
Pokémon: Dark Legacy

The World of Pokémon. A world where avatars of destruction and life exists. It is a vast world, a never ending utopia. It is structured to be perfect, almost too perfect. However, an anomaly occurred, disrupting the balance. By disrupting the balance, the Almighty Arceus and its Avatars stabilized the source of it. Regardless of that, they unknowingly altered the balance as well. (Updated Synopsis 11-13-21)

peanutcoffee · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 24: Oath

For the very first time, God's gaze fell upon Mt. Moon. The whole area where the mountain was exposed, light was present.

The clearing was covered in white smoke, every person gathered around the place where the explosion occurred. Guards, grunts, even Scarlet.

"What. The. FUCK!"

Scarlet screamed, her face red with anger. The grunts around her jumped in fear.

"How did this happen! Who the fuck was on duty!"

None answered her. She furiously looked around and saw all of them were sweating.

"Tch, useless! Gather round, and be on guard!"

Scarlet brandished her Pokéball, alongside the others.


Slowly, steps were heard. Each footstep was quiet and faint.

The smoke dissipates, and the figure of Gray and a menacing Pokémon became visible.

"Ah~ light in this place makes it lively, doesn't it?"

"Tch, you arrogant brat! Just because you have a Pokémon doesn't mean you have the right to talk to me like that!"

Scarlet signaled everyone, and they all released their Pokémon.

Groups of Zubat, Rattata, Grimer, and Koffing were simultaneously released. However, Gray wasn't fazed.

"[Psycho Cut]," Gray calmly ordered.

From behind Gray, tentacles moved hypnotically and lashed out with many dark, lavender, crescent-shaped energy. It struck many Pokémon in its way, but that did nothing to deter the powerful attack.

"A-ah… What is that thing?! Is that even a Pokémon? That's a monster!" A grunt bellowed in fear of the Kranken-Esque pokemon.

The figure behind Gray is a Pokémon called Malamar. It was a grotesque Pokémon that is found rarely in the Kalos region. It is a Pokémon hardly caught due to its dark tendencies.

"This is nostalgic. It's been so long since I've felt this powerful. I missed you, Malamar."

"What's the meaning of this? How do you have that kind of Pokémon? You're supposed to be a rookie trainer!" Scarlet screamed as she rose through the rubble of rocks.

"Isn't it obvious? You're more braindead than I thought."

Gray kindly smiled, amused, as he calmly taunted Scarlet.

Scarlet turned red, living up to her name. She was furious, she had never experienced embarrassment like this! Like a Primeape, she roared and sent out her Pokémon: Prinplup.

"I will end you as I ended you back then! Prinplup, [Bubblebeam]!"

Prinplup opened her jaw, as a burst of streaming bubbles were quickly sent towards Malamar.

Similar to his trainer, Malamar taunted Prinplup with a smile, as if saying 'those bubbles look cute'.

"Dodge them, and end the battle with [Slash]." Gray casually said, making Scarlet even angrier.

"Are you fucking with me? You think you can beat me after you just got a Pokémon?" Scarlet blared, livid at Gray's nonchalant attitude.

"Yes," Gray replied.

Malamar easily dodged the [Bubblebeam], from the grace it moved with it was obvious he had experienced battling. His movements were cleaner and faster than Gray's other Pokémon, which only aggravated Scarlet further.

The [Bubblebeam] never stopped, Prinplup kept the bubbles coming. However, suddenly before her eyes, she saw the Malamar, who she was tracking, disappear.

She looked around in distress as she suddenly felt a malevolent presence behind her.

Suddenly, a huge shadow was cast upon her. She quickly looked back and saw Malamar standing ominously behind her.

Malamar smiled, but it wasn't a kind smile; it had killing intent, and it scared Prinplup. Many tendril-like tentacles sprouted behind him. They shone dark black and they all simultaneously blitzed towards Prinplup.

Prinplup dodged… or so she thought, as suddenly all of the tendrils punctured her body. Blood gushed out, and she passed out, it was clear that she was at death's door.

Scarlet froze. She released Machoke, but his fate was the same as Prinplup. One after another, every pokemon that had the misfortune of being released, was returned just as quickly.

Soon only blood littered the battlefield, it made for a gruesome scene that proved just how outclassed Scarlet was. This was not a war or battle, it was a slaughter.

"It's the end, Scarlet. Let's make it simple, give me all my items back and I'll let you live. Or we do it the hard way. It's not like I can't just kill you and get them myself."

Gray said with mocking eyes, he looked at Scarlet's Pokémon, who Malamar senselessly decimated.

"…fine," Scarlet said, clenching her fist in anger. Gray had been taunting, ridiculing, and mocking her the entire time; that coupled with how easily Malamar outclassed her Pokémon had broken her will to fight.

She couldn't do anything, her Pokémon, the ones she had trained for years, were all destroyed by a single Pokémon with a single move.

Obviously she was scared, but even with her temper, she didn't regard her emotions. So while her expression was one filled with anger and hate she still listened to what Gray said.

Gray smiled, he walked towards Scarlet and motioned her to move along. Scarlet unwillingly trotted towards the camp where all the trainers' belongings were kept.

