
please reset the booktitle Reine001 20231218092329 96

"Find out how the Fen Family is connected to the mysterious organization." Wei Sihan spoke coldly. "Yes Master K." Zichen walked away leaving him in daze. "Could it be that the Fen Family are the one behind the mysterious organization?" He asked himself. Wei Sihan, the 28year old bachelor who is more interested in finding the truth about his father's killer..... What would happen when he's forced to marry Jia Li? What will happen when he finds the secret that Jia's family holds? Would he still maintain the marriage or would he divorce Jia despite being in love with her....

Reine001 · Urban
Not enough ratings
71 Chs


She frowns then looks at him..."Why is your room so dark?

He chuckles then replies..."I dont like bright colors...I have insomnia so the dark colors help me sleep."

"Ooh...since when? " She asks as she walks around the room.

She sees empty bottles lying on the table which she suspects are for the sleeping pills.

"Almost 15yrs i guess.....what do you want to talk about? "

Seeing that he was trying to avoid talking about it....she chose to ignore she would just wait till he is ready to open up.

"Allen wants to sign me up to be a contracted model...

..as my manager what do you think."

He was silent for a few minutes then finally spoke.."I think its good...The glamour rarely signs models.....Accept, it will boost your image and increase your fun base...but before that request for it to be public....ooh by the way have you thought about Revenge?"

"Yeah.....its a good script ill audition."

"Can i sleep here tonight? Your bed looks more comfortable."

"Sure....go take a shower first."

"Mmh." She walked back to her room.

Wei Sihan was so happy one due to the fact that Jia was beginning to rely and trust on him....she took the initiative to ask for his opinion before accepting the contract....also after being married for about a month he had not touched her or forced her to share a bed with him that is why he gave her....her own room.

He wanted Jia to trust her completely so that they can take a step forward and looks like it helped.

He then recalled he had not gone to devoir for almost three days....he had not completed designing Jia's ring.

Jia came in after twenty minutes disrupting his thoughts. He tapped the side next to him then said..."come..lets sleep. "

Jia walked towards him then he lifted the quilt up when she arrived.

Feeling Jia's warmth.....Wei Sihan slept soundly for the first time in his life....He had a peaceful night that the next day.... he woke up 3hours later than his normal schedule....

Normally he was used to waking up at 6:00am....

Jia had long woken up but couldn't move since Wei Sihan held her waist tightly....she was forced to look at the ceiling for an hour then she felt someone move....

She turned and saw Wei Sihan slowly opening his eyes....She was mesmerized by his beauty...his eyes were so clear and he looked very handsome despite just waking up.

He cleared his throat then spoke..."I know am handsome you dont have to stare."

Hearing that she quickly woke up and ran back to her room.

Wei Sihan was extremely happy....he felt so energetic and relaxed.


"Young Madam are you both okay? I was worried since the Young Master never wakes up this late but since your both okay I'll take my leave..... Breakfast is ready. "

The butler looked up then saw Jia's red cheeks ...He worriedly asked..."Madam are you okay? Do you have a fever?Lemme call the doctor."

"No...am fine.

The butler heaved a sigh of relief then went downstairs....Jia opened her door then shut it feeling very embarrassed.

After getting ready they both went downstairs....Jia called Xiaobai about the contract then went to work with Wei Sihan.

She had become accustomed to going to work whenever she's free.

On the way Wei Sihan spoke..."I have never slept so peaceful like i did yesterday...uuuhmm..how about you move in with me from now on? " He looked at Jia nervously.

Since she had volunteered to sleep next to him yesterday he definitely would not let her go back to her room ever.

"I feel more comfortable with you....your body is so warm and excludes a sweet scent which calms my nerves...I think you've cured my insomnia....thank you wifey.....

You are the best thing that has ever happened to me." He held her hand then kissed her.

Jia was so perplexed but left with no option she agreed.


Wang li knocked twice then heard.."come in." He walked in and spotted something unfamiliar Wei Sihan's smile....Yes the boss looked so happy that he got confused.

"Good morning President .....allow me to read today's schedule."

"Go on."

After reading....they went to the meeting room...Jia chose to remain in the office as she was reading the script.


After having lunch Jia followed Wei Sihan to the second meeting of the day....She sat quietly beside him reading the script..

Most people had become accustomed to the President's wife.

Riiiiiiiing.... someone's phone was heard....it was so clear as there was a pin drop silence in the room no one dared to offend the President so everyone made sure to switch their phones off before the meeting....Sweat trickled on their faces as they confirmed their phones.

Indeed someone was going to die today...Wei Sihan hated being distracted...

They looked at each other nervously waiting to see whose phone had rang .....only Wei Sihan and Jia were seating calmly.

Jia took out her phone then whispered to Wei Sihan then walked out nonchalantly.

Indeed only the President's wife would dare to come to the meeting room without switching her phone.

Jia stood out not knowing the commotion and attention she had caused once again.