
Poisoned Eggs at Hogwarts

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One_For_None · Movies
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82 Chs

Chapter 79 Humans without Clothes

Chapter 79 Humans without Clothes


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  Elsa finally went to Hermione's room to sleep, and walked in calmly under Egger's eager eyes.

  Iger tried to break into the girls' dormitory, but was inexplicably ejected. On the walls of the dormitory corridor, several portraits of women looked at Iger with disdain and sneered.

  At night, Egg looked at the door of the girls' dormitory in the common room with some itching. Seeing that there was no one around, a black cat swished into the door of the girls' dormitory, and then a miserable cat meowed. The cat jumped out of the door of the girls' dormitory and fell onto the sofa in the lounge in a state of disgrace.

  "This is unscientific?!" Egg meowed, his tail raised high, and his bright eyes looking straight at the door of the girls' dormitory in front of him.

  When a wizard transforms into an Animagus, his physical structure is exactly the same as that of the animal he transformed into, and even his emotions as a human become very weak. It can be said that he is a completely different species.

  Why can those girls' pets go in, but I can't? Why?

  Is Animagus considered a cat? Who are you looking down on, you bastard!

  Egg suddenly remembered that the Apparition Waterfall under Gringotts was very similar to the gate in front of him, and both had the ability to identify.

  If Animagus doesn't work...what about Polyjuice Potion?

  Just as he said, Iger hurried back to the dormitory, dug out a bunch of bottles and cans from his suitcase, and then took out a small box, which contained several types of hair of different colors.

  There's Hermione's, there's Harry's, there's Ron's, there's Snape's...

  He picked up Hermione's hair and gently put it into the bottle. The potion in the bottle suddenly turned golden orange and looked delicious.

  After draining the polyjuice potion in one gulp, Egg grabbed his throat violently, as if his throat was on fire.

  Is this actually Lao Baigan?

  Feeling the burning sensation in his throat, Iger's chest became inexplicably heavy. He stretched out his hand to hold it up. Iger grinned and breathed out. His nose was a little itchy, and a trace of nosebleed slowly crawled down.

  After cleaning up the nosebleed on his face, he looked in the mirror and saw that he had completely transformed into Hermione. Aigle slapped his butt hard, and there was a crisp sound in the quiet dormitory. Egger smiled with satisfaction.

  Arriving at the lounge in a swagger, Egg squinted his eyes and gently turned the door handle of the girls' dormitory. He carefully took a step inside. He suddenly felt a vague wave scanning back and forth on his body. After a while, the wave The fluctuation disappeared somewhat suspiciously.


  Eggy rushed into the girls' dormitory happily, checked from room to room, and finally found Hermione's room at the corner of the stairs.

  On the bed, Elsa fell asleep with a deep breath. She crept onto Elsa's bed, and Ige laughed.

  Elsa sleeps very lightly. This is an occupational disease of being an Auror, especially for a former leader with a persecutory delusion like Mad-Eye Moody. Elsa's vigilance is undoubtedly the best among all Aurors. .

  For example now...

  "The upside-down golden clock!" Elsa opened her eyes suddenly, quickly took out the wand from under the pillow and pointed it at Iger.

  With a 'clang' sound, the magic curse turned and shot onto the wall nearby.

  "Egg?" Elsa looked at 'Hermione' in front of her with some suspicion.

  "I'm Hermione." Egg looked serious.

  "Your Iron Armor Curse has betrayed you..." Looking at Iger speechlessly, Elsa sighed helplessly: "Polyjuice potion?"

  "emmm... I'm Hermione." Egg struggled desperately.

  "Come on, He! Min!" Aisha rolled her eyes angrily, pulled back the quilt and motioned for Egg to get on the bed.

  Seeing Aisha's actions, Iger immediately got into the bed like an eel and smelled the fragrance in the bed. Iger planned to take this opportunity to take Aisha down in one fell swoop.

  After hiding in bed like a loach for a long time, Egger's expression suddenly became stiff.

  If I remember correctly, Hermione is a woman, right?

  After reaching out and scratching around in the quilt for a long time, Iger sighed sadly. Not to mention taking it down in one fell swoop, there was nothing he could lift...

  what to do? Grinding tofu?

  Aisha looked at Ige and laughed, hugging Ige with joy and giving her a kiss.

  "It doesn't matter, I'll be fine once the effect of the medicine wears off..." Iger was still lying beside Aisha dishonestly. After a few minutes, both of them were breathing a little heavy. Iger felt like he was going to explode. The most terrifying thing was that he felt It's a little itchy...

  "Elsa, don't you feel weird looking at Hermione's face?" Egg looked at Elsa dryly.

  "That's weird! But what can I do?" Aisha patted Egger on the head with some embarrassment.

  There was no other way, so Egg could only act mischievously while hoping that the effects of the polyjuice potion would wear off quickly.

  Half an hour later, Elsa watched helplessly as Iger changed back to his original form, and then she saw Iger's body flying out of the bed, smashing the window with a bang and flying out, and the screams tore through Hogwart. night sky.

  Aisha hurriedly ran to the window. In the mid-air in the castle courtyard, Egg was floating in the air, and then fell to the ground with a thud.

  Iger was lying on the floor tiles in the courtyard with a confused look on his face. Who am I? where am I? What am I doing?

  Aisha's laughter reached Iger's ears from the window of the girls' dormitory above her head. Iger sniffed and felt a little cold. He lowered his head and looked at himself. He was wearing only a pair of small pants on Christmas Eve. Shivering in the cold wind.

  In the distant night sky, some weird laughter came to his ears. Egg turned his head and saw that several owls in the night sky were looking at him and whispering to each other.

  "Look, what is that human doing out here without clothes?"

  Egger vaguely heard the sound of an owl, quickly ducked down and turned into a kitten and scurried away.

  "Gu~Professor McGonagall?"

  "No, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Professor McGonagall is a female..."

  "Gu...human beings all look the same..."

  These were the last words heard in the night sky...


  "I heard last night that a human flew out of the window without any clothes on and turned into a cat."

  Early the next morning, Luck and Hedwig were squatting on Iger's breakfast table eating snacks. Luck turned to look at Iger, as if you have embarrassed me.

  "Is there any problem?" Iger cooed, and Aisha couldn't help laughing as she wiped Iger's oily mouth: "Aren't you also wearing no clothes?"

  "But we have hair." Hedwig glanced at Iger coldly.

  "I have one too!" Iger snorted, quite arrogantly, it's just Mao, it's like no one has it.

  The two owls tilted their heads and looked at Egg for a long time, and then cooed disdainfully.

  Other people's owls never bother their owners without letters, but Luck was surprised. Since he was able to talk to Ige, he came to Ige every two days, and from time to time he would bring his friends with him to show off that he had a man who could talk. 'Eagle Whisper' humans.

  Iger felt that it must be that he wrote too few letters so that Luck was so free. Thinking about it, it would be good to write letters home every two days?

  "Why didn't you go with Harry?" Egg turned to look at Hedwig.

  "Harry and his godfather went abroad without me." Hedwig picked up the remaining half of Luck's poached egg and said absently: "They went to Bulgaria to practice riding a broom. I have always been surprised that that thing has no wings. How did it fly..."

  Bulgaria? Egger's expression was a little strange.

  Viktor Krum?


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