
Pleasure Series#1: Love you

Disero was too bored. He was forced to go to the school for the orientation. Having this school was his idea but he doesn't like to go to those boring orientation. All of those workers there can handle it. But of course, he got no choices but to go. "Kirke, drive." He said with his cold blank expression. "Disero, I'm not your fucking assistant. You moron." He replied and showed his middle finger. They both hopped in the car and Disero' phone beeped. A group requesting a video call, he answered it. "Goodluck to that boring fucking orientation, Disero!" A loud noise almost echoed inside the car. Disero showed his middle finger and those men were just chuckling. They were Disero' friends. Their group called the PLEASURE SQUAD. They finally arrived at the front of the school. Boredom was almost eating him alive but a human being caught his attention. The man was standing while his bag was on the top of his head, Disero shrugged and chuckled because of the man's cuteness. The uniform of this school really suits the man. Disero's eyes couldn't take of on him. He opened the window and another man went to the student. "Dhaxzy Convel!" A loud man shouted. All of their eyes settled on him while the man's face that Disero admire became red. Because of shyness. He shook his head and smiled secretly. "Oi? Stop staring, that student will melt if he was an ice cream. Idiot." Disero glared at him and doesn't say anything. •What would happen if this guy— Saicki Disero fell inlove with his commoner? What will he do if he accidentally burst those brutal and harsh words even tho he doesn't mean it?• Now, let's meet him together with his squad. A/N: This is my first story. English is not my first language so bear with me. I hope you enjoy this story. Happy reading!

Mysteryo · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Chapter II

Third Person's POV

Disero was too bored. He was forced to go to the school for the orientation. Having this school was his idea but he doesn't like to go to those boring orientation. All of those workers there can handle it. But of course, he got no choices but to go. He still wanted to say no to his father but he knew that they definitely will not allow him to sneak out. 

"Kirke, drive." He said with his cold blank expression. He still could not believe that he will come to that University just because of this orientation that will eat one to two hours of his life. 

"Disero, I'm not your fucking assistant nor driver. You moron." He replied and showed his middle finger.

They both hopped onto the car when Disero received a phone call from their group chat. He quickly answered the phone call and saw his friends smiling from ear-to ear. 

"Goodluck to that boring fucking orientation, Disero!" A loud noise almost echoed inside the car.

Disero showed his middle finger and those men were just chuckling. They were Disero' friends. Their group called the PLEASURE SQUAD. 

Even though Kirke was kept on ranting on him not being Disero's driver, he still insist to drive and start the engine of the vehicle. They had a very boring and not relaxing journey. Saicki Disero still wearing his unbelievable and a not so interested facial expression. He just want to be in his office, lying down on the couch or sitting on his swivel chair while thinking about his businesses.

They finally arrived at the front of the school. Boredom was almost eating him alive but a human being caught his attention. The man was standing while his bag was on the top of his head, Disero shrugged and chuckled because of the man's cuteness. 

The uniform of this school really suits the man. Disero's eyes couldn't take of on him. He opened the window and another man went to the student. His eyes narrowed, his smile slowly faded when the man wrapped his arms onto the man's shoulder who caught his attention. 

"Dhaxzy Convel!" A loud man shouted. All of their eyes settled on him while the man's face that Disero admire became red. Because of shyness.

He shook his head and smiled secretly. Disero finds him cute in every gesture he does. He still want to keep on staring at the young man who caught his attention for the very first time in his entire life when his stupid friend interrupted him. 

"Oi? Stop staring, that student will melt if he was an ice cream. Idiot." Disero glared at him and doesn't say anything.

He glanced for the last time but to just see him getting inside the school. The boredom he was constantly feeling just vanished and he have this slight excitement inside him. He tried to not let his friend to get a chance to mock him. He cleared his throat before he closed the window of his car.

Saicki's POV

"Kirke, did you see the young and gorgeous man I was talking about?" He shook his head and showed his middle finger to me. He really fucked up when I open up something towards him. I tried to not show any emotions nor excitement, I do not want him to call those fucking morons to just report that someone caught my attention.

"Really, Disero? Quit being an idiot just this one. I don't even know what he looks like." I rose my right eyebrow to him. Of course he would not know since he does not saw him earlier, well it is a good side but bad side. 

I want him to see how amazing that young man is. I sighed and just shook my head thinking of how this man right me will have his own addiction– not illegal stuffs but in love. 

