
please reset the booktitle Penulis_Novelh 20231218092329 53

Young girl in heat What is the way to solve the inner craving for cock? ! Every girl has a heart that longs to be conquered by cock When they cannot be satisfied for a long time, they will enter a special cycle stage: "estrus". The main characteristics of estrus are high sexual desire, body itching, fever, listlessness, irritable temper, etc. The young girl Guoguo was restricted from touching her vagina before her menarche. She could never get enough cock, and she finally came into her own estrus. Faced with physical problems and always dissatisfied with her desires, Guoguo’s final solution turned out to be...

Penulis_Novelh · Book&Literature
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"Don't worry kids, anything you wish can come true if you lie in it." Guoguo's face was full of doubts, but the inside of the sleeping cabin did look very soft and comfortable, as soft as cotton, so she could lie in it and relax. "Chicken ❤♪ Big chicken ❤♫... Suspicious and sweet big chicken ♬..." Talking, talking, Xiao Guoguo fell asleep. .... A little girl, what is her favorite thing? If you let Guoguo answer, there is only one answer - that is rooster! Every second of every day, he dreams of the moment of being penetrated. However, her parents, friends, teachers, and everyone around her told her that only when she got her first period, she would use her vagina. Previously, even the simplest external friction would never be permitted. Guoguo is now in a very strange state, her body is ten or even nine percent relaxed. The last memory in the picture seems to be that she was taking a nap... But why did she suddenly stand up? The surroundings were gray, and when I lowered my head, I saw that the annoying iron trousers were gone! This frightened Guoguo and he was moved. Touch and rub, and a wave of tingling will sweep through your body, what a surprise! For the first time, I can masturbate freely for the first time! Is this little nut called the clitoris? Look at that—— "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!" Extreme sensitivity, a taboo that absolutely should not be touched, it is a fantasy that is beyond the reach of young girls, a utopia that young girls enjoy day and night, and a secret weapon that must be decorated beautifully even if they are old and healthy. At first it felt severe pain, then numbness, but soon a warm heat flow appeared. When Guoguo's fingertips touched him, he was enveloped in endless joy and happiness. "Huhu~ Dad, mom, look, this is my first time❤~ Huh~ First time... I had an orgasm with my own hands. Uh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh!!! !" In the dim gray space, the naked young girl bent her waist, forming an arch bridge in place, rubbing her small hands to create a shadow, countless vaginal fluids splashed and splashed, and from time to time, columns of urine appeared, forming a rainbow in air. The toes are straightened, and the stress points of the whole body are concentrated in the back of the head and heels. The body trembled continuously and suddenly stopped. The arch bridge collapsed in an instant, leaving only a puddle of soft loli flesh. in place. First time, GuoguoFor the first time, I felt how happy it was to masturbate with my own hands. The so-called happiness must be the current situation. "So comfortable❤~so refreshing..." But for some reason, Guoguo feels that her body is still filled with loneliness, a treasure that she can never fill alone... Meat stick~chicken~mmmmmm~~ I want to lick the stinky fat roots, swim in the sea of cum, and make every inch my body changes shape into semen. I want it so bad... My pussy is itching again... So hot, so hot... My cock, where is my cock? ! Where's the good cock that can fuck Guoguo to pieces? ! Stab me, fuck me, shoot me, don't treat Guoguo like a child! As if responding to Guoguo's will, the vague figure in the air gradually condensed and took shape. He has an indistinguishable face and a muscular body. The most eye-catching thing is undoubtedly the majestic giant penis under his crotch that can fill Guoguo's entire body. body. "Hehehe~ It's Mr. Dick! Is Mr. Dick here to fuck Guoguo? Please come quickly~~" Imitating the kindergarten teacher's movements, Guoguo also learned to open her wet vagina, and spread her legs into an M shape. The pink slit opened getting wider, her lustful flesh walls were clearly visible, and from time to time, semen would ooze out. go out.