
please reset the booktitle HyperDragonSlayer 20231218092329 80

With a sea of roses, a top sports car, under the attention of everyone, the beauty Xiang Chuchen confessed: “I have a showdown, I have ten buildings in the city, Chu Chen, how about being my boyfriend, I will raise you!” Chu Chen: “Don’t pretend, I also have a showdown. In fact, I am the richest man. ”When everyone ridiculed, six helicopters galloped in! - Description from MTL

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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512 Chs

Who made you sit in the position of president!

Watching the elevator door slowly closed, some onlookers, especially those who got up and down the elevator because of the fear of the money, were all stupid.

what's going on?

Did they read it right? !

This brother is so awesome.

Not only is the money always unworthy, but also the "special elevator" of the money is used, and the money is always thrown outside.



They really took it!

This brother is amazing!

Even if they borrowed 100 courage from them, they would not dare to do so.

It's cool to do so.

But he completely offended Mr. Qian.

This brother is in danger and offended the company's shareholders. His fate is hard to imagine.

Qian always looked at the slowly rising elevator with a gloomy expression on his face.

"damn it!"

"Boy, yes, yes."

President Qian said angrily, this time he was really angry.

He is the chairman of a large company in Magic City. In the early stage of Shark Live, he invested in Shark Live and got 3% of the shares.

You know, Shark Live has many shareholders, but they have very few shares. Even if it is the founder of Shark Live, Mr. Chen has only 14% of the shares.

Ordinary shareholders, like Mr. Zhang, the co-founder of Shark Live, have only 3% of the shares.

His 3% share is already pretty good.

He is one of the hosts of Shark Live.

But now, in the shark live broadcast, he was actually ignored by others.

This makes money explode, **** it!

Especially the phrase "You are not worthy" that Chu Chen said!

It makes Qian always furious, what makes him unworthy!

Shareholders of his dignified shark live broadcast are not worthy of taking the "special elevator"? !

"Check, check it out for me."

President Qian scolded the deputy director next to him.

"I must teach this kid a lesson."

He is usually a decision maker, whether in his own company or elsewhere, and is kneeled and flattered by various employees.

Now, he is actually despised by a small employee who broadcasts live sharks. It is a shame!

Both Mr. Zhang and others subconsciously regarded Chu Chen as an employee of Shark Live.

"Yes, Mr. Qian."

The deputy director nodded quickly, and at this moment he was also shocked.

Is that kid crazy? !

Dare to do this, so talk to Qian!

"Money please calm down."

The deputy director spoke, trying to calm Mr. Qian's anger.

"Please rest assured, I will investigate this kid in a while and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

"This kid dares to offend you, he will definitely suffer."

Just then, another elevator door opened.

With the favor of the deputy director, Mr. Qian got on the elevator.


In the elevator, the girl who delivered the milk tea stood with Chu Chen.

"Little brother, I am the one who caused you."

The sweet girl spoke very blamelessly.

She doesn't care, she is just a milk tea delivery, not an employee here.

But this little brother offended the shareholders of Shark Live.

"It's okay."

Chu Chen shook his head indifferently.

Shark Live's shareholder, and also a shareholder who owns 3% of the shares, haha.

"Soon Shark Live does not allow take-out personnel to enter the elevator regulations will be abolished, you can sit back and relax."

Chu Chen added.

"Thank you brother."

The girl nodded, but she was still very worried about Chu Chen and blamed herself.

The milk tea sent by the girl is on the seventh floor, and the seventh floor is here.

"Goodbye, little brother."

The girl said goodbye to Chu Chen reluctantly.

Chu Chen took the elevator to the 11th floor where the meeting room was.

Because Chu Chen arrived earlier, there was no one in the meeting room.

Chu Chen looked around and sat directly on the president's seat at the front of the conference room.

This is a very important board meeting after Shark Live's headquarters moved to Magic City.

And it was also the first time that Chu Chen chaired the chairman.

When Chu Chen sat there looking at the phone, there was a loud noise outside.

President Qian and the deputy director also came to the eleventh floor.

Under the leadership of the deputy director, Mr. Qian came straight to the meeting room.


The door of the meeting room opened, and President Qian saw Chu Chen sitting there at first glance.

In an instant, the atmosphere became weird.

"It's your kid."

The deputy director saw President Qian in a daze, so he also looked inside.

Whether it was President Qian or the deputy director, they never expected to see Chu Chen so soon.

"Why are you here?"

Qian always said in surprise.

Boy, don't blame me, it's your bad luck that made me meet you so soon.

Qian always sneered in his heart.

Just when he was about to call the bodyguard behind him to do it, he suddenly found an abnormality:

"Boy, who made you sit there?!"

President Qian angrily scolded Chu Chen:

"There is the position of the president. Can your kid sit?"

"Who do you think you are!"

He usually owns the position in the conference room, but at the moment, he can only sit in other ordinary positions on Shark Live.

This seat can only be the president.

"I don't have any education at all. It seems I should teach you what is the rule."

At this time, another footstep came.

A bald man walked over. He is also a minority shareholder of Shark Live, holding 2% of the shares.

"Brother Qian, what's wrong with you?"

After seeing President Qian, the bald man asked enthusiastically.

"It's nothing, I just met a kid who doesn't know the height of the sky." President Qian said with a gloomy face, and answered coldly.

"It's so presumptuous for a kid with no hair to grow up to sit in the position of president."


With curiosity, the bald man also walked over and saw Chu Chen sitting there.

He was also stunned.

"Boy, who made you sit there."

The bald man asked sharply.

"Who is it, no one."

"I should sit here."

Chu Chen shrugged and answered plainly.

Hearing these words, the bald man and Qian always became angry, too presumptuous.

They didn't understand Chu Chen's meaning for a while.

"No, no."

The bald man quickly calmed down, and he thought of a terrible thing.

Is it... Is it...

"You are...you are...?!"

The bald man asked with a trembling voice He understood what Chu Chen meant.

Six months ago, Shark Live's shares have undergone tremendous changes. A mysterious rich man acquired many shares in Shark Live and became the president of Shark Live in one fell swoop.

They only know that the president of Shark Live is named Chu Chen, but they don't know what Chu Chen looks like.

Could he be...? !

This guess was so terrible that the bald man couldn't say the name for a while.

"President, you are here."

The meeting time is about to come, and several senior officials from Shark Live come together.

When he noticed Chu Chen sitting in the conference room, the general manager of Shark Live greeted him immediately.


The bald man and Mr. Qian were directly stupid!