
Poisoned Eggs at Hogwarts

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One_For_None · Movies
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82 Chs

Chapter 4 Kaka

 "I guessed you would come to me."

  After a while, the old man in front of Iger leaned on the sofa and looked at the two of them. Newt pointed to the Daily Prophet on the table: "Bowed up six streets and no one was injured. Obviously you can control him with the right method. If so, I think there should be no problem."

  "Very good. I think Mr. Morris will feel more at ease with your words." Dumbledore nodded and looked at Egg: "This is Newt Scamander, who has a deep understanding of Obscurus." With his understanding, he should be able to help you with your situation."

  "Don't be like that, Dumbledore. In fact, I don't know much about it." Newt shook his head: "That thing is too powerful. It's best to control it. Facts have proved that it is not something uncontrollable."

  The older Newt seems a bit honest and arrogant. Iger wonders if he was like this when he was young.

  Then Iger felt as if something was drilling around his chest. Iger hurriedly pressed his chest, reached out and dug through his robe, and a small furry thing that looked like a platypus was pulled out by Iger.

  "Ah, this is our family's niffler cub. This little thing is very naughty and always runs out when my son and the others are not paying attention." Newt looked at iger and smiled.

  iger looked at niffler with bright eyes: "Is he the one who can hunt for treasures in legend?"

  "Yes, Sniff likes shiny things, such as gold coins, diamonds, silver, and even silver coins." Newt was very satisfied with ger's reaction, as if he saw himself in his youth.

  "This little thing..." iger looked at the niffler in his hand in ecstasy: "How does it taste?"

  Newt was stunned when he heard this, and looked at iger in a daze. His sense of humor made him a little overwhelmed. For a moment, the more than 100-year-old man was as helpless as a child, and then he looked at Dumbledore as if asking for help. profitable.

  Dumbledore looked at iger and shook his head, then slowly spoke with a serious look on his face. Newt breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at Dumbledore.

  "In fact, I want to tell you iger , sniffing is not delicious..." Dumbledore said solemnly.

  Newt felt like a rooster that has been strangled again. His soul was hit hard, and he looked at the two of them in panic.

  iger looked at Newt and laughed. He held the meaty Niffler cub in his hand and looked at Newt: "Mr. Scamander, I like this Niffler very much. Can you give it to me?" ?"

  Newt looked at iger hesitantly, a little unsure whether what iger said was true or not.

  "I promise you I will never eat it..." iger smacked his lips.

  Newt nodded slowly, but looking at him still a little worried, iger felt that the joke was a bit too much. He seemed to be eager to make an unbreakable vow with himself...


  After Iger and I left the Scamander residence, they looked at the Scamander house behind them.

  "He is a very kind person, isn't he?" iger turned to look at Dumbledore.

  "Of course, those who like magical animals should have a kind heart." Dumbledore seemed to agree with iger: "You will have a good friendship with my gamekeeper."

  "I hope so!" iger grinned.

  There was an explosion, and the two figures appeared in Hogwarts again.

  As soon as he returned to the principal's office, a dark owl flew over from the window. The owl looked directly at Iger. Iger curiously reached out and poked the fat Scottish round-faced chicken in front of him.

  The owl moved to the side somewhat unhappily, and then proudly stretched out his little paw, gesturing for iger to take down the letter.

  Iger opened the letter, and the fat chicken with a round face pecked Iger's hand gently, and motioned for Iger to give him some biscuits or something.

  Iger said softly: "Can you get me some snacks?"

  A small bag of green beans suddenly appeared on the table nearby.

  The owl took the green beans in his mouth, gave Iger a knowing look, spread his wings and flew away.

  "It's a letter from Kingsley." Egg looked at Dumbledore with some surprise: "He said he helped me greet the orphanage and informed Miss Elsa for me. Kingsley is such a good person, Old Deng. !"

  "I bet your next sentence will be to ask me to fund your orphanage, right?" Dumbledore looked at iger with sharp eyes like a hawk.

  iger's eyes wandered: "We agreed not to use Legilimency..."

  "To be honest, iger, your thoughts are not worthy of my legilimency." Dumbledore looked at Egg with some teasing.

  iger suddenly felt embarrassed: "Is that okay? This will make me feel at ease."

