

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Bai Ru left.

When she came, it was as if the spring breeze was blowing. When she left, it felt like the withering leaves of autumn.

It really wasn't because Chen Hao didn't have an interest in the opposite gender. After all, he was a twenty-plus-year-old young man with energy and passion to spare. Faced with pretty women, he would definitely have some special thoughts about them.

But Chen Hao was a traditional man. For him, a life partner was someone who shared the same values and principles.

People like Bai Ru were suited to be successful in the business world. In other words, as long as they could lead a good life, it didn't matter to them what man they had.

Before he even thought about chasing her, he already didn't dare to share a casual relationship with her. With one foot inside this quicksand, it would just cause him to sink into it. Not only would the feelings not be resolved, but it was also likely for it to turn into a pile of mess.

Not more than five minutes after Bai Ru left, the doors to the ward opened again. This time, a few people and a cat entered.

Chen Hao smiled once he saw them. "Brother Zhou, Sister-in-law, Tongtong, why are you guys here?"


The black cat swaggered over with its plump body, jumping nimbly onto the bed. It laid beside Chen Hao, with its paws on his arms as it looked at him with unblinking eyes—the epitome of cuteness.

But Chen Hao harrumphed coldly and nudged the black cat on its head.

"You little brat. You played a part in why I became like this. Don't think that you can get away with it just by acting cute. I will settle this debt with you next time."

The black cat kept its cute expression as it escaped from Chen Hao's grasp and hopped aside, eyeing Chen Hao with disdain.

Trashy owner. How petty.

Hmm, this damn cat, what did I owe it.

Chen Hao was about to glare at it when Tongtong ran over and plopped onto the bed. In her child-like voice, she said, "Uncle, eat some sweets."

Looking at the milk candies on her tiny, white hands, Chen Hao's expression turned joyful and his heart melted.

A pretty and cute loli could heal anything.

He couldn't resist pulling Tongtong up to smooch her. Chen Hao whispered, "What an obedient child. Tongtong, I won't eat it, you can have it."

Tongtong shook her head and insisted. "Uncle, you eat it."

Chen Hao's heart burst with joy. He finally took the milk candy and ate it in a single bite. As he chewed, he made an expression to show how delicious it was. Tongtong laughed at the sight.

Zhou Gang and Yang Hui gazed at each other, smiles evident in their eyes.

Zhou Gang said, "Hao'zi, you have a good fortune with love. President Bai came down personally to visit. That's very sincere. Will I get a wedding invitation soon?"

Chen Hao replied in a displeased tone, "Brother Zhou, don't get strange ideas. This Bai Ru is not my cup of tea. If I really married her, my life would be destroyed."

Zhou Gang paused in shock before inquiring. "Is this Bai Ru so bad? She's quite famous in Stone City. She has both looks and money. People all say that whoever marries her will be able to work thirty years less."

Chen Hao replied, "That's what normal people think. Me and Bai Ru are people from two different worlds and our birth characters do not align."

Zhou Gang was speechless. His brother was really a remarkable man. The flower which everyone sought after and was envious about was like grass in his eyes.

Yang Hui, however, was a smart lady. She knew that there must be something else involved, so she tried to change the topic. "Hao'zi, your coma this time scared me and Brother Zhou. You're right. If this is the result of knowing Bai Ru for such a short time, I'm loathed to find out what happens next. Let this sister-in-law help you find a good and pretty girl instead."

"Haha, I like that. I will be waiting for your good news, then."

Zhou Gang recovered from his trance and brought a container over. "Okay, let's not talk about Bai Ru. You're injured and your constitution is weak. This soup is made by your sister-in-law using chicken and ginseng to help you heal faster."

Chen Hao chatted casually with the two people while drinking the delicious soup. He quickly understood the details of what happened after he entered a coma.

When he was in a coma, Guan Yu quickly killed the skeleton. Not long after, Master Long settled the other dangers in the tomb palace and handed the place over to Shuanglong Group and Stone City for them to clean up.

Back then, Chen Hao was in a coma and the black cat guarded him, not letting anyone near him. As long as people got too near, they would suffer from the black cat's crazy attacks.

This cat was ferocious. Even protection charms were not enough to defend against those sharp claws, causing a few people to get hurt in the process.

Just when everyone didn't know what to do, Zhou Gang appeared. After understanding the situation, he took the initiative to bring the black cat away so that the rest could get a chance to send Chen Hao to the hospital for treatment.

When he heard all that, Chen Hao couldn't help but gape at the black cat. This fellow actually has a conscience?

The black cat tilted its head up arrogantly as if it was saying "Trashy owner, don't feel pleased about yourself. I didn't do it for you."

When Chen Hao was sent to the hospital, the doctor realized that he was already brain dead. In other words, he had already turned into a vegetable, causing people to panic.

At that time, Master Long appeared and stuck a charm on Chen Hao's head. The charm dispersed into spirit aura and Master Long left. He only left a word, telling Chen Hao to visit him next time if he had the chance.

Afterward, Chen Hao's health quickly turned for the better. He improved by leaps and bounds each day until he finally woke up five days later.

After hearing that, Chen Hao sighed.

During their cooperation, he had a small conflict with Master Long. Who would have expected him to not bear grudges and instead help him when he was in trouble.

Perhaps this Master Long was worth keeping in contact with. He would find some time in the future to visit him.

"Hao'zi, you've shown your might this time. Rumors are going around in Stone City saying that Master Chen summoned Guan Yu to banish the demons. But speaking of that, did you really summon Guan Yu? How is he like? Can you call him out again, I want a signature." Zhou Gang revealed a bashful expression, like a fan chasing after his celebrity.

Chen Hao was caught between laughter and tears. "Brother Zhou, I really couldn't tell that you were the type to chase after celebrities."

Zhou Gang replied boldly, "Why will I not like them? In this life, I have three idols. The first is Monkey King Sun Wukong, the second is the most loyal Guan Yu, and the third is Justice Bao, Bao Qingtian."

Chen Hao chuckled. "You're good with your words, I guess. As long as they are people of Huaxia, they will treat these three people as idols. You said you wanted his signature, but I don't think that's possible anymore. At that time, I made use of the divine energy from the deity figurine. Although I managed to summon Guan Yu, the endowments of the deity figurine were average, so it lasted only for a short while. If you want to see him, I can do it. Brother Zhou, you just have to buy a deity figurine of Guan Yu worth billions of yuan and I will do it for you."

Zhou Gang was speechless.

"If that's the case, let's just forget it. If I had billions of yuan, I would have retired long ago and toured the world with your sister-in-law and niece," Zhou Gang said resentfully.

"Psh, you do make it sound good. You've said so many times that you wanted to travel, but in the end, our honeymoon was used by you to solve your case. What travel are you even talking about." Yang Hui pulled the rug under his feet mercilessly.

Zhou Gang laughed sheepishly in an awkward expression. "Rest assured, wife of mine. We will travel and have our honeymoon. When you give birth to another son for me, we will definitely go traveling as a family of four."

Yang Hui rolled her eyes at him. There was nothing to feel shy about since they were already married for so long. There was nothing to hide as long as she felt sweet inside.

Chen Hao watched them enviously.

He wanted a wife who would stand by his side, a life partner who he shared mutual affections with.

Bai Ru? Laughable.