
Pokémon : An Unexpected Journey

Austin, a die-hard Pokémon fan, is disenchanted with the series' direction post-Sinnoh. After a typical late-night binge-watch, he drifts off to sleep, only to wake up in an unimaginable reality: he is Ash Ketchum, and today is the morning his legendary journey begins. Reeling from the shock, Austin must navigate a world that is not quite the anime, manga, or video games he knows—it's something far more complex and dangerously real.

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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485 Chs

Chapter no.358 Vote for a plan

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[ POV Change ]

The room was silenced as the news anchor on the television spoke with a tone of excitement, "And now, ladies and gentlemen, we have a special guest joining us live from Celadon City. It's none other than the former leader of Viridian City Gym and the current Minister of Finance, Lionel Giovanni!"

Lionel Giovanni stood confidently at the podium, his piercing eyes scanning the side of the road filled with journalists eagerly awaiting his answers. His tall stature and sharp features exuded a sense of power, and his impeccably tailored suit commanded respect. The reporters varied in appearance - some were seasoned journalists with graying hair and a tired demeanor, while others were fresh-faced and eager to make a name for themselves. Each held their cameras and microphones, ready to capture every word and gesture from the enigmatic Minister.

As he adjusted the microphone, everyone fell silent, waiting in anticipation for his first words. The news anchor spoke up, "Minister Giovanni, can you give us some insight into the sudden disappearance of Erika, the beloved Gym Leader of Celadon City?"

Giovanni's face darkened as he spoke, "I am deeply troubled by the disappearance of my dear friend, Erika. She is not only a valuable member of our community but also a dear friend. That is why I have personally joined the search efforts, to bring her back safely to her family and her people."

The room erupted into applause, with reporters shouting questions all at once. Camera flashes flickered like lightning, casting shadows that danced across the walls. Lionel held up his hand, and the room fell silent once again.

"I want to assure the public that we are doing everything in our power to find her. We have all the best resources available to us, and I have personally put together a task force to investigate and search for any leads. I am confident that we will find her and bring her home safely."

The news anchor interjected, "But Minister Giovanni, there have been rumors about criminal elements being involved in her disappearance. Can you comment on that?"

Giovanni's eyes hardened, "I can confirm that we are considering all possibilities and leaving no stone unturned. But I want to emphasize that it's imperative that we work together as a community to bring her home safely. This is a time for unity and not speculation."

The room erupted into applause once again. As the clapping continued, Looker noticed that a few people in the crowd were shouting and incentivizing others to clap louder, creating a contagious group mentality. It almost seemed as if these individuals had been strategically placed by Giovanni himself to elicit such reactions to his seemingly sincere words.

'Fucking politicians...' Looker thought as he left the room, not wanting to deal with this.

"I understand that many of you have questions about my own involvement in the search, and I want to make it clear that I am fully committed to finding Erika. As the former leader of Viridian City Gym and someone who has dedicated my life to the betterment of the Kantonian community, I believe it is my duty to be a part of this effort."

The room was filled with nods of agreement, and one reporter called out, "Minister Giovanni, you have been a hero in Kanto for many years. Can you share with us what drives you to be so committed to this cause?"

Giovanni's eyes softened, and a hint of a smile graced his lips. "I have been blessed with many gifts in my life, but the greatest of them all has been the opportunity to serve and help others. Kanto has given me so much, and it is my honor to give back in any way I can. Erika's disappearance is a tragedy, and it is my duty to help bring her back safely."

The room erupted into applause once again, the contagious energy and group mentality amplified by those planted among the crowd. The flashing of cameras resumed, creating a sense of urgency and importance around Giovanni's words.

As the applause began to die down, a young reporter raised her hand, hoping to get a more detailed answer from the Minister. "Sir, given the speculation surrounding the involvement of criminal elements, how do you plan to address the potential threat to public safety?"

Giovanni's expression remained calm, though his vague response left some reporters unsatisfied. "We are working closely with local law enforcement and national authorities to ensure the safety of our citizens. I cannot go into detail about specific measures, but I can assure you that we are taking this matter very seriously."

Another reporter chimed in, "Minister Giovanni, can you comment on the nature of your relationship with Erika? Some have suggested that your personal connection to her could cloud your judgment in this investigation."