  "I have no reason to refuse a kind request, right? No one will hate you like this, iger." Dumbledore nodded affirmatively: "Repaying kindness is a virtue. My student is from an orphanage like you. , but he only learned to be selfish. In this case, you can maintain such a heart. To be honest, iger, you make me proud, and I hope that one day, Hogwarts will be proud of you."

  "So..." iger held his chin in thought and said, "How much do you plan to donate?"

  Dumbledore felt as if his heart was twitching, and what he just said seemed to be in vain.

  "Five thousand Galleons, what do you think?" Dumbledore looked at iger.  

 "What about the conversion ratio?" Iger thought it sounded like a lot.

  "About twenty-five thousand pounds." Dumbledore nodded.

  iger pouted: "It's really no money to be a wizard..."

  Dumbledore suddenly felt a deep pain in his knees...

  I, Dumbledore, the most powerful white wizard in the world, was despised by a child from the Muggle world! He was even ridiculed for being poor!

  In fact, Britain was in a stage of rapid development at this time, and in schools there were some children with Muggle origins and good family backgrounds who had a higher living standard.

  One gallon is equal to five pounds. Although galleons are indeed very popular in the wizarding world, in the Muggle world, the equivalent pound is obviously not enough...

  However, twenty-five thousand pounds should be able to help the orphanage stay stable for a long time, right?

  Maybe he should learn magic as soon as possible, and then go to some rich Muggle man's house to teach him and forget about it?

  "I must warn you, Mr. Morrissey." Dumbledore looked at Egg

{meaning of iger is egg , so in future his name may be written as egg , iger or eggor , as it is really difficult to translate every single thing , hope you all understand}

and his expression gradually became serious: "Harmful and aggressive attacks on Muggles without the permission of the Ministry of Magic are illegal. It's illegal, and I don't want a future outstanding magician to be imprisoned in Azkaban before enrolling."

  igger suddenly sighed dejectedly, and couldn't help but sigh again: "Sure enough, there is no money to be made as a wizard, but my life is not guaranteed, and it is not up to me to make the decision."

  "I'm glad you have a clear understanding of the current situation." Dumbledore nodded: "Of course, as a wizard, wanting to make a fortune in the Muggle world is also a very simple matter, but ancient times In order to prevent the exchange balance from being destroyed, Lingge has specially set some exchange limits. If you are really short of money, I will also allow you to earn some tuition fees in the Muggle world."

  Dumbledore's eyes were deep, and his blue eyes seemed to have traveled through time: "I think you will usher in a completely different life. Do you feel a little excited?"

  "Actually, I miss Aisha quite a lot... Of course, I can also take the old lady of Hull along with me." Egger sighed faintly: "How are the housing prices in the wizarding world?"

  "I'm not very sure about the housing prices. You have to know that I have lived in Hogwarts for most of my life." Dumbledore nodded, and then thought about it: "If you are talking about Elsa Smith, I remembered correctly that she should be the prefect of Gryffindor, starting seventh grade this year and graduating next year."

  "Really?" Egger looked at Dumbledore in surprise when he heard this.

  "I think she must have noticed the abnormality in you a long time ago, otherwise I don't think an eighteen-year-old girl would be interested in an eight-year-old boy... in any sense." Dumbledore smiled. He stood up and looked at Egger with interest.

  Egger suddenly blushed with embarrassment and smiled awkwardly.

  "In the three years before you officially enroll, you should spend it honestly at Hogwarts. If your Obscurus breaks out, I think the only one who can stop you so far is me, Castle. It's very big. You can choose a college you like and choose to live in it. How about it?" Dumbledore looked at Egg and smiled: "And I also need to remind you that the Forbidden Forest is very dangerous. If you plan to go in, If you want to make a fortune, it's best to have Hagrid by your side."

  "Thank you, Professor!" Egg stood up and bowed slightly to Dumbledore: "You have helped me a lot, how can I repay you?"

  Dumbledore paused when he heard the words, looked at Iger with some worry, and said meaningfully: "Although many thoughts flashed through my mind at this moment, I always feel that for you Iger... don't cause trouble, it's for me. The best repayment."

  Iger felt that his complexion was a little dark, at least that's how it looked after coming out of Dumbledore's office.

  What do you mean by not getting into trouble as a reward? Am I that unbearable?

  Reaching out and taking out the Sniff in his arms, Egg regretted not releasing the little guy in Dumbledore's office just now.

  Wandering around the campus aimlessly, the portraits around looked at Iger curiously, and Iger also looked at the portraits around me curiously. There was no communication between them, but they were surprisingly harmonious.

