
Chapter 13: Brady VS Gregory

"Wait a minute.."

{Alex} 'What?'

"Any idea on how we get to Dewford Town?"

{Alex} 'Nope..'

{?} 'Well, well. So we meet again, Brady.' A familiar voice would say.

{Natalie} 'Huh?'

Someone familiar would be leaning against a tree.

{?} 'Don't you remember me, Brady?' He smirks.


{Gregory} 'Bingo!'

{Alex} 'Gregory? Is he a friend of yours?'

I shrug. "He just insists we're rivals now.."

Alex and Natalie chuckle.

{Gregory} 'Who are they?' He points to Alex and Natalie.

"That's Alex." I point to him. "And that's Natalie, we met each other shortly after I left Littleroot Town, and we decided to travel together. It's been fun, too."

{Natalie} 'That's right.'

{Gregory} 'Nice to meet you, Alex, and Natalie.'

{Natalie} 'Nice to meet you, too, Gregory.'

{Alex} 'Yeah, nice to meet you.'

{Gregory} 'Your Elekid seems stronger than the last time we battled. So, how 'bout another battle?' He smirks.

"Sure." I smirk, back, and getting up.

{Alex} 'I'll be the referee.' He stands in the middle of us, out of the way. 'How many pokémon?'

{Gregory} 'Two alright with you, Brady?'

"Yes, perfectly alright with me."

{Natalie} 'Good luck, Brady!'

"Thank you, Natalie." I smile.

{Gregory} 'Wait till you see what I've been up to.' He smirks.

{Alex} 'The two on two battle between Brady and Gregory is about to get under way, trainers please select your pokémon!'

{Gregory} 'Right.' He selects a pokeball that was resting on his belt. 'Mudkip, I choose you!' He sends out his Mudkip.

{Mudkip} 'Mudkip!'

"A Mudkip.." I grab my Pokédex.

{Pokédex} 'Mudkip, the Mud Fish Pokémon. Mudkip uses the sensitive radar receptors on its headfin to determine what's going on around it. In a pinch, it can brandish enough power to crush rocks.'

"Hm, alright then. Taillow, stand by for battle!" Taillow gets up from his spot, and flies over ready for battle.

{Gregory} 'A Taillow, huh? Why not your Elekid?'

"I don't know..why not your Beldum?" I smirk.

{Gregory} 'Touché Brady, touché.'

"You may have the first move."

{Gregory} 'Good. Mudkip, use water gun!'

Mudkip shoots a blast of water from its mouth at Taillow.

"Taillow, fly up!"

Taillow flies up with unbelievable speed.

"Wing Attack!"

Taillow's wings glow white, and comes up behind Mudkip.

{Gregory} 'Mudkip turn and use Water Gun!'

Mudkip quickly turns, spraying Taillow with its water gun attack.

"Taillow, fly up!"

Taillow breaks out of the water gun attack, and flies up.

{Gregory} 'You've trained well, impressive!'

"Thanks! Taillow, use Quick Attack!"

Taillow strikes Mudkip with a speedy Quick Attack.

{Mudkip} 'Muudddkipp!' It hits the ground. Mudkip's eye open, then Mudkip starts to glow white. Mudkip starts to grow, getting bigger. The white glow fades, revealing a pokémon with a light-blue body, and a lighter shade of blue on its underside along with a orange belly. It would have a angular black fin on its head, orange eyes, orange gills, long arms with three-fingered hands, three small toes, and two black fins for tails.

I grab my Pokédex.

{Pokédex} 'Marshtomp, the water/ground type pokemon. This Pokémon has a thin, sticky film enveloping its body that enables it to live on land. Its body weakens if its skin dries out, so it plays in the mud on beaches when the tide is low to replenish fluids. It is capable of moving faster through mud than water. With its sturdy legs, it has good footing in mud that allows it to overwhelm struggling opponents.'

{Gregory} 'Marshtomp, huh. Now, Marshtomp, use Water Gun!'

