
Pokémon : An Unexpected Journey

Austin, a die-hard Pokémon fan, is disenchanted with the series' direction post-Sinnoh. After a typical late-night binge-watch, he drifts off to sleep, only to wake up in an unimaginable reality: he is Ash Ketchum, and today is the morning his legendary journey begins. Reeling from the shock, Austin must navigate a world that is not quite the anime, manga, or video games he knows—it's something far more complex and dangerously real.

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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484 Chs

Chapter no.311 Green's Dilemma

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[ POV Change ]

[ Team Rocket's Rookie Base ]

[ Lisa's Office ]

The air was thick with tension outside Instructor Lisa's office. A grunt, wearing the standard olive green uniform, stood nervously outside the closed door, clutching a stack of papers. He could hear faint murmurs coming from within, but couldn't make out what was being said.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, revealing a figure dressed in a similar uniform but with a black cap pulled low over their face and a mask covering their mouth. The grunt couldn't make out their features, but he could sense their authority.

"Orders from the Instructor," the figure said, their voice muffled by the mask. "Don't bother her or, as she said, she will shove her hand so far up your ass that you will feel it in your throat."

The grunt's eyes widened in fear at the threat, and he took a step back, almost dropping the stack of papers in his hands. The figure didn't give him a chance to react before throwing two giant body bags over their shoulder and hurrying off to the east.

As the figure walked away, the grunt couldn't help but stare at the two ominous bags. He had heard rumors about Instructor Lisa's methods, but he never imagined they would involve burning two kids to death.

The sound of his footsteps echoed loudly through the deserted hallway as the grunt tried to follow the figure, hoping to catch a glimpse of their face or any clues that would shed light on the situation. But when he turned the corner, he found an empty hallway, devoid of any sign of the figure.

Confused and disoriented, the grunt took a moment to process what had just happened. Was he dreaming? Was any of it real? He couldn't be sure.

The environment around him added to his unease. The hallway was dimly lit, with flickering fluorescent lights that cast eerie shadows on the walls. The air was stale, and the scent of disinfectant lingered in the air.

As he stood there, lost in thought, a sudden sound made him jump. It was the sound of footsteps, coming from the direction he had just come from. He turned around, expecting to see the figure in the cap and mask, but all he saw was an empty hallway, stretching out before him like a dark abyss.

Shaken, the grunt turned on his heels and hurried away from the spot, the sound of his footsteps echoing loudly in his ears. He didn't know what had just happened, but he knew he didn't want to stick around to find out.


[ Celadon City - Hotel ]

Room A113 of the hotel was bustling with activity as Pokemon of all shapes and sizes carried out their daily routines. Yellow, was pacing back and forth while Lucario meditated next to her. Dragonair, with her sleek blue scales and piercing eyes, opened her eyes every so often to glance at Lucario.

Meanwhile, Scizor and Fearow were concocting a sweet and tangy slurpee in the kitchen as Butterfree was calling out for help from Pikachu who was luxuriating in a hot bubble bath in the sink ignoring the cries of Buttergree. Charmeleon, with his fierce expression and sharp claws, was locked in a stare-down with Kitty, the intimidating Beedrill. Ivysaur, the flower Pokemon, was busy tying up Ninjask and Wartortle, preventing them from moving around too much.

Clefable, the fairy Pokemon, was using his gravity powers to play with Chu-Chu the Pichu and Tenty the Tentacool, causing the two to float in mid-air. Suddenly, a gust of wind swept through the room, followed by the whooshing sound of psychic energy. Everyone stopped in their tracks as they watched a Team Rocket grunt wearing a cap and a mask slumping through the doorway with two body bags slung over his shoulder.

Yellow quickly rushed to the Rocket grunt's side, a purplish slime oozing from his face as he revealed an extremely sweaty and exhausted Austin. The body bags slipped from his grip and crashed onto the floor.

" Ash, are you okay? Were you hurt? What happened on the mission?" Yellow rattled off a litany of questions in rapid succession, her voice betraying her concern.

"Take a deep breath, Yellow. You look more tired than me," Austin said, offering her a gentle smile. Ivysaur promptly handed him a water bottle, which he chugged thirstily before dumping the rest over his head.

"Can someone open the body bag, please?" Austin asked, his voice strained as he peeled off the Rocket grunt uniform to reveal a white tank top underneath.

Yellow blushed at the sight of his sweaty physique. Austin flicked her forehead playfully, drawing a giggle from the trainer. With a wave of psychic energy, the body bags unzipped to reveal an unconscious Green and a grinning Haunter, while Musharna immediately floated out of the bag, causing the ghost type to cackle with delight.

