
please reset the booktitle HyperDragonSlayer 20231218092329 80

With a sea of roses, a top sports car, under the attention of everyone, the beauty Xiang Chuchen confessed: “I have a showdown, I have ten buildings in the city, Chu Chen, how about being my boyfriend, I will raise you!” Chu Chen: “Don’t pretend, I also have a showdown. In fact, I am the richest man. ”When everyone ridiculed, six helicopters galloped in! - Description from MTL

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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Villain: I’m a shareholder of Shark Live, sitting on the "dedicated...

Chu Chen couldn't bear to blow Luo Yuanming's self-confidence just now.

Forget it, let him be proud of it for a while.

After the game, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Luo Yuanming found a McLaren from the Qiankun Supercar Club, and Chu Chen found a Ferrari.

Driving the car, came to the competition site.

"Come on, President!"

"Brother Luo, you are the best!"

"Brother Luo, won President Chu."

The people in the Qiankun Club shouted, in terms of financial resources, the president lost terribly and was hanged.

Now they hope that the president can turn over and beat Chu Chen once!

As for the people in the first supercar club, they are very calm. After watching the video of the chairman driving an Audi before and easily winning the supercar.

They believed in Chu Chen's driving skills 10,000 people!

The winner this time must be their president.

They don't bother to compete with those in the Qiankun Club, they are all stinky brothers.

"Little meaning."

Luo Yuanming committed another old problem, replied lightly, and then got into the car.

Two minutes later, the game started.

At the very beginning, Chu Chen's Ferrari rushed forward, leaving Luo Yuanming's McLaren behind.

Chu Chen still drove it at will, not too serious.

What if you can't figure out the life of doubt that Luo Yuanming has attacked?

How can you count on him for large donations from the Supreme Foundation in the future?

"Damn, I don't believe it."

"In terms of drag racing, I can't turn over either."

Luo Yuanming was unwilling to step on the accelerator to the end, wanting to surpass Chu Chen.

But even in the end, he didn't catch up with Chu Chen.

After a few minutes, the game is over.

Chu Chen got out of the car indifferently, while Luo Yuanming stayed in the car alone, and his whole body was not well.

He lost, he lost terribly!

It's just being beaten!

The little confidence he had just restored was completely gone.

"President, president?"

People from Qiankun Club hurried up to check Luo Yuanming's situation.

With the support of several people, Luo Yuanming came out.

"I lost."

"In the future, you will be the most powerful supercar club in the city."

Luo Yuanming sighed softly.

After speaking, Luo Yuanming and the people from the Qiankun Supercar Club left dingy.

"The president is mighty!"

"Brother Chen is awesome!"

Seeing everyone in the "escape" Supercar Club, the members of the First Club cheered loudly.

Before, they were on par with Qiankun Club.

Now, because of the president, finally the Qiankun Club has finally been suppressed, and it has become a veritable-the magic capital first!

I believe that, through this matter, more young masters and super running enthusiasts in the magic city will squeeze their heads into the first super running club.

When the game was over, Chu Chen also left.

That afternoon, Chu Chen went to the Shark Live Headquarters, and today there is a board meeting to be held.

Originally, the headquarters of Shark Live was not in Magic City.

But because Shark Live went public, in order to expand its influence, Shark Live was made stronger and bigger, with the approval of some shareholders and Chu Chen.

The Shark Live Headquarters moved to Magic City.

Just after that shark live broadcast carnival.

When Chu Chen walked into the shark live broadcast headquarters, it did not cause a sensation.

Most of the people who live on Shark don't know Chu Chen.

And this was also the first time Chu Chen came to the headquarters of Shark Live.

Chu Chen got Shark Live's shares very early. At that time, Chu Chen was in Jiangzhou and didn't make a special inspection.

Shark live broadcast, only the top few know Chu Chen.

After Shark Live's headquarters moved to Magic City, Chu Chen didn't come right away because of various things.

After Chu Chen came in, he didn't identify him, so he planned to visit it privately.

After asking about the location of the meeting room, Chu Chen waited for the elevator.

The elevator door opened, and Chu Chen and several employees from Shark Live entered.

"Wait a minute, please wait a moment."

Just as the elevator doors were about to close, a sweet voice came.

A sweet-looking girl dressed in the clothing of a milk tea shop employee trot over with a few cups of milk tea, as if she was delivering food.

Because this shop is very close to the Shark Live headquarters, the milk tea in this shop is delivered by the employees of the milk tea shop.

Hearing the sound, Chu Chen stopped the elevator.

The girl came up smoothly.

"Thank you, brother."

The sweet girl said to Chu Chen out of breath.

The others in the elevator saw this and didn't say anything.

Just when the elevator was about to close, another man dressed as a bodyguard ran over and stopped the elevator again.

"You all come down."

After stopping the elevator, the bodyguard man commanded the people in the elevator with an extremely overbearing attitude.

Hearing this, everyone, including Chu Chen, was a little confused.

what happens?

Following the bodyguard, a middle-aged man walked over under the leadership of a deputy director of Shark Live.

"You guys come down, give money and always make room!"

The deputy director stepped forward and commanded indisputably.

"Now this elevator has temporarily become President Qian's special elevator. You will go up later."

In order to please the middle-aged man, the deputy director said.

Dedicated elevator?

Chu Chen raised his brows, and he didn't even have a presidential elevator.

This money is always going to be such a big show?

Need a special elevator to drive everyone down?

Looking at the elevator, someone was stunned, and the deputy director sneered and said:

"You know who money is always, and money is always our shareholder of Shark Live, who owns 5% of the shares!"

Actually a shareholder of Shark Live?

Hearing the introduction of the deputy director, several employees of Shark Live did not dare to slow down in a hurry.

Soon, only Chu Chen and the girl who gave milk tea were left in the elevator.

"Delivery food, who let you in?"

"Those who deliver food are not allowed to enter the elevator!!!"

The deputy director scolded the girl angrily, shocking her.

Those who deliver food are not allowed to enter the elevator?

The girl was about to go down, but was stopped by Chu Chen.

"Who stipulated that takeaways are not allowed to enter the elevator?"

Chu Chen asked back.

Before, Chu Chen had been a takeaway boy because of systematic experience tasks, and knew the hardship and difficulty of delivering food.

Why rely on one's own efforts to make money while still being discriminated against by others?

And isn't it just taking an elevator, and it's impossible to delay anything?

Give others kindness, and others will give you kindness.


The deputy director frowned suddenly And who has stipulated that shareholders can temporarily requisition the elevator as a "special elevator"? "

Chu Chen asked again.

Hearing what Chu Chen said, even the manager Qian behind showed an expression of displeasure.

"who are you?"

President Qian asked Chu Chen coldly:

"What happened to the shareholders of Shark Live, who took the "special elevator"?"

"No way?!"

"Don't come down to me yet!!!"

"Come down, you are not worthy."

Chu Chen replied plainly and pressed the close button.

The elevator was closed, and Mr. Qian and others were left outside.

Seeing this scene, Qian is always half angry!