
The Cat That Has It All

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

After some casual chatting, Zhou Gang started talking about Zhao Yuan's matter. The situation was a little complex. He had found his family, but it wasn't too ideal, because the Zhao family ultimately couldn't withstand the influence of the war and members of their family went separate ways. Even their family's genealogy information could no longer be found.

If they wanted to know where Zhao Yuan's mother was buried, they would have to check out one by one, to see if the surviving elderly members had any clues. But hopes were slim.

Upon hearing this, Chen Hao felt helpless.

After all, it happened more than a hundred years ago and several generations had passed. Moreover, Zhao Yuan's mother was a nobody and wasn't famous or anything, so that made finding her even more difficult. Chen Hao could understand.

Indeed, the path of cultivation isn't easy. There's no such thing as free lunch.

Afterward, Zhou Gang and his family stayed a little longer before leaving the hospital, leaving the black cat to accompany Chen Hao.

In the vast ward, there was only one human and one cat staring at each other quietly.

Chen Hao was very angry about the black cat's actions in the tomb, actually. This fellow was so bold as to run about recklessly, nearly wrecking the mission.

But the black cat was protective of its owner after Chen Hao fainted, and that made him feel touched. Thus, he didn't have the heart to reprimand it. His feelings about this matter were complicated.


As if sensing the change in Chen Hao's mood, the black cat suddenly became very obedient. It jumped to Chen Hao's side and laid down, staring at him pitifully.

Chen Hao's heart softened. Cupping the black cat's face, he said in a displeased manner, "Don't try to act cute. Look at how fat you're becoming. You're almost like a meatball now."

A gloating look flashed by in the black cat's eyes.

Foolish humans are so easy to deceive.

"But then again, how dare you to barge into the tomb. Tell me, what exactly did you get in the tomb? That evil snake came chasing after you. Don't try to fudge your way through this." Chen Hao suddenly glared at the cat.

The black cat froze, dumbfounded. Surely this trashy owner doesn't have designs on my treasure?

The black cat's first instinct was to struggle away.

But Chen Hao was prepared for this. He held it tightly and stared at it with a cold smile.


The black cat's expression instantly changed to a pitiful one.

"It's useless. Anyone who comes clean gets treated with leniency, anyone who holds back gets treated harshly," Chen Hao said with a ferocious expression, revealing his teeth.

The black cat felt cowardice. It straightened its body and meowed.

Chen Hao sized it up, then said thoughtfully, "From the looks of it, you ate that thing?"


The black cat had a gloating look on its face.

"A**hole. How can you eat something of such a dubious nature? That's something you found in a tomb. Aren't you afraid of turning into a corpse cat?" Chen Hao was furious.

The black cat put up a furious struggle, then jumped to the end of the bed and threw Chen Hao a contemptuous look before jumping off the bed.

This little a**hole!

Chen Hao was exasperated. But looking at the black cat now, he realized something different.

The demonic energy on the black cat seemed to have become more powerful. Also, its demonic energy—previously red—was now turning to a yellowish color.

Could the thing that attracted this little fellow be the dragon energy in the Dragon's Den?

What will a cat that swallowed dragon energy turn into? A chinchilla?1

Deep in thoughts, Chen Hao was quietly amazed.

This little fellow had benefited from all his hard work during this mission. Regardless of himself or Master Long, neither had received more benefits than this cat. Despite their hard work and schemings, they weren't as lucky as this little fellow.

At night, as Chen Hao was enjoying the medicinal meal specially prepared by the top chefs, his phone suddenly rang.

He picked it up and looked at it, then smiled.

This was a notification from the bank that an amount of three million yuan had been deposited into his account, and his new balance was 3,054,213.20 yuan.

Three million yuan from Shuanglong Group as remuneration.

Fifty thousand yuan from Wei Xiuhong as remuneration.

The remaining four thousand over yuan were the accumulation of savings from part-time jobs worked during his university time over many years.

Comparing the three sources, he instantly felt the superiority of being a master.

At the rate at which he was earning money, there was simply no comparison between the two. A bright future laid ahead of him.


Just as he was feeling pleased with himself, another message arrived.

Chen Hao tapped it and took a look. It was a WeChat message from Bai Ru, who informed him that the taxes for the three million yuan had been paid for and that he could use it with peace of mind. Also, she expressed her apology for her attitude in the morning. She hoped that Master Chen wouldn't take offense and continue to cooperate with her in the future.

Ah, this woman refuses to give up.

But Chen Hao wasn't planning on playing mind games with her and continue to get entangled with her. Since they weren't suitable for each other, there was no need to drag things out. If he ended up getting into this mess, it would be too late for regrets.

Hence, Chen Hao decided to ignore her and continue eating his medicinal meal.

After lying in bed for five days, he felt weak all over, and his bones also felt looser. This was bad. Chen Hao needed a strong body in order to practice the Dipper Steps well. He couldn't continue lying in the hospital like a corpse and ruin all his previous efforts.

As he ate, Chen Hao pondered. After Master Long treated him with those amulets, and after five days of deep slumber, Chen Hao was basically fine now. There wasn't any need to continue staying in the hospital. He could consider getting a discharge tomorrow and continuing with his unfinished training.

However, this time, Chen Hao wasn't planning on taking advantage of Shuanglong Group again.

Having accomplished his mission and gotten paid his rightful remuneration, the affinity between him and the company had come to an end. If he continued receiving benefits from them, he would be owing them a favor.

Chen Hao understood that taking gifts from someone made him obliged to render the other party services. He wasn't going to sell himself for a little bit of money.

Now that he had made his plans, Chen Hao laid down and drifted to sleep while planning his future.

When his breathing became even, the black cat stealthily jumped onto the bed. After sizing him up, it squirmed into Chen Hao's blanket and laid down next to him.

After a while, as if feeling that something was lacking, the black cat placed one of Chen Hao's arms on its body. Only then did it close its eyes in satisfaction.

The next day.

Early in the morning, Chen Hao got up to settle the paperwork, then ate a sumptuous breakfast with the black cat, before returning to his rented apartment.

Having been away for a few days, his room was still as old, messy, and dirty as ever.

Men became inflated when they became rich. This was true for all men.

Chen Hao was no exception.

Staring at his filthy rented apartment, Chen Hao suddenly wondered if his living conditions were too terrible? This was completely unbefitting of a master.

Now that I don't lack money, it's time to move to a better apartment. At least, I promised a life of luxury to the black cat back then. Surely I can't go back on my word.

After finding himself a good excuse, Chen Hao started packing his luggage, before informing his landlord.

Upon learning that Chen Hao was leaving and was willing to forsake half a month's rental, the landlord readily returned his deposit and a month's rental to him.

After things were settled, with one hand holding his luggage and the other carrying the black cat, Chen Hao left the old building he had stayed in for less than two months in high spirits. From now on, it's a smooth-sailing road to…

Wait a minute. Did I miss something out?

As he stood by the roadside waiting for transport, Chen Hao stared at the black cat with a lost look.

The black cat gazed at Chen Hao with contempt. If it could speak human language, the black cat would be hurling vulgarities right now.

Foolish human. Your stupidity really leaves me speechless.