

"You're lucky I didn't hold onto you any longer than I did," I said, smiling sinisterly. He was gasping for breath. He was sweating and shaking. I only smiled before leaving a kiss on his neck, leaving behind a mark of red lips. "Fuck with me again Jacob. I will not hesitate to go further next time~" I winked and walked away. Blaine was a normal girl. Boring life with only one thing going for her, Blake, her boyfriend. She's got a quirk, poisonous. But, what happens when that normal girl gets kidnapped by a certain group of villains? What happens when she agrees to help those villains...?

Imperfect_CuTiE · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

One Kiss is All It Takes

She looked off at the UA, having high hopes of going there someday. She was only 6 years old. Her name was Blaine Veneno and she was blessed with a curse...


I yawned as the alarm blared its ugly music. I groaned angrily and smacked the off button. I looked at the ugly decor of the building. The wallpaper was a horrid shade of brown and so was the carpet. I sighed before getting up with annoyance.

I picked up what seemed like decent clothes to wear and sniffed to double check. Laundry wasn't exactly our top priority. My mom was a hard working woman who decided if it didn't stink or look dirty, it was clean enough. I smiled a little at that thought.

I looked off at the heroes already doing their morning runs. I thought they looked dumb in their outfits. Some really needed to cover up their bodies. You don't need to look hot to save anyone because guess what? No one gives a shit, except for maybe that creepy old guy down the street.

Anyways, I'm Blaine. I enjoyed my life here so far. I once wanted to be a hero...That's not important

I walked out, wearing jeans that were a little too small. A crop top of Hollywood Undead and a pair of worn out Chucks. I wasn't rich or fabulous. I was just a girl with a special little surprise.

"Hey girl. I'm thinking, you, me and the bedroom," a stupid boy from my school approached with. "Really, Jacob? You know, I've always wanted to," I said . I smiled innocently before he wrapped his arms around my waist.

He pulled me tighter. I slipped my tongue into his mouth as he jumped back. He froze up, falling to the ground.

"You're lucky I didn't hold onto you any longer than I did," I said, smiling sinisterly. He was gasping for breath soon enough. He was sweating and shaking. I only watched before leaving a kiss on his neck, leaving behind a mark of red lips.

"Fuck with me again, Jacob. I will not hesitate to go further next time," I winked and walked away with a smirk.

You see...

My quirk is Poisonous.