Giovanni's voice remained steady, but there was a flash of "emotion" in his eyes. "Erika and I share a bond through our mutual passion for Pokémon and our dedication to the people of Kanto. Our friendship is based on trust and respect, and I assure you that it only serves to motivate me further in our search for her."

The room buzzed with whispers and murmurs, but the well-placed individuals in the crowd continued to stoke the flames of support, shouting words of encouragement and leading another round of applause.

As the press conference drew to a close, the room remained a mix of emotions. Some reporters felt inspired by Giovanni's dedication and resolve, while others remained skeptical of his intentions and the seemingly orchestrated show of support. Regardless of their opinions, they couldn't deny the impact of his presence and the weight of his words.

As the crowd dispersed, the planted individuals subtly vanished into the background, their mission accomplished. Meanwhile, the journalists left with more questions than answers.


Yellow stared at the television screen in disbelief as she watched Giovanni, the man she had heard so many positive things about

Green turned to Austin, hers eyes piercing as she asked, "Is he the leader of Team Rocket?"

Austin slowly nodded as Yellow's eyes widened, unable to find the words to express her shock. She had always heard that Giovanni was a respected figure, a man of integrity and power. But now, as she watched him on the screen, she realized that everything she had heard was a lie.

"We have to stop him," Yellow said, her voice filled with determination. "We have to expose him and put an end to this illegal organ harvesting system."

" Pi." Chu-Chu agreed with her trainer but Pikachu stayed quiet as he knew that things weren't that easy or his trainer would have already done it.

" Yellow, team rocket has already infiltrated the league. Even if we expose Giovanni, he can still go into hiding alongside Team Rocket."

Yellow turned to Austin, her eyes filled with confusion as she asked, " Is this why we aren't saving the Pokemon from Team Rocket? Isn't this why we're fighting?"

Austin shook his head, his expression grim as he replied, "It's not the right time." He took out his phone and began to dial a number, his fingers moving quickly over the buttons.

Yellow's brow furrowed as she watched him, her frustration growing by the moment. "What do you mean it's not the right time?" she demanded. "We can't just stand by and watch as those innocent Pokemon are taken. We have to do something!"

Yellow's frustration boiled over as she watched Austin, her hand slapping away the phone as she screamed at him. "Why isn't this the right time? Why shouldn't we help those poor Pokemon? Is this what Raticate would have wanted?"

As she uttered those words, Yellow immediately clapped her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide with shock. She had just brought up the name of her fallen companion, the one who had inspired her to fight against Team Rocket and the evil they represented.

Her eyes filled with tears as she thought of Raticate, her heart aching with a mix of anger and sorrow. She couldn't bear the thought of standing by and watching as more innocent lives were taken, just as Raticate's life had been taken.

"We have to do something," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion. "We can't just let this continue. We have to save those Pokemon, no matter what the cost."

Austin's expression softened as he looked at Yellow while picking up the phone.

He knew better than to let something like this anger him.

" Yellow, team rocket is going to launch an attack on team rocket in a month on the entirety of Kanto. More than a hundred thousand team rocket operatives have integrated into the league, the police force, the rangers, and even the Pokemon centers."

Austin's words were felt throughout the room as everyone realized the sheer scale of the mountain they were trying to climb if they wanted to get revenge on Team Rocket.

" H-How are we supposed to defeat them ?" Yellow asked as her mind went blank imagining the scale of the battles.

" Yellow, Team Rocket's takeover is something that we can only fight by destroying the head."

" So, we are exposing Giovanni?" Green asked in confusion.

" No, Giovanni is going to launch an attack on Silph Co. during their nationwide attack. They want to gain the master ball; a secret project of Silph Cooperation that would allow a trainer to capture a full-blooded legendary and they are going to use it on the legendary Pokémon that attacked the SS. Anne. If we expose Giovanni's relationship with team rocket now, he can go into hiding and then we'll never know when he is going to strike."

Austin went to Yellow's eye level," I know it's hard that we can't expose the evils of team rocket. My heart yearns to save those Pokemon from team rocket but..."

Austin felt Yellow's delicate hand grasp his own, and as he looked into her eyes, he could see the tears welling up, threatening to spill over. Her voice was laced with desperation as she implored, "Ash, you're the smartest person I know. Please, I beg of you, think of a plan to save those Pokémon. I can still hear their cries for help, their emotions of defeat and fear. They need us, and I can't bear to stand by and do nothing. Please, save them."

