
Return and decision

Feeling something liking my finger I opened my eye's and realized that the Pikachu with fuzzy hair which I carried here liking my finger and looking at me blue eyes like a pet waking up his master. I reached my hand and patted the head of Pikachu

pika pikaaaccchuuuu and close his eyes lovingly. As I saw Ash also woke up looking at other Pikachu.

"oh you both woke up ha, at least we can now move back to your home.", hearing it we realized we missed the camp and both of us simultaneously banged our head.


They both have again change the history which was to written as from the pair only the Pikachu which was of Ash should have lived and that is why it become in the future and professor oak would have saved it but now it seem the destiny of both Ash and Shu has started to move in other direction.


I was upset as Serena but yeah what happened this time when Serena got lost.

"anyway who left the trail In the jungle to come out." professor asked us. Ash pointed at Shu " he was the one to let you know where we got the Pokémon from."

" is it true Shu "

I nodded and returned to the van preparing to leave. Professor came back from the forest and asked if we both are ready to leave to home.

Both Pikachu were not ready to leave us both and attack who ever tried to separate us so professor Oak asked us to have them as a pet for time being until we grow to become 12 year old to have there pokeball. I always carried my Pikachu to wherever I go even in my class as teacher also get accustomed to see Pikachu on lying on my head and sleeping while during classes and play with me in interval.

After a year of time Pikachu became more powerful and learned thunderbolt attack himself and we both started going in the wild jungle sneaking up on parents and watch every Pokémon habits, while I realized that most of Pokémon had same habits and food.

Pikachu also brought me to different berries tree looking at him eating I also tried but soon realized that every Pokémon food cannot be eaten by us human as a result I skip many classes as stomach was running wild by eating berries. Teacher and parents never object as for theory I always score full in every subject even if I never attend classes.

Soon the day of judgement descended on us as finally I was turning into 12 year old to become a Pokémon trainer title. As always I woke at 5 am and regular exercise with Pikachu.

After having breakfast I ran toward the professor Oak Pokémon lab for my first Pokémon I wish to say but I already have one so He thought and laughed inside.

As I reached the lab there were 3 more people waiting in the sitting hall and there parents, soon my mom also came with Ash and his mother.

" hello young trainer's are you all ready to get your license and first Pokémon at least for most of them." professor Oak came in, hence we all followed professor and entered in the room there were 9 different Pokémon to start with










all these Pokémon ball were present Infront of us all.

First person choose mudkip then second person choose bulbasaur third person choose Fennekin, then it was my turn


[ host is recommended to choose Froakie his combat ability has been checked and is the highest among all the Pokémon. If not then charmander it has second highest combat power.]

I walked toward Froakie and looked into it's eye's while whispering

" I am collecting world strongest team if you think you are interested then join my team."

it raised his head

froakie fro and rised it's tiny fist toward me.

" I choose him professor."

Professor Oak nodded and handed me his pokeball, soon Ash choose charmander.

" Shu Ketchum always remember that you always had me and I gonna miss you sweet heart be safe." my mom caressed this time I didn't bikker like always as I knew it gonna be a long time till I meet her back. I nodded and put up my bed and walked toward the rest of the trainer who were waiting for me to come including ash.

Soon all five of us trainer leave the town on the road to become Pokémon master.

All five us separated in different directions after traveling for a day to go other destinations but Ash and me travel together and we formed a rule that who ever call deal first after seeing Pokémon will catch the Pokémon if he cannot other will get the chance.

It was about to sunset so we find a Pokémon center and entered to sleep but as we was about to enter I saw a Pokémon shadow which looked like humanoid type at least

" deal." I shouted

" where is it " ash asked as he followed me soon we enter back forest and saw it, it was a female meowstick which was quite rare in Pokémon series I saw back.

Seeing me meowstick moved it's body and I was started feeling dizzy but a thunderbolt broke meowstick cast and I barely was able to stand Pikachu jumped Infront of me and looked at my eyes indicating he wants to fight this Pokémon.

I nodded " Pikachu use quick attack"

Pikachu suddenly thrust like a bullet leaving the shell of gun and tackle it due to sudden attack we landed the hit and it cast dark pulse attack

" dodge it"

Pikachu successful dodge it and started circling it using quick attack.

"jump and thunderbolt attack with all you have got."

(I realize that we have to finish it quickly or we will loose)

Pikachu jumped and used thunderbolt but it also counter with shadow ball attack,

between the clash thunderbolt was successfully hit it's target and meowstick was gravely injured.

" go pokeball"

I throw the ball as meowstick sent in





meowstick registered in Pokédex.