Ivysaur, who had been standing nearby, recoiled at the smell emanating from the body bag, his nose scrunching up in disgust. With a grimace, he picked up Wartortle and Ninjask and tossed them into the smelly bag.

"Ash, what happened out there?" Yellow asked, rubbing her temples.

"We may need to make some changes to the plan," Austin said, his expression serious.

"Oh, can I help?" Yellow offered eagerly.

"Yes, I need your help. And Haunter, please stop harassing Musharna," Austin added with a wry smile.

As if on cue, Haunter let out a low growl, causing Musharna to shrink back with fear.

( ~ Grrrr ~ )

Hearing the sound of Austin's stomach, Yellow immediately picked up a tray on the table.

" You know, I knew that you will be hungry so I made potato donuts for you."

Austin was taken aback by both the dish that Yellow had cooked up.

( ~ Cling ~ )

Yellow pulled up the lid to reveal an empty bowl.

( ~ Burp ~ )

Yellow and Austin turned to see Charmeleon laying down with crumbs all around him.

Charmeleon saw Austin and Yellow looking at him as he pointed at Kitty who glared back.


Green slowly opened her eyes, feeling groggy and disoriented. She tried to sit up, but found herself on a soft couch, with a fluffy cushion behind her back. She glanced around the room, trying to remember how she got there. Her eyes fell upon Yellow, who was standing in the kitchen, boiling potatoes, while Austin was working on a laptop on the dining table.

Austin chuckled. "You know what I say, disrespecting donuts should carry a life sentence. Let's see if we go to jail today."

Yellow rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, you're not going to jail. I am just boiling potatoes to make them soft."

"Pfft, potatoes are done when they are soft, right? I have noticed that with men too," Austin said, grinning.

Yellow looked at him in confusion, while Lucario, who was lying beside Austin, threw a shoe at his head.

"Don't worry, Lucario. A lot of things start with potatoes - French fries, hash browns, famine...communism," Austin said, his face contorting into a look of disappointment.

Green stood up, revealing her presence to the room. Her mind was still reeling, but she couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that something was wrong.

"Oh, Green, you're finally awake. Want some potato donuts?" Yellow asked, a wide smile on her face.

Green ignored her and looked at Austin. " You know what I want to know?" she asked, her voice shaking.

Austin sighed as he knew that Green didn't need some flowery words, she needed to hear the truth he turned his laptop towards Green. "It's just as you suspect. After your disappearance, your parents looked for you for years, but they eventually gave up. Your father was approached by Team Rocket to join in the research on genetic cloning. He was successfully able to make a genetic clone of Mew, alongside a clone of his daughter, but that daughter wasn't able to survive for long. The clone of Mew, dubbed Mewtwo, broke out and destroyed everything on New Island. Everyone died a few months ago, including your father."

Green stood in the middle of the room, her eyes wide in shock as if she had just been punched in the gut. She couldn't believe what she had just heard.

"You're lying," she whispered, her voice trembling.

" You're Lying !!!"


[ Austin's Pokemon ]

[ Ditto - Imposter ]

[ Moves - Transform ]

[ Combo Moves - None ]

[ Ultimate Moves - None ]


[ Omake Paragraph ]

On the side of Mount Coronet in a cavern that was recently revealed by an avalanche, lies one of the strangest discoveries of recent paleontology, a discovery that could revolutionize human understanding of Omastar, and indeed of life itself before man. This discovery was a vast array of Omastar arranged ten deep and ten wide, enough to fill the vast cavern in which they were buried.

There are some in the scientific community who consider this find a hoax. Despite evolving from Omanyte, Omastar fossils are still too rare for anyone to be capable of pulling off such a prank, but it still seemed more likely than the alternative to many. Others took a more charitable interpretation, reasoning that although one person could not arrange such a thing, it could nonetheless be the creation of some forgotten country's state cult based around Omastar – yet no other artifacts of such a society have been found anywhere on the mountain, nor could so much of the mountain be hollowed out before the age of dynamite and bulldozers. Some have diminished its importance, analogizing it to Mightyena packs on land, but no prey have been found large enough to give such a vast horde reason to form.

And then there is the explanation that would be completely obvious if it did not seem so completely impossible: the Omastar was a military installation. Arranged on the floor of some shallow river or sea, they waited for the enemy to approach to launch a massive barrage of spikes from below. The trap was countered and they were killed before they could move, left frozen in formation for millions of years.

One can only speculate as to how so many pokemon could have been mobilized for war before the dawn of man.