
please reset the booktitle Jaylovers 20231218092329 32

Being cheated on by her ex , Iris had difficulties falling for anybody else as she feared history would repeat itself. But fate brings her to a good looking man, who turns out to be her boss. Unexpectedly, Iris slowly begins to fall for her him but will he reciprocate her unknown feelings and will she admit her feelings and accept that she is finally in love again.

Jaylovers · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

"Don't hey dear me,bro she poured wine on me"Wilson said looking at Iris with hatred.

"And how's that my business,and you can see that I'm busy,hey Iris I'll talk to you later"and with that he left them.


"I what?, just admit the fact that you're at fault and stop disturbing".she said cutting him short then took the last gulp of liquor and left.


The party ended and it was time to say goodbye to her sister and brother-in-law,by this time Iris was already tipsy

"I hope I have a niece soon"She said teasing her sister,Susan .

"Shut up"Susan said.

"Of course Iris, just hold on a little, you know it takes some time"Susan husband,Bate, said.

"Ahh,you guys should stop it"Susan said blushing.

"Look, she's blushing, she's blushing"Iris shouted clapping her hands like a baby.

"No I'm not, looks like you're drunk,you know it's not good for you, you're lonely,who will take care of you ".

"I'll take care of myself,I need no man to take care of me,men are scum"she shouted exactly like a complete drunkard.

"You're drunk Iris,and men are not scum, you're literally 27, you're getting old, you're aging". Susan said looking serious.

Bate immediately excused himself knowing that it was sisters talk.

"So you're telling me to date again after what Kelvin did,he broke my heart"she said touching her chest while pouting in a drunken state.

"That's Kelvin, not all men are like that".

"MEN ARE ALL THE SAME " she said shouting causing attention from few people that were still around.

"Quiet down Iris, you're creating a scene". with that Susan dragged Iris to a corner,stay here okay I'll call someone to take you to a room. Susan called a waitresses to take Iris to a room in the penthouse and she did not knowing that someone was already in the room where she led Iris to.