
Poetic Dream Lover

Everything is, but, a dream. Keep it short and sweet. Interesting, but boring. Just a dream, dream, dream...

Jeng_Leng_Lee · Realistic
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1 Chs

Ch1: Love, A Dream?

Today is the second time or best thing, yet. The dream was so fuzzy. The setting of this dream was from the continuation of the first dream. I did forgot to write it down.

True to be told, it was continued in a school setting. A high school to be exact.

The high school. I have an inkling of familiarity and a chaotic disorder. The best way to describe the dream was that 'it' resembles the high school that I graduated from. Keyword, resembles.

Within, I dreamed that I was back to school once again. While not knowing of the purpose in the dream. From my conclusion, at that place and time. I was back to being a normal high school student once again.

The feeling of being a normal high school student was novel. Well, it felt very novel to me.

Moving on, that novel dream was quite chaotic. I went from entering the school building, to finding my class, and doing the very same thing an average student would do. Studying and learning.

Not to mention, there was something much sweeter in a high school life. That is right, the spring of a high school crush. In simple term, school crushes, likes, dislikes, and love.

'It' was much sweeter than I could remember from my memories. That was because I get to meet my very own crush once again. In the same dream, well, the continuation of it. It was surreal, the feeling of love.

That, is not something that I had felt for a long time now.

To tell 'you' something about myself. I have a hard time falling in love. Well, love in 'itself' is a foreign object or concept that is hard to put into words. In my term, it is something that is hard for me to put it in action or feeling.

However, the feeling of appreciation and approach in the dream. I felt that foreign feeling of love. The small gap of interaction and the deep sense of fondness is indescribable. It is something so tender and comfortable.

Well, in all. For me it was a fantastic dream of falling in love and that sense is truly priceless.

As to end this dream in a good note. I woke up to reality and flick through my social media. There it was, my high school crush with their significant other. The feedback feeling from my crush was completely different, in term of the feeling of love in reality, from the one in my dream.

Thus, begged the question. Is the one that I felt love for, my crush in my dream, a different entity from my crush in reality?

I guess, it is but a sweet harmless dream.