'I'll never forget this humiliation! Just wait until then, Gray!' Scarlet made an oath to her future self, an oath to enact revenge on the man who had humiliated her.


[Gray's POV]

This is more to my liking. Malamar - a Pokémon I liked in my previous journey - slaughtering any Pokémon in my way, at my command. It was an experience I am more than used to, especially as opposed to meticulously planning every little thing to win.

It was an invigorating experience that suited my style, winning by decimating my opponents.

I guess it was inevitable for my newer Pokémon to be outclassed by others. I need more items and artifacts to make them stronger, the gym leaders are also going to spike up in difficulty so there's no point in holding back.

Elekid, Magikarp, Kakuna, Yanma… They need to ascend to the next level. With my performance at the first gym, I'm sure the others would scale up their Pokémon, and strategies to what I showed.

Though all of that could wait, the first thing I need is to get my stuff back.

"Move faster, I'm getting impatient." This woman, Scarlet, sure is testing my patience.

"Shut up, do you know how hard it is to navigate around bodies and boulders?! Especially after making a mess!" She yelled in outrage.

I don't know if she forgot, or if she's truly that stupid, but yelling at the person who holds your life in the palms of their hand isn't really a smart move.

"Just make it fast, I'm sure the police are nearby. They would have sent people after the explosion."

Mentioning the police would surely make her move far quicker. After all, a member of the criminal organization Team Rocket would be a good fetch for them.

"I know that, plus, the base isn't far from here."

Surely enough, close to our current spot, I saw a big campsite with enough tents to hold countless people or items inside.

"Malamar, [Hypnosis]."

"Wait, you bit-!"

Malamar quickly cast his [Hypnosis] and Scarlet fell with a thud.

'Now, I can grab my stuff with some extras. This could be a great haul.' I thought to myself as I took anything that was of value.


[3rd POV]

Gray quickly went through the tents and examined any worthwhile items. He saw potions, Pokéball and money. He took all he found valuable. Once he saw his belongings, he left the tents and made Malamar destroy the base.

"That was worth it. Now I don't need to stock up for about a month. Team Rocket sure kidnapped a lot of people."

Making his way out, the cave suddenly grew loud and shook. Footsteps like thunder made their way towards his direction, and he quickly ran.

"Halt! Don't let him run away!"

Gray continued running, but he looked back a for second and saw a wave of police officers with Growlithe and Arcanine rushing towards him.

"Fuck, Malamar use [Flash] and get us out of here with [Teleport]!"

Malamar blitzed and blocked the incoming officers with a barrier, and then proceed to blind them quickly; he then teleported near Gray and both were gone in a second.

The officers got in touch with their senses after a bit and saw nothing more than the bodies of Team Rocket grunts, and their fallen Pokémon.

"Damn it, split up, one group try to find that guy, while the others will search the vicinity immediately, check if there are any survivors!"

A man with a huge Arcanine ordered, he seemed to be the leader of this group.

The others immediately took action. The other went back and searched for Gray and the others searched Team Rocket's base.

"Sir, we found cages and most of them are empty; we also saw tents that were destroyed, we might need to check them out." An officer informed the leader after a few minutes of investigation.

"Alright, lead the way. This damned organization, why are they back so soon!"

The leader cursed. He then went along with the officer and continued to investigate.




Meanwhile, beyond Mt. Moon, a certain person was watching the scenes play out. He had a sphere in his hands that relayed the events that happened inside Mt. Moon.

"Heh, giving him that Pokémon sure changed a lot. I'm sure this would mess our plans up, but the boss said otherwise, so I'll believe him."

This was none other than Archer. He was watching Gray after he left the mountain. He knew everything that happened, even the fight between him and Scarlet.


"Gray… I look forward to seeing you in the future. I hope you don't forget your oath…"


Pokémon: Elekid

Type: Electric/Fighting

Ability: Vital Spirit

Gender: Male

Moves: [Thunderpunch] [Thunder Shock->Shock Wave] [Brick Break] [Thunder Wave]


Pokémon: Spearow

Type: Normal/Flying

Ability: Sniper

Gender: Male

Moves: [Peck->Wing Attack->Aerial Ace] [Focus Energy] [Fury Attack] [Pursuit] [Agility]


Pokémon: Magikarp [Mutated]

Type: Water

Ability: Swift Swim

Gender: Female

Moves: [Tackle] [Flail] [Splash]


Pokémon: Kakuna

Type: Bug/Poison

Ability: Shed Skin

Gender: Male

Moves: [Poison Sting] [String Shot] [Bug Bite] [Electroweb] [Harden]


Pokémon: Yanma

Type: Bug/Flying

Ability: Compound Eyes

Gender: Male

Moves: [Leech Life] [Detect] [Double Team] [Sonic Boom] [Supersonic] [Aerial Ace]


Pokémon: Malamar

Type: Dark/Psychic

Ability: Contrary

Gender: Male

Moves: [Psycho Cut] [Teleport] [Flash] [Hypnosis] [Slash]


The End of Chapter 24: Oath


A/N: New chapter let's gooooo! My boy @Envious_ helped out with the editing. I'll see you guys in a year deuces