Her voice broke on the last word, the emotion in it too much to bear. Austin felt a lump form in his throat as he saw the pain etched on Yellow's face. He realized that through her she could feel their emotions and understand their pain, and it was tearing her apart.

The melancholic ambiance of the room was suddenly broken by Lucario's cough. Everyone turned to him, surprised by the interruption. Lucario's eyes sparkled with mischief, as he knew he had their attention.

"Well, I think it's the right time to say this, but Wartortle has a plan," Lucario announced, watching the reactions of his friends.

"Wartortle!" Wartortle exclaimed, clearly excited. He poked Ivysaur, who raised a few drawings of his plan toward Austin with his vines.

"I don't know," Austin questioned, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Pikachu tilted his head, equally puzzled by the drawings, his cheeks sparking with uncertainty.

"I say, we do it," Yellow chimed in, her eyes shining with enthusiasm.

"So, does my vote count?" Green asked with a smirk as she set down Erika.

"Yeah, let's put it up for a vote. Who here thinks we should go with Wartortle's plan?" Austin suggested, his eyes scanning the room.

Almost immediately, everyone raised their paws and hands in favor of the plan. Austin couldn't help but notice Green's hesitation and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Ahuh," Austin grunted before glancing at Green. "Why didn't you vote for the plan?"

"I was waiting," Green replied coyly, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"For what?"

"For you to buy my vote." Green grinned teasingly.

"Haha, really funny," Austin said, rolling his eyes.

"No, I am serious," Green insisted, her grin never faltering.

"So, what's the price?"



"Fine, then I'll vote against you," Green huffed, crossing her arms.

"Pretty sure that doesn't matter."

"Of course, it does. We live in a democracy," Green argued, her playful tone persisting.

Austin shook his head, chuckling at Green's antics, and turned to Wartortle. "So, mind explaining the plan?"

"War, War, War, War," Wartortle chimed, his expression animated as he tried to convey his plan.

Seeing the clarity on every Pokémon's face, Austin, Yellow, and Green turned to Lucario, who was casually reading his magazine, seemingly uninterested.

"Is there chocolate on my face?" Lucario asked with a sigh, clearly trying to avoid the conversation.

"No," Austin replied, slightly annoyed.


"Oi, living breathing fossil, translate what Wartortle said?" Austin demanded, growing increasingly impatient.

"War, war, war," Lucario responded lazily.

"Really funny, Lucario," Austin said sarcastically, narrowing his eyes.

"Hey, I'm not lying. That's what the turtle said."



"Yeah, that's not a plan."

"Tell that to the turtle."

"Wartortle, this is not a plan," Austin said firmly, trying to reason with the Pokémon.

"War, Wartortle, Wartortle," Wartortle replied, seemingly offended, his eyes narrowing and his posture defensive.

"Lucario, translate," Austin insisted, looking at his friend expectantly.

"Do I have to?" Lucario whined, rolling his eyes.

"Yes," Austin said, his tone stern.

"Fine," Lucario sighed, finally giving in.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

It is said that Skiploom were given their names because no matter where they go, they will soon skip town for the next one looming over the horizon. This is more poetry than etymology: many words are derived from Pokemon names, but "skip" and "loom" (at least in this sense) are not among them. What this phrase communicates is a different truth, for Skiploom is known for its wanderlust.

Unlike Hoppip, who detests being blown by the wind. and form Hoppip clouds to bring their home with them wherever they go, Skiploom is seldom seen with any others of their kind, and never for too long. Although their increased weight allows for more resistance than the tiny Hoppip, if a Skiploom does try to alter its path it is only to avoid going where it has been before. Some say they are drawn by strange cultures and different ways, others only by the local flora and fauna, and others say we are simply anthropomorphizing a carefree plant that is more interested in maximum sunlight than travel, and insist that further study will find a pattern to the migration of Skiploom.

It is telling that when humans weave stories of wandering, they set them in space or somewhere else different enough to replace reality with a strange, fascinating, and divided sort of world. Skiploom, however, wanders endlessly in the present, never losing interest in the journey. Perhaps this is because, like many other intermediate stages, Skiploom see this phase as a time to discard old bonds and find their desired place in the world, for Jumpluff lay down leech seeds and seldom wander. Or perhaps it is simply that getting there is never as exciting as the journey.