  There was a soft sound of 'pop', and a short and thin figure appeared in front of Iger. The visitor had big ears like bat wings and bowed humbly to Iger: "Good afternoon, Mr. Iger Morriss, are you welcome? What do you need Kaka to help you with?"

  "Ah, I'm still wondering who the old man with the white beard will send to arrange my food and accommodation. I think it will be easy for me with your help." Iger nodded with a smile and looked at Kaka curiously.

  "This is Kaka's honor." Kaka lowered his head and looked at Iger.

  Iger looked at Kaka's old and dirty pillowcase and shook his head: "First of all, I ask you to take a bath and clean the torn pillowcase on your body."

  Kaka looked at Iger with a moved face: "Mr. is so kind to Kaka. Kaka is really touched."

  "Don't be so exaggerated, I just want you to take a bath..." Egg suddenly felt a little numb because of the house elf in front of him, and quickly waved his hand: "As soon as possible, if there is magic, two or three minutes will be enough, right?"

  Kaka nodded, and his figure gradually disappeared from the place.

  Egg felt a little numb while walking in the castle. The interior of Hogwarts Castle was complicated. With Egg's sense of direction, he could walk without knowing the north, south, east, and west in less than two minutes. If Kaka hadn't appeared in time, Egg felt that he might be hungry. Die in the castle.

  "Now, take me to your kitchen." Egg looked at Kaka and smiled happily.

  Today is the penultimate day of summer vacation at Hogwarts, but the kitchen at Hogwarts is particularly busy.

  "Slice the beef, slice the mutton!" Egger waved his magic wand in his hand and commanded: "Lettuce is also good, slice the potatoes, wash the lettuce quickly, does anyone know how to make tofu?"

  An elf raised his hand in excitement, and Egg nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, it's you, make some tofu!"

  "Mr. Morrises, do you need any more base ingredients?" An elf held a jar in his hand. In the jar was a hot pot base mixture of red chili peppers and mutton oil and peppercorns.

  Iger stretched out his finger and dipped a little into his mouth. He nodded with satisfaction: "The product is very pure and well done. Unfortunately, there is too little seasoning in the UK. Can you make sesame paste?"

  "Yes, yes!" Another little hand was raised.

  Egger waved his hand: "It's you! Make something!"

  "Okay Mr. Morrises!" The elf jumped and turned around to leave.

  "Call me Egg!" Egg waved his wand and looked at the pile of ingredients in front of him: "Green onions, ginger, red dates... Well, perfect."

  "Mr. Egger, will you be unable to eat if you cook too much? Professor Sprout said that wasting food is a bad behavior..." Kaka stood timidly behind Egger, his big bat-like ears drooping.

  "Can we make more and eat together?" Iger was stunned: "It's obviously the food you made, but won't you eat it?"

  There was a sudden silence in the originally bustling kitchen, and a group of elves looked at Egger in disbelief.

  "We cannot sit at the same table to eat with the distinguished Mr. Egger." Kaka said in a panic, bowing humbly and deeply to Egger, it seemed that the tip of his nose was almost touching the ground.

  Egg looked at the cowering elves around him with an expressionless expression: "I order you to serve and eat!"

  Looking at a group of elves sitting on the table tremblingly, Egg shook his head helplessly.

  Thousands of years of slavery have made these ancient, kind and powerful creatures forget their dignity, and they don't even have the courage to sit at the same table with wizards.

  Egger didn't really agree with Hermione's move to liberate the elves, but if he was asked to watch such a group of kind little things tremblingly living in the shadow of wizards, Egger asked himself, he couldn't do it either.

  One person cannot change the whole, and Iger feels that the only thing he can do is to make these little guys feel his kindness.

  Kaka looked at the hot pot with red oil tremblingly. The aroma coming from the pot made Kaka salivate, but when he thought of Egg next to him, Kaka felt particularly frightened.

  "Does it smell good?" Iger approached Kaka and asked with a smile.

  "The food made by Mr. Egg must be very delicious." Kaka said tremblingly.

  "It's a pity that there are no chopsticks here, otherwise I think using chopsticks is much better than using a knife and fork." Iger sighed.

  "There are some!" Kaka said quickly, and quickly took out a lot of chopsticks.

  Egger's eyes suddenly lit up and he laughed: "I'll teach you how to use it!"