'Wait! What did I just say!?' My brain asked. Never in my life thought about the nonsense love. I shook my head and massage my temple.

" Useless, Kirke." I jokily punched his shoulder but realized that he does not deserved the joke one, so, I repeated it and this time, I gave him a not so light punch but he could endure it.

"Gay." I stopped walking and turned to face him. My face darkened. His face changes and I knew that he noticed the sudden changes in my expression. "D-Disero, I-I was kidding you know?" I could feel how nervous he was.

" Man, I ain't gay but I can be for him." He looks shocked to what I've said. I started to walk again and didn't wait for him. Turtle Kirke tsk


"Cheesy Disero. Ew." I chuckled when I heard what he just stated. He looks disgusted but I knew that he will support me to what path I will choose. "But, what the fuck is that? Oh well, just do what you want. Just make sure you can handle." See? This is why we became best of the best friends but sometime, I am regretting it. 

" I can hear you, idiot." I said without looking at him. I am happy to what he said at last. I never show my real feelings toward anyone, even at him nor my parents.

He's my long time friend. We're friend since I was in pre-school, our friendship born first before the pleasure squad. We can roast, savage, and even hurt each other physically without getting offended. 

Since I have no siblings, Kirke became my brother. At first, I honestly don't want to but my mother and father acceptedhim without even getting my opinion. That's how they love Kirke. So, that was the start of me and Kirke became super close. We do not like each other before, actually, only me. He curse a lot, so do I. He was not into cursinge before but now, he do curse more that I do.

We arrived at the dean's office, it was located beside the discipline office. This University was huge and yet they decided to put this office right in front of the cafeteria. Tsk, how lazy this officers were? Oh well, I am also lazy to walk. Even they put this office in front of the cafeteria, there is still a huge field that separating the them. 

I shook my head and opened the office, the dean was there together with his daughter, if I am not mistaken.

"Sit down, Mr. Disero. Welcome to the University." He welcomed me. " You too, Mr. Kirke." Kirke sat beside me. I shook my head for this overload formality.

"If I'm not mistaken, this is the first time you participate to our upcoming orientation." He reminded himself. 

I nodded before I simply replied. "My father forced me." 

I shook my head and started to raid the entire office by using my eyes. But, my eye sight settled on the man who's smiling from ear to ear but his eyes looks so sad. And this is that man I saw, what's with his eyes? He looks so sad yet he was smiling from ear-to-ear. If someone does not observed his eyes, they could tell that this guy is genuinely happy. I could tell that he is a great pretender. But who the fuck will ignore his sad eyes? Of course, those stupid moron human beings.

"Who is he?" By lookin' at him I could tell that he's intelligent. He has lot of pictures in this office. If they did not put a label that this is the dean office, I will recognize this as this man's room. 

"He's one of the top in this University. Every year he's the only student who can get the highest average you said in this school. That's why every teacher wants to put him in their class." The dean looked like happy while introducing him. He looks proud. I am also proud of this guy. Despite of having no happiness in his eyes, he still could be one of those intelligent student in this hardcore university. 

"Why? You look so proud." I said trying to be sarcastic.

" Sorry Mr. Disero. It's just I was the one who always putting those medal on him. I treat him as my own son." He chuckled and sat at his chair again. I felt something sad in my heart, it feels like something is clutching on me and stabbing the soft spot in me. 

"He's intelligent but why does his eyes shouting lots sadness?" I asked them. I just wanted to know what is the sad part in his life, he's intelligent and the dean loves him. Additionally , the faculty members look interested to him. So, why? Or does he even knew how to be happy?

" Yeah. Since his parents died he became like that. His eyes were cheerful and no one can make him said before but now, no one can make him happy just like before." The dean explained and it hurts.

How I wish I met him before just to make him happy. That's why his aura wasn't cheerful, his body posture was weak and he looks like dead. But still, he looks cute. I am proud of him, he is so strong to handle such kind of pain. I knew deep inside that he is holding to something that making him to keep on fighting. 

The bell rang, signalling that the orientation was about to start. We all went out of the office and I saw him from here. I was about to walk towards him when the dean called the man. It shocks me to hear him calling the name of the man that I wanna see closer. 

"Dhaxzy!" He shouted. Normally, I will beat that person to death because I do not want someone to shout when I am beside them but not now, I think this is an exemption. I'm excited to meet him, I do want and love to meet him.

