
Summer camp

In the blink Shu was now five year old and did his morning exercise and jogging every day and soon the day of summer camp came in as in anime ash had meet Serena in summer camp Shu was excited beyond limit to meet her as his first crush in anime was her.

Shu checked the name of all participants in summer camp as computer technology was same in this world and he easily hacked professor oak site to check the list and found Serena name in it.

Shu mom named Marry was happy to see his son excitement toward camp which was a rare thing as Shu always seem composed and lost childness in him. A bus stopped at the door as Shu climbed on the bus to leave waving his hand toward his mother and bus drive away Soon Shu house disappeared from his sight. He walked inside and soon his gaze fall on a beautiful girl who was surrounded by many girls and boys who looked from class family's soon " hey Shu here.", attracted Shu attention and saw Ash Ketchum sitting there

" hey Ash how is it going buddy.", Ash and me always had an good relationship from the age of three as we both train to throw pokeball and always were good buddies. We sat at he back where I was able to see Serena talking, Gary reading whatever he was and professor chatting with driver about Pokémon aspects and I was concentrating what professor was talking about.

After three hour of travelling we reached summer camp which was forest side area and soon some soldier came from the side wearing common clothes but armed with blue transparent shield and Pokémon partners.

As in this world a threat of dark Pokémon is huge and Pokémon trainer are also responsible to protect the city they are in if emergency arrived.

Everyone gathering was organised and every boy's and girl's were introducing themselves and their goal for future which was around becoming Pokémon champion of different leagues and best Pokémon occupation.

Leaving all the commoner children aside all the rich generation boy's and girl's were grouping aside and leaving me, ash, Daren and Rai aside and noble girl's didn't cast lower class girl aside and show kindness.

from the look professor understand and saw every rich generation boy's and girl's were having a licensed which show eligibility of rich generation to have a Pokémon. Where as Ash, Daren and Rai including me didn't have any with few commoner girl's. Social status and other things matter in the Pokémon league was also revealed as the rich generation can start training there Pokémon from age 5 and commoner after 12 year old. Even though they can't go out for adventurer but there parents arranged trainer who train them by battling and sharpening there skill.

For Ash and me it was not a problem as for me I have cheat of Pokémon master system and for Ash as his destiny was certain to become best and he had my friendship too. I will never let him get behind those rich basterd I thought in my mind.

Soon people gathered to form three team where team one consists of those rich basterd generation's second team were made of all girl's and last team of four remaining commoner boy's.

A commoner girl looked toward four of us and asked Serena something and pointed toward us soon Serena walked toward us

" hello there four of you it seem you all are left out from boy's right." a sweet voice startled all four of us as we looked it was Serena,

" if you guys get some wood for fire we can share food as we girl had plenty enough." all boy's attention gather on four of us.

Ash looked toward me and signal no so I took the action and said,

" thanks for the kindness Serena but Ash and me are thinking to gather food by ourselves."

as we wave out our hand and marched toward forest while everyone even professor was stunned silly by our acts.

I took out cookies packet and we both started eating them walking toward the forest. At first we were lucky and saw charmander on the way which ran away swiftly but soon on the path we encountered a pair of Pikachu who looked quite injured by the attacks of blade and burned mark's all over there bodies.


[ host has encountered an wild Pokémon Pikachu and Pokémon master system has activated.]

[ Host wish to make Pikachu as his friend and first partner to register in the system yes or no]

yes I replied

[ This Pikachu has mutated by his unfortunate encounters and showing weak life force it is recommended to find red berries having green shade on them which is 300 meter away from the host to save there life.]

As expected these injuries were caused by human that is why they are cautious about us I thought In my mind. As always Ash was looking at me as he also understand the situation. I signal him to get berries as I feed them cookies to keep them safe for time being.

Ash ran towards berries and I walked slowly toward the pairs. Pikachu throw a electric shock attack near me to warn me to stay away.

I looked into it's eye's which were dimming and shaking realising that I don't have any I'll intention it lower it's tail submitting that it was his wrong to attack, I realized and walked toward them as the front Pikachu was about to fall and caught it by my hand other Pikachu watched me with it's watery eye's which were oozing with tear licked my finger. I realize how unreal I was about this world as I know that Pikachu were strong Pokémon while the creature on my hand was soft, cute and helpless which need attention and care now I realized they were not machine who will battle for us as they are living things who were our partner's.

Ash also came back hastily

[ host required to crush this fruit in water and made Pikachu drink them]

I made ash to do the required thing for other Pikachu and we both treated them, as we both use to carry potion and other medical kit we were able to at least save these two little life and we both dashed toward professor van. Watching us coming out after 5 hour from the forest every boy show disdain in there eye's ignoring them we both reached professor where he was lecturing someone.

" professor we are in emergency please help us." all the way Pikachu eyes were watching both of our expression and strange glim was there eye's.

Professor came angrily but soon his anger disappeared as he saw pair of Pikachu injuries on our hand's, he nodded and caressed our hair's.

Ash and me were watching the pair whole night as they were sleeping in stabilizer and at morning 5 am we both slept unconscious.

Next chapter