his hand, starting their walk down the hallway as one of her pokeballs shook in excitement

"Calm down your Ariados, Sam." Josh motioned to Sam's side as the pokeball that held her Ariados was shaking vigorously.

" Oh c'mon Joshy, Ariados is just excited to meet another one of its siblings!" Sam's words showed truth as her pokeball started to shake even more ferociously.

"This is a geodude." Leon crushed the shaking pokeballs hopes as it remained still at his baffling remark along with its trainer.

"A geodude?" Sam scratched her head as Josh gave him a weird look.

"This is my spinarak-" Leon pointed to his hip as they turned the corner however before one of them could remark, a flash of light eclipsed the area.

"Ariados!" Ariados joyfully sprung from its pokeball once Leon pulled out another pokeball.

Leon flinched though before it could do any other movement, Ariados vanished and appeared in front of Leon.

"Ariados, what are you doing!" Josh yelled at the excited Ariados though Sam only laughed.

"It's fine Joshy, Ariados is a sweetheart-"

"DON'T!" Leon yelled though Ariados disregarded his words and precisely tapped the release button on the pokeball now in his hand.

Sam tilted her head though her eyes widened along with Josh after seeing the groggy Spinarak's color.

"Dammit!" Leon immediately aimed his pokeball at Spinarak though Ariados went in the way while appearing in front of the Spinarak happily.

"Ariados!" Ariados gleefully introduced itself while curiously admiring his brother's color.

"Spin?" Spinarak rubbed its head while looking around only to burst out in a murderous aura once its memories resurfaced.

"Wow Leon, Ivan gave you a shiny spinarak!" Sam showed a surprised look, examining it as Josh stopped her while squinting both his eyes.

"Sam, tell your Airados to move!" Leon commanded Sam who scrunched her eyebrows at having a twelve year old boss issue her orders.

"Ariado-" Sam still followed his words only to be interrupted.

"SPINARAK!" Spinarak roared as it let itself be consumed from anger.

Both of its front paws exploded in a dangerous purple light as its body became covered in a normal type energy.

"Ariados protect!" Sam quickly ordered as the confused Ariados complied with its trainer commands instinctively.


Sam, Josh, and Ariados all flinched, seeing that Ariados' protection had a slight crack, yet Spinarak kept pushing forward.

It wore a crazed expression, its eyes avoiding Ariados but fixating on the second human who had bound it in an artificial bond. 

Leon met Spinarak's deadly gaze with one of his own, refusing to flinch, which only served to stoke the Pokémon's fury even further.

"Spin spinarak!" Spinarak commanded Ariados in anger as if something inside the young pokemon awoke from the immense stress. 

"Ariados." Ariados' eyes became glazy in the next moment as both Sam and Josh's eyes condensed rapidly, knowing what this Spinarak was doing.


Without hesitation, Leon recalled the agitated Spinarak into its Pokéball, immediately activating the status mode. 

However, he couldn't help but feel a pang of anxiety as the Pokéball began to wriggle incessantly before gradually calming down into a solid state.

"WHAT THE F*CK IS YOUR PROBLEM SAM!" Leon shouted in rage, a vein clearly appearing on his forehead when looking at the source of the problem.

Ariados, hearing Leon's shout shook itself into reality before scratching its head in a confused manner.

"I apologize for Sam's pokemons behavior." Josh replied though continued to gaze at the pokeball in Leon's hand while Sam returned Ariados to its pokeball.

"Holy sh*t Josh, did Ivan really give him a swarm leader." Sam had a shocked face as she instinctively nudged him, not even guilty for causing Leon any inconvenience.

"No, he wouldn't have done something that stupid." Josh analyzed as he watched Leon angrily pocket the Spinarak.

"Leon, come with me, Sam meet us at the barracks." Josh side-eyed Sam who vigorously nodded her head.

"Do you want me-"

"Yes, go." Josh knew exactly what Sam was going to say as she immediately took off.

"What are-"

"Listen Leon." Josh walked in front of Leon while showing an even more serious gaze than he was used to bearing.

Raising an eyebrow, Leon observed Josh closely, unsure whether to interpret his actions as a blatant threat or advice. 

Seeing that Josh showed no intention of attacking him, Leon decided to listen, prepared for whatever message he was about to receive.

"You cannot by any means let anyone, especially Ivan, know what your spinarak is capable of, understand?." Josh put his hand on Leon's shoulder while squeezing tightly, making Leon frown.

"Why are you over-"

"Leon, you don't understand." Josh guided Leon a ways away from the door before continuing in an empty hall.

"On top of having a shiny spinarak, he's a potential swarm leader." Josh whispered that last part though Leon never stopped being any less confused.

"Swarm-" Josh put his hand over Leon's mouth before he could even finish the sentence.

"Listen closely Leon because after this conversation, whatever happens to you will be your fault." Josh pressed harder on Leon's mouth as he showed how severe of a situation Leon could be in.

"In the wild, pokemon will always have a designated leader in their pact who usually leads the group as well as commands it." Josh quietly gave Leon a quick lesson while he nodded his head since he knew this.

"But bug types are different." Josh instinctively gazed down at Leon's pocket.

"In almost all cases the leaders of bug colonies are those who were born with the enhanced swarm ability which acts like a hive mind." Josh gazed down at his pokeball before returning to making eye contact.

"Do you ever wonder why Ivan would just give Spinarak and Ariados away in his gang?" Josh asked with Leon nodding his head with his mouth still covered.