Marshtomp blasts Taillow into a tree with a powerful water gun attack.

Taillow falls to the ground, unable to battle.

{Natalie} 'No..Taillow..'

{Alex} 'Taillow is unable to battle, Marshtomp wins!'

I return Taillow into its pokeball.

"Thank you, Taillow. Take a nice long rest."

I look at Elekid.

"Elekid, stand by for battle!"

Elekid nods.

{Gregory} 'I mean, if you want to lose that badly, then alright! Marshtomp, use Mud Slap!'

Mud would appear in Marshtomp's hands, he jumps forward ready to deliver the attack.

"Elekid, quick, use Brick Break!"

Elekid harshly delivers the attack into the Marshtomp's stomach, sending Marshtomp into the ground onto its back, unable to battle.

{Alex} 'Marshtomp is unable to battle, Elekid wins!'

{Natalie} 'Alright, Elekid!'

"Good job, Elekid!"

Elekid looks back, smirking.

Gregory returns his Marshtomp.

{Gregory} 'That Elekid of yours is something else, Brady. But, we're not done yet! Beldum, I choose you!' He sends out his Beldum.

{Beldum} 'Beldum!'

{Gregory} 'I remember before we both left on our journey, you and your Elekid beat me and my Beldum. But, it'll be different here!'

"I'm ready to see how well you and Beldum have trained for myself, then."

{Gregory} 'Beldum, use Take Down!'

Beldum charges in at Elekid.

"Elekid, jump on top of Beldum!"

Elekid jumps on top of Beldum, as he was told.

"Now, Thunder Punch!"

Elekid Thunder Punches Beldum into the ground. Then Elekid jumps behind Beldum.

{Gregory} 'Use Take Down, full power!'

Beldum, turns and charges at Elekid with its Take Down attack at full power. Beldum hits Elekid with a strong attack, making Elekid skid backwards.

"Elekid, Thunder Punch once again!'

Elekid jumps towards Beldum.

{Gregory} 'Beldum, Take Down, now!'

Beldum strikes Elekid in its stomach, looking like it was a critical hit. Elekid tries pushing himself up, then collapses, being unable to battle.

{Alex} 'Elekid is unable to battle! Which means Beldum and Gregory are the winners!'

{Gregory} 'Alright! Good Job, Beldum!'

{Beldum} 'Beldum!'

I walk up to Elekid, picking him up into my arms.

"You battled hard Elekid. Thank you."

Gregory walks over, Beldum hovers right next to him.

{Gregory} 'How's Elekid?'

I look at him. "He'll be fine, he just needs a long rest."

He nods.

{Gregory} 'Thank you for another exciting battle, Brady.'

"Thank you, I never realized how much I actually use my brain against you."

We all laugh.

{Gregory} 'By the way, you need a way to Dewford Town?'

"Yeah, why?"

{Gregory} 'I can help get you all over there, come on!'

{Alex} 'Actually..'

{Natalie} 'Huh?'


{Alex} 'I actually need to do something before I head to Dewford. You guys go on without me I'll meet up with you all on Dewford when I'm ready.'

{Gregory} 'Alright.'

I nod. "See you on Dewford then."

{Natalie} 'See you, soon.'

I return the rest of my pokémon, Gregory then leads me and Natalie to a shipyard, where Professor Birch would be waiting with a boat.

"Professor Birch?"

{Professor Birch} 'Oh, hey! Nice to see you, Brady, and looks like you have a new friend.'

I nod. "Yeah, Professor Birch meet Natalie, Natalie meet Professor Birch."

{Professor Birch} 'Nice to meet you, young lady.'

{Natalie} 'Nice to meet you, too. Professor.'

{Gregory} 'These two need a lift to Dewford Town.'

{Professor Birch} 'Is that so?'

"Yeah, if you don't mind two more?"

{Professor Birch} 'I don't mind at all, in fact it might be a lot more fun!' He smiles.

Natalie and I head onto the boat, sitting next to each other in the back, as we start heading to Dewford Town.