
please reset the booktitle Penulis_Novelh 20231218092329 53

Young girl in heat What is the way to solve the inner craving for cock? ! Every girl has a heart that longs to be conquered by cock When they cannot be satisfied for a long time, they will enter a special cycle stage: "estrus". The main characteristics of estrus are high sexual desire, body itching, fever, listlessness, irritable temper, etc. The young girl Guoguo was restricted from touching her vagina before her menarche. She could never get enough cock, and she finally came into her own estrus. Faced with physical problems and always dissatisfied with her desires, Guoguo’s final solution turned out to be...

Penulis_Novelh · Book&Literature
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The purpose of Mr. Dick's appearance was to fulfill Guoguo's wishes, he had no unnecessary words and his actions were clean and neat, wild and rough but at the same time full of caution. First, he gently stroked the tip of the labia, rubbing it up and down, but still refused to insert it. Just when Guoguo couldn't stand the torture anymore and wanted to take the initiative, Master Dick made his move! "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuah!!! Ouch, it hurts, it hurts, Ouch..." Such a cruel penetration, even a wet vagina with sufficient secretions cannot adapt to it, let alone such a large size! You don't need to hold it at all, Mr. Dick can pull out all the fruit just by relying on the giant dragon under his crotch. Now, the new Guoguo brand airplane cup is born! She has the most original and delicate little girl pussy. Just insert your penis into her, and the girl will instinctively hug and hug you around her. No need to worry about the risk of falling. He can thrust and ejaculate at will, without any Complaints! "Even though it hurts, I'm very happy~ Guoguo is going to be a mother too~" The lower abdomen bulged into a big circle, the cock constantly going in and out, every movement would release thick, white bubbling fluid. If we compare the size of her vagina now, Guoguo will definitely realize that he can put his head inside! The flesh wall was torn apart and the fascia was torn. It should be that the severe pain can kill you, but now it's no different from rubber. Guo Guo watched her small body being fucked and protruded by the cock, and her The stomach was undulating like a roller coaster, not only did no blood come out, and I felt more and more dissatisfied! Not enough! Not rude enough! Guoguo wants to be treated more harshly, don't treat Guoguo like a human! His wish would definitely come true, and some flesh would appear again in the void. The mouth, anus, and even undeveloped nipples are all covered with thick or thin tentacles. The mouth is filled, the tongue is forced to writhe with tentacles filled with fleshy protrusions, and the semen continues to flow as if freely. Breathing is no longer necessary, and there is no possibility of gasping for air. The neck was strangled tightly, and a sense of suffocation filled the brain. Not long after the limbs struggled in vain, they were entangled by various tentacles and thick liquid. enveloped the whole body. The sharp touch penetrated into the nipple, as if splitting the breast into four. The feeling of being restrained, suffocated, suffocated, every inch of Guoguo's organs is working at full power at this moment, every inch of the senses is desperately trying to transmit information to the brain, and the wave-like onslaught of pleasure never stops. This is Dreamland, a dreamland designed entirely to satisfy children's desires, where any wish will be satisfied. No need to worry about harm, no need to worry about the consequences, you just need to continue to follow your body's instincts, just like Guoguo, obeying the sea of lust and unable to extricate yourself. . .... In reality at the same time, the young girls were lying in the sleeping cabin, all flushed, eyes closed, and their obscene screams kept coming. Soon after, the company's product topped the sales list within a week. Sleeping cabins have become an absolute necessity for childcare in society. If a girl doesn't have a sleeping cabin at home, she will even be laughed at by her classmates..