
please reset the booktitle Jaylovers 20231218092329 32

Being cheated on by her ex , Iris had difficulties falling for anybody else as she feared history would repeat itself. But fate brings her to a good looking man, who turns out to be her boss. Unexpectedly, Iris slowly begins to fall for her him but will he reciprocate her unknown feelings and will she admit her feelings and accept that she is finally in love again.

Jaylovers · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

Watching from a distance Iris could see a guy arguing with a waitresses.

"Are you blind can't you watch where you're going"the guy said.

"I'm so sorry sir,it was a mistake"the waitress said looking down,she was so scared,that little mistake could cost her her job.

Iris noticed that he was shouting at her because she mistakenly poured wine on his white long sleeves.In pity,Iris decided to help the waitress,so she walked up to them and 'mistakenly' poured a glass of wine on his shirt.

"Fuck!"he exclaimed looking at his shirt,then he lifted his eyes to see a pretty girl looking at him.

"I'm really sorry,it was a mistake"she said touching the stained shirt,then she sarcastically said

"but are you blind, can't you watch where you going".

"Huh,how dare you"he said.

"How dare me? assuming the wine poured on my dress you won't be able to compensate me you know that,right?"

"And who do you think you are".

"Someone you shouldn't know"and with that she walked away holding the waitress hands. When they got to the first floor the waitress thanked her and left.She went to the rooftop to get fresh air,the wedding party was becoming boring for her.Sipping a liquor and looking at the stars a guy approached her, without asking for permission he sat on the chair opposite hers.

"Getting bored?"he asked .

"Was"she replied gulping the liquor without looking at the gentleman.

"Looks like you love watching the stars".he asked



"I honestly don't know".she said and finally looked at him,he was cute and he had green eyes just like the groom.

"Are you the groom relative?"she asked.

"Yes,his cousin".

"So obvious".

"The eyes, right?"he asked.


"What about you, how are you related to the bride or groom".

"The bride sister".

"Really, that's good".

"Yeah, Iris by the way".

"Will"he said.

The chit-chat was interrupted by a guy who walked up to them touching Will,he turned to look at who touched him and saw his brother stained with red wine.

"What happened"Will asked but before his brother Wilson could reply he noticed the girl his brother was talking to.

"You"he said gritting his teeth.

"Hey dear"Iris said with a warm smile.