He was running toward us with a man on his back. My blood slowly boiled when that man put his hand on my Dhaxzy's shoulder.

"What are you doing there?" The dean asked.

"Um, Mier wants to go to the bathroom but he lied. We really went to the cafeteria, sorry for that dean." His voice was soft. It suits him, it sounds like those birds tweeting in the morning. 

"Xzy, why did you say that?" This man named Mier. So Mier huh? Mier acted like he was in pain but Dhaxzy was being so honest that makes me wanted to laugh. I secretly smiled.

"It's true. Can't lie, you know me. Allergy." The man named Mier hit my Dhaxzy. My fists closed, I want to beat him up but I don't want Dhaxzy to hate me. Plus, he just saw me now. He doesn't even know my name. And yes, MY Dhaxzy, no one can change that.

"No worries son. I'm already used to it. I wonder why Ms. Selen always fall for that little trick of yours, Mier. ". The dean chuckled. The Mier guy chuckles and scratched his nape, awkwardly. 

" And Dhaxzy, Mier, by the way, this is Mr. Disero, the owner of this University. And this is Mr. Kirke, one of the investor." Dean introduced us.

"Hi." He sound shy, his cheeks became red. I want to pinch them for him but it would be awkward if I do that.

"Hello!" Mier's really cheerful, I just shook my head.

We shook our hands and Dhaxzy pulled it fast as our shakehand was finished. Why so shy, my Dhaxzy? I'm hurt. His hand is incredibly soft, those lines on his palm were fine. Badly wanna hold him again, but for a little longer than this. 

"Mier, we skipped our class because of you." Dhaxzy pouted. I could not help myself but to adore him.

"Tsk. You can study our lesson by yourself. So don't worry, okay?" My mouth opened because of how amazed I am on what I have heard from this so called friend of him.

"The orientation was about to start, can we go now?" Mier and Kirke reminded us.

Kirke's hand was on Mier's shoulder. It looks like they both goes well. Oh well, it is Tatsuke Kirke, he is a VERY friendly person towards anyone with a big bad mouth. 

"Dean, I don't want to go there. I already memorized those contents." Dhaxzy pouted. He really actslike an kindergarten not a college student. 

"Son, you need to go there. And this is the first orientation that Mr. Disero will show. Please, go there okay?" Dhaxzy nodded.

His eyes landed on me and started to scan me from my head to my toe. He is the first one who did this to me, I was stunned and could not even process anything. After he scanned me, he just nodded and sighed feeling defeated. 

"Mier, come on, Ms. Selen is surely searching for us." He said and held his friend's hand. 

I closed my fists, how I wish I could beat that man. How could he? He held my Dhaxzy's hand without my permission. I am the only one who allowed to do that. 

"Someone's jealous." Kirke said and whistled.

"Who wouldn't? He held his hand." I hissed and Kirke chuckles.

"Dude, are you blind? Dhaxzy was the one who held Mier's hand." Kirke stated the truth. Well, that's right but still, Mier held Dhsxzy's hand.

" Want me to beat you up, pal?" He started running away for his life. 

I was standing in front of these students. My hands were covering my ears because of those eardrums breaker squeals. My eyes were busy searching for my Dhaxzy. And there he was, yawning and brushing his curly hair using his hand. His boredom makes me smile. He was staring at me blankly. He really have no interest in this orientation. 

The orientation was almost done and he was using his phone. I bet he received a message but from whom? He was about to sneak out but of course I won't let him.

"Mr. Dhaxzy?" He suddenly stopped and stood up straight while he was looking down. "Where do you think you're going?" I asked and all of them laughed.

My eyes landed on his friend. His fists were closed, is there something wrong? He looks mad at me, his eyes were deadly and its sharp. And suddenly, I finally got it why does his expression changes that fast. Students started to threw things, more on crumbled papers onto Dhaxzy. 

"Dhaxzy, attention seeker!" Everyone started to bully him and throw some hurtful words.

So that's it, I really did a wrong move. Mier stood up and handed him over a handkerchief. So, they were bullying my Dhaxzy and I am the one who started it this time. 

"I fucked up." The only phrase that I could say to myself. 

Fuck, what did I do!? I could feel that Kirke was looking at me. Mier accompanied Dhaxzy out of this stadium. I dropped the microphone and went down.

"Okay, good morning y'all. Now, go back to your respective classes." I heard Kirke.

" Thanks." I mouthed at him and he started to follow me.