"Well it's not because he's a kind hearted boss but because all Ariados and Spinarak in this gang are initiated into his Ariados swarm before they are given to a member." Josh calmly explained the real reason behind each member having Ariados.

"Now, do you know what happens when two bugs types in the same swarm have the charactics of a swarm leader?" Josh asked Leon to draw a conclusion in his mind.

"They kill each other, Leon, and a common belief in the bug community is that if a bug type ever awakens the trait of swarm leader then that trainer is said to be a born leader as well." Josh didn't even let Leon finish while answering for him. 

"You can't mean-"

"Yes, even if you didn't know, the thing that matters is that Ivan didn't know and he will simply kill you in a heartbeat once he finds out about spinarak." Josh seriously spoke as if knowing just how unreasonable of a person Ivan truly is.

"Leon, let me wake you up to your new reality, the underworld is a place where people will kill each other over insignificant remarks." Josh started guiding Leon away while heading farther and farther from Ivan's office.

Leon, who listened intently, was already well versed in this subject. He had experienced numerous attempts on his life or threats against him simply for speaking his mind or offending someone's ego. 

He understood firsthand the dangers of unchecked ego, recognizing it as a slow poison that could consume individuals entirely, transforming them into something unrecognizable.

"The small time leaders of the underworld are even worse because if they ever drop their guard, then someone will try to stab them in the back to take their place." Josh instructed as they started making their way towards the bay.

"That is why all small leaders are ruthless because if they show any leniency then any schmuck from the slums will try their luck at trying to exploit them." Josh pushed Leon into another hallway before seeing Sam patiently waiting outside a particular door.

"Do yourself a favor and kill that Spinarak before you get yourself killed." Josh appeared next to Sam as he gave his last piece of advice.

Leon grasped, to some extent, the concept that a Pokémon often reflects its trainer, and vice versa.

"Did you-"

"Yep yep and yep." Sam toothly smiled while sticking up her thumbs.

"What did you do-"

"I tweaked the security footage on the cctv's to make it seem like you started a fight against me, and that is the last free favor I'm doing for you." Sam explained to Leon who nodded his head.

"Thank you, for covering up the problem you caused." Leon thanked Sam who patted his shoulder.

"Don't mention it." Sam nodded her head as Josh squinted.

"We'll help you forge a story to make it seem reasonable as to why your spinarak die-"

"I'll take my chances." Leon interrupted Josh, making both of them frown.

"Are you a idiot-"

"No, but I do have a gambling problem." Leon smiled while chuckling at his own joke.

"Listen Leon-"

"No, how about you listen for once, Josh," Leon retorted firmly, annoyed at Josh always talking over him and constantly lecturing him. 

"Sometimes, if you want to succeed in this harsh world, you've got to be willing to take big risks. It's about rolling the dice against the odds, not just relying on luck." Leon's inner old man came out as Josh froze while recalling something. 

'It's about rolling the dice against the odds, not just relying on luck.' Those words made Josh's eyes shrink as an outline appeared over Leon making him momentarily speechless.

"Life is like walking into a casino, some schmucks are satisfied with leaving a casino up one hundred bucks, but me?" Leon gestured to Josh before pointing at himself.

"I'm the type to stop at the roulette wheel with that hundred bucks because either I walk out with double or nothing." Leon shrugged, looking towards the weirded out Sam.

Initially, Leon had been inclined to simply rid himself of the hateful Spinarak. 

But, thanks to Josh's explanation on how to handle the situation, he began to see the potential value of the Pokémon if he played his cards right.

"Anyways-......…this is where you'll be staying until you're granted your own place." Sam tried to move on but Josh continued to stare intently at Leon who shrugged off his gaze.

"Welcome to Bay 23, your new home until further notice." Sam did a grandiose gesture towards the sign only for it to fall onto the ground.

"We'll pick you up after the weekend and show you the ropes." Sam nervously chuckled while trying to pull Josh away though he remained planted in place.

"Leon get rid out that spinarak, I'm serious." Josh wanted to say these words differently however they came out instead very shrewd.

"I understand you want to help me and you have a hard time expressing yourself, but I'd rather die a man then die a dog-"


Josh hit the wall in the next second, the loud sound of his fist slamming through it resounded in the area as his eyes became bloodshot.

"Do you have a death wish!" Josh yelled at him though Leon felt like he was talking to someone else.

"A little bit." Leon smiled as he strolled into the barrack, a subtle action that seemed to trigger something in Josh. 

Before he could lunge forward, he felt two strong arms wrap around his waist, restraining him.

"Joshy don't, you know the rules." Sam whispered as Josh's breath became ragged.

"You're a fool." Josh hissed out words not meant for Leon who held up his middle finger while not gazing back at him.

"Well at least I'm not a coward." Those last words really hit Josh deep as he watched Leon walk into the barracks.

Josh gritted his teeth in frustration before turning away, only to find Sam wrapping her arms around his. 

He initially wanted to shake her off, but feeling her grip tighten, he relented, realizing he didn't want to hurt her.

"C'mon Sammy." Josh grunted as Sam smiled upon hearing his voice returning to its usual tone.

"Ok Joshy." Sam tucked her head into his arm as they walked out to do whatever it is that couples do.

As Leon stepped into the bustling and noisy room, filled with the echoes of light hearted laughter, a sudden hush fell over the space, drowning out all sound.
