
please reset the booktitle HyperDragonSlayer 20231218092329 80

With a sea of roses, a top sports car, under the attention of everyone, the beauty Xiang Chuchen confessed: “I have a showdown, I have ten buildings in the city, Chu Chen, how about being my boyfriend, I will raise you!” Chu Chen: “Don’t pretend, I also have a showdown. In fact, I am the richest man. ”When everyone ridiculed, six helicopters galloped in! - Description from MTL

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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512 Chs

The start is just a bomb, what's more

"Foreign company executives?"

Liu Yunyun was envious for a while, is this the boyfriend of someone else's in the legend?

"What is the annual salary of the executives of foreign companies?"

"Not much, not much, and the annual salary is only 2 million."

Huo Lean answered very modestly.


2 million?

There is an annual salary of 2 million yuan, my God!

Isn't that much?

They have earned 2 million after working for ten years.

"My Jia Le'an has been favored by the president of their company's Huaxia region. We must focus on training. After a while, we may go abroad to work at the headquarters."

Qian Sihui added.

"so smart?"

Liu Yunyun and her boyfriend were frightened. The president of Huaxia Region is favored, and they still want to work at the headquarters?

Nu Pen!

"General, general." Huo Lean waved his hand.

"Who is this?"

Qian Sihui asked when Liu Yunyun and her boyfriend were shocked.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce it. This is my boyfriend Tian Peng."

Liu Yunyun introduced in a low voice.

Other boyfriends are so good, which makes Liu Yunyun embarrassed to introduce her boyfriend.

"Hello there."

Huo Lean and Tian Peng shook hands.

Huo Lean smiled and asked:

"I wonder where Brother Tian is taller?"

"I can't talk about being a senior, I am a programmer in a small company." Tian Peng replied.

Hearing this, Qian Sihui was a little proud.

"By the way, where's Yu Wan, haven't come yet?"

Looking around, did not see Mo Yuwan, Qian Sihui asked.

At this gathering, Qian Sihui mainly wanted to show off in front of Mo Yuwan.

When in college, Mo Yuwan kept steady Qian Sihui in terms of appearance and other aspects, attracting the attention of countless people.

robbed Qian Sihui of all the limelight.

Although Qian Sihui didn't say anything, he was still unwilling.

She can't compare to Mo Yuwan, but her boyfriend must be comparable to Mo Yuwan's boyfriend.

My boyfriend is so good.

"Yu Wan got off work late, just called, she is on her way." Liu Yunyun explained.

Qian Sihui nodded.

"I haven't seen each other for so many years, which company does Yu Wan work for?"

Hearing this, Liu Yunyun, who was hit by Qian Sihui's boyfriend, recovered a bit.

"Junlin Group."

"Junlin Group?"

Qian Sihui was taken aback, she had heard of the Junlin Group.

"That tens of billions of companies?"

"Yes, that's the Junlin Group." Liu Yunyun nodded.

Actually work in a tens of billions of companies?

Hearing the answer, even Qian Sihui's boyfriend noticed.

"What position does Yu Wan hold in Junlin Group?" Qian Sihui asked curiously.

"Secretary to the President."

Mo Yuwan was promoted not long ago, and the company has been extremely busy recently. Mo Yuwan did not tell others about her promotion.

President's secretary?

Qian Sihui and her boyfriend were relieved.

What executives do they think they are?

It turned out to be just a secretary.

The secretary to the president sounds nice, but isn't that better?

is just a small secretary, without much power, and the salary is a little higher than that of ordinary employees.

Thinking about it, Qian Sihui recovered her confidence, and Mo Yuwan was living a normal life, so she was relieved.

In the distance, a white Audi R8 came slowly.

Stopped the car, Chu Chen and Mo Yuwan walked off.

"Yu Wan?"

"We are here."

After seeing her best friend, Liu Yunyun waved her hand very excitedly.

Chu Chen and Mo Yuwan walked towards several people.


very handsome!

The little brother next to Yuwan, is this a fairy?

How can    be so handsome?

Is he Yu Wan's boyfriend?

After seeing Chu Chen, Liu Yunyun and Qian Sihui were taken aback, and they were very emotional.

Especially Qian Sihui, did she have time to show off?

was shocked by Mo Yuwan's boyfriend.

"Sihui, long time no see."

"long time no see."

The two gave a hug.

"Qian Sihui boyfriend Huo Lean." Huo Lean took the initiative to introduce.

"Mo Yuwan boyfriend, Chu Chen." Hearing this, Chu Chen also introduced.

"Hawan, is this your boyfriend's car?"

Beauty Liu Yunyun found Mo Yuwan driving an Audi r8, which was a bit surprised.

"No, this is Yu Wan's new car."

Chu Chen replied.

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback.

This is Audi r8, the price is above 2 million.



A few people were surprised.

"Recently, the company gave it to me." Mo Yuwan explained.

The company gave it?

Hearing Mo Yuwan's words, everyone immediately understood that Mo Yuwan was definitely promoted.

And it's not a general promotion. Otherwise, how could the company give a luxury car worth more than 2 million?

For a time, Qian Sihui felt a little lost, and she was beaten by Mo Yuwan again.

Mo Yuwan's career development is so good?

When several people were chatting, the voice of the system sounded again.

[Arrive at Songtao Pavilion, do you check in]

Check in.

[Successfully clocked in, congratulations on getting an Aston Martin one-77, now parked in front of Songtao Pavilion]

Successfully punched in, Chu Chen successfully won Aston Martin one-77!

After hearing the system's voice, Chu Chen looked around, looking for his Aston Martin one-77.

"Brother Chu, what are you looking for?"

Liu Yunyun's boyfriend asked in surprise.

"My previous car parked here. I forgot its location. Find it."

Naturally, it is impossible for Chu Chen to say that the system just rewarded a car and he was looking for it, so he made up a reason.


Hearing this, Qian Sihui and her boyfriend's eyes lit up.

His car is also parked here?

"I don't know what kind of car Brother Chu is. Let's find it too?"

Huo Lean asked.


Qian Sihui added.

Actually I can't compare to Mo Yuwan, so I'm better than her boyfriend.

His boyfriend's car is Maserati-granturismo, close to three million?

Is Chu Chen's car comparable?

"No need, I found it."

Chu Chen waved his hand and found the Aston Martin one-77 parked there in the distance.

"Where is it."

pointed to Aston Martin one-77, and Chu Chen spoke.

Looking in the direction Chu Chen pointed, everyone was stunned.

Aston Martin?

Is that a top luxury car, Aston Martin?

"How much is this car?"

Liu Yunyun didn't know the car, so she asked curiously.

"50 million."



Everyone was dumbfounded to hear the price of the car .

This is too scary!

Hearing what Chu Chen said, Huo Lean didn't believe it, so he took out his mobile phone to check, and was shocked.

"This is Aston Martin one-77!"

is really a luxury car worth 50 million!


Looking at the Aston Martin one-77 in the distance.

Huo Lean stopped talking.

Compared with the 50 million Aston Martin one-77, your own Maserati-granturismo is really not worth mentioning.

Among the few people, Qian Sihui was the most hit.

50 million cars?

How can it be?

Want to be better than boyfriend just now?

As a result, my boyfriend drove a 50 million luxury car. How could this compare?

You will be blown up from the beginning!

How do we play, what is better.

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